Meridia - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Look, I know it’s trendy to hate Meridia in Skyrim, everyone thinks her voice is annoying, the quest is a drag, the beacon is a meme, blah blah blah.

NOT ME THO. I fuckin love The Break of Dawn. I for one enjoy being the chosen one of light. Not to mention that the corpses in her temple are fucking LOADED it’s literally free money. I think she’s so empowering too. When I’m climbing the steps to her temple and she cries out “this is MY temple and it answers to ME!” I’m like YES MOTHER!!! GET HIS ASS!! I WILL BE THE INSTRUMENT OF YOUR CLEANSING LIGHT!!!

Also, Dawnbreaker is the most beautiful sword in the game. Fight me.

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1 year ago
Apparently, Reddit Nuked The "meridia Is A Black Hole" Post. Here's How I Understand/remember This Theory

apparently, reddit nuked the "meridia is a black hole" post. here's how I understand/remember this theory

meridia was once merid-nunda, a star orphan. black holes form when massive stars collapse at the end of their life cycle

massive objects (like black holes) create strong gravitational fields that curve and stretch the "fabric" of space-time. "… thus does Merid-Nunda [ride? slide?] across the rainbow road from end to end, at one end stretching the Dragon [Akatosh, the Time God], at the other end compressing him …. - Exegesis of Merid-Nunda

black holes can "bend" the light rays that pass close enough to them. this is how meridia created her colored rooms. "But Merid-Nunda formed of her substance a great drag-lens, and the light of Magnus was bent thereby. The rays [carved? focused?] a new sphere from the chaos, which Merid-Nunda, [laughing? sparkling?], did claim for her own." - Exegesis of Merid-Nunda

"For Meridia, time is said to be relative, and her priestesses have been known to grant time-altering blessing" - UESP just google "black holes time travel"

"the Daedra Lady of Greed" - UESP yeah, it's about her strong gravitational field

"To MERIDIA who contains the Plenum" - PGE. Plenum (physics), a space completely filled with matter. black holes are incredibly dense

meridia's light is not her own! if material such as gas, dust or stars gets too close to a black hole, it gets sucked in by the enormous gravitational force. as it falls towards the black hole, it heats up and becomes incredibly bright

meridia, you're not fooling anyone with your beams of light. we know it's your relativistic jets. stop LARPing as a sun/light goddess

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11 months ago
A Fragment Of A Bygone Kalpa Orbiting Meridia Her Realm - The Colored Rooms

A fragment of a bygone kalpa orbiting meridia her realm - the colored rooms

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11 months ago


Меридия из генератора идей по Древним свиткам

Вопреки распространенному мнению, мне понравился ее квест, а Сияние Рассвета я считаю чуть ли не самым красивым мечом в игре (даже жалею, что я сейчас играю за двуручника)

Собственно, скрин идейки из рандомайзера


И случайная вытравленная версия, которую я получила, пока игралась с наложением слоев


Я пыталась выкрутить Хадвара в этой гаче, но походу его там нет((

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2 years ago
Ok Listen To Me. Hear Me Out. I Have A Theory Ok This Isn't Just Another So-called "crackd Shippe." But

ok listen to me. hear me out. i have a Theory ok this isn't just another so-called "crackéd shippe." but it's a little cerebral, so i drew this handy visual aide to help communicate it:

Ok Listen To Me. Hear Me Out. I Have A Theory Ok This Isn't Just Another So-called "crackd Shippe." But

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It all makes sense now

Meridia is a strategy game player

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11 months ago

On one hand, I like the new lore about Daedric Princes adopting certain people because its interesting and adoption is valid.

On the other hand, it completely removes the need for my reasoning on the "Umaril the Unfeathered's father is Meridia" theory and thats sad because it was such a funny stretch of a theory.

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11 months ago
A Fragment Of A Bygone Kalpa Orbiting Meridia Her Realm - The Colored Rooms

A fragment of a bygone kalpa orbiting meridia her realm - the colored rooms

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10 months ago
A statue of Meridia from ESO


The Red Star. Harbinger of Dawn. Second Daughter of … She is the Light of … who bore witness to the Crucible of Creation. … Refraction within reason … Goddess Who Holds […] Free will is to be surrendered to passion … destiny is fulfilled for the vessel … Radiant in times of … blinding the Dragon and bending his form … Mirror of the Lie … revealing purity in chaos with fervor … that false-life might be abolished … with the fire of new light may the Mundus be reforged.

--Excerpt from The Nine Coruscations

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10 months ago

Ithelia may be the First Daughter of Magnus but Meridia is the one with Eldest Daughter Syndrome.

While Ithelia was off traveling the many paths, Meridia had to carry the weight of her siblings on her back. Meridia was Magnus's last serving daughter, she had the mantle of the "good" daughter thrust upon her until the illusion is shattered by her key role in the forging of the weapon of hope (Mehrunes Dagon).

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10 months ago
DAEDRIC PRINCES MERIDIALady Of Infinite Energies, The Bright Lady, The Strict But Fair Arbiter Of Inner
DAEDRIC PRINCES MERIDIALady Of Infinite Energies, The Bright Lady, The Strict But Fair Arbiter Of Inner

DAEDRIC PRINCES — MERIDIA Lady of Infinite Energies, the Bright Lady, the Strict but Fair Arbiter of Inner Luminance, the Sunfire, the Radiant One, the Keeper, the Lady of Light and the Prince of Life, the Daedric Prince ‘of Life and Light’, associated with the energies of living things.

“The undead are foul, unnatural things. Some of my rivals take pleasure in these abominations. Not Meridia. I wish these creatures destroyed.”

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"The Sun" - Meridia

"The Sun" - Meridia

Art for The Elder Scrolls Tarot Deck

Art by Erika Hollice

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Meridia heard what you all are saying about her beacon and she is CRYING

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this girl at uni was dressed sooo gay and then i found out she's just straight with a lesbian mom. dykebaiting is not a victimless crime 😔

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please rip into my soul and find all the eggs inside them, expose their egg into this damned world.

ough that’s seggsy

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Whenever I see you on a reblong it's like the Spanish inquisition

Are you comparing me to a corrupt institution or is this another one of you mortals' inane "humourous" references? Choose your response carefully.

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