Commander Monnk - Tumblr Posts
Currently reading a lot of Coruscant Guard fics
What if upon receiving info about their assigned positions the whole command batch came up with a strategy of regularly switching posts while on Coruscant.
Initially it's to provide cover for the expected medical emergencies (because Coruscant is safe) or if they'll be in need of different talents for specific long-term missions. Cause even after receiving the same standard training, all of them have specialized in different areas. Not enough to be noticed by outsiders since the batchers know how to secretly provide info and apply eachother's shared knowledge immediately.
Of course it doesn't work out because:
- Some Jedi unexpectedly pay way more attention to their commanders and men. General Kenobi spots Cody in the mess and goes to sit at the same table. Even when the clones switch around he recognizes everyone instantly, so Cody is staying on The Negotiator permanently. One of the best things coming out of this is the opportunity to meet up with Captain Rex and the 501st
- Wolffe sustains an injury that they won't be able to cover like they usually do with other tattoos or scars and after losing almost all of the 104th decides to stay and rebuild his battalion with a very protective General Koon
- Ponds is finds himself suddenly taking over responsibility for the most feral kid in the galaxy. He sometimes wonders if Boba distracting Sing before she could actually shoot him was an elaborate ploy to get a better chance to kill General Windu himself or if the boy actually cared about his not-brothers (Boba cares a lot)
- Bly cannot for the life of him stand motionless during another debate in the Senate without going crazy cause he just cares too much about every honest voice being silenced by corruption and greed. His general also seems to watch him closer than others do and he takes the chance to try to learn more about the war efforts from the perspective of the Jedi council
- Bacara, Monnk, Gree and Neyo are on missions taking them to the other side of the galaxy, so far away that they barely make it back to Coruscant. They can't even enter the batchers' secret communication channels most of the times
- Which leaves Fox to become the "permanent" Marshall Commander of the Corries. He guesses it's only fair because more than half of the awards and decorations on the wall of the office were rewarded for his actions. The other half are mostly thanks to Thorn and Bacara being reckless but highly competent idiots
- Thire, Stone and Thorn joke they got stuck with the most uptight of the batch but later realize that Fox strict approach is keeping their men relatively safe. Cause Fox realized very quickly that Coruscant is in fact not safe
- Everyone else takes a whole lot longer to catch on to the not so subtle dangers stretching their claws from the very inside of the Republic's heart, especially with the Guard starting to drift apart from the GAR silently. It takes the CMOs meeting and drinking too much moonshine to finally connect the dots of why the communication lines went mostly dead
- Cody immediately starts strategizing for escape scenarios and researches uninhibited planets. He needs to survive any possible scenario so he can reunite his brothers. His general notices. Rex does as well
- Wolffe is furious and the wolfpack starts finishing their rescue missions in record time to get to the homefront as quickly as possible. He stops drinking alone like he sometimes did and starts accompanying all of his actions with softer words than usual. His general notices
- Ponds is shocked and starts taking to the shinys more. He also asks Boba about his point of view cause the boy definitely notices things a grown man doesn't. He starts sending regular updates about the developments of the general public's moods and tries to find ways to engage in a positive way with the natborns to bring attention to the men fighting a war for them. His general notices
- Bly is sad and starts reading up on all political and especially civil rights debates he can get his hands on. His general notices and asks her master if he has more intel on current developments in all parts of the galaxy. General Vos hasn't been on Coruscant since the start of the second year of war but draws the conclusion he should dig deeper into the heart of the republic
- Bacara is seething and keeps perfecting his already optimized battle plans. The marines train to annihilate droids by hand. He also keeps stocking up on medical equipment. His general doesn't notice
- Neyo doesn't acknowledge feeling anything. He starts tinkering again. He's looking for ways to design communication and transportation devices from all the droid scrap they usually leave behind on the battlefield. He even learns Jawaese. His general doesn't notice
- Monnk and Gree are determined. They comm eachother and start researching on how to survive long term in unknown environments and writing guides on how to identify edibles plants, safe water supplies, how to test for breathable atmosphere and which species like to live in symbiotic or peaceful ways with humanoids. They mask it as personal interest. Their generals notice
- Fox is panicking. He needs to find a new way to keep Hound from being decommissioned for Grizzer peeing in front of a senator's door the second after a natborn noticed their carefully crafted loop hole to switch designations of fallen brothers for the ones they could still save in the official documentations the Guard issues. He hasn't slept or eaten in two days as his comm blinks with the notification of a General striding through the Guard's front door like he belonged among the Corries. He has no time to deal with whatever the Jedi council wants from them but Thire is already on the brink of breaking down scanning data pads for a new loop hole so he grabs his helmet and runs to stop the force user from asking his questions at the wrong time. Not-his general notices
No idea for an actual plot. Just wanted to think about some hurt/comfort and competent clone commanders being brothers before being soldiers
still workshopping some of these a bit, but here's the current mando'a name chart for the CCs (plus rex!)

