Min Yoongi Au - Tumblr Posts
#3 All I Want Is A Break
Angsty cause this job hunting process is relentless.
Y/N and Yoongi are best friends, then lovers, until he decides he wants to find out what life can be without her.
Pairing: Yoongi x female reader + Taehung
Genre: Non-IdolAU / Angst / Smut in the next part
Warnings: Curse words/ heartache/ it’s quite angsty and will have smut if we continue.
Word count: 3.8K+
Note: Picked up my old writing to give it something new. Let me know how you like it?
It’s strange. I’m standing in front of him. I know him. I know this man inside out. Have you ever stood in front of someone you have known your entire life, but they suddenly felt like a stranger to you? I could hear him speaking, and he was not making sense to me.
“Don’t you want to, maybe, see other people? Know how they are? Know how you’ll be with them? Will you be someone different, or will you be the same? I mean, you and I know each other inside out. But, we don’t know how anybody else is! We don’t know how great or, even worse, it might be if we are with other people. Don’t you ever feel like finding out?”
This was Yoongi, my Yoongi. My best friend since we were 7, boyfriend since - did it matter? He wanted to explore being with other people.
“Think about it, Y/N,” He didn’t stop. “Jae and I were discussing this. How the different relationships change you, and how they make you grow? Have you never thought about this? Don’t look at me like that,” He rolled his eyes.
He rolled his eyes as I stared, sitting in front of him, my brain trying to catch up and pre-empt his next dialogue.
“It’s been too long? Don’t you feel so? We have always been together! Exploring, or even I don’t know, taking a break isn’t a bad idea. To just discover ourselves…” He took another sip of the beer he had poured for us. My glass remained untouched. His, refilled twice, was almost empty.
This entire week had felt off. It felt like the music had changed, and I didn’t know the artist anymore. He went on. His life-changing discussion with our friends. Our friends? His friends. Life-changing decisions, all in the two dinners I missed. “It’s just a break. Nothing more,” His decision was made. When my boyfriend decided something, he went through with it. “We spend some time apart from each other. I’ll go live with Jae, and we can just explore and see life without each other in our lives. Just a small break,” He said so easily.
“You’re my best friend.” My first words as I tried to make sense of the situation. He had been my best friend since 7. We did everything together since we were 7. And, when we started dating, I needed no one else.
“And you’re mine. But, listen to me,” he took my hands in his, pulling me out of my static stance, and shaking me up to see what was happening. “We need to know who we are, without each other too. I think it is healthy for me to want that. I’m not saying I want to break up. I just want a break from yo-” I pulled my hands away. “That’s not what I mean.” He realised he fucked up with the wrong words. Like he had not been fucking up till now. I knew him inside out.
Maybe he could see the betrayal on my face or the tears welling up in my eyes. I was having an out-of-body experience. It felt like I could see myself breaking down, but that hurt hadn’t seeped in yet. “What I mean is, I just want to know life as a person of my own. Who I am without us being together cause we have been together was so long. I want to know, do I actually like apple pie, or do I like it because you like it? That discussion just had me thinking if I can be the best for you if I’m not my own person."
"So, you’re basically saying that you don’t want me in your life anymore?” I frowned.
“Don’t be dramatic,” He sighed.
I laughed. “That’s literally what you just said."
"I don’t know why you aren’t getting this.” He raised his voice. “You know, Maria said you won’t get it, and you don’t.” he shook his head, and sat back.
“Maria said that I won’t get it? You’ve known these people for a month. You’ve known me for years!” I couldn’t stop the tears. “But, it’s not about them. If you want to break up with me, have the fucking balls to do it. Don’t come at me with, ‘I don’t know who I am/ we have always been together.’ Straight up, tell me you don’t want me anymore.” I walked back towards our room so I could pack a duffle bag and get out of this apartment.
“That’s not it. I just want a break. We are in university, in a new environment. This is the perfect time for it. Y/N!” He shouted as I stuffed my clothes in a bag. “Where are you going? You don’t know anyone. We are literally just discussing,” He was technically right. All my friends were his friends. It had always been like that. Yoongi socialised, and I tagged along. It had been a month since we started uni, and even though our courses were different, we lived together, and I spent time hanging out with his friends more than I cared to make mine.
“We aren’t, though. You are breaking up with me,” I collected my stuff from our shared dresser and quickly dumped my laptop and books in my backpack. I would have to come back and collect my stuff, but this should hold me for a few days.
“It’s a break!” He yelled. “You’re still my best friend! You’ll always be my best friend,” He yelled as I tried to walk past him. “You’ll always have that place in my life. Where the hell are you going!?”
“But that’s it, right? You want this place gone.” I could see the confusion on his face. He hadn’t thought this through. “What does 'explore and see life without each other in our lives’ even mean? Do you want us to pretend we don’t know each other? So, you can have your experiment with how your life would be if we,” I gestured between us, “never existed? Tough luck. We did. And, you don’t erase the past. You move on."
"I feel like I am talking to a wall, Y/N,” he said, exasperated.
“What am I supposed to understand? That my boyfriend came home today after meeting his friends to tell me that he wants to take a break because he has been with me for far too long. What even is this reason? Thanks for being the cliche of the century. You want to see different things? Who is stopping you? But you want to explore what is out there and still hold on to me, in case you realise that being alone, maybe, isn’t for you. I’m not an option, Yoongi.” I dropped my bags to the ground so I could call myself a cab.
“It’s not about options at all. I just…you are twisting my words. I don’t want to make you feel like you’re an option but haven’t you ever felt the need to want something more?” He questioned. “That maybe there is something worth more out there?” His eyes were wide. He had misspoken again.
It was like a knife running through my chest. I couldn’t believe this was my best friend. That this man in front of me was the love of my life, and he hadn’t just degraded me. “All the best. I hope you find what you are looking for. My cab is here.” I ran out, and he ran out after me, but he didn’t call. He didn’t call me at all.
“He said WHAT?” Zoya and I were four shots down, and I could feel it all hit me at once.
“He wants to find out if there is something worth more than us being together. He could have just said he wanted to be single and live the uni life. Like all fuckboys out here. What the fuck even is a break?” I was so drunk.
“Man, I’m sorry. But this is good for you. I can feel it. I’m getting the vibes,” Zoya tickled the air.
“You can feel the vibe?” I looked at her.
“Yaaa, I caaaannnn!” She slurred. “It’ll be difficult. Very, but no time like now."
"I gotta figure out my housing situation,” I threw my head down to the bar table. My bags were behind the bar, or Zoya had thrown them behind the bar cause the bartender was her friend. She was my friend here, and actually, she was my only new friend here.
“It’s sorted. That’s why I brought you here! Tae! Tae!” She yelled, flailing her arms, catching the bartender’s eye.
“Okay, Zoya, stay seated, or I will throw you out,” The bartender pulled her hands together and made her sit down.
“Tae, you have an extra room, right?” She asked sweetly.
“Uh, I do,” He said with caution, his eyes flickering between us two.
“Great! You’re looking for a roommate. I have your roommate!” She declared happily.
“You want me to live with a boy?” I looked at her.
“I’m looking for a roommate?” He questioned as well.
“Yes, you can’t live alone. You need company. And Y/N, Tae’s place is very, and I mean, very nice. He is the best option at this point in the semester. He technically owns this bar and works here for free because he likes mixology.” Zoya kept each hand on one of our shoulders like she was planning a plot.
“My father owns this bar,” Tae clarified.
“Potehto Potahto,” Zoya mumbled, taking a long sip of her long island iced tea. “So, Y/N will take that spare bedroom, and I will come party at your place 'cause it’ll finally be interesting!"
"Zoya bu–” She kept her finger on my lips.
“But, today we will go to mine 'cause I got some pork ribs that we have to try!” She jumped off and walked towards the exit without looking back.
Tae helped me with my bags and told another person to take over for him, “Taehyung,” He offered his hand for me to shake. “Zoya and I are school friends. I’m studying management here too."
"Y/N,” I smiled. “I’ve not seen you before, though!”
“It’s a big class of, like-what, 70 people? I don’t think we share any of our secondary courses, either. Do you share them with Zoya?” He asked, walking me outside.
“Yes, Contemporary Issues in Competitive Strategy,” I told him.
“I think I’m taking that next sem. Zoya, my car’s in the parking lot. Let’s go,” He called for her, and she happily ran towards us.
“This is a big apartment. Are you sure you don’t mind me here? Zoya just kinda dumped it -” It was pretty well done as well. Only the room, which would be mine, just had a bed.
“No, I think it’ll be fun. My father’s assistant has kinda overdone it. But, you can name a household appliance, and I think you’ll find it here,” He laughed.
“Oh nice, what’s your rent?” I asked so I could decide if I could afford the division. The apartment Yoongi and I shared was a gift from his parents, so thankfully, we had just furnished it. I knew I’d need to rediscuss my finances, but I think I would be very comfortable if I got a part-time job.
“I own this place. My father believes in buying, not renting,” He explained. “But, I’m sure we can agree on something,” He smiled.
Moving in with Tae was easy. Zoya helped me pack my stuff the next day when I knew Yoongi would be out, and since he still had not called or dropped a text, I went in and got the rest of my personal stuff when he was in classes. Tae and I went shopping for furniture for my room and other utilities in the evening, and before I knew it, I had already moved into another house in all of one day. Two days before this, I was in bed with Yoongi as he told me some hilarious joke which was considered Architecture 101, and now I was in a completely different building, alone.
“You haven’t moved,” Tae stood in front of my room. He had helped me unpack and set everything up with Zoya. “I left you right here, like 30 mins ago,” He laughed. I’m sure Zoya had him filled on my history and heartbreak.
“Yoongi must have just gotten back to the apartment. Do you think he’ll call when he sees my stuff gone?” I asked Tae with tears in my eyes.
Tae pouted and came and sat next to me, “if he calls, will you pick up?” He asked. I shook my head. “If he calls, will you feel better?” I shrugged because I didn’t know what to feel. It was all happening so fast.
“I am apologizing in advance for not being an amazing roommate for the next few…my heart is breaking right now,” I couldn’t stop my tears.
“Sleep. I promised you a welcome breakfast, so you need to be up for it,” Tae tried, nudging my shoulder.
I kept out of Yoongi’s way. It was great that our majors were different, and our classes were on the opposite side of the campus. In a week, I found a routine that didn’t collide with his at all. If I saw him at the coffee house, I hid. If I saw him on the way to the library, I went the opposite direction.
'I hope you’re okay.'
The last text from him was three days old. Did he know where I was? Who was I with? Was I okay?
I kept my word, and I disappeared from his life. It was killing me. How do you get rid of a habit? I woke up in sweats. I couldn’t breathe, my chest contracting within itself at the thought of him. The only time I ate was when Tae and Zoya were around, and our routine was extremely hectic.
A month into it, the pain sort of became a habit. My course and my internship did not leave me any time to think. When I did catch a moment, it was spent laughing with Taehyung, who was an incredible roommate. We made friends in our course, so we had a group ready for adventure as the weekend hit, and I was kind of glad that I had no time to process anything because the day always started with me standing in front of the mirror, prepping myself to be happy and confident. It didn’t matter that the love of my life didn’t think I was enough. I was enough for me. I grew up in a loveless household; I knew what it felt like. But, by the evening, I was just numb.
There had been no contact with Yoongi. And Ava, a new friend of mine, taught me tricks to cope and distract myself. “If you’re not ready to process it, you don’t have too,” She had been in therapy for the longest time, and always had words of wisdom.
Yoongi was all over the place. There were photos all over the insta.
'Finally single' was a caption on his friend Zack’s post, and I had lost a whole day on it. I realised that during the initial month of uni, I had not made any friends. All I had were his friends, and what it felt like was that they just tolerated me. Even the ones I had truly connected with did not text me after, and it had me really looking back on all my friendships through the years. I always connected through Yoongi. I always only really needed him, He was truly my confidant, my best friend, and I didn’t have the need for more.
I was made strong, though. It has been two months, so it clearly wasn’t a short break. I finally told my parents and made them promise they wouldn’t say anything to Yoongi’s parents if it didn’t come from them and that they won’t contact him.
'All I need is myself’ was his insta post with a picture of a glass of whisky held against the view of the sunset.
“Have you spoken to her since?” Tara asked Yoongi as he fiddled with his drink.
“No,” He took another gulp. No indication was needed on who was being mentioned.
“How are you holding up?” She asked. She liked Y/N. She liked them together. She didn’t really agree with the narrative Jae and Sara had built up. But Jae didn’t understand relationships, and Sara had the hots for Yoongi.
“It’s only a break. I just need to know who I am,” He said, more to himself. The last two months had been so strange. He was so angry at first. His girlfriend refused to understand his point of view, decided they were broken up like she decided on most things on her own, and had moved out all in one day. She came when he wasn’t in the house and packed her stuff, leaving the key on the kitchen table with no note. He was furious.
Then, he found out she had moved in with another guy who she had never mentioned before. Did he even know her? Taking a break was making more sense. She didn’t respond to his message, hid from him or changed directions if he was around. She was his best friend. He knew he had asked for this, but not like this. He honestly thought if they spent a little time apart, it would bring them closer and give him clarity as well.
His parents were talking about marriage, and they had just started uni. From living with his parents, he started living with Y/N, and he was excited until he had this whole conversation about how life can be different. And, he wanted the chance to at least to understand what it could be to be able to decide if he even wanted it. Wasn’t being young all about this? He missed his best friend. He missed Y/N every night he walked into their apartment, and he started spending the least amount of time in it, sleeping on the couch instead of their bed or Jae’s spare bedroom to save himself from thinking too much.
“You can also find out who you are with her, you know. Jae isn’t exactly right, and he was always jealous of what you had with -” She was cut off as Jae jumped on Yoongi.
“My man!” He yelled in his year. “We gotta get you laid this evening! Fuck I gotta get laid!"
"Fuck, why have they given us a week off? I have five papers to write!” Tae screamed as he entered the apartment.
“I got three papers and two presentations,” I counted. “You have to be my dummy for prep. Presentations freak me out.” I told him. Taehyung had a habit of shedding his clothes as soon as he entered the apartment. At this point, it was weird if he was in more than one layer inside the flat. I was sure I would not have been standing if I didn’t have him around.
“I think we should go clubbing today. Go clubbing today, work tomorrow if we are not hungover, then hike the day after, and then we can relax and get to our assignments.” He wrote down our plan of action on the big whiteboard wall that he and Miles, our newly formed friend from the bar, had drunk installed one night.
“Yuck. I hate clubs,” I groaned.
“Wear your sexiest dress. I should be drooling,” He instructed.
Miles was studying architecture like Yoongi. He actually knew me, having crossed paths during one of the many meetups I had accompanied Yoongi too. "I can give you goss on the enemy side,” he had offered as he sat next to me on the bar stool. Tae was experimenting with a new mix, and I was his taste tester, and also a bit tipsy from all the alcohol I was testing.
“What’s the goss?” I asked.
“Are you ready? Emotionally?” Miles asked, giving me a warning.
“Sure,” I laughed.
“That group is way, way more boring now that you are not there!"
I giggled, "you’re very sweet, Miles. The last I remember of you was that you didn’t speak a word after I told my cliff-jumping story!"
"The cliff-jumping story was hilarious! I fell a little bit in love with you,” He said, making me choke on my drink. “I’m joking!” He laughed. “You’ll have to tell me a couple more to have me!"
He was the perfect fit for our little group and assured me that I could stand without Yoongi.
"I can’t believe you’re taking me clubbing tonight,” Miles groaned as he met us downstairs.“ Ava cancelled. I think we should run away, too,” He held my hand, flirting.
“You guys are the worst!” Tae whined. “We are young, and hot, and dancing is the way to get laid. Please let’s just go!"
"I’m surprised you want to get laid when Zoya is going to be there,” I took his arm, and wrapped mine around it.
“Till the time she sees that I am her true love, I need to get by,” He pouted. Tae was quite infatuated with Zoya, and Zoya had no clue. She thought he was fond, and they had been buddies through school. He didn’t want to change their dynamic and was hoping she’ll suddenly realise he had been there all along.
“There is nothing like true love,” I said.
“Hush,” He pulled me closer. “Let me dream."
We were greeted inside the club by Zoya, who, in no time, had already poured three shots down our throats. I hadn’t eaten much, so the alcohol hit me faster and stronger. "You look so fucking sexy,” Zoya whispered as she twirled me around. I had lost weight in the last two months, so I felt less beautiful cause I wasn’t as healthy and fit as I kept myself, but I couldn’t help smiling big as she complimented me.
We were closer to the dancing area, so I looked around for a place we could take up and keep our bags when I saw him. My smile disappeared, and my body went cold. It felt like a deep wound had ripped open again, and I was bleeding.
“What happened-” Zoya’s eyes followed mine to see Yoongi on the first floor, his arms around the waist of a girl stuck to his body as they laughed.
Umm, part 2? I’ll save Yoongi, don’t you worry!
A friend of mine went through something similar, and it got me thinking of how people look at relationships.
#3 All I Want Is A Break
Angsty cause this job hunting process is relentless.
Y/N and Yoongi are best friends, then lovers, until he decides he wants to find out what life can be without her.
Pairing: Yoongi x female reader + Taehung
Genre: Non-IdolAU / Angst / Smut in the next part
Warnings: Curse words/ heartache/ it’s quite angsty and will have smut if we continue.
Word count: 3.8K+
Note: Picked up my old writing to give it something new. Let me know how you like it?
It’s strange. I’m standing in front of him. I know him. I know this man inside out. Have you ever stood in front of someone you have known your entire life, but they suddenly felt like a stranger to you? I could hear him speaking, and he was not making sense to me.
“Don’t you want to, maybe, see other people? Know how they are? Know how you’ll be with them? Will you be someone different, or will you be the same? I mean, you and I know each other inside out. But, we don’t know how anybody else is! We don’t know how great or, even worse, it might be if we are with other people. Don’t you ever feel like finding out?”
This was Yoongi, my Yoongi. My best friend since we were 7, boyfriend since - did it matter? He wanted to explore being with other people.
“Think about it, Y/N,” He didn’t stop. “Jae and I were discussing this. How the different relationships change you, and how they make you grow? Have you never thought about this? Don’t look at me like that,” He rolled his eyes.
He rolled his eyes as I stared, sitting in front of him, my brain trying to catch up and pre-empt his next dialogue.
“It’s been too long? Don’t you feel so? We have always been together! Exploring, or even I don’t know, taking a break isn’t a bad idea. To just discover ourselves…” He took another sip of the beer he had poured for us. My glass remained untouched. His, refilled twice, was almost empty.
This entire week had felt off. It felt like the music had changed, and I didn’t know the artist anymore. He went on. His life-changing discussion with our friends. Our friends? His friends. Life-changing decisions, all in the two dinners I missed. “It’s just a break. Nothing more,” His decision was made. When my boyfriend decided something, he went through with it. “We spend some time apart from each other. I’ll go live with Jae, and we can just explore and see life without each other in our lives. Just a small break,” He said so easily.
“You’re my best friend.” My first words as I tried to make sense of the situation. He had been my best friend since 7. We did everything together since we were 7. And, when we started dating, I needed no one else.
“And you’re mine. But, listen to me,” he took my hands in his, pulling me out of my static stance, and shaking me up to see what was happening. “We need to know who we are, without each other too. I think it is healthy for me to want that. I’m not saying I want to break up. I just want a break from yo-” I pulled my hands away. “That’s not what I mean.” He realised he fucked up with the wrong words. Like he had not been fucking up till now. I knew him inside out.
Maybe he could see the betrayal on my face or the tears welling up in my eyes. I was having an out-of-body experience. It felt like I could see myself breaking down, but that hurt hadn’t seeped in yet. “What I mean is, I just want to know life as a person of my own. Who I am without us being together cause we have been together was so long. I want to know, do I actually like apple pie, or do I like it because you like it? That discussion just had me thinking if I can be the best for you if I’m not my own person."
"So, you’re basically saying that you don’t want me in your life anymore?” I frowned.
“Don’t be dramatic,” He sighed.
I laughed. “That’s literally what you just said."
"I don’t know why you aren’t getting this.” He raised his voice. “You know, Maria said you won’t get it, and you don’t.” he shook his head, and sat back.
“Maria said that I won’t get it? You’ve known these people for a month. You’ve known me for years!” I couldn’t stop the tears. “But, it’s not about them. If you want to break up with me, have the fucking balls to do it. Don’t come at me with, ‘I don’t know who I am/ we have always been together.’ Straight up, tell me you don’t want me anymore.” I walked back towards our room so I could pack a duffle bag and get out of this apartment.
“That’s not it. I just want a break. We are in university, in a new environment. This is the perfect time for it. Y/N!” He shouted as I stuffed my clothes in a bag. “Where are you going? You don’t know anyone. We are literally just discussing,” He was technically right. All my friends were his friends. It had always been like that. Yoongi socialised, and I tagged along. It had been a month since we started uni, and even though our courses were different, we lived together, and I spent time hanging out with his friends more than I cared to make mine.
“We aren’t, though. You are breaking up with me,” I collected my stuff from our shared dresser and quickly dumped my laptop and books in my backpack. I would have to come back and collect my stuff, but this should hold me for a few days.
“It’s a break!” He yelled. “You’re still my best friend! You’ll always be my best friend,” He yelled as I tried to walk past him. “You’ll always have that place in my life. Where the hell are you going!?”
“But that’s it, right? You want this place gone.” I could see the confusion on his face. He hadn’t thought this through. “What does 'explore and see life without each other in our lives’ even mean? Do you want us to pretend we don’t know each other? So, you can have your experiment with how your life would be if we,” I gestured between us, “never existed? Tough luck. We did. And, you don’t erase the past. You move on."
"I feel like I am talking to a wall, Y/N,” he said, exasperated.
“What am I supposed to understand? That my boyfriend came home today after meeting his friends to tell me that he wants to take a break because he has been with me for far too long. What even is this reason? Thanks for being the cliche of the century. You want to see different things? Who is stopping you? But you want to explore what is out there and still hold on to me, in case you realise that being alone, maybe, isn’t for you. I’m not an option, Yoongi.” I dropped my bags to the ground so I could call myself a cab.
“It’s not about options at all. I just…you are twisting my words. I don’t want to make you feel like you’re an option but haven’t you ever felt the need to want something more?” He questioned. “That maybe there is something worth more out there?” His eyes were wide. He had misspoken again.
It was like a knife running through my chest. I couldn’t believe this was my best friend. That this man in front of me was the love of my life, and he hadn’t just degraded me. “All the best. I hope you find what you are looking for. My cab is here.” I ran out, and he ran out after me, but he didn’t call. He didn’t call me at all.
“He said WHAT?” Zoya and I were four shots down, and I could feel it all hit me at once.
“He wants to find out if there is something worth more than us being together. He could have just said he wanted to be single and live the uni life. Like all fuckboys out here. What the fuck even is a break?” I was so drunk.
“Man, I’m sorry. But this is good for you. I can feel it. I’m getting the vibes,” Zoya tickled the air.
“You can feel the vibe?” I looked at her.
“Yaaa, I caaaannnn!” She slurred. “It’ll be difficult. Very, but no time like now."
"I gotta figure out my housing situation,” I threw my head down to the bar table. My bags were behind the bar, or Zoya had thrown them behind the bar cause the bartender was her friend. She was my friend here, and actually, she was my only new friend here.
“It’s sorted. That’s why I brought you here! Tae! Tae!” She yelled, flailing her arms, catching the bartender’s eye.
“Okay, Zoya, stay seated, or I will throw you out,” The bartender pulled her hands together and made her sit down.
“Tae, you have an extra room, right?” She asked sweetly.
“Uh, I do,” He said with caution, his eyes flickering between us two.
“Great! You’re looking for a roommate. I have your roommate!” She declared happily.
“You want me to live with a boy?” I looked at her.
“I’m looking for a roommate?” He questioned as well.
“Yes, you can’t live alone. You need company. And Y/N, Tae’s place is very, and I mean, very nice. He is the best option at this point in the semester. He technically owns this bar and works here for free because he likes mixology.” Zoya kept each hand on one of our shoulders like she was planning a plot.
“My father owns this bar,” Tae clarified.
“Potehto Potahto,” Zoya mumbled, taking a long sip of her long island iced tea. “So, Y/N will take that spare bedroom, and I will come party at your place 'cause it’ll finally be interesting!"
"Zoya bu–” She kept her finger on my lips.
“But, today we will go to mine 'cause I got some pork ribs that we have to try!” She jumped off and walked towards the exit without looking back.
Tae helped me with my bags and told another person to take over for him, “Taehyung,” He offered his hand for me to shake. “Zoya and I are school friends. I’m studying management here too."
"Y/N,” I smiled. “I’ve not seen you before, though!”
“It’s a big class of, like-what, 70 people? I don’t think we share any of our secondary courses, either. Do you share them with Zoya?” He asked, walking me outside.
“Yes, Contemporary Issues in Competitive Strategy,” I told him.
“I think I’m taking that next sem. Zoya, my car’s in the parking lot. Let’s go,” He called for her, and she happily ran towards us.
“This is a big apartment. Are you sure you don’t mind me here? Zoya just kinda dumped it -” It was pretty well done as well. Only the room, which would be mine, just had a bed.
“No, I think it’ll be fun. My father’s assistant has kinda overdone it. But, you can name a household appliance, and I think you’ll find it here,” He laughed.
“Oh nice, what’s your rent?” I asked so I could decide if I could afford the division. The apartment Yoongi and I shared was a gift from his parents, so thankfully, we had just furnished it. I knew I’d need to rediscuss my finances, but I think I would be very comfortable if I got a part-time job.
“I own this place. My father believes in buying, not renting,” He explained. “But, I’m sure we can agree on something,” He smiled.
Moving in with Tae was easy. Zoya helped me pack my stuff the next day when I knew Yoongi would be out, and since he still had not called or dropped a text, I went in and got the rest of my personal stuff when he was in classes. Tae and I went shopping for furniture for my room and other utilities in the evening, and before I knew it, I had already moved into another house in all of one day. Two days before this, I was in bed with Yoongi as he told me some hilarious joke which was considered Architecture 101, and now I was in a completely different building, alone.
“You haven’t moved,” Tae stood in front of my room. He had helped me unpack and set everything up with Zoya. “I left you right here, like 30 mins ago,” He laughed. I’m sure Zoya had him filled on my history and heartbreak.
“Yoongi must have just gotten back to the apartment. Do you think he’ll call when he sees my stuff gone?” I asked Tae with tears in my eyes.
Tae pouted and came and sat next to me, “if he calls, will you pick up?” He asked. I shook my head. “If he calls, will you feel better?” I shrugged because I didn’t know what to feel. It was all happening so fast.
“I am apologizing in advance for not being an amazing roommate for the next few…my heart is breaking right now,” I couldn’t stop my tears.
“Sleep. I promised you a welcome breakfast, so you need to be up for it,” Tae tried, nudging my shoulder.
I kept out of Yoongi’s way. It was great that our majors were different, and our classes were on the opposite side of the campus. In a week, I found a routine that didn’t collide with his at all. If I saw him at the coffee house, I hid. If I saw him on the way to the library, I went the opposite direction.
'I hope you’re okay.'
The last text from him was three days old. Did he know where I was? Who was I with? Was I okay?
I kept my word, and I disappeared from his life. It was killing me. How do you get rid of a habit? I woke up in sweats. I couldn’t breathe, my chest contracting within itself at the thought of him. The only time I ate was when Tae and Zoya were around, and our routine was extremely hectic.
A month into it, the pain sort of became a habit. My course and my internship did not leave me any time to think. When I did catch a moment, it was spent laughing with Taehyung, who was an incredible roommate. We made friends in our course, so we had a group ready for adventure as the weekend hit, and I was kind of glad that I had no time to process anything because the day always started with me standing in front of the mirror, prepping myself to be happy and confident. It didn’t matter that the love of my life didn’t think I was enough. I was enough for me. I grew up in a loveless household; I knew what it felt like. But, by the evening, I was just numb.
There had been no contact with Yoongi. And Ava, a new friend of mine, taught me tricks to cope and distract myself. “If you’re not ready to process it, you don’t have too,” She had been in therapy for the longest time, and always had words of wisdom.
Yoongi was all over the place. There were photos all over the insta.
'Finally single' was a caption on his friend Zack’s post, and I had lost a whole day on it. I realised that during the initial month of uni, I had not made any friends. All I had were his friends, and what it felt like was that they just tolerated me. Even the ones I had truly connected with did not text me after, and it had me really looking back on all my friendships through the years. I always connected through Yoongi. I always only really needed him, He was truly my confidant, my best friend, and I didn’t have the need for more.
I was made strong, though. It has been two months, so it clearly wasn’t a short break. I finally told my parents and made them promise they wouldn’t say anything to Yoongi’s parents if it didn’t come from them and that they won’t contact him.
'All I need is myself’ was his insta post with a picture of a glass of whisky held against the view of the sunset.
“Have you spoken to her since?” Tara asked Yoongi as he fiddled with his drink.
“No,” He took another gulp. No indication was needed on who was being mentioned.
“How are you holding up?” She asked. She liked Y/N. She liked them together. She didn’t really agree with the narrative Jae and Sara had built up. But Jae didn’t understand relationships, and Sara had the hots for Yoongi.
“It’s only a break. I just need to know who I am,” He said, more to himself. The last two months had been so strange. He was so angry at first. His girlfriend refused to understand his point of view, decided they were broken up like she decided on most things on her own, and had moved out all in one day. She came when he wasn’t in the house and packed her stuff, leaving the key on the kitchen table with no note. He was furious.
Then, he found out she had moved in with another guy who she had never mentioned before. Did he even know her? Taking a break was making more sense. She didn’t respond to his message, hid from him or changed directions if he was around. She was his best friend. He knew he had asked for this, but not like this. He honestly thought if they spent a little time apart, it would bring them closer and give him clarity as well.
His parents were talking about marriage, and they had just started uni. From living with his parents, he started living with Y/N, and he was excited until he had this whole conversation about how life can be different. And, he wanted the chance to at least to understand what it could be to be able to decide if he even wanted it. Wasn’t being young all about this? He missed his best friend. He missed Y/N every night he walked into their apartment, and he started spending the least amount of time in it, sleeping on the couch instead of their bed or Jae’s spare bedroom to save himself from thinking too much.
“You can also find out who you are with her, you know. Jae isn’t exactly right, and he was always jealous of what you had with -” She was cut off as Jae jumped on Yoongi.
“My man!” He yelled in his year. “We gotta get you laid this evening! Fuck I gotta get laid!"
"Fuck, why have they given us a week off? I have five papers to write!” Tae screamed as he entered the apartment.
“I got three papers and two presentations,” I counted. “You have to be my dummy for prep. Presentations freak me out.” I told him. Taehyung had a habit of shedding his clothes as soon as he entered the apartment. At this point, it was weird if he was in more than one layer inside the flat. I was sure I would not have been standing if I didn’t have him around.
“I think we should go clubbing today. Go clubbing today, work tomorrow if we are not hungover, then hike the day after, and then we can relax and get to our assignments.” He wrote down our plan of action on the big whiteboard wall that he and Miles, our newly formed friend from the bar, had drunk installed one night.
“Yuck. I hate clubs,” I groaned.
“Wear your sexiest dress. I should be drooling,” He instructed.
Miles was studying architecture like Yoongi. He actually knew me, having crossed paths during one of the many meetups I had accompanied Yoongi too. "I can give you goss on the enemy side,” he had offered as he sat next to me on the bar stool. Tae was experimenting with a new mix, and I was his taste tester, and also a bit tipsy from all the alcohol I was testing.
“What’s the goss?” I asked.
“Are you ready? Emotionally?” Miles asked, giving me a warning.
“Sure,” I laughed.
“That group is way, way more boring now that you are not there!"
I giggled, "you’re very sweet, Miles. The last I remember of you was that you didn’t speak a word after I told my cliff-jumping story!"
"The cliff-jumping story was hilarious! I fell a little bit in love with you,” He said, making me choke on my drink. “I’m joking!” He laughed. “You’ll have to tell me a couple more to have me!"
He was the perfect fit for our little group and assured me that I could stand without Yoongi.
"I can’t believe you’re taking me clubbing tonight,” Miles groaned as he met us downstairs.“ Ava cancelled. I think we should run away, too,” He held my hand, flirting.
“You guys are the worst!” Tae whined. “We are young, and hot, and dancing is the way to get laid. Please let’s just go!"
"I’m surprised you want to get laid when Zoya is going to be there,” I took his arm, and wrapped mine around it.
“Till the time she sees that I am her true love, I need to get by,” He pouted. Tae was quite infatuated with Zoya, and Zoya had no clue. She thought he was fond, and they had been buddies through school. He didn’t want to change their dynamic and was hoping she’ll suddenly realise he had been there all along.
“There is nothing like true love,” I said.
“Hush,” He pulled me closer. “Let me dream."
We were greeted inside the club by Zoya, who, in no time, had already poured three shots down our throats. I hadn’t eaten much, so the alcohol hit me faster and stronger. "You look so fucking sexy,” Zoya whispered as she twirled me around. I had lost weight in the last two months, so I felt less beautiful cause I wasn’t as healthy and fit as I kept myself, but I couldn’t help smiling big as she complimented me.
We were closer to the dancing area, so I looked around for a place we could take up and keep our bags when I saw him. My smile disappeared, and my body went cold. It felt like a deep wound had ripped open again, and I was bleeding.
“What happened-” Zoya’s eyes followed mine to see Yoongi on the first floor, his arms around the waist of a girl stuck to his body as they laughed.
Umm, part 2? I’ll save Yoongi, don’t you worry!
A friend of mine went through something similar, and it got me thinking of how people look at relationships.
#4 The Entire Picture
It’s the dream project until you find out that your favourite idol doesn’t want you there.
Pairing: Yoongi x female reader
Genre: IdolAU / Angst / Smut
Warnings: Nothing much here.
Word count: 5K+
“What do you mean by he is a celebrity? How does it fucking matter? If he doesn’t like my work, he can tell me, right? He is a client, a person. He does this in and out!” I ranted on and on to my partner while the poor guy had been trying to console me for the last 30 minutes. I was blessed to have Si-Hyeon in my life, but at this point, I felt like I had failed him too. “I mean, even doing the project with us now, he isn’t doing us any favours. I have earned this. WE have earned this! So, it’s not like we’re a charity project he has to entertain!”
“But, he has made his choice, Y/N, and it’ll be fun. I mean, these two projects. They were first making us choose between 7 members of Bangtan and had given us one project to work on, and now they are giving us two groups! ENHYPEN and SEVENTEEN are fucking huge names!” He was always looking at the positive side and was always technically correct.
“Yes! But it’s not even Bangtan! They are why we are here! And you didn’t even want to do this! We only chose this because I wanted to work with them, and Min Yoongi because he is my favourite! And now, we will work with two groups when you didn’t even want to get in the music space!”
“Is that what you are worried about? Because I am enjoying this. And we are good with everything we pick up, so I’m not worried about this either. We will have to get maybe 4 more team members for the load, which is great! And we can move on whenever we like, you know that.” He held my hands. “You don’t have to, even for a second, worry that I don’t want this. I will tell you.”
“He is an asshole! He hasn’t given me one sign that he doesn’t like the work. Even yesterday’s meeting was all positive, and he agreed to everything! Even the idea that we thought was farfetched? He wants to shoot it!”
Meeting with Min Yoongi
“So, I know we have already finalized concept shoots. But I had one more idea to present. And it’s just a concept. It’s different, but I have a vision, and I feel like you can carry it very well, and it will add a layer to what you’re going for,” the meeting was fabulous until this point. He had finalized all the details and added quite a few independently. He was engaged, excited, and had that promising look in his eyes that I had been hoping for till now. Working with someone you have admired is always challenging. There are so many hurdles that can come in, and thankfully, till now, even though we hadn’t worked together before, he was very open to hearing us out and actually building something together for his work.
“Show me,” Yoongi replied. Always a man of few words and made the girl inside me shiver, but I was a professional.
I presented the ideas our team had worked on, which we had an inclination that would technically go above board, but I wanted to show him still that he could go in every different direction and didn’t have to limit himself. We had already tried that, but we were still building off the block of his previous work. This would, in some ways, shatter it and give him more space to explore, which is not always what an artist wants when he is catering to his fandom. “Honestly, I’m a fan and know this isn’t on the label. I know it’s a bit far from it, but I believe you can do it, and it will give you that edge I feel you’re trying to get.”
He observed it for a bit. Going back and forth on the presentation and board I had created for reference, “You think I can pull it off?” He asked after a while.
“I believe you can do anything,” I responded instinctively.
He smiled, “let’s do it then.”
And that was it. He agreed, told us he would make his additions and share them by following Monday and went on to participate in the multiple classes he had slotted us in between.
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wrong or right | myg drabble

SYNOPSIS; he asks you to stay but you do the complete opposite
PAIRING: yoongi x reader
GENRE: angst
WARNINGS: mentions of sex, strong language, cheating
a/n: unedited!! a small surprise for all of you, for being the best readers
wrong or right | wrong

“Stay with me.”
The thick silence is interrupted with his soft but sure voice while his breath hits the back of your neck. His bare chest is pressed against your back, warming your sweaty skin that sort of smells like him. With his scent imprinted all over your body doesn’t feel wrong but it makes you feel selfish.
There’s no distance between your bodies as you enjoy his warmth, his soft flaccid cock brushing between your ass cheeks while he kisses your frizzy hair. You enjoy the proximity between you two, even though you shouldn’t.
You shouldn’t be even here. You shouldn’t be in his apartment and definitely not in his bed. And as soon as you realize this, the better it will be for the both of you. With those thoughts, your body tenses against his arms wrapped around it while the tip of his fingers play with your breasts.
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wrong | myg drabble

SYNOPSIS; you chose your husband, so why it feels so wrong?
PAIRING: yoongi x reader
GENRE: angst, fluff
WARNINGS: strong language, cheating
a/n: this is part 2 of one of my drabbles called wrong or right, if you want part 3 don’t forget to reblog and let me know!
wrong or right | wrong
m.list / ko-fi

Life comes with ups and downs, and at the end of the day it’s only up to you how you’ll stand up to it. Positivity is one of the options – it means bringing and finding positiveness even in the smallest things, or even the saddest ones. On the other hand, there is always negativity which usually brings sadness and anguish.
But you’re hit with reality instead and you’ve no idea how to cope with it. You’ve surely done the right thing, right? You spend your days and nights asking the same question, or more like persuading your self-consciousness and the guilt flowing in your entire body.
The huge room is filled with guests, a soft jazz music playing in the background that should probably make you relax, but you feel like you could throw up any minute. A part of that desperate need to empty your stomach, is the sight of your husband chatting with a group of people that you don’t know. He didn’t even care enough to introduce you to them, but you stupidly try to tell yourself that that’s for the best. You don’t think you can manage to fake smile at anyone for one more second.
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From the Ashes (M) | MYG

Pairing: Yoongi x Reader | AU: Historical + Royalty AU + Star-crossed Lovers
Genre: Angst With a Happy Ending!!! / Smut / Drama
Summary: Someone is sobbing ugly, wrecked sounds that shatter the silence in the room. You need them to stop; it’s distracting and you need to focus. You need to clean the ash from his skin. You need to comb the knots from his hair. You need to dress his beautiful body in something befitting the king you know he is… but the sobbing is too loud, and your vision is blurry. It takes Yoongi wiping your tears away for you to realize that the gasping cries echoing off the stone are coming from you.
Rating: Explicit / 18+
Word Count: 7.4k
CW: violence (pillaging, off-screen execution of non-named characters, mentions of weapons, insinuated non-major character death; wound-mention/Yoongi’s scar); sexual content (vaginal fingering, cunnilingus, vaginal sex, creampie); other cw (pregnancy, vague historical/political/royalty drama)
A/N: This fic was commissioned by @athenakyle! Banner and moodboard were made by @stutterfly. Huge shout-out to @gukslut for helping me out with this piece so much. 😭 Historical AUs are hard, guys. Wow.
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Love that twist for the ending.
no better place. (m)

pairing— min yoongi x reader genre— 20s au, smut, suspense, dark comedy, fluff(?!) warnings— MURDER(S)!!! INTRIGUE!!! slight bloodplay (???), dirty talk, oral (female receiving), choking, creampie & cumplay. word count— 12k about—Min Yoongi, a New York Times journalist, attends an illicit, private party at a speakeasy and meets the girl of his dreams - a jazz club singer by the name of Y/N.
Though that’s where his luck ends…
Because halfway through the party, the entire night gets shaken up after one of the guests is found murdered.

Min Yoongi has always hated the Upper East Side scene. All the flashing of wealth and the overinflated ego of everyone who resides there has always left a bitter taste in Yoongi’s mouth.
And as someone who was born and raised in Brooklyn, he tried to stay far, far away from that side of New York City as much as he could.
But ever since he became a journalist for the New York Times two years ago, working at that part of the city became inevitable. Especially since he has a column in reviewing the best restaurants in the city, and as much as he hates to admit it… Most of them are in the Upper East Side.
Not only that - also because of his job - Yoongi has attended way too many frivolous Upper East Side parties over the last year than he could say he wanted to…
(Oh, his apologies, he should correct himself - Upper East Side benefits… You know the ones that the guests attending wears clothes costing a dozen times more than the cheques they write to the highlighted charity? Yeah, those benefits…)
It’s always a bore - the people in their designer garbs, the conversation filled with fake pleasantries, and hell - even the hors d'oeuvres were nothing to write home to his ma about.
But once again, he was at another one tonight.
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surround me. (m)

pairing— min yoongi x reader genre— friends to lovers, smut, comedy, fluff warnings— surprise piercings, slightly drunken and unprotected sex, a lot of hand holding!!! word count— 10k about— after a very unfair and unjust firing from his bartending job, yoongi just wants to soothe his sadness by spending some quality time with his best friend - who he is very much in love with.

It’s so true that when the bra comes off, you’re clocked out of life.
And after the long and tiring day you just had, nothing – absolutely nothing – can separate you and your bed now that you had tucked yourself in, your cup of tea within reach on the bedside table and your laptop on your lap, your favorite trashy reality television show on the screen. Outside your window, there’s a flurry of snowflakes falling down from the sky and the temperature was -10°C; but inside, you were finally feeling toasty and warm and comfortable after suffering the freezing weather just 20 minutes ago when you walked home from the bus stop to your house. Your fingers still feel slightly numb because you stupidly forgot to bring your gloves to work today, but it’s alright as you cup your hands around your hot tea and blow into it while you also chuckle-snort at the drama unfolding on the screen. There was an abundance of screaming and finger pointing and eye rolling and wine sipping while side-eyeing happening – then again, every episode was like that.
Ah… Life is good. You were seriously thinking about just staying this way all weekend, and just have your housemate bring you food whenever you were hungry. Sana does owe you one after dragging you to that hectic and crazy Black Friday Aritzia Warehouse sale last week (sure, you got a lot of cute stuff for yourself but you also had a tug-o-war fight with a middle-aged woman for the $35 – originally $300! – coat that Sana so badly wanted. You won of course, so that’s why she owes you.).
After that thought, you feel and hear something buzzing somewhere underneath your covers. It takes a few seconds to find but when you do, it was your phone vibrating because of a text from the most annoying man in the world…
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apart (min yoongi)

word count: 2k
summary: Yoongi is distant and the reader is snarky. Yoongi doesn’t mean to intentionally be an asshole and Reader’s pent up feelings caused by depression result into a fight and devastating time apart. They love each other and they didn’t mean it that way but realizations hurt.
warnings: language. angst. mentions of depression and negative thoughts. both don’t mean to let their feelings get the best of em.
a/n: it’s been a while since i’ve written so i’m sorry if this isn’t the best. perhaps work is also kicking my creative ass ew lol.
“The guys called, I’ll be home later.” Yoongi grinned as he grabbed his keys, the sound of a door closing echoing the small hall.
“Kind of busy? Can we talk later?” Yoongi turned his attention to the computer screen in front of him, bringing the hot mug to his lips. “Thank you for the tea though!”
“Gotta take this, just a moment.” He put a finger up, requesting a moment as he walked out the door.
“Going out, don’t wait up.” He kissed your cheek with a hand on your back, walking away before you could think of a response.
“Not now, maybe later?”
“Yeah..” You sighed as you gently crumpled a shirt, tossing it onto your shared bed. The different responses all had the same meaning, leaving the same tired feelings every time. “Just lemme know what time you're coming home, yeah?” You asked with a hint of concern.
“Yeah no problem.” Yoongi grinned as he zipped up his jacket and adjusted the cap on his head. “Might be late. Laters baby” He waved as he grabbed a mask off the dresser. You sighed once hearing the door close.
“Love you.” You said out loud to an empty room.
That same night he doesn’t call and comes home at 4 am. Pretending to slow your breathing- you hear him as he walks from the bathroom to the closet, changing out of his clothes and preparing for bed, he lays down with a heavy sigh, facing away from you. Tears brim your eyes but you don’t give yourself away, he’s tired anyways.
You wondered if he ever noticed how his favorite meals you were forced to put away as leftovers were attempts at grabbing his attention. How you woke up early enough to prepare breakfast on a day where he had more time… only for him to take a sip of coffee and quickly stuff a cut piece of pancake into his mouth before running off. Or how you made sure to clean his small home studio just the way he preferred… even if you didn’t get a thanks. Most importantly, the way you always said ‘I love you’ even if he was already out the door, hoping he’d say it first for once.
You just wanted someone to talk to. A moment of peace and happiness to contrast the dark thoughts you had been having recently. This time of the year was always the hardest for you, and although you didn’t want to fully depend on your boyfriend nor make it his responsibility, you wanted some sort of reassurance or support- no matter how small. You knew he also wasn’t good at talking about feelings but it was an effort you both put in to grow and become better versions.
...But lately his constant absence didn’t help the loneliness you had already been feeling.
“Hey baby why don’t we stay in tonight?” You walked over to him as he sat in front of his computer, fingers softly dancing their way up to gently play with the hair near his neck. “I can cook or perhaps order delivery! There’s a movie I know you’ll love!” You grinned, hoping he would agree tonight.
He always did say to come to him when you needed something and right now you wanted his warmth.
“Kind of busy.” He tilted his head with an annoyed sigh and clicks of the cursor filled the silent room.