green words are ones I took directly from the mando'a dictionary, yellow words are technically non-canon but are basically real words, orange are words I made up that could probably be real words, and red ones are the ones I just mashed words together and they don't always make the most sense

I'm taking constructive criticism on some of these names! If you have a better mando'a name for a character (esp. one w a red name) I'd be happy to hear it!
edit: other name lists can be found here: 501st 212th !!
I'll join you
the hill I will die on is that the most tragic story in star wars is the clones' story
For some odd reason I got the idea in my head that Monnk and Fox HATE each other.
Like they cannot be in the room together, they will beat each other to death.
No one knows why but since they were cadets they can’t.
No Jedi knows because it’s never been an issue until there’s this big meeting and any Jedi available shows up in person with their commander.
Kit joins and Monnk is meant to be there too but is late. No one sees an issue until Commander Thire shows up, he’s meant to accompany Fox for the meeting.
Thire looks at Kit Fisto and shakily asks, ‘where’s Monnk?’
‘He’s running late. He’s probably showing Commander Fox the way, since he’s never been to the temple before.’
The Jedi laugh and the commanders freeze, ‘uh oh’
then all the commanders run out of the room, shouting for Fox and Monnk.
The Jedi look towards the holo of Ponds and Mace, all direction to Ponds.
“No one knows why but everytime they meet they fight. Not like spar fight but I’m gonna kill you fight. We don’t leave them alone together, ever.”
Well, the commanders return a few minutes later. Fox and Monnk split apart and once settled, motion for the meeting to start.
After all is done, everyone moves to leave and Thire loops an arm around Fox. The man isn’t really putting any weight on his leg and is breathing uneven. Commander Cody goes and helps him out.
The Jedi seem taken aback by this and leave somewhat confused. Commander Doom helps stabilize Monnk and walks with him out. All they hear is a mumured ‘why every time. You have to beat the snot out of each other.’
Kit Fisto looking confused, looks toward the Commanders.
‘They got to each other first, might wanna get Monnk to a medbay.’
Kit nods and quickly goes after Monnk.
Was thinking about CCs train and shit when it hit me. There are a few commanders, such as Monnk, Jet, Blackout, and Hound (he’s a cc to me) who would have to be trained alone or with CT’s, since their specialty requires so much work.
So, I have come with an idea. Since the standard week is 5 days, 3 of the 5 are spent in specialized classes. They’d do their flash training and then be taken by other trainers. They would train with a squad of others, and put in charge.
For Hound, since it’s a special case of having a Massiff buddy. Those three days are set together and Grizzer would stick with him all day, and night. To strengthen their bond, they would spend off time together and Hound would have his official trainer (an Mandalorian) set Grizzer in the bunk with him. This was a not great idea for some massiffs but Grizzer loved the pod and would wiggle like hell when the Alpha picked him up.
I can just imagine, Monnk coming back to his squad from specialized training soaking wet and cold. Having his Alpha help him peel off the dry suit before he goes to bed. Talking all about the fun things he learned and saw with his Mandalorian trainer. Actually, I headcanon that Monnk and his trainer got along incredibly well is basically adopted by the Mandalorian. Monnk got his name and the sea dragon across his armor from the Mandalorian. (I also headcanon that Dred Priest hated the Mandalorian and reconditioned Monnk to get at him. Dred ended up in a bacta tank and the Mandalorian retaught Monnk everything from scratch. (Monnk was about 3 standard at the time.))
Jet scared the shit out of his trainer with how well he was able to control the flame. He was also taught what alternate fuels could be used on different planets and Jet got so interested he found all the options he could on Kamino (only 2) and he switched out the fuel, Pyro (my OC) was all to happy to help. They both were found sitting on the floor with the flamethrower between them, quietly watching the flames. Turns out, all of the flame troopers either had or developed pyromania to *some* degree. The trainer in charge was quite happy to find out about this as he had a severe case himself and was all to happy to indulge his troopers under the excuse of teaching the troopers.
Blackout is a special operations clone trooper, trained for stealth operations and piloting. While he did not have a super close bond with his trainer, they both still enjoyed each others company and considered each other friends. Blackout is one of the few who was already good at lying, but his training made him the best (better than even Fox, which he is very proud of). He wasn't as close with as many of his troopers due to their numbers being quite large, but he (like the rest of the spec ops troops) does his best to instruct and learn about his troopers in their short time together.