You played with your hands and looked to the floor, “I know you're busy and I’m super proud of you but to be honest..” You paused, you felt as if you were about to break down. Every negative emotion was ready to be poured out after being pushed away. “I just want someone to talk to. I’ve been feeling super desperate and negative-“
“Look babe,” He set down his headphones to properly turn his chair around, taking your hand in his, “Feelings like these suck, trust me I know. Take a nap and relax okay? I know how it gets sometimes.” He nodded- continuing, “Why don’t you call your best friend? Maybe have a movie night with some snacks.” He kissed your hand before letting go and turning around to reach for his headphones. “Love you!”
“I already did.” You softly replied but it was no use as you heard the muffled sound blasting from his headphones. Despite hearing those three words for the first time in weeks, they didn’t register. You shook your head and wiped away your tears, walking back into your shared bedroom. With the door closed you slid to the floor, silently crying into your hands.
See? Not even your boyfriend wants you around. You know what you are? A bother! Why don’t you just run away from it all? You’ll go unnoticed.
A few moments passed before you decided to pick yourself up, tiredly wiping away stray tears.
Just suck it up. All you do is annoy. So whiny! Pathetic. This is why he doesn’t love you anymore.
You laid in bed with a straight face as the voices chanted in circles around your mind. Inside your mind you had anger but not towards anyone in particular but yourself, for feeling such a way and wishing you could just push it away.
The door clicked signaling to an entry. You heard soft ruffles of clothes from the opened closet before you heard his footsteps.
Why were you not surprised?
“Hey babe, going out. Gonna-“
“Be late I fucking know.” You interrupted and the sounds of his jewelry came to halt, your tone definitely snapping him out of his daze. Didn’t you just say you were busy?
“Pardon?” He asked as he took a few steps in your resting figure. “Is there a problem?” He asked as he adjusted his jacket.
“No.” You shook your head, “None at all. Have fun.”
“What’s up?” He shifted his weight as he crossed his hands across his chest.
“Nothing.” You dryly replied as you rolled away from his stare. “Won’t wait up, they’re expecting you. Go.”
Yoongi cocked his brow in amused confusion. He had never seen this type of behavior from you, completely forgetting your previous actions thinking this moment was completely random.
“(Y/N).” His voice was stern as he stepped closer, the use of your full name only angered you as he stood behind you, your back towards him . “Speak. What’s wrong?”
He waited for an answer but was met with none as you continued to ignore him. Now he wanted to hear what you had to say? Now he found the time?
“(Y/N),I won’t ask again. What’s wrong?” He felt himself growing annoyed.
“Then don’t.”
Yoongi stayed in place as you sat up, ignoring his stare and walking out into the living room. What was your reasoning for this type of behavior?
He followed the sound of the tv as you sat on the couch.
“So now you don’t wanna speak? What the fuck is wrong, tell me.”
“It’s nothing, leave me alone Yoongi.”
He shook his head in disbelief as you called him by his name. Even when it came to disagreements you would either use the nickname you gave him or refrain from using his name at all. The tone you used signaled you were angry and he wasn’t having it.
“So you can go on and act desperate for my attention huh,” He asked with a scoff. “But the second I hand it over now you wanna act silent? Grow up. Tell me what you’re on.”
You shook your head and raised your brows in shock as your tongue poked the inside of your cheek. Oh so he did notice. How great for him to say nothing until now.
“Forget it.” You shut the tv off and stood up once again, making a beeline to the kitchen where once again, Yoongi was hot on your emotional trail.
“You obviously have something important to say so go on.” He pressed as he crossed his arms once again.
“I’m waiting.” You looked up to him with an agitated face.
“Keep waiting.” You bit back as you began to reach for the cupboard above. You hoped to relax by preparing a cup of tea but suddenly saw his hand reach out to close the small door, halting your actions.
“You don’t get to start this and leave it unfinished.” He put his hands on either side of you as you turned around, “I asked you multiple times about whatever fucking issue you have and now you wanna rub me off? I have done the absolute most and this is how you wanna go about it? We’re adults.”
You've done the absolute most? Are you kidding? Please say it isn’t so! Don’t let it be that he’s about to start using his career against you. Not in a moment like this.
“I don’t want this okay?.” You shook your head with a dry chuckle. Your anxiety grew 10x worse as you began to mentally prepare for the possible fight that was about to start. “I don’t wanna fight with you anymore. You’re unbelievable Min Yoongi.”
“Please enlighten me (Y/F/N)”
“I shouldn’t have to repeat it.”
“Well you’re about to.” He said in an annoyed manner.
With a shake of your head, you returned the same tone. “First off.” You stood before him but his stance didn’t falter. “I’ve been trying to capture your attention for weeks now. You brush me off before I can even get a proper word in.”
“Oh please.” He scoffed.
“I’m not done Min Yoongi. Like you said, if I showed how desperate I was for your attention.. Why didn’t you mention that earlier? Don’t throw it in my fucking face. You know I try to do my part and more to help make up for the stuff I can’t do.”
You began to point a finger to his chest as he raised a brow.
“Third and final fuck of all. You want to know my deal? I’m not happy. I’ve been desperate for your attention because I’m drowning inside. A small conversation or a hug would be very helpful.” You spat. “You noticed my efforts and let me be met with disappointment every time. I feel like you don’t love me anymore. Maybe it’s my mind, but I don’t know. I’m tired. Mentally I feel like I'm self suffocating. Now leave me alone.” Before Yoongi could even process your words, you ducked under his arm and walked past him, trying to reach your bedroom when he spoke again.
“If you’re not happy then why are you here?” His words had hit another chord as you froze in place. “I love you but you know I’m not good with that soft shit. That’s why you can call your friends.”
“Other than tonight, when was the last time you said you loved me?” You pursed your lips as you spun around.
“See?” With a nod, you continued your stare off.
“You haven’t said it either so now what?” He challenged with a shrug.
“I’ve said it everyday Yoongi.” Licking your lips you continued, “But you're always out the door before you can hear me.”
Yoongi’s eyes moved to anything else but your eyes.
He had no reason to doubt your words.
“You don’t get it. Forget ‘that soft shit’ I brought up Yoongi.” With a shake of your head you had hoped that perhaps it would be the end. You knew you had a good reason to be angry but perhaps it didn’t come out the way you intended.
“Like I said,” His voice still low. “If you're not happy, you can leave. I’m not gonna force you since you’re so tired.” He mocked, emotions still rushing.
With exhaustion taking over you let your shoulders fall in realization. “Fine.” And with slow steps you began your walk back into your room, maybe time would help this situation. A way for you to breathe and focus on yourself. Maybe he had a point, focus on just yourself for now and come back.
In Yoongi’s mind he knew you had a point but was too stubborn to admit he wasn’t being the best boyfriend. Seeing your anger brought his out too and he couldn’t blame you.
In reality he really had noticed your efforts but tried to brush em off as clingingness, too afraid to confront the reasons as to why. Of course he still loved you. When would he ever stop? He just hasn't been able to prioritize the important. Even though he knows he shouldn’t even have to consider your position in his life.
If he couldn’t confront his own feelings, how could he help you confront yours?
He stood in the middle of the living room, all the words registering in his mind before the sound of a zipper broke his thoughts. With wide eyes he took quick strides to your bedroom. What was he saying? What was he doing?
“What are you doing?” He asked softly with concern as he leaned against the doorway.
“You have a point. I’m leaving and focusing on bettering myself okay?” Valuables tucked into the suitcase as you walked from drawer to drawer, folding clothes and tossing. “Maybe I just need some space.”
“No wait.” He stood next to the bed, hoping you’d stop your actions. “We can sit and talk, c’mon.” He extended his hand. “I’ll listen to every word okay?”
You sighed as you set down a small stack of clothes into your bag. “It’s fine. We’ll talk later okay?”
“Or you can stop packing and we can talk now?” His suggestion came out more like a question as he began to chew on his bottom lip. “See? I’ll help you unpack.”
Yoongi began to take out the folded articles of clothing and set them back into the designated drawers. With another weary sigh you crossed your arms against your chest. “Please don’t do this.”
“You said you wanted to talk feelings, let’s do that.” His voice was shaky as he stood before you, taking your hand. The realness of the moment kicked in and now he was terrified.
“This started because we didn't want to talk feelings, let’s not start another so that we do.”
“That’s not what I’m doing.” He interjected as he took your other hand. “You have a point and I’m sorry I’m realizing that right now. I’ve been busy and I can’t bring myself to confront emotions. I let myself get carried away by them when I should really be listening and supporting the best I can.” He intertwined your fingers as he took a deep breath. “Just stop packing.”
“We both agreed to work on expressing our emotions. This isn’t a new topic Yoongi.” You expressed with sadness as you pulled a hand away to cradle his cheek.
“I know but please-“
“It’s best I go, at least for a bit.” Pulling away, clothes began to make their way back into the suitcase.
“I’m doing this for myself. Maybe I need a break from everything around me. I can't be myself and give you the best version of me if I’m feeling like a whole different person. Look at what I started. I don’t like this.”
“So you need a break from me too?” With glossy eyes Yoongi began to breathe heavily, the panic now on display before you. Have we truly done it now?
“I’m not leaving you Min Yoongi.” You held his face in your palms as your thumbs gently rubbed his shoulders. With closed eyes he held your hand, worried. “I need to work on me. This isn’t about you or anything else. I guess I’m running from my emotions but maybe it’s best. I’ll be forced to confront them.”
“Are you sure?” He asked again hoping maybe you’d change your mind.
“Yes. I’ve been trying to distract myself from reality and I can’t do this anymore.”
Surprised you kept a steady voice, you tsked before pulling him into a hug.
“I love you so much. I’m sorry for everything tonight but please wait till I’m home okay?” You squeezed him tighter.
“But what if you don’t? What if you realize maybe I’m the reason and never come back? I’m sorry for everything too. I promise I’ll listen to your feelings. Don’t go.” Vulnerable, Yoongi felt a tear slip down his cheek and onto your shoulder. He was most certain you felt it as it left a dark stain on your shirt.
“Please don’t treat this as a breakup. It won’t be.”
“It sure feels like one.” He wished there was more he could say.
With tears of your own you pulled away, extending a pinky before him. “Look,” Pulling his own hand up, you tried to move his fingers to mimic yours. “I promise you. I’ll be back. Just wait.”
Looking into your eyes, he admitted defeat. Your stubbornness was something he admired but he’d be lying if he said it wasn’t what he despised at this moment.
“Promise?” He shed more tears as his pinky curled.
Completing the action you nodded, “I promise. I love you Min Yoongi.”
“I love you too (Y/N/F).” With that he left himself break, pulling you in once again and sobbing into your shoulder.
That tender moment felt like you both let out everything you had to say but without using your words. If only it was always like this.
“It’s best I go. I’ll text you okay?” You wiped away a couple tears as he let you go with a sad nod.
“I’ll be here waiting.” And with a sad smile he sat on the edge of the bed as you continued to pack.
Both of your hearts hoped this was the right answer.
frostbite (동상) ㅡ min yoongi (민윤기)
the second part can be found here

✧.* 18+
“cold as ice, hard as stone, never choose men over being alone,” was what your mother had found herself repeating to you your entire life. maybe not your entire life, actually. you couldn't really remember when the phrase was spoken into life, perhaps when you had turned twelve, thirteen; when you began to develop and mature, when push-up bras began to substitute training bras, when makeup began to gain significance, when she had noticed how older and younger men alike had started to smirk and leer more and more shamefully whenever you passed by.
it wasn't because she had it out for you. quite the opposite, actually. it was something her mother had sang to her, an invention of her own she had sang to life when hormones began to work faster than she could blink. she thought it would raise awareness as a subtle way for her to let her daughter know that no man could ever be trusted in the slightest, but your mother didn't care to listen. it worked the first few years of her adolescence; she avoided relationships all throughout high school and college, but all good things come to an end. after she had graduated and gone into finance the way she had planned, things took a turn when she met your father. no one could have predicted the outcome. their relationship moved quickly, but smoothly. their friends had sworn up and down that they could never imagine them in an argument, until they got married. with marriage came a child, you. with a child came more responsibilities, with which came more money spent. they spent and spent until they had nothing left to spend, and that's when the verbal arguments had reached a new low.
by the time you had turned fifteen, you found yourself consoling your mother as much as she allowed you to. it was draining, you found yourself asking the man in the sky for a way out. a way out was in store, just not for you. one night, just a little after midnight, your father had packed his bags and left after another one of their more tense fights, swearing to find a younger, prettier, richer woman. you had both assumed it was another one of his empty threats, but you would never come to know, as that was the last time either of you have seen or heard from him.
for weeks on end following his departure, your mother had no tears left to cry. she was too quiet, white in the face as if all the blood has been drained from her body. she wasn't interested in discussing what had happened ever again. more weeks passed and winter came along, and she had fallen ill. you had picked up a job at fifteen and worked as many shifts as you could just to keep the house warm, to keep food on the table at least until december's weather had passed. she knew you had been trying, and you knew she was grateful, but you couldn't shake the uneasy feeling as her condition worsened, as did the weather.
blizzards were uncommon in daegu. sure, it was normal to wake up to over ten inches of snow, but the storms just never seemed to take action. that's why you were surprised to have woken up just half an hour past four in the morning, to the sound of ice pounding on your windows and vicious wind blowing. your room was on the second floor, completely untouched, and you felt relieved for just a second. that second quickly passed when you called out for your mother, only to be met with silence. maybe she didn't hear you, maybe she had mistaken your voice for the wind; it's what you so badly wanted to believe as you made your way down the stairs. your heart stopped when you had realized that hope was more than a call away.
despite the untouched stairs and floor above, the living room she had been sleeping in was a wreck. the air was noticably colder, windows broken, glass shattered on the wet floor. the storm had done all the damage, yet that still wasn't the worst part. your mother was still on the couch, her skin as pale as ever. she was facing the ceiling, eyes open. you felt your heart sink to your stomach, and you've been dreading the feeling ever since. you've carried the grief ever since it happened, tears stinging whenever november made an appearance, whenever the temperature shifted. your mother had frozen to death, and how could you ever get over it, how could you ever function? you dreaded your father more than anything, knowing that if she could've beared to sleep in their shared room on the floor above, she would've been alive.
that was the first moment you had taken her words to heart. cold as ice, hard as stone, never choose men over being alone.
you had made it through the rest of high school without any interest in dating, or men in general. you had graduated the way you pictured yourself graduating, and you did it alone. it was a lonely road before anything else, but it was something you learned to live with. you spent your last summer as a high school student working to kill the time, waiting for the college season to start. everyone from your class had gone their separate ways, but you couldn't care less. every day seemed the same—wake up, eat, work, come home, eat, sleep. you went to sleep dreading the night, and woke up dreading the day. on one particular day, a man had stopped you in your tracks on the way to work. all he had to say was, “wouldn't hurt to smile, would it?” all it did was put a scowl on your face.
when summer had finally come to an end, you were the most ecstatic you've been in in the last four years. you couldn't wait to leave the house you grew up in—sell it, rent it out, it didn't matter. all you wanted was out. you ended up renting it out to an anonymous customer, which definitely should've raised some alarms, but you couldn't care less. they needed the house, you needed the money; they could've turned it into a meth lab for all you cared.
daegu university was located on the other side of town. it was a good college, despite how far away it was, which meant it was worth the agonizing drive. it was almost cartoonishly big, big and urban. nothing less was to be expected of a private school with a low acceptance rate and big bills. you had met with the principal of the university a total of three times. the first time was to congratulate you for being accepted, which had taken you aback. it was the first time in a long time you had allowed yourself to grin from ear to ear. the second time was just a few days later, he had shown you around the campus in advance, to avoid any confusion when the halls were packed to the brim. the third and final time was to get you comfortable in your dorm, where you met your dorm roommate.
the school itself was filled with spoiled, conceited kids with little to no knowledge and extended trust funds. it truly was a sight for sore eyes in the worst way possible. often did you find yourself rolling your eyes at their remarks and complaints, it was incredible how they could be so out of touch with reality and out of sync with the real world. you couldn't keep up with the rich people bullshit—stained shoes, last season clothes, companies going bankrupt. just a month into college, you learned to tune everything out, nearly everything.
your roommate took the cake, and you knew it. you felt the last shreds of your patience go numb when you had first met him. for the sake of your education, you told yourself that having a guy as your roommate would be no issue. you didb't want to leave a sour taste in the principal's mouth, so you put on a smile and complied. all you had to do was ignore him, just as you had been doing your whole life. he was quiet when you had first met, he was quiet throughout the many times you had spotted him during lectures or lunch. min yoongi—out of his entire group of friends, he seemed to be the most tame. that had lasted until he grew more comfortable and less mindful of your presence.
awake at the peak of midnight, you typed away at your laptop. your forehead was slick with sweat, hair tied back as you focused on your presentation. yoongi had gone out, perhaps with his friends. the room was quiet, aside from the sound of the wind whistling from outside. the silence didn't last as long as you needed it to, however, your heart practically skipping a beat as the door swung open. you really could've sworn you had locked it, making a mental note to double-check from that point on. the room was dark, so you couldn't make out who had entered until the lights flickered on. the smell of soju was pungent as yoongi stumbled into the room, making your nostrils flare. you couldn't bite back the groan that left your mouth as he stumbled in, only because he wasn't entering alone, for the third night in a row. he had come in with another sorority girl, hand around her waist as their lips remained locked in a drunken dance, their feet tumbling over each other. yoongi waved you off as if to let you know he didn't give a shit, you could either stay and watch or leave, so you left for the third night in a row. you took your laptop with you and remained sat outside of the door, typing hastily while you prepared yourself for yet another night of listening to their ten minutes of pleasure.
while you continued to type away, you felt a tap on your shoulder. already pissed off, you bit back a hiss as you snapped your head to the side. greeted by your friend's smile, you were relieved you didn't snap at him. “shit, third night in a row? he's on a roll, isn't he?” kim taehyung was the first person that introduced himself to you, and on your first day, too. at first, you had no interest in being his friend, but quickly warmed up to him once you realized just how much you had in common. he was from bukgu, just like you. he liked the same things you did, but more importantly, disliked the same things as you—men and rich people. men, more or less—he cheered you on when you found yourself ranting about men and their behavior, even if he did it jokingly. his vendetta against the rich was what made him stick out, as he had gotten into the university due to his promising resumé, accepting a full scholarship. with that being said, he was always respectful towards you, treating you as a friend and nothing more.
“i don't know how you can stand to hang out with him,” you responded, typing away as he allowed himself to sit next to you, throwing a glance at the screen. “he's a good friend, don't sweat it,” he paused, a smile crossing his lips. “but i'm not dumb enough to live with him, fuck no.”
yoongi was all too quiet, even with his friends, but he made up for that with many habits that failed to please you. those habits ranged from chainsmoking to excessive drinking to the dehumanizing way he fucked every girl with two legs and a functioning mouth. shit, it didn't matter if the girls had two legs or three, he'd find a way to spread them as long as he was in the mood, but they'd never get a glance from him the next day, let alone a text back. he'd just move onto the next victim.
“you could hold me at gunpoint and i still wouldn't know what these girls see in him,” you scoffed. you really didn't know. sure, he was a good-looking guy, you weren't gonna go out of your way to lie and call him ugly, but nobody could be good-looking enough to risk your self-respect.
taehyung seemed like he was actually thinking about it for a second, the faint sound of moans and groans from behind the door adding to his brain fog, “i think he just has a really big dick, yeah?” you shot him a look, almost concerned, “you seem to do a lot of thinking about his dick, anything you wanna tell me?” you teased, earning a joking punch to the shoulder.
“how charming,” he sneered, all you could do was laugh. he paused for a second as the moans began to die down. “there is something i wanna ask you, though.”
you stopped your typing, peeling your eyes off the screen in order to face him. “yeah, go ahead.” he seemed hesitant, a nervous smile crossing his face, and you couldn't help but worry about what was to come. “you can't say no right away, you have to hear me out,” he was only making it worse. “i'm supposed to go to this kid's frat party tomorrow night, and i wanna bring a guest, yeah?”
your face couldn't help but twist up in pure confusion. it wasn't that you were a total stone cold bitch that was gonna leave him high and dry, but you had never been to a party in your life. “and out of all the potential victims in this school, you wanna go with me?” he nodded, almost eagerly, as if the answer was supposed to be obvious. “duh, who else am i supposed to go with?” you could've inquired, but you didn't dare argue back, you didn't have the patience to. instead, you waited a second before agreeing. you didn't have to stay overnight, just a couple hours to keep taehyung company.
“okay, yeah, come to the dorm and we'll go, what time is it?” you asked as you closed your laptop, the painful silence from behind the door being a good enough sign that you could come back in. “i'll come by around eight, thanks for this, i owe you one.” you nodded as he gave you a hug goodbye, watching as he scurried down the hall and back to his own dorm.
you let out a sigh of exasperation, hand sliding down your face as the realization hit you. you didn't know the first thing about social gatherings, let alone about the ones with wannabe elite socialities that'll have too much to drink. the thought made your stomach churn as you reached for the doorknob, but before you could open the door, you had been beaten to it.
from the other side, the girl yoongi had brought to the dorm had swung the door open, stopping in her tracks as she locked eyes with you. she was a pretty girl, but the look she gave you was enough to make your blood boil. she didn't say a word, but the look itself was so nasty, you felt as dirty as she did. as she stomped away, you could hear the sound of yoongi's laughter from the room. “feisty one, isn't she?” he asked as you finally came in, making sure to lock the door this time. “charming girl, you sure know how to pick them,” you rolled your eyes.
he turned to face you as you walked in, wearing nothing but his short as he made himself comfortable, pressing a cigarette to his lips. the look you threw him was incredible, almost mimicking the one tonight's vencido shot you just a few seconds prior. “do you really have to smoke that shit in here?” you asked as he lit the tip of it. he raised an eyebrow, as if offended. “you got lung cancer?” the question had little to no relevance, but you shook your head. “then, what's the problem?”
“it smells like shit,” you hissed, waving your hand at the smoke drifting in your direction. he couldn't help but chuckle as he made his way over to the sofa, kicking his feet over the side. “hold your breath, open a window if you have to.” you scoffed as you watched his eyes close, cigarette tucked between his lips. you opened both of the windows in the room, greeting with fresh air with open arms. it was the last thing you had said to one another before you went to sleep, physically too tired to argue any further.
the following morning came too quickly, the sunlight from the window that had been, once again closed, practically blinding you, even while your eyes were closed. you could barely open them, head groggy as you powered through it. despite the bright rays, it wasn't what you saw that had awoken you from your slumber, but what you had heard.
it was about seven in the morning, maybe a few minutes last seven. whatever time it was, you knew it was too early to be listening to whatever it was you were listening to. you could make out two loud voices; one was yoongi's, the other belonged to a girl. for a second, your blood ran cold at the thought of him hooking up with a girl while you were awake, but the fear went away as your vision began to clear up. they were both half-naked; not fucking, just arguing.
“you're a fucking asshole, you've always been a fucking asshole,” the girl yelled, voice piercing your ears. you could make her frame out, definitely wasn't any of the past three girls that came in. she was much smaller than yoongi, her fists pounding against his chest but to avail as she continued to yell and cry. “you think fucking my best friend is funny, asshole? or the other sluts you have in here every fucking night? or the whore in your bed at seven in the morning?”
you scrunched your face up, offended at the assumption, but you remained in your position, not wanting them to notice your presence in case the situation worsened. “you better watch that fucking mouth of yours,” you heard yoongi respond. he didn't yell at her, he didn't hit back. his voice was almost stoic. “she's not a fucking whore, she's my roommate and she's sleeping, so either be quiet or get the fuck out.” you were almost pleased with his answer, it was the closest thing you'd ever get to him being nice to you. unfortunately, she didn't like that answer at all.
“get fucked, you son of a bitch,” was the last thing she said before leaving, and she didn't go quietly. she left the dorm with heavy footsteps and a deafening slam of the door. yoongi paused, reaping the insult with only a second of eerie calmness. when the wave of calm had passed, you felt your body jolt as he threw the television's remote control at the door, muttering a string of angry curses as he did so. only then did he turn around, watching the way you stared in surprise.
he tilted his head back down, almost as if he felt sorry, “sorry if i woke you up, go back to bed.” you shook your head, pushing the blanket off as you swung your legs off the bed. it was much too late to go back to sleep anyway. “all good, i gotta get to class anyway.” he raised an eyebrow, leaning against the counter as he pressed another cigarette to his lips. you watched him light it up in shock, it was still seven in the morning.
“what the fuck kind of classes do you have this early?” you rolled your eyes as you brushed out your hair, getting done only what was necessary before leaving for your morning lecture. “management accounting,” you murmured a response. he raised his eyebrows, keeping his distance as he blew smoke into the air.
“studying finance, really?” you nodded in response, unable to tell if he was impressed or disgusted. “that's cool,” he said softly. “my step-dad studied finance, too. says it's a pain in the ass.”
perhaps you had were too comfortable in that moment, perhaps you were just too tired and out of it to register what was coming out of your mouth. “my mom studied finance, she was really good at it,” your eyes had locked, but only for a second. it wasn't long enough to carry too much significance, but not short enough to go unnoticed. you coughed, “i'm gonna go to class.” he nodded silently, watching you grab what you needed before heading towards the door. he watched you leave for your lecture, cigarette still pressed to his lips, but not before opening the window.
your classes had lasted longer than you had anticipated, the one hour mark stretching for another two hours. by the time you had finally finished, you felt the second wave of exhaustion flood your system. the morning wasn't even through, and you were ready to give up and go back to bed, but you couldn't. as you left the classroom, dreading whatever your schedule had in store for you next, you felt an arm sling around your shoulders as you walked down the hallway.
“hey, loser,” taehyung cooed in your ear, ruffling your hair as you scoffed, delivering a playful slap to his arm. “going to your morning classes like a good little geek, aren't you?” you rolled your eyes as you peeked at your schedule, smiling as you realized your next class was with your friend. “remember those words when you're working for me in ten years, jackass.”
he feigned offense as he placed his hand on his forehead in a dramatic fashion. “so so cruel, i would truly rather work at a gas station.” you couldn't help but laugh as you both made your way into the next classroom. you couldn't help but admire how elegant the classrooms were, truly a hit or miss product of capitalism. unfortunately, you weren't given much time to admire as you both stopped in your tracks in the middle of the room.
“min yoongi taking english literature,” taehyung was the first to react, equally as surprised as you were. he laughed as he walked up to his friend, who was seated in the back row, arms crossed with a faint smile on his face. “you do realize the class doesn't come with a free ashtray, right?” you faintly trailed behind him as they dapped each other up, the most unnecessary display of masculinity, you thought.
“yeah, don't be too shocked, my parents aren't paying for me to smoke all day,” yoongi responded. his faint smile grew more and more faint as he watched you come up behind taehyung. his gaze switched from you to him. “you two friends?”
you had opened your mouth to say something along the lines of “none of your fucking business,” but your friend was much quicker than you. taehyung wrapped his arm around your shoulders once more, ruffling your hair as you protested. “(y/n)? no, she's my hostage, as you can see.” you sighed in defeat, knowing it was no use. “you're such an ass,” you hissed. yoongi didn't say a word, he just stared. his gaze continued to flicker, but he remained quiet. even as you found your seat next to taehyung, just across from yoongi, he stayed quiet. silent, though his gaze never left the two of you, and you could almost feel it.
morning classes seemed to be the last of your problems as the day went on. everything was normal until you returned to your dorm, the panic you had been fighting since last night finally settling as you checked the time. you had exactly an hour to get ready before taehyung would come to pick you up. exactly an hour to find an outfit, put some decent makeup on, and get the courage to not pussy out. yoongi was nowhere to be found as you entered the dorm.
your wardrobe wasn't necessarily limited, as you had brought everything that could fit you. anything that couldn't was given to charity before you rented out the house, it was the smartest thing to do. you kept everything in a narrow closet, alongside some jewellry your mother had kept in a dainty box. it was a weird sensation, even after so many years, running your fingers through the fabric would never not strain your heart. you gulped back the melancholic nostalgia as you raked through the clothes. finally, you pulled out a dress hanging from above, one that had caught your eye.
it was anything unlike you had ever worn, because it wasn't yours. it was a dress your mother had worn when she was just a bit younger than you. despite what she believed in, she was the life of the party, unlike you. she knew how to let loose, and she wasn't afraid to express herself through her clothes. the dress was almost skimpy, she loved giving men the wrong impression. she loved knowing they could look because, they'd be looking either way, but they could never have her. she was in control, and the dress was gorgeous. a gold dress with thin straps, entirely tight and made to hug the body of whoever chose to wear it. it wasn't what you were used to, not at all. you loved the fact that it was pretty, but you loved the fact that your mother felt pretty in it even more.
if it wasn't her dress, you were entirely sure you wouldn't have liked it. the sensation of putting it on and embracing it was even weirder than the feeling of finding it. nonetheless, you slipped into the dress as you stood in front of the mirror. the dress was even more beautiful on you rather than in your hands. it was just as you imagined—tight, hugging every part of your body from your chest to your thighs, but beautiful. the light from the room did it more than enough justice, it glimmered.
even as you did your makeup, you couldn't help but give all your attention to the dress. it made you feel warm on the inside, the fact that you had a part of your mother clinging to your skin. it was as if she had never left. when you finished, with your face touched up, the heels you wanted, and the gold ring on your finger, all you could do was admire the dress in the mirror.
“holy shit,” were the words that finally snapped you back to reality, your body jolting as your head turned to the source of the sound. you hated how bad your instincts were when you were distracted, it was one of the reasons why taehyung could tease you as much as he did without you reacting. you froze, not knowing what to do.
“shit, i didn't mean to scare you, i'm sorry,” yoongi continued. he was equally as frozen as you were, having stopped himself in his tracks as he stared at you, eyes scanning you from head to toe. “it's just that you look really nice. the dress is—really nice.”
you almost felt bad for staying quiet. it wasn't that you were ungrateful, you just didn't know what to say. for a moment amidst your silence, yoongi continued to admire you for a moment longer, turning on his heel when he realized you had gone mute. “wait,” you practically blurted out, stopping him in his tracks once more. “thank you. it was my mom's.”
he didn't turn back around, but he remained in place as he felt his heart tighten at your words. “doesn't fit her anymore?” his tone was almost hopeful, as if he was hoping that would be the case. you went quiet for a second, before the answer came out entirely too quickly, as if you had thrown it up. “it would've if she was still here. she passed away, few years ago.”
you regret it the second it had come out, but that was the thing about word vomit; just like regular vomit, you could never take it back. now, it was his turn to be silent. you were entirely sure that you had creeped him the fuck out, but he felt that it was far from that. his heart tightened, it wasn't the answer he was hoping for. he responded as he turned around, finally facing you. “i'm sorry,” he murmured. “my dad passed away some years back, too. storm was bad.” he had mentioned his step-father, but never his actual dad. you felt for him, and he felt for you.
you opened your mouth, ready to offer some form of support, but the distinct pounding on the door was quick to cut you off. “come in,” yoongi muttered out, loud enough for whoever it was to here. taehyung wasted no time opening the door, practically cheering as he came in, unable to read the room.
“is my hostage ready?” his voice had dropped a few octaves as he neared the end of the question, walking into the room as he locked eyes with you. it was something about you in the dress rather than the dress itself, and yoongi was quick to notice his reaction.
“what're you doing here?” he asked taehyung, fighting back the urge to roll his eyes at his shell-shocked reaction. for a second, he focused. “i'm here for (y/n), we're going to the wang party.” never had you heard of that name in your life.
yoongi raised an eyebrow before turning back to you. “you didn't say you were going to jackson wang's shitty frat party,” he sounded almost displeased. you shrugged, “what's it to you?” you and taehyung exchanged a glance as yoongi scoffed, the agitation expanding.
“his entire frat has a thing for roofies and rape,” he paused to shoot taehyung a look. “but i'm sure your friend already told you about that.”
it was your turn to shoot taehyung a look, who already had his hands up. “you really think i'd let something happen to her?” he asked, his tone slightly colder than usual. yoongi scoffed at the rhetorical question, “go on, then,” was all he uttered out.
you knew you didn't need any help, and that you were perfectly capable of handling yourself, which included the decisions you made. still, it didn't change the fact that leaving the dorm held more tension than it was supposed to. taehyung shut the door as you left, leaving yoongi in distress that he chose not to make obvious. instead, he chose to ignore the way it nagged him as he turned the television on, hoping it would just go away.
“roofies and rape? you guys are such a fucking cliché,” you muttered as you made your way down the hall with your friend. as oblivious as you were, for taehyung, it was a blessing, because you failed to notice the glances sent your way. he thought you were gorgeous, he thought the dress was gorgeous, up to the point where he could barely register what you were saying. “okay, yeah, ignore yoongi. i told you, i'm not gonna let anything happen, no way.” you knew he wouldn't, but you couldn't shake the feeling of unease as taehyung knocked on the door. the way yoongi acted, the way he talked, it was such a drastic and quick shift.
the generic music and cheers weren't audible until the door opened, you began wondering who you had to ask to get a thick door like that for some very necessary sound blockage. the guy who opened the door was familiar, you were sure you had seen him around campus before. “what's up, jackson?” they greeted each other with a laugh before the guy turned to you, with an almost unsettling spark in his eyes as he did so.
“good to see you, tae,” he spoke a little louder in order to combat the loud music. “and who do we have here?” the flickering colorful lights lit up the room, and you could make out what seemed to be hundreds of people in there, much to your disbelief. there was no logical reason for there to be that many people at one dorm party.
you introduced yourself, a friendly but equally forced smile on your face. “yeah, you're yoongi's roommate, aren't you?” you nodded in response, and you could tell that jackson wasn't too pleased with your roommate. “we should get you a drink then, make it easier to deal with him.” you feinged a laugh as you agreed, shooting taehyung a desperate look. you didn't need to say anything as you followed jackson in, your friend has already burned holes in the back of his head with his glare.
“i'll get us drinks, is that cool?” he could've sworn he saw jackson's face flash with disappointment, but the host obliged, nonetheless. you knew it was the best way for you to not get your virginity taken by the proclaimed roofie rapist, but you couldn't help but panic as taehyung left, even if it was for a good cause.
everybody was a sweaty, drunk mess. the party had started a mere fifteen minutes ago, yet the dorm was packed to the brim with careless, leering students looking to blow some steam off. you found yourself with your pressed against the wall as you created as much distance as possible. “i'm guessing it's your first frat party,” jackson said, only a few feet away from you. you avoided eye contact as best as you could, though you could barely hear him. “first party in general,” you corrected him. “not really my type of scene.”
he chuckled as he closed a few inches of distance off between you two. “that's what i figured,” you quite literally had nowhere to go, with the wall pressing into your back. “must be why you came with your boyfriend, right?” you laughed, but it wasn't in a mocking way, as if you had taken slight offense. “no, taehyung's not my boyfriend, i don't do boyfriends.” you made sure to put emphasis on the last bit.
jackson raised his eyebrows, taking a mere step closer as the lights flashed. he wasn't an unattractive guy, but you needed to take caution. “all the girls here tend to come with their boyfriends,” he gestured towards the many couples easily spotted behind him, all of them a sweaty mess of hormones, grinding and kissing without a care in the world. “rumor's going around that i'm not a nice guy, so they wanna be careful,” you couldn't tell if he was covering his tracks or not, but he was too close to your face, and the alcohol on his breath was no consolation. “what about you? you think i'm a nice guy?”
you couldn't tell if he was being serious or not, and you truly didn't know how to answer. his eyes bored into yours as a smirk played on your face, your mouth open but no word vomit. before you could waste another second thinking, you glanced at his side, watching taehyung stride over with two drinks, as if on time.
“here you go,” he broke the silence, and relief washed over you. once again, jackson attempted to mask his disappointment with a smile. taehyung handed you a glass of something clear, strong. you knew it was strong, whatever it was, but the tension was so cruel, you couldn't help but down the contents of the cup, as if to ease how unsettled you felt.
whatever it was left a disgusting taste in your mouth, almost like nail polish. your friend watched you, almost concerned, while jackson let out a laugh. “i have a feeling it isn't your first time,” a comment that earned him a glare and a half. you shook your head, “i'm not a drinker,” you argued. “but i'll take more of it.”
this time, taehyung pulled you to his side. “great idea, let's go,” he urged, earning him the third look of disappointment of the night, but he paid no mind. he knew that no reaction, was the best reaction. a frown formed on your face as he dragged you through the tight crowd, leading you to the coolers on the wooden table. he shot you a look, “stay away from jackson,” was all he said as he passed you another drink, this time, a can from the cooler. something less strong to kill the burning sensation in your throat. all you could do was nod.
by the time you had gotten your fair share of drinks down your system, the atmosphere around you began to shift drastically. it was less tense, more refreshing. the more lightheaded you felt, the easier it was to let loose. the worse your vision had become, the more flushed you felt as your blood pumped. you had left taehyung's side, the succumbing to the foreign feeling as you joined the crowd despite his calls of disapproval. you knew he'd come after you, but you didn't care. all you could focus on was absolutely nothing. you just liked the way it felt, swaying to the music as if nothing mattered. unfortunately, everything mattered, and not everyone was as unaware as you were. jackson watched you from the sidelines, and he was focused, despite the many drinks that were clashing in his system. he couldn't not focus on you.
as the night wore on, situations varied. in one dorm, the music was loud. the flashing lights provided no sanctuary, and the drinks were practically freezing despite the immense heat. in one dorm, everybody was having a fantastic time. in another dorm, the silence was deafening.
yoongi had put out what may have been his final cigarette of the night. his throat had grown tight, and his stomach had started to churn. he knew it wasn't because of the cigarettes, no. he had put so many of them out just to ease the aching concerns in his mind as he watched the clock tick. a minute had past, followed by an hour. then, another hour. by the time the box was empty, it was almost midnight, and he couldn't think. with his fingers intertwined, nose pressed against them, he let out a sigh. why were you still there? why hadn't you come back yet? did something happen? it was all he could think about. it wasn't that he cared, he just didn't want anything to happen to you; it'd put his reputation in a tough spot, seeing as you were his roommate and all. at least, that's what he wanted to believe in.
the sound of the clock ticking was almost mocking, as was the way the hand moved in the slowest fashion possible. when another fifteen minutes had passed, he glanced at the door, hoping he'd see you stumble in. maybe not sober, but alive and untouched. when the last speck of hope faltered, he found himself pulling his weight off the couch. “fuck this,” he practically spat, snatching the door keys off the drawer before making his way out.
you were unaware of what was happening behind the door, outside of your makeshift sanctuary. you had finally reached the point of betrayal, only then could you see why you had avoided alcohol for so long. as your head span, so did the room. the burning sensation in the pit of your stomach had quickly replaced the short-lived euphoria you had felt up until then. as your dancing faltered, you found yourself tumbling in the opposite direction, practically tripping over your own two feet.
before you could cause yourself any harm, you felt a familiarly unfamiliar touch embrace your waist, preventing you from falling onto your back. for a second, everything went quiet, relief coursing through your veins. the relief was as short-lived as the bliss. “caught you just in time, didn't i?” you heard jackson murmur, his breath hot against your ear. your vision was blurry, and you were slurring your words as if you had a lisp. you didn't want him to know how drunk you were, you didn't want him to take advantage of it, but he was no fool. “yeah, thanks'o much,” he only chuckled in response.
in an attempt to pull yourself away from him, you found yourself staring at him face-to-face, as his grip never left your waist. you could barely make out his figure, let alone muster the strength to run away. your mouth was open, but it was as if your brain was too slow to form any sentences. “feel bad, don't you?” his voice was soft, almost comforting but borderline mocking. all you could do was nod. “we should go, get you taken care of. my friend's gotta spare room, yeah?”
your hands were pressed up against his chest, as if in attempt to push away from him, but no force was emitted. under any other circumstances, you'd have had no problem leaving, but things just weren't playing in your favor. he smirked, leaning in towards your face as his hot breath fanned your neck, nose grazing the side of your jaw. you pressed your eyes shut, hoping it would all go away, but it never did.
“it's a shame your friend left you here,” he practically purred in your ear. his fingers grazed your collarbone as his free hand slid down your hip, reaching to cup your ass as he let out a sigh at the feeling. “pretty thing like you, nothing good's bound to happen, right?” you couldn't fight back. for the first time in forever, you couldn't fight back, and you hated it. you hated how you were at his disposal, there for him to use without a care in the world. you kept your eyes shut, still hoping it would all stop and go away. and finally, it did.
it didn't go away quietly—within seconds, you could feel a tight grip ripping you away from jackson, a force so aggressive, you felt your heart stop for a split second. you felt as if you didn't need to second-guess who it was, thinking taehyung had finally located you and came to your rescue, but your suspicions were denied once you turned around. “what the fuck is wrong with you?” despite being free from his grasp, jackson's yell made you wince. he came closer once more, but he didn't face you this time.
yoongi came just as close as he did, mere inches away from his face as he levelled with him. “dunno, jackson, she looks pretty drunk to me,” he sneered in his face. you were behind yoongi, with one of his arms pressing into your front in an attempt to block the distance between you and jackson. by that point, the music had started to falter, and people were growing more and more interested in the scene that was unfolding. “you can take the roofies and rape bullshit somewhere else, i'll fucking kill you and you know it.”
for a second, jackson almost seemed hesitant to react, as if he was scared of the man in front of him. that second passed, but it didn't go unnoticed before he chose his next words, “i should leave my bullshit here and fuck her 'till she's sober, in case you wanted to watch.” had he chosen anything else to say, maybe the situation wouldn't have escalated the way it did so fast. because, in one swift motion, jackson plummeted into the ground beneath his feet, his neck bending backwards in an almost animated way as yoongi's fist collided with the bottom of his jaw.
“holy shit,” was all you could breathe out, screams emitting from the crowd of people behind you as you watched jackson's bloody gums shine under the lights. your body told you to move forward, pressing into yoongi's arm as you took a step towards jackson. the man beside you almost instantly looked back at you as he pushed you off with just enough force to make you stumble back.
for a second, you and yoongi locked eyes. your eyebrows furrowed, a look of concern in your eyes mixed with the profound melancholy of a lack of thoughts. your brain was moving too slow, you thought you looked stupid, but he thought you looked beautiful. it pissed him off how beautiful you looked, and it was all you could see in his eyes. anger, anger, anger. anger, and a speck of something else that you couldn't quite figure out.
“you've gotta be fucking joking,” your head snapped towards the source of the sound, and you spotted taehyung rushing to your side. first, all of his anger was directed towards jackson, but the anger quickly shifted to your roommate once he realized jackson had been dealt with. “where do you get off shoving her?” yoongi scoffed at the question, watching the way your friend came up to you from behind, his annoyingly protective hands cupping your shoulders as he watched you, hoping to see you were okay.
“where do you get ditching her in a place like this?” was yoongi's response. everything went quiet, too quiet, as he and taehyung locked eyes. you were afraid, too afraid that your friend would end up in the same position as jackson. “it's crowded, i went to the bathroom and couldn't find her,” taehyung's defense was reasonable, as you had given him permission to go, promising you'd be fine for a minute or so before making your way to the dance floor. yoongi laughed, but there was no humor to be traced, “that's funny seeing as i found her the second i came in here.”
the silence physically made your stomach twist, and they could both see it from the way your abdomen clenched as you bent forward. people had started whipping their phones out, snapping photos ane taking videos as hushed whispers began to fill the air. “let's get you out of here,” taehyung murmured, ignoring what yoongi said as to avoid any further discomfort, but you knew yoongi. everybody knew him. as your friend pulled you by one arm, leading you towards the exit, you both stopped in your tracks. from your other side, yoongi kept his grip on your hand tight. you couldn't fully grasp the situation, but his unfamiliar touch had a different feeling than jackson's. they were both foreign, but only one was welcomed.
“go home, taehyung,” yoongi uttered out, and oncr again, they locked eyes. the tension was palpable, and you couldn't stand the way their cold gazes matched one another so well. when taehyung's eyes left his, they met yours. you wanted to go home so bad, the situation was killing you from the inside. so, you held his gaze and nodded. he let out a sigh as he let your arm go, ever so hesitantly. “i'll call you,” was what he said before he finally turned on his heel. yoongi practically sneered—“no, you won't,” was what he so badly wanted to say.
the morning which had followed was no easier than the previous night. you couldn't remember the last time you felt so sore, the pounding in your head never seeming to ease. you blinked, more than what was deemed natural, as you opened your eyes to the blinding sunlight. you could hear your roommate, but had yet to see him. “weather's getting colder,” was what you could make out as you propped yourself onto your elbows. “enjoy the sun while it lasts.” unfortunately, he had a point. you stopped straining your eyes, allowing the sunlight to do its work. now, you could see him, standing next to the open window with a cigarette in his hand.
“what time is it?” you asked, exhaustion laced in your voice as your brain had begun picking up the pieces of last night's rezendevous. “about ten,” your head snapped, realizing you had missed two of your morning classes. “but don't even think about going anywhere.” you looked up to meet his gaze as he blew smoke out the window.
your whole body was tense, and only when you stepped out from under the covers did you realize just how right he was about the weather. “why's it so fucking cold?” you couldn't help but ask, the borderline freezing weather leaving a sour taste in your mouth. “it's almost winter,” yoongi responded, just as dryly. “fucking hate winter.” you let out a humorless laugh, as if to agree. if there was one thing to agree on, it was that.
your phone vibrated on your desk, and as you peered over to see who had been bugging you so early in the morning, taehyung's face flashed on the screen once more. “so annoying,” yoongi spoke once more. “he's been doing that all morning.” you shot him a look as you scurried to pick up your phone, “and you didn't think to answer him?” you asked, watching him take the last drag of his cigarette. he shrugged you off, earning an eye roll as you finally picked up taehyung's call.
“thank god, everything okay?” you heard his panicked voice from the other side, before even getting a chance to greet him. “yeah, just woke up,” you murmured, your heart pounding as you recalled just how bad it had gotten the night prior. you could recall the drinks, the lights, jackson. most importantly, you could recall yoongi, and how he had rushed in, potentially stopping you from getting assaulted. the phone was pressed against your ear as you looked up to meet his eyes once more. from the way he looked at you, you knew he recalled it just as well. because, he looked at you as if he wanted nothing to happen to you.