Bacara, though not recieving any special training, caught the eye of a Concord Dawn Mandalorian who took him for special Marine training for one day a week. It would be till later when they decided to have a Marine Corps that he would become the specialist.
Command Clone Currency
The clones are unpaid and therefore broke. They can’t really pay each other to do things since they have no money so they go for a new currency: favors
Now, the CTs don’t really do it the same as the Commanders because they have to be specific. They can’t return a favor between battalions quickly, due to fighting/locations/schedule. They’re at the whim of the war and pick and choose their repayment time.
The Comanders are different. They trade and barter like crazy. It’s favors with a few cases of alcohol. They can trade favors they are owed to others all the time, so anyone can cash it. They can pull the strings to get their payment quick.
For example, Cody needed a save from a small squad. He knew Delta was on planet doing some mission and he needed a detour but he had no connection or favor. However, Fox (for some reason) did. Cody offered a case of spotchka and a favor Monnk owed in return for having Delta do the detour. Delta owed fox one less favor, Cody owed no favors (which is the best outcome, since Fox WILL cash it) and Fox got something on Monnk and free (very expensive) spotchka.
Few CTs knew they did it this way, and the CT captains such as Rex and Keeli had to quickly adapt to this way of thinking. Rex made the mistake of owing Bacara before anyone told him. Keeli was lucky enough to meet the SpecOps CC Blackout, who clued him in on the difference but left him high and dry when it came to implementing his knowledge. (Keeli ended up owing Blackout two mini guns for his ‘friendly advice’)
Though, when times are tough and there is little time to barter, it is common to put off the payment until after the act is completed. Though many hate doing this as the trading can become unfair. What often happens is the party in need already has a deal prepared and states their need and their payment, it is hardly ever contested (however the helper may tack on another fee which is accepted or denied).
For example, Doom needed backup from Jet’s flame troopers. He quickly called, stated his need, and his payment of a case of charges. Jet had found the payment (though correct in price, unpractical for his squad) and changed it to half a case of fuel (easier for Doom to get a hold of and just as useful as charges to a Demolition team). Doom accepted the terms and Jet’s squad arrived right on time.
Though the bartering is mostly physical, many deal in the intangible. Perfect examples are all of the Coruscant Guard and the Special Operations teams. These are the only two groups who has everyone (including CT shinies) in on this system. They have the least to offer when it comes to normal ops, after all what GAR commander needs to know where a random Senator is going to be at what time or who slept with who. However, this trading info is perfect for the Guard who constantly works with/against (yay embezzlement and blackmail) these same Senators and for the SpecOps who need to know political climates and interpersonal relationships for recon and assassinations.
Most trading goes on between those two, and their prices are often higher since the missions are higher stake. Often Commando Squads are up for bids (who doesn’t want a four man 100% mission completion rate squad in their pocket), blackmail on natborn officers, republic secrets, senators schedules, crime syndicates favor and areas of interest, etc.
For the Guard, their trading goes further. They work with crime syndicates to keep it off the streets while keeping profit up. Those who do not work with them, go down. They’ve gain control of the lower 2000 levels through this and those who do not conform are forced to by the Guard or the citizens of the lower levels who don’t want to deal with the Guard, (peer pressure and bullying at its finest.)
The commanders learned this from watching the Cuy’val Dar, who would often trade on Kamino. The Alphas picked it up and used it but the CCs truly made it valuable beyond belief. The trainers traded for free shifts and booze, the CCs traded for mission successes and heavy artillery.
Many CTs attempt to learn how this system works. However, as few know it’s different, even fewer see the affects; those that do, know well enough to leave it be.
Despite there being no real difference in intelligence between the CCs and CTs, witnessing the speed and weight of the trades, makes even the Jedi’s head spin.
The Padawans are one of the few outsiders to see it in action. They do not really like it, but many pick it up for lesser trades (help with this paper or answers for this homework). Cal Kestis surprisingly picks it up the best. He’s the youngest so very impressionable, eager to learn, his CC Commander Steel, is very good at it, and Steel is possibly the only one to teach their General’s Padawan.
Steel sees that Cal isn’t going to be on the field much (Steel agrees with this and makes sure he stays on the Venator). So, if Cal ever needs help, he knows how to get it. Steel has made him be present for several trades and even made him come up with theoretical ones. Cal becomes very good at it, but is unable to flex his skills much due to the other Padawans unable to match his speed or skill. They are several years older, see it as in-Jedi like or are bad at it (or their Captains are bad at it and can’t teach them well), their concept of value is off (Jedi don’t often put a price on things and those that do have a habit of underselling due to being nice), and/or they do not know the range of what can be traded.