“i'm really sorry for leaving, i should've held it in a little longer,” your friend's apologetic voice rang once more. you shook your head as if he was there, but your eyes never left yoongi's, “no. tae, it's alright. it would've happened either way, it's not your fault.” you could've sworn yoongi's gaze dropped at the mention of his name, but either way, the eye contact had finally broken. you spoke to your friend a minute longer, dismissing his apologies and promising you'd see each other for lunch. he wanted you to spend it with him and his friends, seeing as that would be much safer than being alone. you complied.
when you finally hung up, you allowed yourself to face reality once more. “there's advil in the cabinet,” yoongi spoke. this time, his tone was colder than anticipated. you thanked him, allowing yourself to get ready for whatever it was the universe had in store for you.
by the time lunch had rolled around, you found yourself waiting for your friend once more. this time, for a much safer setting. taehyung and his friends normally spent that period outside, taking up a bench or two while they hung out. as you walked with him, you could feel just how unfamiliar and harsh the air had grown. he noticed your discomfort, but said nothing, as you were near the spot anyway.
you couldn't recognize any of his friends. sure, you had seen them around campus. maybe even in a class or two, but you knew none of them personally. all but one. as you walked up to the bench, yoongi was the last to notice you, but the first to meet your gaze. “this is (y/n), she's gonna be joining us today,” taehyung introduced you, and you forced a smile. the smile was returned as the boys introduced themselves, all but one. yoongi remained silent, but never took his eyes off you. all of the boys were locals, all from daegu, but all of them seemed to harbor the same personality as taehyung, regarding the rich people bullshit. they seemed nice, down-to-earth, until the questions rolled in.
“you were at that party last night, weren't you?” one of the boys, who had introduced himself as dongwon, asked. though hesitant, you nodded, earning a sound of astonishment from him. “yeah, jackson's a real asshole. he didn't put his hands on you, did he?” you tensed up at the thought, with dongwon earning a look of disapproval from taehyung. you weren't the only one uncomfortable—from the corner of your eye, you could see yoongi fidget with his fingers, perhaps at the mention of what went down last night.
“no, not really,” you responded, recalling the way he had you backed up against the wall, the way his fingers so desperately waited for further access beside your waist. “not really?” dongwon repeated, as if confused. “what exactly do you mean by that?”
you shrugged, as if hesitant to go into further detail. “he didn't get to do much touching, nothing too bad,” you paused, watching the way nearly all of them listened carefully. “tried to kiss me, had his hand on my ass but that's really all—” before you could finish your thought, everybody's attention shifted to yoongi, who had pushed himself off the bench and onto his feet, throwing his can into the bin behind him more aggressive than necessary. “yoongi, what's your deal—” once again, you found yourself being cut off by the same man. once he was on his feet, his grip was on your elbow, practically dragging you away from the group and back into the school.
you thrashed, but it was no use, you couldn't pull yourself out of his grasp. he was too strong and too determined, as he pulled you into the first empty hallway he could find. once he had found the spot, you found yourself in an all too familiar position, with your back pressed against the wall. “what the fuck is wrong with you?” you hissed, but your voice was weaker than usual. you didn't know if it was because of last night's antics, or because of the current tension. “what's wrong with me?” he repeated, tone equally as harsh. “where do you get off talking about shit like that?”
now, you were just confused. “what the hell are you talking about? he asked me a question.” yoongi rolled his eyes, you truly had no idea why he was so mad. especially at you, what was it that you said wrong? “why didn't you call me when he touched you?” this time, his tone was more gentle, and the confusion had been replaced with shock. “if i had come in a second later,” he stopped himself mid-sentence, not wanting to imagine just how much the situation could have escalated.
your face softened at his words, it was almost like he felt guilty for not having stopped you when he had the chance. “you came,” you said. “you came, and i'm grateful you did.” your words comforted him, just a little bit. in the end, the important part was that someone intervened. even if it happened to be your roommate. for a moment, you saw him smile, but perhaps it was too much. he knew it was, so he followed it up with an eye roll, “it was a pain in the ass, had to watch over you, missed breakfast and lunch and everything,” he paused, as if the lightbulb in his head came to light. “you owe me lunch.”
you owed him lunch, and it took every cell in you to avoid ripping his head off his neck. it was the least you could do, it really was. it wasn't like you didn't know how to cook, of course you did. it was one of the first things your mother had made sure she taught you on time. but it was something about the almost smug smile he was wearing as he made himself comfortable on the chair, while you whisked away by the stove. “and don't even think about poisoning it,” you heard his taunting voice from behind. “the death penalty's legal now.”
for a moment, you even considered it. you opted for one of your mother's recipes, seeing as your roommate wasn't specific with what he wanted. truly, he didn't care. he just wanted to eat, with the appetizer being an excuse to fuck around with you. the specific recipe you were using had been passed around from one generation, all the way to your mother. the stew itself was something anyone could make, but nobody could make it the way your did. in fact, it was so special, the only people she ever shared it with were you and your father.
“it smells good,” yoongi murmured, his eyes glued to your frame as you carefully removed the pot off the stove, turning the heat off. you smiled to yourself as you retrieved a bowl from the csbinet above, “thanks.” never had you tried the recipe out for yourself, it was your first time and you were determined to make it work.
he waited patiently as you scooped the stew out, dumping it into the bowl. he watched your every move, from the way you pushed the loose strands of your hair away from your forehead, to how you carried the bowl with grace he swore was there. the stew was served with a bowl of rice for him, and a side of radishes. you heaved a sigh as you sat next to him, hands sore. everything was there, picture perfect for him, but he kept his focus on you.
“well,” you urged. “go on, then.” only then did his gaze drop. he stared at the red liquid, allowing the spicy scent to grace his nostrils. it was comforting, and all too familiar to him. the scent itself sent a sharp jab to his chest, he was too familiar with it.
his suspicions didn't ease as he scooped a spoonful of the stew, he had reached a new level of excitement. you analyzed him carefully, hoping for a promising reaction. it was exactly what you were going to get. “holy shit,” he uttered out, his mouth full. his instincts hadn't failed him, the scent was familiar and the taste only confirmed what he had been thinking. “is this your recipe?” for a second, you hesitated, but shook your head. “no,” you assured softly. “it was my mother's, why? is it any good?”
the answer itself was all too obvious as he continued to fill his mouth with the product, swallowing within seconds just to help himself some more. it was as if he hadn't eaten in years. “it's amazing,” he praised, and your face lit up. you couldn't help but smile as he neared the end of the bowl. “it tastes exactly the one my step-dad used to make.” you were skeptical, as there was no way that was possible, but took the compliment.
“generational recipe,” you explained, a twinge of grief to your voice. “it was all we ate when winter came along.” the memories weren't as pleasant as the taste itself; you found yourself recalling the days there truly wasn't anything else to eat, but you never complained. you never got tired of the taste.
yoongi seemed to notice the way your tone shifted, even while draining what was left of the meal. “i get it,” was what he found himself saying. at first, you thought it was just empty comforting. “the cold took a toll on us, too. fucking hate the winter.” out of all people, you never imagined opening up to min yoongi, let alone him opening up to you. let alone him understanding you. for a second, there was nothing but silence, and the way you found yourself staring at him. you had been looking at him with the same eyes since you've met him, but this time was different. this time, you looked at each other in a way you never have before.
in a split second, the moment had passed. your phone had started to ring again, and you found yourself cursing whoever it was. taehyung, probably. you swore you'd kill him if it was him pestering you again, but it wasn't. your screen flashed, reading “no caller id” in white, bold letters. yoongi shot you a concerning glance going unnoticed as you excused yourself, leaving the room.
once you were a room away from yoongi, you answered the call with a simple, “hello?” you didn't know exactly what you were expecting to hear, nor who. maybe someone had the wrong number, or it was a spam caller. you had your list of possibilities and expectations, all but one. “(y/n)? is it you?” the voice on the other line was deep, scratchy, rough. above all else, it was familiar. the second you heard it, your blood ran cold and your heart grew weak. it had never crossed your mind, so you refused to believe it was happening. “yes,” you responded weakly, weary of your roommate in the other room. “who is this?”
in the back of your mind, you knew exactly who it was. you could see his face, and you could hear his voice. you had done your best, for years on end, to block it from your memory, but to no avail. “(y/n), you know exactly who this is,” he said, voice all but steady. your fingers quivered, breathing heavy as you did your best to keep it together. “please, sweetheart. i'm back at the house, where's your mother? where are you? come over, we have to talk.” and for a split second, the room was silent. you couldn't muster up the words you so badly needed to say, not while you blood was hot, not while your head was heavy. the shock had finally turned to anger, and you couldn't deal with it.
“you asshole,” you finally breathed out, your eyes stinging with tears that threatened to spill. “you have some fucking nerve, you asshole.” it was all that was going through your head—asshole, asshole, asshole. how could he possibly have the courage, after so long?
from the other line, your father heaved a sigh, as if symapthetic. almost as if he was ashamed. “honey, i know i'm the last person you wanna hear from right now—” you had reached your limit, patience growing thin. you knew being rational wasn't an option, not with your knees threatening to give out from under you. “she's dead, you son of a bitch,” your voice was barely above a whisper. finally, he went quiet. it was your turn to talk. “she's dead and it's all your fault, dead. she's dead, you left her, and she's dead.”
so badly did you want to keep it together, but it was no use. your whispering had gone an octave up, hands furiously quivering as the tears came running down your face. your lips were swollen, hair plastered to your forehead with sweat as you failed against the sobs that were escaping from your throat. “i'm sorry,” were the words that finished you off. with a sob, you finally hung up. you should've done it the second you heard his voice, but it was too late. his words echoed in your head, even as you tossed your phone onto the floor, ignoring the sound of fatal cracks. you couldn't keep it together, you couldn't hold it in.
he had watched the whole scene unfold, much to your dismay. you realized it the second you held your head up. tears spilled from your eyes, and you were finally falling apart. yoongi stood there, just feet away. he stared, his eyes wide with shock as he watched you. something had awoken in him as he watched the way you held your face in your hands, sobs rocking your body. he watched you, but not for long. not wall you were so close to collapsing.
your legs were about to give out, but they never did. you were falling, but never did you hit the ground. he was right there, right beside you, arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you in so that you wouldn't fall. never in your life had you felt more grateful, more safe. you held onto the fabric of his shirt, and he didn't dare let go of you. you were fragile. in that moment, you were on the verge of breaking, and he wasn't going to let it happen. so, he pulled you close. his arms were wrapped around your frame, hand on the back of your head as he pushed your face into the crook of his neck.
he could feel the way you shook under his touch, and it broke his heart. his heart hurt for you. gentle strokes were delivered to your hair as he hushed you, and all you could do was cry. he didn't stop, not until your sobs died down. “was that your dad?” was what he finally asked, careful with his words as to not worsen the situation. all you could do was nod, and it was enough for him to keep quiet. all he could do was hold you, and that was exactly what he did. it was the comfort you had been longing for.
when you had finally calmed down, when the embrace had broken, you didn't know what to think. you cursed yourself for succumbing to your emotions as quickly as you did, you cursed yourself for breaking down. it made you wonder, what was it that made you feel so safe with him? what was it that made your heart flutter, that put your mind at ease? you were no fool, all you needed to do was remember what was engraved in your mind—cold as ice, hard as stone. never choose men over being alone. it was what had kept you afloat for so long, but it wasn't what was in your heart. it wasn't what made you feel safe, not the way you did with him.
he found himself cursing the way he found himself acting with you. it was unlike him, it was out of character for him. why, all of a sudden? why was he coming to your rescue, eating your meals? why was the urge to protect you stronger than the urge to protect his pride? it was all he thought about, why was it different with you? he didn't like different, different meant unfamiliar. he didn't like how vulnerable he was with you, how safe he felt with you. he never played safe, why start? why risk it all? he needed a distraction, and he was determined to find it.
thankfully, he knew just where to look. that night, you had gone to sleep earlier than usual, with only one thing on your mind. what had happened that day replayed in your head, but only the part you wanted to think about. him. you fell asleep thinking about him, dreading how quiet it was without his presence. he wasn't far, just two dorms over.
“hey,” he greeted almost the second the door opened, as if he was in a rush. he allowed himself to come in, despite the several yelps of disapproval. “got too much on my mind, needed to see you.” he didn't need to do anything, all he wanted was to be distracted. so, he did it the only way he knew how.
the girl scoffed, but closed the door behind him. “you should've called. what? you missed me?” the question sent a chill down his spine. no, no, no. it's what he so badly wanted to say. he didn't miss her, he didn't want her. he didn't need her the way he needed you, but he didn't want to need you. he didn't want to need anybody. to him, everybody was unreliable. everybody was waiting to ruin him. he knew he was making a mistake, but he was ready. above all else, he was ready.
“take your clothes off,” he uttered out. “and you'll see how much i missed you.”
the following morning, you had gotten up earlier than you wanted to. the basket of dirty clothes had filled up again, and someone had to take care of it. when you opened your eyes, yoongi was nowhere to be found. it made you get up faster than usual, panic coursing through your veins as you searched for him. he wasn't there. while you were in your feet, headed towards the basket, he still wasn't there. you tried to calm yourself down, assuring yourself he'd walk through the door soon enough. this time, you were right.
as you picked the basket up, you heard the doorknob jiggle. he had finally come home, just before seven in the morning. he seemed tired, as if he had got done running a marathon. the tiresome expression switched to a look of shock the second he saw you. for a moment, all you did was look at each other. “where've you been?” you finally broke the silence. the question should have been expected, but he didn't know how to answer. how could he, after everything? he gulped, thinking of what to say. so, he did what he did best. he lied.
“drinking with dongwon,” the lie came out smoother than intended, smooth enough for your worries to falter. you only nodded in response. he felt awful for lying, why do it in the first place? you had seen him in much more promiscuous situations with a variety of women, what was the issue now? he knew he couldn't, not after yesterday—after everything. his eyes shifted to the basket in your hands. “taking the clothes down to the washer?” again, all you could do was nod. you had nothing to say, you were just glad he was alright. “would you take this, too?” you watched him gesture to the shirt he had on, and complied.
all you could do was stand there as he peeled his collared shirt off, it was best not to look, but oh so difficult. desperate to ditch the embarrassment, you placed the shirt into the basket, and brushed past him.
the minute you left the room, once again did he curse himself. once time, for what he did. “fuck,” was all he could say.
the washing machine belonged to the campus, and students were free to use it as much as they needed to. people had grown more aware of how challenging it was for students to make it on their own while studying, so they did their best to help. you wanted to make a quick trip, shoving the clothes into the machine as fast as you could, but something caught your eye. all of the clothes in the bin had been worn over and over again, all but yoongi's shirt. he had a different outfit on the previous day, but came back wearing a new shirt. you had presumed it was stained with alcohol, but decided to check, just in case.
maybe things had gotten out of hand while he was drinking, but you didn't remember seeing any stains. the shirt itself was clean, from what you could tell. white stained easily. it wasn't until your hands pulled the collar upwards, did you see what the problem really was. at first, you ignored the pungent smell. the shirt reeked of cheap, fruity perfume that lit your nostrils up, and it made your stomach churn. maybe dongwon had a few girls over to drink with them, it was what you hoped for. why did it matter? it had nothing to do with you. it would've been the best case, but it wasn't. you realized it wasn't the moment you lifted the collar.
the rim of the collar was stained with lipstick. bright pink lipstick. the sight of it made your heart fall, you practically felt it in your stomach. “asshole,” you breathed out, fingers clutching the fabric. you didn't know why it made you so upset, you didn't know why the sight of it made you so angry. why was he lying about it? it wasn't the first time, and you believed it wouldn't be the last. it was all you could think about, and it hurt more than you wanted it to.
you had spent the following weeks ignoring yoongi as best as you could. unfortunately, living with him didn't make it easier for you. you did your best, unable to shake the feeling of betrayal. weeks passed, and you still didn't know why it hurt you as much as it did. you couldn't bare talking to him, afraid of lashing out. losing your temper, everything you had strived for so long.
he had noticed a shift in the atmosphere from that point on, brushing it off at first. maybe you were just having a bad day, is what he had been telling himself the first few days. those days quickly turned into weeks, and nothing was the same. his comments were ignored, even his provocations and jokes. his questions were answered abruptly and coldly. he dismissed the idea of you figuring out what he had done, as he believed there was no way for you to find out, but nothing explained the way you were acting. not even the smoking and closed windows bothered you anymore.
you spent as much time with taehyung as you possibly could. if you had classes, you'd attend them alone and in silence. all your free time was spent with taehyung, not that he minded. he was the only person you told what happened, from start to finish. you told him everything, even the bits he already knew, like what happened at the party.
“you like him, don't you?” he asked the question you had been so scared of facing, let alone answering. you tried to play it off as a joke, laughing it off, but never answering. he watched you carefully, a frown on his face. he didn't need an answer, he knew it just as well as you did. you liked him. he didn't know where to go from there, all he could do was watch you, and every move of yours gave him his answer. you couldn't keep the eye contact, your fingers toyed with your hair as you stayed quiet. he knew you liked him.
that night, he thought about it. he thought about it so much, he found himself standing outside with yoongi, in the cold air. he thought about it so much, he found himself with one of yoongi's cigarettes between his lips. there was something off about him, yoongi saw it. taehyung, who was once one of his closest friends, had grown cold, hostile. taehyung didn't pay mind to how his behavior had grown strange, he only had one thing on his mind.
“she knows,” were the words that broke the silence. yoongi froze, cigarette burning between his lips. he stayed silent, couldn't say a thing. “she knows you fucked that girl.” yoongi scoffed, but he couldn't ignore how fast his heart was pounding. the increasing anxiety wasn't detectable, he did his best to ignore it. “don't know what you're talking about.”
now, it was taehyung's turn to scoff. he didn't make eye contact with his friend, taking a drag of his cigarette as he stared into the night sky. “you're a pussy,” his words finally got the attention he was looking for. “she's this great girl, y'know? she's this beautiful, smart girl and she likes you. and i wish i knew why. but, hey, what do you know? you like her, you like this great girl, but you're too big of a pussy to do anything about it.”
“you don't know shit,” yoongi practically spat at him, too defensive for his own good. he faced his friend, but taehyung remained stoic. in his heart, yoongi knew every bit of it was true. he only returned the stance as he neared the end of his cigarette, throwing it onto the ground beneath him and stepping over it. “you're right, i don't know shit,” taehyung spat back. “you like each other, but don't do shit about it. fuck around with her some more, 'till she realizes she can do better than you.” those were the last words taehyung said to him, before walking away. it took everything in him to not punch yoongi in the face, because he so desperately needed to. he wanted him to realize what was in front of him, he wanted him to realize how lucky he was.
once again, yoongi was left alone. in his heart, he knew every word of it was true, but he couldn't bring himself to come to terms with it. it was something he needed to do, but he didn't want to. he wanted to live in his bubble, with his heart closed off to anyone but him. he needed to be selfish, because it was all he knew, but as the night grew colder and harsher, he knew it wasn't what he wanted to do.
you found yourself in your bed once more, but you couldn't fall asleep. your mind wouldn't shut off, and it pissed you off. you and yoongi had gone another day without speaking, and the silence killed you. he wasn't there, and all you could think about was where he was. you let out a dry laugh, thinking history would be funny enough to repeat itself—maybe he really was out there, wetting his dick again.
that possibility lost some of its credibility when the doorknob began to budge again. like clockwork, you found yourself watching him come in. this time, he was home early, it wasn't even midnight. for a second, you locked eyes. it was quiet, you didn't dare say a word, but you couldn't not look at him. he looked at you, admiring how pretty you were, even at your worst. even with your hair messy, lips swollen, eyes beaming with exhaustion—there was no way you couldn't look good. something in that moment had clicked, and the silence was broken.
“i fucked her,” definitely wasn't the best choice of words, but he needed something to clear the air with. still, you remained quiet, only raising your eyebrows in response. you knew, he knew you knew. “i fucked her and it was a shitty thing to do. i knew it then, and i know it now.”
you stayed quiet, the empathy currently drained from your heart. how could you feel for him? “i fucked her because i needed a way to distract myself,” he paused. “from you. i'm feeling shit i've never felt, and i'm scared of feeling it. when i'm scared, i run. it's all i've ever been doing.”
he stood there, voice steady despite how honest he was trying to be. for a second, you almost understood him. you knew what it was like, running from the same feeling your entire life. it was exactly what you were taught, but never could you have done to anybody what he had done to you. “i really hope she was worth it,” you whispered, just about loud enough for him to hear. she wasn't, he knew she wasn't. she had cost him everything, and he knew there was no coming back from it.
not much had changed as the weeks flew by. nothing but the weather. the colder the weather had gotten, the more hostile you found yourself acting. not just with yoongi, but in general. even with taehyung, you found yourself snapping just to apologize seconds later. he understood, he was patient with you. once it had started to snow, you spent more time inside than outside. seeing the fluffy, white flakes coat the ground was enough for you to get a frostbite. you spent the inside of the campus has truly become a sanctuary, until you and yoongi had started to cross paths once more.
it was only because he had been staying inside just as much. the minute he had woken up to the sight of white, it was official. he didn't even bother looking at the windows, let alone taking a step outside. he only smoked indoors, kept his friends close indoors.
your anger had finally faltered as the time passed, but you and yoongi never really spoke. you had both hoped that whatever it was you were feeling would finally fade, that it was a temporary occurence. you both prayed that one day you'd wake up, and feel nothing for the other. that day never came.
though you had finally made peace with the situation and gained your composure, the weather had lost its. everything up until then had been child's play, with the outside world freezing, but the inside providing comfort. nobody had really expected the drastic change, so nobody was prepared. when the night in question rolled around, it was brutal.
a snowstorm was in the process of unfolding. those who were able to deal with it, dealed by hiding under the covers. the wind rocked the windows, it was brutal. no matter the force, nobody was able to shut them. all the wind did was fight back. the wind howled as flakes of white scattered the dorms, the cold air practically violent. it was the reason you had found yourself on the couch, away from the windows. you were doing your best to ignore it, to block the familiar sounds from your mind. the noises were messing with your head, and the brutal cold brought memories you had no interest in re-living.
your breathing escalated, and all you could do was fight back the tears, reassuring yourself under your breath. you shut yours eyes tight, hoping everything would go quiet. just for a second. it never did. at one point, the howling had started to die down, but the air only grew colder. a new sound had graced your ears, but it wasn't the wind. it wasn't the wind howling. from the corner of your eye, you could spot the source.
yoongi had problems of his own, having taken the spot right next to the window. the covers on the bed offered no comfort, not while everything was unfolding right next to him. the cold was bitter, so unfamiliarly cruel as he rocked himself under the sheets. it was the most unstable he had ever felt, as he bit back his cries, wary of you just feet away from him. he muffled his sobs, but it wasn't enough to stop the tears from flowing down his cheeks. he hated it, it was killing him.
you listened carefully, unsure of what you were listening to. ever the curious one, you pushed yourself onto your feet, with the blanket engulfing you. he was facing the opposite side, and you were absolutely sure the sounds were coming from him, the closer you grew to him. as you got closer, you could make out the sounds better. you were right, it wasn't the wind howling. you could recognize the crying all too well.
“yoongi,” it was the first time you had spoken to him in a long time. your voice rang like a melody, offering him the slightest comfort amidst everything else. slowly, he found himself turning towards you. as he did, you saw everything much clearer, and your heart skipped a beat. his eyes were swollen, lips puffy, his cheeks slick with tears. “yoongi, are you okay?”
he shook his head, and you couldn't hide the panic in your voice. despite everything, you knew you cared. you cared, he cared. hearing you was almost enough to block everything else out. it was enough for him to ignore how vulnerable he truly was in that moment, and he knew he had reached peak vulnerability. “i fucking hate winter,” he croaked out. all you could do was nod, you nodded and it pained you because you hated it, too. you hated how it took everything from you. “took my dad from me, it was too cold.” you could barely make out what he was saying, but you couldn't believe what you were able to hear. it made your heart sink, and you knew what followed was inevitable.
“it's okay, i promise,” your heart was racing as you sat on the bed, right next to him. cold, he was so cold. despite the blankets, he was freezing. “took my mom from me, yoongi. i get it, i promise i get it.” tears in your eyes threatened to match his own as his expression flashed with shock. it wasn't something you expected to hear from anyone, let alone him. “so fucking cold,” he finally whispered, and you realized just how bad he had it. you realized just how alike you were, so you finally did something so unlike the either of you.
you were careful with your actions, even if they weren't thought through. with a sniffle, you pulled the covers up. not enough to expose him to the cold more than he already had been, but enough to make room. you made enough room and, to his astonishment, you crawled in. you moved into the spot next to him, and neither of you moved. it was unlike any warmth either of you had felt before, none of the covers in the world had anything on the warmth felt in that moment.
you stared at each other with sore, puffy eyes. he watched you with soft eyes, sniffles dying down the minute you were next to him. you were perfect. more perfect than you've ever been. he was hesitant, but he found himself pulling you in. you were just as hesitant, but you found yourself scooting closer to him. nothing mattered anymore. the air surrounding you was still cold, it still hurt, but it was like his body had grown a new mind of its own. his fingers traced the side of your face, pushing strands of your hair away from your eyes. he needed to see you, all of you, and he did. you had never been closer, and you couldn't get enough of it. he was like a furnace to you, even though you were the one warming him. from the inside out.
“i love you,” he finally whispered, and neither of you looked away. he knew he couldn't take back what he said, the same way he knew how much he meant it. the words were foreign, they were words you hadn't heard in a long time. finally, you smiled. “i love you, too.” the shock that spread through his body couldn't be mimicked. for the first time in a long while, he smiled. he smiled back, and it was a genuine smile. one that wasn't provoked by teasing and joking, nothing of the sort. he hadn't been loved in a long time.
the wind stayed consistent, but nothing mattered anymore. it was as if a barrier had formed around the two of you, one that unapologetically emitted the warmest, kindest comfort imaginable. yoongi found himself moving closer to you, if possible, and you knew what was coming. you knew, and you were prepared. you loved him, you hated the cold, and you could never be what you despised the most, so you let him.
with his hand ever so gently in your hair, you allowed yourself to come closer, until the distance finally faltered. his lips pressed against yours, something he had found himself dreaming about for too long. your lips melted, colliding so gently, he swore they were made for each other. he had kissed a countless amount of women, but never like that. every ounce of regret left your body, and all you could do was kiss back. it was what you wanted more than anything. you wanted him.
he stroked your arm gently, his thumb tracing circles on your skin, sending shivers of a different kind down your spine. you looked up at him, feeling your heart race a little faster as you thought about what you wanted to say. he was so warm, so solid and comforting, and you felt a sudden rush of love for him that was almost overwhelming. you took a deep breath and whispered, “i've never done this before.” his eyes searched yours, understanding and patience in their depths. he leaned forward and kissed your forehead, his breath warm against your skin. “that's okay,” he said, his voice a gentle rumble. “we'll take it slow.”
the room was filled with a tension that was both nerve-wracking and exciting as you both realized the gravity of the moment. you felt a blush spread across your cheeks, but yoongi just held you tighter, his eyes filled with nothing but affection and reassurance.
he leaned in closer, his breath warm against your ear as he said, “but are you sure?” his question hung in the air, the only sound the soft rustle of the covers and the muffled sounds of the winter night outside. you nodded, feeling your pulse quicken. “i'm sure,” you whispered back, your voice barely audible.
yoongi pulled back, looking into your eyes, searching for any hint of doubt. finding none, he leaned in and kissed you softly, his hand moving from your arm to cup your cheek. the kiss grew deeper, more urgent, as you both became lost in the moment. the bed dipped slightly as he shifted his weight, moving to adjust himself beside you, his hand still cradling your face. his eyes searched yours, asking for permission, and you gave it with a shy nod.
he started to kiss your neck, his lips feather-light as they moved down to your collarbone. you felt his hand slowly make its way down your body, and your breath hitched in anticipation. the cold outside was forgotten as the heat between you grew, a warmth that seemed to drive away every other concern. his touch was gentle, exploratory, as if he was learning every inch of you. you felt your body respond, your heart racing and your skin tingling where he touched. his fingers traced the line of your jaw, then moved to the hem of your shirt, his thumbs hooking under the fabric.
you lifted your arms, allowing him to pull the shirt over your head, the cool air of the room making you shiver again. but as soon as the shirt was off, his warmth was back, his chest pressed against yours, his hands running up and down your back in soothing strokes, only to make another appearance, fondling your tits in a way so gentle, even he couldn't believe it. he listened to your soft moans, and it took everything in him to resist pounding you right then and there. the snow continued to fall outside, casting a serene, silent backdrop to the intimate scene unfolding in the warmth of the bedroom. the only sounds were the soft rustle of the covers and the steady beat of two hearts, in sync with each other.
his eyes never left yours as he reached for the button of your pants, his gaze filled with a mix of love and lust. you felt a thrill of excitement and nerves as he undid the button, then the zipper, his hands moving with purpose and care. he slid your pants down, revealing your bare legs to the cool air. you felt his warm breath against your skin as he kissed his way down your stomach, making you gasp.
the anticipation was almost unbearable, your body trembling with a mix of cold and desire. yoongi took his time, his kisses like a warm embrace against the winter's chill. he reached your navel, and your hips instinctively arched towards him. his eyes never left yours, as if asking for confirmation at every step.
he gently pushed your legs apart, his eyes filled with a tenderness that made you feel cherished. his hand trailed down your inner thigh, and your skin burned with every touch. when his fingers finally reached the place where no one else had been before, you tensed, but his soft, reassuring whispers kept you relaxed. with a feather-light touch, he began to explore, his movements slow and deliberate. each caress against your soaking pussy sent waves of pleasure through you, and your eyes fluttered shut as you moaned softly. the cold air was forgotten, replaced by the warmth of his body and the gentle pressure of his hand.
“fuck, princess, so wet for me,” he murmured, his dick painfully hard, practically begging for you.
as he touched you, he watched your reactions closely, learning what made you gasp, what made you shiver with pleasure. his eyes searched yours, looking for any sign of discomfort or hesitation. but all he saw was a deep, unspoken trust that made his heart swell with love. you felt your body responding to his touch, and you reached for him, your hands shaking slightly as you pulled his shirt over his head. his skin was hot against your palms, and you traced the lines of his muscles, feeling the steady thump of his heart beneath your fingertips.
the snowfall outside grew heavier, the world outside muffled and distant. the only thing that mattered was the warmth of his body against yours, the feel of his skin under your hands, and the love that was growing stronger with every shared moment.
as he pulled his boxers down, you realized just how unprepared you really were. he could stretch you out as much as he wanted, it still couldn't prepare you for what caught your eye. he was big, and he knew it. he was big and throbbing against the flesh of his abdomen, and a you could do was stare. “it's not gonna fit,” you whispered. despite his laugh, your words only made him harder. the thought of you, so small and fragile under him, breaking because of his cock—it made him desperate for you. yoongi leaned in, his breath warm against your ear as he whispered, “you'll take it, yeah?” you nodded, your eyes wide and filled with a mix of excitement and nerves. he kissed you again, deep and slow, as if trying to imprint every sensation on your soul. you felt him shift, the bed protesting slightly under his weight as he positioned himself above you. he reached for the condom on the nightstand, his movements sure and practiced. but his eyes never left yours, filled with a tenderness that was almost painful in its intensity.
you felt his hard, pulsing cock against your entrance and it was enough to make you gasp. he let out a sigh, the sight of you so vulnerable for him enough to make him cum on the spot. as he entered you, the world outside disappeared, replaced by the feeling of him filling your pussy up, the sound of your mingled breaths the only music in the room. it was a moment of pain, quickly overshadowed by a deeper, more profound sensation of belonging. you held onto him tightly, your nails digging into his back as he began to move, his rhythm gentle and steady. each stroke was a promise of forever, a declaration of love in the most primal and intimate way possible.
“so fucking tight, holy shit,” he groaned, eyes flashing between the way your pussy sucked him up, so pretty and greedy, and the way your face scrunched up in pleasure, pure pleasure. you and yoongi moved together, each stroke bringing you closer to the precipice of pleasure. your breaths grew ragged, your hearts pounding in unison as you climbed higher and higher. and when you finally fell over the edge, you came all over him. “just like that, all over my dick.”
you were overwhelmed, the foreign feeling gracing you with an irreplaceable euphoria you've so badly been craving. he leaned forward, capturing your lips in yet another messy kiss, his hands erratic. they moved as fast as they could, savoring the way your tits felt in them, the way your fleshy thighs spilled out of them. as he pounded into you, a you could do was moan into his mouth. “so good, fuck, yoongi,” the sound of his name leaving your mouth in such a dirty position was enough to send him over the edge.
he was desperate, his hips slamming into your pelvis as his dick brushed your sweet spot. your walls squeezed him, practically milking him for all he had to offer. his groans grew louder as he neared his high, his thrusts sending your eyes into the back of your head as he savored you. you were all his. “gonna cum, fuck,” he moaned, and he was right. he came with a groan, lost in the way you moaned for him, foreheads pressed against each other. he came into the condom, his dick throbbing into your cunt as he did so. it was good, so good.
when he finally pulled out, you did nothing but stare into each other's eyes. you knew that you had just shared something incredibly special, something that would change everything. but as you looked into his eyes, you also knew that no matter what was to come, you would face it together, wrapped in the warmth of your love, and it was stronger than any storm.
“i love you,” this time, it was your turn to say it. for a second, the fear of him leaving, discarding you like you meant nothing to him, like you were just another girl, became present. you weren't just another girl, you never were. “i love you, too.” it was enough, more than enough. how could you ever be just another girl? he alone wasn't strong enough against the cold, not without you.
a/n: i hope this does well because this cliché took so long to write lol!! if it does, i'll do a follow-up, as there's a lot of unfinished business haha. only if it's what the readers want. thank you for reading!!!
frostbite 2 (동상 2) — min yoongi (민윤기)
the first part can be found here

✧.* 18+
when an object is cold, it typically absorbs heat from its surroundings. heat transfer occurs from a warmer object to a cooler object in an attempt to reach thermal equilibrium. so, if an object is colder than its surroundings, it will absorb heat from the environment until it reaches the same temperature as its surroundings. that just so happened to be the case with you. with you and min yoongi.
people had a negative way of reaction to the cold. their primal, native instinct was to warm themselves up as best as they could. maybe they'd wear double layers, accesorize with some mittens and soft boots. it was their way of building a natural defense against something that could potentially harm them. you never had a defense of your own, you were more likely to adapt to your surroundings, because you couldn't freeze something that had been cold for so long.
“i look stupid as shit in this, don't i?” no, you didn't need a defense, but you didn't need to adapt anymore either. all you had to do was surround yourself with what made you feel warm, what kept you invincible against the blizzards that awaited. the little things, like what you had found yourself staring at for a good minute. really, how were you supposed to tell him that the hawaiian shirt made him look like a ketamine-addicted tourist? he looked too cute.
you suppressed a giggle, unable to contain your laughter as you watched him scowl. “you've never looked better,” you couldn't help but tease. “all you're missing is a lei and coconut bra.” he shot you a look, feigning offense, but he doesn't remember the last time he was as happy as he was with you. you had spent the entire summer with him, and you knew the next semester was close, but the more time you had spent with him, the less you thought about it. all of your days were spent together, even your nights. the minute you had told him about your refusal to go back home—about how painful it was—he made it his mission to keep you as far away from it as possible.
he had become your new home, and you had become his. he had little to no interest in spending time with his family, he knew all it would do was piss him off. he never felt that way around you. it was amazing, the effect different environments had on people.
your activities had ranged from coffee dates and shopping, to sitting by the sea, to anything and everything. yoongi had truly believed he had turned a new leaf because of you, and it meant everything to you. he also knew that, despite all odds, he was more closer to your heart than he'd ever been. it wasn't the weather, the lack of snow and ice, it was love. you both knew it, because the smallest of moments were crucial. months had passed, and the slightest touch of his still made you blush. kissing you had still felt unreal. nothing mattered.
of course, there was still tension. nothing you couldn't push past, but the little things made you wonder. once, you had found yourself walking past an ice cream parlor with him, only for him to stop dead in his tracks. it was uncanny, the way he practically shivered at the sight of colorful, cold slabs being scooped into cups and cones. it made you frown, but you didn't ask. you never had to, you knew the feeling better than anyone. so, you'd give his hand a tight squeeze—a sign of reassurance—and you wouldn't let go as you led him away, not even when it left his sight.
your deeds never went unnoticed, he knew you cared about him the same way he cared about you. he treasured you, the thought of anything happening to you made him physically ill. not only that, but it pissed him off to a foreign extent. he had never been possessive over anybody or anything the way he was over you. much like the relationship itself, it was unfamiliar to him, a new experience, but he was willing to accept it. for you, he'd accept anything.
by the time the next semester had rolled around, nothing had changed. the campus stayed the same, the students stayed the same, you and yoongi stayed the same. of course, the air had become more crisp, but it had nearly gone unnoticed this time. almost everything had remained exactly the same.
almost everything. there had always been a saying that friendships had a bond just as strong as relationships. or at least, that's what you had believed. friends didn't fight the way couples did, they weren't intimate the way couples were. couples could be friends, but friends could never be couples, and that was the beauty of it, wasn't it?
the first time you had noticed a change in taehyung's behavior happened to be the very first day of your second year. during the vacation, you coincidentally hadn't spoken a word to each other. nothing was said, no messages were exchanged, but you thought nothing of it. you had presumed he had his own things going on. it was summer break, after all. that possibility had quickly left the list the minute he saw you. he saw you, and you had changed more than intended.
if the grin on your face was any indication, you were much happier than you were the year prior. the first time you had met him, he was the one with a shiny smile painting his lips. you were more stoic, cold, despite becoming one of his closest friends. you seemed more cheerful, like you had let loose. he didn't even have to ask, he knew the reason better than anyone. sometimes, he could feel hate brewing in his stomach towards himself for ever convincing yoongi to talk things out with you. he knew it was a selfish feeling, but he was only human. he had the right to feel, to love. the same feeling had started to make an appearance when he saw you, just down the hall. had you gotten prettier, or were you just happier? your hair was lighter, your skin a few shades darker. the sun had done its work. it was as if he was staring at the sun.
so badly did he want to greet you, to hug you. he missed you, he missed seeing you. he had nothing else to look forward to in school, seeing you kept him happy—the way he was supposed to be. instead, he walked right past you. your face fell as you turned back, waiting for him to do the same, to say he didn't see or recognize you, but it never happened. he wasn't in a hurry, and he didn't seem sick. you saw the way he looked at you—and he most definitely looked—a dull, lifeless look in his eyes, as if you had done something wrong. in the moment, you chose not to say anything. yoongi was the one who had the pleasure of hearing all about it.
“he is such an asshole,” you continued, pacing around the room for what felt like an hour. to yoongi, obviously. he rolled his eyes, but listened nonetheless. it wasn't that he didn't care about what you had to say, about what was bugging you—he just didn't want to hear about taehyung. “what the fuck did i do to him? i've been nothing but a friend, and now i'm getting the cold shoulder.”
yoongi sighed, “let him be, it's just the way he is,” was all he could say. he knew that wasn't the case, he knew that taehyung had become just as dismissive of him, and he knew the reason. it had been crystal clear to him that he was jealous, he knew it before all hell even broke loose. above all else, yoongi knew there was nothing he could do about it. he wasn't going to choose anybody's feelings over you. “ignore him and it'll pass, okay?”
all you could do was huff as he placed a reassuring kiss onto your forehead, nodding in agreement. after all, he was right; no response was the best response. maybe taehyung was just going through something of his own.
“by the way, there's something i wanted to talk to you about,” yoongi announced, placing both of his hands onto your shoulders. he gave your arms a gentle squeeze as you perked your head up, suddenly intrigued. “but you have to promise me you won't freak, okay?” you nodded in response, eager to hear what he had to say. he smiled at your excitement, but he couldn't help the anxiety that began to course through his veins.
it was something he had been wanting to ask you for a long time, but he never had the chance. he wanted the timing to be right, but it never seemed to be. “i talked to my mom recently, just before school started, and i told her all about you,” he was only halfway through his sentence, and it was already getting difficult to bite back the growing smile on your face. he had told his mother all about you, the woman who birthed him. “she and my step-dad wanna have lunch with us this weekend, they're dying to get to know you.” it was official, there was nothing left for you to hold back.
his heart finally steadied at the sight of your smile, he took it was a positive sign. “min yoongi wants me to meet his parents,” you teased, your smile never faltering. “what kind of girlfriend would i be if i said no?” he couldn't have possibly asked for a better answer. with a smile, he wrapped his arms around your waist, engulfing you in a hug. “you're the best girlfriend ever, i promise they'll be nice,” he murmured into your neck.
the week leading up to the lunch felt like an eternity. each day crawled by, filled with anticipation and anxiety that gnawed at you incessantly. yoongi, with his calming presence and reassuring words, tried to ease your nerves, but the thought of meeting his parents weighed heavily on your mind. you couldn’t shake the pang of insecurity that came along with the idea of making a good impression. after all, you’d heard stories of how discerning parents could be, especially when it came to their son's happiness. on top of everything, you had made no progress with taehyung.
he ignored you during your joint classes, during your free periods—you had even tried starting up a conversation, and it had gotten you nowhere. “do you have a spare pencil?” was your ultimate question, with his seat just next to yours. for a second, he looked at you, and there was hope. that hope went away in the blink of an eye—he didn't even spare a simple shake of his head, he just ignored you. you frowned, but said no more. the way he looked at you was unexplainable, almost painful. yet you still said nothing.
as monday melted into tuesday, and then wednesday merged into thursday, you devoted every free moment to preparing for the fateful lunch. at the campus library, you flipped through magazines, gathering ideas on fashion and etiquette, meticulously choosing outfits that projected confidence while still feeling like you. friday morning arrived, and after a thorough search of your closet, you finally settled on a chic yet comfortable ensemble. the day had finally come. sitting at your desk, you meticulously applied your makeup, ensuring that each brushstroke accentuated your features without overshadowing your natural beauty. just as you were putting the finishing touches on your look, you felt a familiar presence behind you. “are you ready?” yoongi's voice broke through your thoughts, warm and supportive.
he leaned against the doorframe, his casual demeanor instantly grounding you. he couldn't take his eyes off you. even after so many months, no girl was as beautiful as you were. no girl could come close. you turned around, heart fluttering at the sight of him. he wore a simple black sweater, his hair falling casually over his forehead, effortlessly charming. “almost,” you replied, forcing a smile. “just need to grab my bag.”
as you both set out for the restaurant, the air was thick with anticipation. his parents had chosen a spot closer to the campus, but it wasn't exactly a casual spot. by the looks of it, you could practically hear bank accounts draining. yoongi held your hand, squeezing it gently as you approached the entrance. you could feel your heart racing, and a mix of excitement and trepidation washed over you. “just remember,” he said softly, “my parents are going to love you. just be yourself.” you nodded, grateful for his support.
before stepping into the restaurant, you both paused for a brief moment outside. the bustling sounds of the city faded as you took a deep breath, grounding yourself with the scent of fresh flowers nearby. “you’ve got this,” he encouraged, brushing his thumb against your knuckles. with that, you stepped through the door, the chatter of diners enveloping you. as you approached the table where his parents waited, he could see the familiarity in their faces, warmth etched in their expressions. yoongi led you to the table as you fell behind him, the crowd of people making it impossible to see and squeeze through.
the minute you managed to squeeze through, you found yourself making some last-minute adjustments. you dusted your jeans, flattening them and making sure you looked presentable. with a sigh, you pushed your hair back and tilted your head forward, thinking you were finally ready for what was to come. the second you did, you realized just how unprepared you really were.
“(y/n)?” and the sound of your name rang in the air for what could have been forever. nobody shared your look of horror—not yoongi, nor his mother, who shared a look of utter confusion. it was your face that fell, as if all the blood had been drained from your skin, as if the life had left your body. your eyes were wide, pupils dilated to pinpricks as if you'd seen something so profoundly disturbing that your mind couldn’t process it. and you did, you really did. your gaze was fixed and unblinking, a silent scream trapped within.
“dad,” and he was everything but that, yet you still couldn't stop the name from passing your lips. four, five, six years had gone by in the blink of an eye, and he was still everything but that. six years had gone by since you uttered his name, and six years had led up to nothing but a nightmare coming to life.
in that moment, shared confusion finally morphed into horror. yoongi stood completely still, his body frozen as if the shock had turned him to stone. his face was locked in a rictus of terror, every muscle taut and unmoving, betraying the internal chaos raging within. he couldn't process what was happening, and he truly didn't want to. his eyes flickered between you and his step-father, and the scene that was in the process of unfolding was something that haunted him to his very core.
“(y/n)—” your father found himself calling out your name once more, but you had no interest in participating anymore. you had no interest in playing the sick, twisted gamr the universe had so cruelly had in store. despite his hand reaching for you, you found yourself moving backwards. your face crumpled as if you had been punched, the lines of your features collapsing into a grotesque expression of disbelief. your brows knitted together, and her eyes were filled with an agonizing realization that seemed almost too much to bear.