It’s very personal, with different Commanders wanting different things. Knowing who wants what can often make the payment cheaper for the offering party.
For example, the Marines often need heavy snow gear and blankets. So, offering a box of heating blankets in return for a case of bacta and blaster packs. This is a much better deal than offering a case of mini guns for the bacta and blaster packs. In the second case, Bacara may say no the mini guns or want a case of something else along with the mini guns.
Kit Fisto's Scuba Troopers
Lets go! (halfway through this became OC time)
Monnk was reconditioned once when he was 3 standard because Dred Priest was trying to get at the Mandalorian training Monnk (they were basically father and son, the Mandalorian giving Monnk his name and his sea dragon on his armor)
He was a very playful and joyful child until the reconditioning, the old personality is still there but is rarely shown anymore
After Monnks reconditioning, he didn't remember how to do anything so all of his fellow CCs and Scuba troopers retaught him so he doesn't fall behind, thanks to them he wasn't decommisioned
Kit Fisto had an incredibly hard time reading Monnk at first, feeling a blank wall in the Force but flickers of brightness
Kit's playful attitude when off duty helped bring out some of Monnk's old personality and Monnk will now crack smiles and make the occasional joke
Kit finds out abut the reconditioning after a hard battle that ended with Monnk in the bacta tank and it was marked in his file
The Scuba Troopers mostly take after Monnk's old personalility, being very playful and pranks are common in the Acclimator
Though, they can get serious very quickly and they are masters at fighting underwater
They have an extra set of armor, they underwater gear, while also having to maintain their snow, sand, and regular gear
Their CMO, Plague, known for treating infections and his harsh and constant anger. Do not make him mad or play any pranks in his Medbay. He is apart of the scariest batch of medics to come out of Kamino
He has/can/will scream at his patients (including generals)
(These include Sacrifice of the 104th, Agony of the Corries, Reaper of the Marine Corps, and Suffering of the 327th. They were one of the first batches of medics and the original Mandalorian Trainer was very hands on. Their attitude comes from her, she adores them the most.)
When meeting his batch, Plague is much more chill and can be seen smiling
If you want to get on his good side, you get one chance (your first visit that isnt the standard 'this is the medbay, i'm here to help')
If you come in on your own and are honest about what happened he will treat you nicely (no screaming, just silent treating of injuries)
If you had to be dragged in, complain, down play your injuries, don't say all of them, try to worm out, make excuses, lie about why you're there, kiss his ass (not so much but this is usually accompanied by any previous thing on this list), or he finds you before you come to him, you've lost and no longer get his good graces
so far, only one shiny has his good graces and is absolutely his favorite
Cancer was a fresh off Kamino shiny who was quiet and clearly uncomfortable with his batchmates being in another battalion. He came in two weeks after picking him up with a freshly bleeding slice in his face from where he fell in the mess and cut himself of a bench corner
He was warned against going to the med bay but went alone, Plague found something in his chest when they met (affection?) and was taken in by the shiny apologizing and explaining what happened. Cancer made no fuss and listened very well, when Plague checked on him in a week, his injury was gone!
Cancer made Plague speechless and ten minutes later Cancer was changed to a medic track with a new Ori'vod
Cancer excelled in the medic track and quickly took after Plague, however he didn't have his anger instead doing the "you're dissapointing me, i thought you were better than that" mixed with baby sad eyes which is somehow worse
Originally his name was Fungus (dubbed by others), because he grew on Plague quickly. Plague offered the name Cancer to which the newly dubbed Cancer hugged Plague
Plague moved Cancer to his room, since as CMO he gets private quarters
Cancer is completely aware of the favoritism and totally takes advantage (he may be a shiny, but Plague has taught him to guilt trip so hard.)
Plague has introduced Cancer to his batch and they adore him, Cancer became the most untouchable clone in the whole army
Due to the nature of their battalion, the medics can fix simple injuries and surgeries underwater and their belts have cloth loops to slide medical tools into
The ARCs can't wear their kamas or pauldrons underwater so their armor is painted to mimic the shapes of them, made up of swirls or wavy lines, their normal gear does have kamas and pauldrons
Kit is very bad at picking who to make ARCs because if he had his way, everyone would get the training
To make up for this, the ARCs teach much of what they learn to the regular troopers, though they are all rather adept at adapting to fit the situation
It is common for Kit’s ship to be covered in shells, dead coral, animal bones, and shiny rocks
All of the troopers have some love for the water and the species in them and after the war, many choose to become marine scientists, dive instructors, or underwater cinematographers