“no,” and it was all you could think to say. “no, no, no,” a sequence of the same word in an everlasting repetition as you backed away from the table. your head had started to spin, the background noise becoming suffocating.
it didn't take long for you to run for the exit, the walking in reverse only worsening your state. you ran, you ran out of the restaurant, and you didn't know what was happening. you couldn't process what was happening. you had told yoongi absolutely everything—he knew absolutely everything. the same way you knew everything—how his father had passed, how his mother had re-married, how fond he was of his step-father. you felt queasy at the thought, practically collapsing in front of the restaurant.
yoongi had put the pieces together as he ran after you. he said nothing more to his parents when his instincts kicked in—he ran. his face went ashen, his hands gripping his stomach as if trying to hold back the rising tide of nausea. the grotesque scene made his insides lurch, and he fought to keep himself from retching. everything had started to come together, even the stew that you had made him found its role to play, yet nothing made sense.
what was supposed to be clean, crisp air felt like an icy blanket against your skin as you fled the restaurant. the once-warm atmosphere of the evening had turned frigid, and each step you took seemed to echo the churning chaos inside your heart. your footsteps pounded against the pavement, and the hum of distant traffic was a dissonant backdrop to your escalating panic. behind you, yoongi’s footsteps grew louder, his hurried breaths blending with the rhythm of your own. his voice, strained with emotion, called out, “wait! please, just wait!”
you couldn’t stop. the sight of your father, now yoongi’s stepfather, had struck a devastating blow. the pain of abandonment, which had never truly healed, surged up anew. you could feel the tears blurring your vision, mixing with the raw fury and confusion that churned within you. how could this happen? how could he be so close, yet so impossibly distant?
you stumbled through the parking lot, the gleam of streetlights casting long, distorted shadows. you reached the edge of the street, the dim light from a nearby lamppost flickering erratically. your breaths came in ragged bursts, and you tried to calm the storm inside, but every time you thought of yoongi’s mother sitting beside him, the image of your father at the table, it only intensified the emotional tempest.
yoongi’s hand touched your shoulder gently but firmly, his touch a jarring contrast to the storm raging inside you. he turned you to face him, his eyes searching yours with a desperation that cut through your turmoil. “please,” he said, his voice breaking, “let’s talk this out. i know this is overwhelming, but running away won’t solve anything. we need to work through this together.”
you shook your head vehemently, tears streaming down your cheeks. “no, yoongi, you don’t get it. this isn’t just about you and me anymore. it’s about my entire life being upended. my father abandoned me when i needed him the most, and now he’s a part of your life. it’s too much. it’s unbearable.” yoongi’s face twisted with a blend of pain and confusion. “i understand that this is a lot to process, but we can face this together. we’ve built something real, something beautiful. don’t let this tear us apart. i want to be here for you, through all of this.”
his words cut through you, but they also felt like a cruel irony. the very thing that made his plea so heartfelt was the same thing that made it impossible for you to stay. your heart ached at the sight of his pained expression, but the distance between you felt as insurmountable as the ocean. “you don’t understand,” you said, your voice quivering. “you can’t understand what it feels like to see someone who hurt you so deeply now being part of the life you’ve built. i can’t bear the thought of seeing him at every family event, every holiday, every time i come to visit. it’s not just about us anymore. It’s about a wound that never healed.”
yoongi’s eyes filled with a mixture of pleading and sorrow, as tears of his own threatened to spill. “please, don’t do this. we’ve been through so much together. i need you. i love you. i can’t just let you go without fighting for us. we can figure this out. i promise we can find a way to make this work.”
you felt a deep, wrenching pain at his words, a profound sadness that seemed to echo your own. “i’m so sorry, yoongi,” and it was all you could say. all you could do was apologize, because you knew it was over. you knew that the very thing keeping you afloat was about to let you drown.
with those final words, you turned and walked away, feeling yoongi’s gaze on your back as you moved further into the night. each step felt like an echo of the heartbreak you were leaving behind, and the street seemed to stretch endlessly before you, reflecting the uncertain path you now had to navigate alone. the night that followed was silent except for the distant hum of traffic, and as you walked away from, not just yoongi and the restaurant, but from everything.
the days following the breakup were a painful blend of routine and heartache. the dorm you shared with yoongi felt like a haunted space, where every corner seemed to echo with the remnants of what had once been. the silence between you was palpable, a constant reminder of the fracture in your lives. you'd become adept at avoiding him, slipping in and out of the apartment with calculated precision, hoping to minimize the awkward encounters that were now a painful part of your daily life. your classes and studies provided a temporary escape, but even there, the weight of the situation followed you, a shadow that refused to lift.
one particular afternoon, as you settled into a lecture hall, yoongi was left alone in the apartment. the sound of his footsteps, heavy and laden with melancholy, echoed in the quiet space. with you away, he sought solace in old habits that had long been buried. he pulled out a pack of cigarettes, the familiar rustle of the wrapper a sad comfort. the cigarette’s glow cut through the darkness of his room, but the smoke only seemed to amplify the shadows in his soul. the only part that remained unchanged was the open window.
the alcohol came next. he poured himself a drink, the amber liquid swirling in the glass as he stared vacantly at the wall. the burn of the liquor was a fleeting distraction from the gnawing emptiness inside him. he sank into a chair, the alcohol doing little to numb the ache that lingered in his heart. as the night deepened, his usual habits returned with a vengeance. he reached out to old friends, seeking solace in transient connections that only left him feeling more hollow. the nights were spent in a haze of smoke, drinks, and fleeting encounters with girls that roamed the halls, waiting for an ounce of a chance with him—an attempt to drown out the echo of your absence.
as you returned from class, you noticed a change. the apartment was filled with a sense of coldness, almost as if the warmth had been sucked out of it. yoongi’s demeanor had shifted dramatically; he was distant and cruel, his once-familiar warmth replaced by a frosty detachment. his once kind eyes were now often cast downward, and when they did meet yours, there was a sharpness in his gaze that was both new and painfully familiar.
weeks passed in a blur of strained interactions and bitter silence. it was during this period that you began to notice something troubling. yoongi’s routine had become erratic, punctuated by sudden absences and late-night returns. he was frequently out of the dorm, and the frequency of his comings and goings began to raise questions.
it wasn’t until one evening, as you returned from a late class, that the reality of yoongi’s new life hit you with full force. you entered the apartment to find it unusually quiet. a faint, melodic laughter reached your ears from the adjoining room. as you approached, the laughter grew louder, and you saw her—a girl, strikingly familiar, sitting on the couch in his presence. you had recognized her from your psych class. a gorgeous girl—a smart, gorgeous girl. they were locked in an intimate conversation, and the sight of them together was a punch to the gut.
yoongi’s new girlfriend had become a frequent visitor, her presence an unspoken testament to how his life had irrevocably changed. the frequency of her visits and the way Yoongi’s demeanor shifted in her presence made it clear that he had moved on, leaving you behind in a painful echo of the past.
you retreated to your room, your heart heavy with the realization that the man you had once shared your life with was now building a new one, one that did not include you. the echoes of his old habits and the new relationship only served to magnify the void left in the wake of your broken heart. the dorm, once a shared sanctuary, had become a place of silent suffering and unspoken regrets. each day was a reminder of the pain and loss that had unfolded, leaving both of you grappling with the emotional wreckage of a relationship that had ended too soon.
the afternoon sun cast a gentle, golden hue over the campus as you sat alone on a bench outside, a serene contrast to the turmoil inside you. the quiet beauty of the setting seemed almost mocking, a serene backdrop to the emotional storm that raged within. you had come here in search of some semblance of peace, but instead, you found yourself lost in a labyrinth of memories and regrets. the past weeks had been a blur of sadness and loneliness. yoongi’s absence, the cold distance between you two, and the abrupt change in his life had left you feeling abandoned and adrift. the dorm had become a place of constant reminders of what was lost, and even the comfort of familiar spaces had turned against you.
sitting on the bench, you let your thoughts wander through the fragments of your recent past—yoongi’s new girlfriend, his sudden coldness, and the growing void in your life. each thought seemed to pull you further into the abyss of your own emotions. you felt a deep ache, an overwhelming sense of loneliness that no amount of rationalization could soothe.
the quiet of the campus was interrupted only by the distant hum of students and the occasional rustle of leaves. you fought to keep the tears at bay, but the weight of everything proved too heavy. your shoulders began to shake, and soon, the sobs you had been holding back burst forth uncontrollably. you buried your face in your hands, letting the tears flow freely, each one a testament to the heartache and confusion that had consumed you.
it was in a moment of utter despair that you felt a presence behind you. the sensation was faint but unmistakable. you wiped your eyes and turned, expecting to see a passerby or perhaps another student. instead, your eyes met with taehyung’s—his gaze soft, yet filled with a deep concern that mirrored your own pain. his absence in recent weeks had been painfully noticeable, particularly after your relationship with yoongi became more serious. the silence between you two had been a silent testament to unspoken feelings and unresolved tension.
he approached cautiously, his usual exuberance replaced by a solemnity that matched the mood. “can i sit with you?” he asked, his voice gentle yet laced with an earnest vulnerability. you nodded, unable to speak through the remnants of your tears. taehyung settled beside you on the bench, his presence a soothing balm to your fractured emotions. for a long moment, there was silence between you, the kind that spoke volumes without uttering a single word.
finally, the floodgates of emotion that you had tried so hard to hold back burst open again. you began to tell taehyung everything—from what happened to your parents, to what happened in the restaurant, to what was currently happening. each word was a painful release, and taehyung listened with a patience and understanding that you had desperately needed, despite the shock that flooded his system.
he reached out, placing a comforting hand on your back. “i’m so sorry you’re going through this,” he said softly. “i’ve been an asshole for not reaching out sooner. i let my feelings get in the way of being there for you.” the warmth of his hand and the sincerity in his voice brought a fresh wave of tears. you leaned into him, finding solace in his comforting presence. his arms wrapped around you, and for the first time in weeks, you felt a genuine sense of comfort and safety.
you were grateful. for a moment, you allowed yourself to feel grateful. taehyung and you grew closer than ever before. he became a constant, reassuring presence in your life, a bright spot in a time that had been marred by sorrow. he made efforts to distract you from the pain, planning outings, watching movies, and engaging in late-night talks that made the days more bearable.
the transformation in you was noticeable. you began to smile more, laugh freely, and engage in activities that had once brought you joy. even yoongi, though still distant, couldn’t help but notice the change. the sight of you appearing happier, more vibrant, stirred something within him. despite his new relationship, there was a pang of jealousy and regret that gnawed at him. he observed how taehyung seemed to be a beacon of light in your life, and it only served to highlight his own sense of loss.
“what's this?” you exclaimed, startled as taehyung came up from behind you. you were in the middle of studying, whilst waiting for his arrival, but he didn't come empty-handed.
a smile graced his face as he stood before you, a tray in his hands. you furrowed your eyebrows as you analyzed the contents of the paper tray—food, food that was definitely homemade, and not a product of the cafeteria. you looked up at him, flushed in the face as he took a seat next to you. “i made this,” he announced proudly. “don't just stare, it's for you.” the smile on your face faltered, but it wasn't because you weren't happy. in fact, you were delighted. no one had ever cooked you a meal since your mother had passed, and it was something that had been bugging taehyung for days. specifically, since you told him about her. it hurt him how you had to spend years fending for yourself, feeding yourself.
you couldn't stop yourself from wrapping your arms around him, pulling him in for a tight hug. he gladly accepted, returning the hug as he nuzzled his head into the crack of your neck. you had hugged so many times, but never like that. “thank you, tae,” and the nickname stuck. the gentle tone you used stuck. he remained silent, but he refused to break the embrace. it was something that hadn't gone unnoticed—you settled into his touch, and took note of just how sweet he was being.
“you're joking,” yoongi muttered to himself. it was stronger than him, he couldn't help the way his blood just so happened to boil. he was just a few meters away. he didn't want to watch—he wanted to walk past you like he didn't care, but he cared. he cared too much. he knew he had no right—he was the one that was cruel, the one that moved onto the next new thing, why couldn't you?
the days had settled into a comforting routine of companionship and mutual support. taehyung’s presence was like a steady anchor in the stormy sea of your emotions, and his efforts to bring light into your life had begun to heal some of the wounds that had seemed so insurmountable.
one evening, after another day spent together, you and taehyung were sitting on the couch in the living room. yoongi had gone somewhere, perhaps to his girlfriend's dorm, it didn't really matter. the room was dimly lit by the soft glow of a lamp, casting a warm, soothing light. the air was filled with the soft hum of a music playlist, and you both had just finished a shared meal—one that he had cooked—lingering over the simple pleasure of being in each other’s company.
he had been unusually quiet, his usual cheerfulness replaced by a contemplative mood. you noticed the change but chose to let it be, sensing that something was weighing on his mind. as the music played softly in the background, he turned to face you, his expression serious yet kind. “there’s something I’ve been meaning to talk to you about,” he began, his voice carrying a note of hesitation that immediately drew your attention. he took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts as he looked at you with an intensity that made your heart skip a beat.
you nodded, sensing the gravity of the moment. “what’s on your mind?” you asked, your voice gentle, hoping to offer him the space to express whatever was troubling him.
his gaze dropped to his hands, fidgeting slightly as he tried to find the right words. “i’ve been thinking a lot about us—about the time we’ve spent together recently,” he said slowly. “and i’ve realized something. i really care about you. i mean, more than just as a friend.”
his words hung in the air, and you could feel the sincerity in his tone. you could see the vulnerability in his eyes, a reflection of the feelings he was trying to articulate. the room seemed to hold its breath as he continued. “i like you,” he said, his voice wavering slightly with the weight of his confession. “i’ve had feelings for you for a long time now. and i know things have been really tough for you lately, and i don’t want to push you or make things harder. but i want to be honest about how I feel. i'dd really like us to be more than just friends, if you’re open to it.”
the confession was delivered with such earnestness that it left you momentarily speechless. you could sense the depth of his feelings, and though you were still healing from the end of your relationship with yoongi, his words resonated with a different kind of warmth. you took a deep breath, your mind racing through the emotions and thoughts that his confession stirred. the memories of your relationship with Yoongi were still fresh and raw, and you found yourself hesitating. there was a part of you that wanted to take this chance with taehyung, who had been a steadfast support throughout your struggles. but you were also wary of comparing what you had with him to what you once had with yoongi.
his eyes were searching yours, filled with hope and a hint of nervousness. he had laid his heart bare, and the vulnerability of the moment was palpable. you could see how much courage it had taken for him to speak up, and you didn’t want to hurt him with a response that might imply you weren’t ready or that you were comparing him to your ex.
the silence stretched, and you could feel the weight of your indecision. you wanted to be honest, but you also didn’t want to diminish the significance of bis feelings. finally, you nodded slowly, trying to give him an answer that reflected your own complex emotions without dismissing his sincerity.
“tae,” you began softly, “i really appreciate you being so honest with me. i’ve been through a lot recently, and i’m still figuring things out. but i like you. i like you, too. and I’d like to see where this could go, if you’re willing to give it a chance.” a look of relief washed over his face, and he reached out to take your hand gently.
“thank you,” he said, his voice filled with quiet gratitude. “i know this is a lot to take in, and i’m not asking for anything to be decided right away. i just wanted you to know how i feel.” you squeezed his hand, feeling a mix of hope and apprehension. the connection between you was different from what you had experienced with yoongi, but there was something undeniably comforting about taehyung’s presence.
taehyung kept his arm wrapped around your shoulders, and you leaned into him, enjoying the closeness. the laughter and conversation flowed easily, a stark contrast to the loneliness you had felt just weeks before. as the night wore on, the atmosphere between you grew more charged, a testament to the deepening bond you were forming.
the way he looked at you was heartfelt, and the sincerity in his eyes made your heart flutter. you looked up at him, your eyes meeting his with a mixture of adoration and hesitstion. his hand gently cupped your cheek, and as he leaned in, you could feel the anticipation build. when his lips finally touched yours, it was a soft, exploratory kiss. it started with a gentle press, a tender connection that seemed to convey all the unspoken emotions between you. as the kiss deepened, it became more passionate, a beautiful expression of the feelings that had grown between you. his hand slid to the back of your neck, pulling you closer, his touch both comforting and exhilarating.
just as the kiss reached its most intense, the sudden slam of the dorm door broke the moment. yoongi, disheveled and clearly inebriated, stumbled into the room. his eyes widened in shock as he took in the scene before him—taehyung’s arms around you, the lingering kiss that had just ended. for a few tense seconds, he stood there, frozen in place. his face was a mix of anger and confusion, the alcohol exacerbating his emotions.
taehyung, noticing the intrusion, broke the kiss and looked over his shoulder. he met yoongi’s gaze with a steely calmness. “goodnight, sweetheart,” he murmured, his voice steady despite the charged atmosphere. he leaned in to give you a quick, but gentle kiss on the cheek. “i'll see you tomorrow.”
he stood up, walking towards the other man with a confident stride. the two men exchanged a long, menacing look—taehyung’s eyes filled with a defiant challenge, while yoongi’s gaze was a mix of fury and jealousy. without a word, taehyung walked past him and out of the dorm, leaving the tension palpable in the room.
as his footsteps faded away, you turned to face your ex-boyfriend, trying to ignore the turmoil brewing inside you. you busied yourself with preparing for bed, the normalcy of the routine contrasting sharply with the emotional upheaval. you could feel his eyes on you, his presence a constant reminder of the past you were trying to move beyond.
after a few minutes of strained silence, yoongi’s voice broke through, laced with a mocking tone. “your boyfriend’s cute,” he said, the words dripping with a mixture of sarcasm and envy. you looked over at him, your emotions still raw. “well, your girlfriend’s even cuter,” you retorted, trying to mask the hurt with a sharp edge.
his expression darkened, and he leaned against the doorframe, his gaze intense. “her name is joohyun,” he said, his voice flat. the correction struck you like a physical blow. the way he spoke about her only deepened the wound. you forced a smile, though it felt brittle and insincere. “huh, pretty name,” you said, your voice barely above a whisper.
you and yoongi locked eyes, the shared pain between you palpable. there was an unspoken understanding in the look you exchanged—an acknowledgment of the hurt and regret that lay beneath the surface. it was a moment of raw honesty, even though no words were spoken. with a final, heavy sigh, you turned away and made your way to your room. the quiet of the dorm was almost suffocating, the weight of the recent events hanging heavily in the air. as you closed the door behind you, the tears you had been holding back finally fell, mingling with the sorrow of a relationship that had ended and the pain of seeing him move on so quickly.
the days following the confrontation had been a delicate balance of strained civility and simmering tension. the air between you and yoongi had shifted from outright hostility to a more subdued, yet pervasive, awkwardness. he no longer expressed his anger through harsh words or glaring silence; instead, he resorted to mocking comments and passive-aggressive remarks, all aimed at your budding relationship.
every morning, you would encounter yoongi in the shared spaces of the dorm. he had taken to casually taunting you about your new relationship, his comments laced with a biting edge that made your stomach churn. the kitchen became a battlefield of sarcastic jabs and forced smiles.
one morning, as you were preparing coffee, he sauntered into the kitchen, his demeanor as nonchalant as ever. “so, how’s your boyfriend doing?” he asked, his tone dripping with sarcasm. “you two planning a romantic dinner tonight? maybe you’ll even get a serenade.”
you shot him a pointed glare but kept your response measured. “taehyung’s been really great. thanks for asking,” you said, trying to keep your voice steady as you poured the coffee. he chuckled, leaning against the counter. “oh, i'm sure he is. i mean, he’s perfect, right? must be nice to have someone who’s always ‘so thoughtful’ and ‘so caring.’”
the irritation was mounting, but you chose to ignore it, focusing on your breakfast. you had hoped the passive-aggressive remarks would eventually stop, but they only seemed to escalate. each day brought new comments, each more pointed and bitter than the last. it was clear that his jealousy was consuming him, and he channeled it into these relentless, mocking jabs.
the situation reached a new level of discomfort one afternoon in the common room. you were sitting on the couch, absorbed in a book, when he plopped down beside you. he took a swig from his beer, his eyes flicking over to you with a smirk. “let me ask you something,” he said, his tone condescending. within a second, he was close. much too close. “has he fucked you yet? how good does he fuck you?”
the question hit you like a physical blow, the frustration and hurt that had been building up finally reaching a boiling point. you slammed the book shut and stood up abruptly, facing him. “you know what, yoongi? i'm sick of your shit. i don't give you shit for joohyun, you should think of doing the same.”
he raised an eyebrow, his smirk widening. “for someone who can take dick so well, a joke is where you draw the line?”
that was the final straw. without thinking, you reached out and aimed a slap at his face. the movement was swift and fueled by a mixture of anger and hurt, but his reflexes were quicker than you were. he caught your wrist before your hand could make contact, his grip firm and unyielding.
his eyes locked onto yours, a storm of emotions swirling within them. there was a tense silence as he held your wrist, both of you caught in the charged moment. the air was thick with unspoken words, and the close proximity made it impossible to ignore the intensity between you. “don’t,” he said, his voice low and strained. “don’t think you can just lash out at me like that.”
you tried to pull your wrist free, but his grip only tightened. “let me go, yoongi,” you said, your voice trembling with a mixture of anger and vulnerability. instead of releasing you, he used his free hand to brace himself against the wall, trapping you between his body and the hard surface. his face was inches from yours, and the heat of his breath mingled with yours. the physical closeness was overwhelming, a stark reminder of the intimacy you once shared and had now become a battlefield of emotions.
for a moment, neither of you spoke. the intensity of the confrontation was palpable, a fierce clash of emotions and desires. you could see the conflict in his eyes—his anger, his frustration, but also a lingering trace of hurt and longing. it was as if he was struggling to reconcile his feelings with the reality of the situation.
“you think you can just move on like that?” he asked, his voice hoarse. “like it’s all so easy for you?” you met his gaze, your own emotions mirrored in the depth of his eyes. “i learned from the best.”
the proximity and tension were almost unbearable. you could feel the conflict within him, the way he fought to suppress the remnants of his feelings for you. his grip on your wrist remained firm, but the energy between you was shifting. it was a battle between holding on and letting go, a struggle that seemed to stretch on for an eternity. finally, with a visible effort, he loosened his grip and stepped back, his expression a mix of frustration and resignation. “fine,” he muttered, turning away. “you wanna act like you love him? go ahead.”
you rubbed your wrist where his grip had left a mark, feeling a mixture of relief and residual anger. the moment of intense proximity had left you both emotionally drained. his retreating figure was a reminder of the complex and painful dynamics between you. with a deep sigh, you turned and walked away from the common room, heading towards your bedroom. the confrontation had left you shaken, and the sense of unresolved tension lingered in the air. as you closed the door behind you, you leaned against it, closing your eyes as you tried to steady your breathing.
as you lay in bed, trying to process the emotional upheaval of the day, your phone buzzed on the nightstand. the light from the screen cut through the darkness, drawing your attention. you reached over and picked it up, blinking as you saw taehyung’s name displayed on the screen. you opened the message, your heart lifting slightly at the sight of his familiar text— reading in big letters—“dinner tomorrow at 8? i’ve got a place in mind that i think you’ll really like. let me know if you’re up for it!”
a small smile tugged at your lips as you read the message. you could practically read them in his voice. his thoughtful gesture was a welcome distraction from the turmoil you had experienced earlier. his consideration for your feelings and his attempt to bring a bit of normalcy and joy into your life was a balm to your frazzled emotions.
you quickly typed out a response, your fingers moving with a newfound eagerness—“sounds wonderful, tae. i can't wait to see you!”
as soon as you hit send, a wave of relief washed over you. the thought of spending time with taehyung, away from the tension of the dorm and the echoes of the day’s confrontations, was comforting. it was a chance to focus on something positive and to enjoy a moment of connection that wasn’t tinged with the complexities and pain of your past. you placed your phone back on the nightstand, feeling a bit lighter.
the following day, a faint sense of normalcy had begun to return. after a well-rested night, you woke up with a renewed focus, determined to distract yourself from the emotional turmoil by engaging in a productive task. you decided that tidying up your dorm would be a good way to occupy your time and perhaps lift your spirits.
you spent the morning sorting through clutter, dusting shelves, and organizing your space. the rhythmic movements and the satisfaction of seeing your environment gradually transform from chaotic to orderly provided a small, tangible sense of accomplishment. the task was therapeutic in its own way, offering a reprieve from the emotional noise of recent days.
by the afternoon, the dorm was clean and well-organized. the transformation was striking; the living room and kitchen, once cluttered and disheveled, now looked inviting and serene. you had even taken the time to freshen up the bathroom and arrange the space with thoughtful touches, adding a few decorative elements to make it feel more homely.
as evening approached, you started to prepare for your date. you had planned to meet him at a cozy, little restaurant he had mentioned, and the anticipation of the evening ahead made you feel a bit lighter. you took a leisurely shower, the hot water soothing your muscles and clearing your mind. afterward, you carefully selected an outfit that made you feel both comfortable and confident. you chose a simple, elegant dress that highlighted your features without being overly flashy—a perfect balance for the occasion. it was a tight, red dress. it was gorgeous, falling to your knees and highlighting your curves. you completed the look with a touch of makeup and a soft, understated hairstyle that framed your face gently.
with everything in place, you stood in front of the mirror, admiring your reflection. the process of getting ready had been a pleasant distraction, and now, as you looked at yourself, you felt a renewed sense of confidence and excitement for the evening. the image in the mirror was a stark contrast to the person who had been struggling just days before.
unbeknownst to you, yoongi had returned from his classes earlier than expected. he had slipped into the dorm quietly, intent on grabbing a few things before heading out again. the dorm was eerily quiet as he entered, the door closing softly behind him.
he made his way through the living room, heading toward his room to collect his belongings. as he passed by the open door of the bathroom, he noticed the activity in the adjoining room. the sight of the living space—neat and inviting—caught his attention. but it was the reflection in the mirror that drew him in.
there, in the hallway, he saw you standing in front of the mirror. the soft, golden light from the lamp in the corner bathed you in a warm glow, making you appear almost ethereal. the transformation from the emotional turmoil of recent days to the poised and elegant figure in front of him was striking. he froze, his gaze fixed on you. he watched as you made subtle adjustments to your outfit and checked your reflection. your movements were graceful, and there was a serene expression on your face that he hadn’t seen in a long time. it was a side of you that was vibrant and alive, and it stirred something within him—a mixture of regret, longing, and unresolved feelings.
he stood there in silence, a few steps away from where you were, feeling the weight of the moment. the sight of you, looking so composed and ready for a night out, was a stark contrast to the tumultuous emotions that had marked the past weeks. It was as if he was seeing a side of you that he had forgotten or perhaps never fully appreciated.
as you turned away from the mirror, a contented smile on your lips, you noticed yoongi standing there, his presence suddenly apparent. the brief moment of surprise on your face quickly shifted to a neutral expression, though the brief eye contact was enough to convey a silent acknowledgment of the situation.
“yoongi,” you said, trying to keep your tone steady. “i didn’t realize you were back.” he nodded, his expression a mix of contemplation and something more guarded. “yeah. i didn’t mean to interrupt.”
you shook your head, a small smile forming as you turned your back to him, facing the mirror once more, “it’s okay. i was just getting ready for a date tonight. taehyung’s picking me up soon.” the mention of his name seemed to spark a flicker of emotion in yoongi’s eyes. he took a deep breath, trying to mask the jealousy that had become so familiar.
you had expected yoongi would just walk away while you faced the mirror, a silent figure behind you. instead, you heard his footsteps approaching, the soft thud of his shoes against the wooden floor echoing in the room. your breath caught in your throat, and you froze in place, eyes widening as he stopped just behind you.
“that dress looks so good on you,” he murmured, his voice low and velvety, sending shivers down your spine. you saw his reflection in the mirror, his eyes dark and intense, focused solely on you. “you should pair it with the gold necklace i bought you. it looks so fucking good on you.” his fingers brushed the back of your neck lightly, tracing the spot where the necklace would rest.
a shiver ran through you, your skin tingling where he touched. his hand lingered, his fingers warm and firm against your skin, and you tensed up, torn between pulling away and leaning into his touch. “does he know you like being touched here?” he whispered, his breath hot against your ear.
you wanted to speak, to tell him to stop, but the words caught in your throat. you just let him, your heart pounding in your chest, guilt and desire warring within you. his fingers glided down the side of your neck, and you bit your lip, a soft whimper escaping you.
he leaned in closer, his lips hovering just above the crook of your neck, and inhaled deeply. “did you pick this perfume because it's my favorite, or his?” he asked, his voice a husky murmur. you felt his breath against your skin, warm and intoxicating, and you shivered again, torn between resisting and giving in.
your mind screamed at you to stop him, to think of taehyung, but your body betrayed you. yoongi's hands slid around your waist, pulling you back against him, his chest warm and solid against your back. you felt his lips graze your neck, feather-light, and a soft moan escaped your lips. “yoongi, please,” you managed to whisper, though you couldn't quite say whether you were begging him to stop or to continue. he turned you around slowly, his eyes never leaving yours, and you found yourself looking up at him, your breath coming in shallow gasps.
his hands cupped your face, his thumbs brushing your cheeks, and he leaned in, his lips capturing yours in a slow, intense kiss. you felt a surge of guilt, knowing you were betraying your boyfriend, but you couldn't help but kiss back, your hands gripping the front of yoongi's shirt. the kiss deepened, his tongue slipping past your lips, and you felt yourself melting into him, your resolve crumbling. his hands slid down to your waist, pulling you closer, and you clung to him, lost in the heat and the intensity of the moment.
when he finally pulled back, you were both breathless, his forehead resting against yours. “you feel that too, don't you?” he whispered, his voice rough with emotion. you could only nod, your heart aching with the realization of what just happened, and what was about to happen. it was about to happen because you were weak against him, you were weak in the knees for him.
yoongi's lips crashed against yours, urgent and demanding, and you responded with equal fervor, your hands roaming over his back, pulling him closer. he lifted you effortlessly, setting you down on the edge of the bed, his hands exploring your body with a hunger that left you breathless. your dress slipped down further, pooling around your waist as his hands roamed over your exposed skin. his mouth followed the path of his hands, trailing hot kisses down your tits, making you arch into him, craving more of his touch.
you tugged at his shirt, desperate to feel his skin against yours. he obliged, pulling it over his head in one swift motion, revealing the toned muscles of his torso. your hands explored his chest, feeling the rapid beat of his heart beneath your fingers. history had come to repeat itself once more, under the worst circumstancee possible.
his hands moved to your thighs, spreading them apart as he positioned himself between them. his lips found yours again, the kiss deep and consuming, his tongue exploring your mouth with a possessive intensity that made you moan into his mouth. he lifted you further onto the bed, his hands gripping your hips as he settled between your legs. the friction of his body against yours was almost too much to bear, and you felt a desperate need for him, a need that only he could satisfy.
“tell me you want this,” he murmured against your lips, his voice a husky whisper. “tell me you want me.”
“i want you,” you whispered back, your voice thick with desire. “i need you, yoongi.”
that was all the encouragement he needed. his hands slid beneath your dress, pulling it off completely, leaving you exposed and vulnerable beneath him. his eyes roamed over your body, dark with lust, and you felt a flush of heat spread through your core under his intense gaze. his fingers trailed down your body, sending shivers of pleasure through you. he touched you with a reverence that made your heart ache, his movements slow and deliberate, as if savoring every moment. when his fingers finally found your pussy, you gasped, your body arching into his touch.
he teased you mercilessly, his fingers moving in slow, deliberate circles, building the tension within you until you were a trembling mess beneath him. just when you thought you couldn't take any more, he replaced his fingers with his mouth, his tongue flicking against your clit with a skill that left you breathless. your hands fisted in the sheets, your body writhing beneath his touch as he brought you to the edge of ecstasy. you felt the tension building, a coil tightening within you, ready to snap. and when it did, you cried out his name, your body shuddering with the force of your release.
but yoongi didn't stop. he continued to lick your pussy clean, drawing out your orgasm until you were a quivering, boneless mess beneath him. only then did he rise, his eyes dark with desire as he shed the last of his clothing, revealing just how hard his dick was, how badly he needed you.
he positioned himself over you, his body aligning with yours in a way that felt both natural and inevitable. he spread you slowly, giving you time to adjust, his eyes locked on yours as he filled you completely. the sensation was overwhelming, a perfect blend of pleasure and pain that left you gasping for breath. he moved within you with a slow, deliberate rhythm, each thrust deep and measured, designed to drive you both to the brink. you met his movements eagerly, your bodies moving in perfect sync, a dance as old as time.
the pleasure built between you, an unstoppable force that drove you both higher and higher. his hands gripped your hips, pulling you closer, his movements becoming more urgent, more desperate. he watched the way your tits bounced with each thrust, the way your pussy clenched around his cock. you could feel the tension building again, that familiar coil tightening within you.
and when it finally snapped, you came together, your cries mingling in the air as your bodies shuddered with the force of your release. he collapsed beside you, his chest heaving with exertion, his skin slick with sweat.
reality hit you like a cold wave. the warmth of the moment dissipated, replaced by a chilling realization of what you had just done. you quickly disentangled yourself from him, your movements frantic as you reached for your discarded clothes. you dressed hastily, your mind racing with the implications of your actions.
he watched you, his eyes narrowing in anger and confusion as you fixed yourself up. “where are you going?” he demanded, his voice laced with frustration.
“i have a date, fuck, fuck, fuck,” you panicked, your voice barely above a whisper. the weight of your betrayal hung heavy in the air, suffocating you. without waiting for a response, you rushed out of the room, leaving him behind, fuming and bewildered.
you ran to meet taehyung, your heart heavy with guilt and regret, knowing that the consequences of what had just happened would haunt you. but for now, you had to face him, pretending nothing was amiss, even as the memory of yoongi's touch lingered on your skin.
taehyung had gone to great lengths to reserve seats at a high-end restaurant, a place that was notoriously difficult to get into. he checked his watch anxiously, noting that you were fifteen minutes late. his fingers drummed on the table, a subtle display of his concern and impatience. when you finally arrived, slightly breathless and flushed, his worried expression softened into a relieved smile. “hey, i was starting to get worried,” he said, standing up to pull out your chair.
“i'm so sorry, tae. traffic was horrible,” you lied smoothly, sliding into the seat he had so thoughtfully prepared for you. your heart pounded in your chest, guilt gnawing at your insides like a relentless beast. he settled back into his chair, his eyes sparkling with excitement. “i'm just glad you're here. i hope you’re hungry. i heard the food here is amazing.”
you forced a smile, trying to push the thoughts of yoongi from your mind. “yeah, I’m starving,” you replied, even though the knot of guilt in your stomach made the thought of eating almost unbearable. as the waiter approached, taehyung took charge, ordering a selection of dishes he thought you would enjoy. he had clearly put a lot of thought into this evening, and the realization made the weight of your earlier actions press even harder on your conscience.
throughout the meal, he was his usual charming self, effortlessly keeping the conversation light and engaging. he talked about his day, the latest campus gossip, and shared funny anecdotes that had you laughing despite the turmoil inside you. but as much as you tried to act normal, the memory of yoongi's touch lingered, his words echoing in your mind. you could still feel the ghost of his hands on your skin, the taste of his kiss on your lips. each time taehyung reached out to touch your hand or brush a strand of hair from your face, you flinched inwardly, the guilt intensifying with each tender gesture.
“are you okay?” he asked at one point, his brow furrowing in concern. “you seem a bit distracted.”
“i’m fine,” you assured him quickly, forcing another smile. “just a little tired, i guess.” he nodded, though he didn’t seem entirely convinced. still, he didn’t press the issue, instead continuing to share stories and keep the atmosphere light. you were grateful for his efforts, even as your mind continued to spiral with guilt.
when dessert arrived, he insisted you try a bite of his favorite dish. he held the fork out to you, his eyes filled with affection and hope. you leaned forward, accepting the bite, and tried to focus on the sweetness of the dessert rather than the bitterness of your betrayal.
as the evening drew to a close, he reached across the table, taking your hand in his. “i had a great time tonight,” he said softly, his thumb brushing gently over your knuckles. “i’ve been looking forward to this the past day.”
“me too,” you replied, though your voice sounded hollow to your own ears. the sincerity in his eyes made your stomach churn, and you had to look away to hide the tears that threatened to spill. he leaned in closer, his voice dropping to a tender whisper. “you know, i love that perfume on you. it’s my favorite.”
his words were like a knife to your heart, and you had to swallow hard to keep from breaking down. “thank you,” you managed to say, your voice barely above a whisper. the irony of his compliment twisted painfully inside you, knowing that it was yoongi’s favorite too.
after settling the bill, taehyung stood and helped you with your coat, his hands lingering on your shoulders in a way that was both comforting and suffocating. as you left the restaurant, he wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you close. the warmth of his touch only intensified the cold knot of guilt in your stomach.
when he walked you to the door of your room, he leaned in for a gentle kiss, his lips soft and sweet against yours. you kissed him back, but all you could think about was yoongi, and the betrayal that lay between you. “i’ll call you tomorrow,” he said, his voice filled with promise and affection. “goodnight, tae,” you replied, your voice trembling slightly. as soon as the door closed behind you, the weight of your guilt crashed down on you with full force. you leaned against the door, tears streaming down your face as taehyung's words echoed in your mind.
“i love that perfume on you.”
the next morning, you walked into your english literature class, your mind still reeling from the events of the previous night. taehyung was already there, saving a seat for you beside him. he smiled brightly as you approached, his eyes lighting up with genuine happiness. “good morning!” he greeted, his voice warm and cheerful. “i hope you slept well.”
you forced a smile, hoping to mask the turmoil inside you. “morning, tae. i did, thanks.” you sat down beside him, trying to ignore the heavy weight of yoongi's gaze from across the room. as the professor began the lecture, you felt his eyes on you, burning into your back. it was impossible to concentrate on the discussion about shakespeare’s sonnets when all you could think about was the intense connection you had shared with him the night before.
every time you glanced his way, he was watching you, his expression unreadable but his eyes dark with something you couldn't quite decipher.
taehyung leaned over, his voice a soft murmur in your ear. “hey, jackson's throwing another party this weekend. he really wants us to come.” you nodded, trying to focus on his words and not the feeling of yoongi's eyes on you. “that sounds okay. are you sure it’ll be safe this time?”
he chuckled, his smile reassuring. “yeah, don’t worry. we’ll be going as a couple this time. it’ll be safer with us together.” you felt a pang of guilt at his words, the memory of your betrayal fresh in your mind. “that sounds great,” you said, forcing enthusiasm into your voice. “i’m looking forward to it.”
from the corner of your eye, you saw yoongi's reaction. he scoffed softly to himself, a derisive sound that made your heart skip a beat. his expression hardened, and you could almost see the gears turning in his mind as he made a mental note. he leaned over to his friend and whispered something, his eyes still locked on you. you could only imagine what he was thinking, the anger and hurt simmering beneath his calm facade.
the rest of the class passed in a blur, the tension between you and yoongi palpable. when the lecture finally ended, you gathered your things quickly, eager to escape the suffocating atmosphere. as you walked out of the classroom with taehyung, his arm casually draped over your shoulders, you couldn’t help but feel yoongi's gaze follow you. the guilt gnawed at you, a constant reminder of the betrayal that lay between you and the man you had once trusted implicitly.
your boyfriend chattered happily beside you, oblivious to the turmoil inside you. “it’s going to be a great party,” he said, his excitement infectious. “i’ll make sure we have a fantastic time.” you nodded, forcing a smile as you leaned into his embrace. “i’m sure it will be, tae.” but as you walked away, you couldn’t shake the feeling that the upcoming party would be anything but simple.
the rest of the week passed in a haze of guilt and tension. you did your best to ignore yoongi, avoiding his gaze in class and dodging any potential encounters. every time you saw taehyung, his genuine smiles and sweet gestures only made the guilt gnaw at you more fiercely. each night, you replayed the scene with yoongi over and over in your mind, the memory of his touch both a torment and a temptation you struggled to forget.
as the weekend approached, you found yourself increasingly anxious. you couldn't risk another encounter with your ex, not with taehyung's trust and affection weighing so heavily on your conscience. when the night of jackson’s party arrived, you decided to get ready in taehyung’s dorm, hoping the proximity to him would keep you grounded.
he watched you as you prepared, his eyes filled with admiration. “you look amazing,” he said, his voice filled with warmth. “i’m so lucky to have you.” his words were like daggers to your heart. “thanks, tae,” you managed to say, forcing a smile as you adjusted your dress. the weight of his love and trust pressed heavily on your shoulders, almost unbearable in its intensity.
when you finally arrived at the party, the atmosphere was electric. the music thumped loudly, and the room was filled with people dancing and laughing. you clung to taehyung’s arm, drawing comfort from his presence as you tried to push thoughts of yoongi from your mind.
but it was impossible to ignore him. the moment you entered the room, your eyes locked onto him, standing across the room with joohyun. ahe was stunning, clinging to him with a possessive air, but his eyes never left you. they burned with an intensity that sent shivers down your spine.
in an effort to make you jealous, yoongi pulled her closer, his lips crashing against hers in a heated kiss. they danced with his arm around her waist, his hands roaming over her body, all for you to see. the sight made your blood boil with a mix of anger and something else you didn’t want to admit. you knew you couldn’t take it anymore. fueled by a few drinks and a need to reclaim some semblance of control, you found yourself straddling taehyung’s lap. his eyes widened in surprise but quickly darkened with desire as you leaned in to kiss him passionately. you made sure yoongi could see every movement, every kiss, every touch.
his reaction was immediate. his eyes darkened with fury as he watched you with him. joohyun, oblivious to the tension, continued to grind against him, but his attention was solely on you. you could see the rage and jealousy simmering beneath his calm exterior.
after a few more drinks, yoongi whispered something to one of the guys, a sly smile playing on his lips. moments later, the announcement was made, cutting through the thick atmosphere—a game of truth or dare. you didn’t want to play, sensing the potential for disaster, but taehyung was eager, his excitement contagious. reluctantly, you agreed, hoping it would remain harmless.
the game began innocuously enough. joohyun dared jackson to make out with one of the girls, and everyone laughed as he complied with exaggerated enthusiasm. the same girl had asked yoongi for his body count, and he responded with a smug smile, his high number drawing gasps and giggles. then it was his turn. his eyes locked onto you, a dangerous glint in them. just your luck. “truth or dare?” he asked, his voice deceptively casual.
you hesitated, your heart pounding. “truth,” you said, hoping it would be the safer option.
a slow, predatory smile spread across his face as the room bubbled with anticipation. “is it true you had sex with me an hour before your date with taehyung?”
the room went silent, the weight of his words hanging heavily in the air. despite the music, it was practically silent. nobody said a word. you felt the blood drain from your face as everyone’s eyes turned to you. taehyung’s grip on you loosened, his expression one of shock and betrayal. you couldn’t deny it. the truth was written all over your face. “taehyung,” you stammered, your voice breaking, and it was all you could say. it was the only thing you could utter out.
he didn’t wait to hear your explanation. he stood up abruptly, his face a mask of hurt and anger. ignoring your pleas and apologies, he walked away, leaving you to face the aftermath of your actions.
joohyun turned on yoongi, her fists pounding against his chest as she yelled at him, tears streaming down her face. he barely reacted, his eyes locked on you with a mix of anger and something darker. he watched you run after taehyung, his gaze intense and unyielding. the damage had been done, and he didn't know if it was the alcohol or the pure rage he had been harboring for so long, but he didn't regret a minute of it. in fact, he thought of it as an accomplishment. even as you left him in the dust, running after taehyung, he remained stoic, no regrets.
the rain had started to pour down relentlessly as you sprinted after taehyung, your heart pounding in your chest. each raindrop felt like a heavy weight, mirroring the guilt that had settled like lead in your stomach. his figure was just ahead, his silhouette barely visible through the downpour. “taehyung!” you called out, your voice breaking as you slipped on the wet pavement, scrambling to catch up. he didn’t turn around, but you could see the tension in his posture. desperation fueled your steps as you finally reached him, grabbing his arm gently.
“taehyung, please, just listen to me,” you begged, your voice cracking. tears streamed down your face, mixing with the rain that drenched you both. “i’m so sorry. i never meant for any of this to happen.”
his face was a mask of pain, his own tears mingling with the rain. his eyes, usually so full of warmth, were now cold and hurt. “why?” he choked out, his voice barely above a whisper. “why did you do this?”
you felt your heart shatter as you saw the depth of his anguish. “i don’t know,” you sobbed. “it was a mistake, a terrible, horrible mistake. please, just give me a chance to make things right. i love you, taehyung. i love you so much. i didn’t mean to hurt you.”
he shook his head slowly, his tears falling freely now. “you can’t just fix this with words. i needed to trust you, and now i don’t know if i can ever do that again.” his voice was filled with a deep sadness, as if he was mourning something he had lost. “maybe it was too soon for us. i shouldn’t have asked for a relationship this early.”
you felt your heart breaking further at his words. “please, tae,” you whispered, your voice trembling. “i can’t lose you. i know i messed up, but i'l do anything to make it right.”
taehyung’s gaze softened slightly, though the pain remained. “we can stay friends,” he said quietly. “but i can’t be with you like this. not after what’s happened. i love you more than yoongi ever could, and you just don't get that. you don't want that.” the words hit you like a physical blow, but before you could say anything more, he turned and walked away, leaving you alone in the rain. you watched him go, your heart aching with the weight of his rejection. as you trudged back to your dorm, the storm outside mirrored the storm within you.
when you finally reached your dorm, your rage was uncontrollable. the sight of yoongi, who was lounging casually in your room, made the anger inside you boil over. his relaxed demeanor only fueled your fury.
“how’s your boyfriend doing?” he asked, his voice dripping with casual indifference. without thinking, you slapped him hard across the face, the sting of the contact a fleeting relief against your raging emotions. his head snapped to the side, but he remained calm, almost as if he expected the reaction. “guess he didn’t take it so well,” he said coolly, his tone dismissive.
you reached to slap him again, but he caught your wrist in a firm grip, his expression hardening. “we’re not doing this shit again,” he said firmly, his voice unwavering.
you couldn't contain yourself. “i fucking hate you, i hate you so fucking much, you asshole.” he took your rage without flinching, his eyes cold and distant. “hate me all you want,” he said quietly. “but you wanted it as much as i did. this was never just about me. you played a part in this, too.”
he turned and walked away, disappearing into his room and slamming the door behind him. the finality of the sound echoed through the empty space, leaving you alone with your tormenting thoughts and the chaos of your emotions. you sank to the floor, your back against the door, tears mingling with the remnants of your rage. the reality of your situation crashed down on you, and the silence of the dorm was a painful reminder of how far things had gone wrong.
the days following the confrontation with yoongi were a blur of emotions. you spent your time in isolation, avoiding both him and taehyung. your anger towards him made you keep your distance from him, and your guilt over hurting taehyung drove you to avoid him as well. the weight of your actions hung over you like a dark cloud, making each step heavy and burdensome.
as you walked to your class, your thoughts were consumed by the aching emptiness of your days. you barely noticed the students passing by until a sharp voice cut through your fog of thoughts. “look who we have here.” joohyun's voice was icy, filled with venom. she stepped into your path, blocking your way. her eyes were filled with a mix of anger and contempt. “be honest, do you prefer being a slut, or a whore?”
you looked up at her, a mixture of weariness and resignation on your face. “i’m not here to fight,” you said quietly, trying to keep your voice steady. “i don’t want any trouble.” but she didn’t relent. “you think you can just waltz around like you didn’t ruin everything? you’re a fucking homewrecker, in case you weren't aware. a cheater too, apperantly.”
the words cut deep, but you tried to stay composed. “did he forget to mention that he came onto me?” you replied, your voice trembling slightly but resolute. her face turned a deep shade of red, her anger boiling over. without warning, she slapped you across the face. the sting was sharp, but you kept your gaze steady, refusing to show any more emotion. her reaction was immediate, a mix of frustration and rage that only intensified when she saw your stoic expression.
“you think you’re tough, is that it?” she practically hissed, raising her hand to strike you again. but before she could make contact, a firm hand grabbed her wrist.
“enough,” taehyung’s voice was low and commanding. he stepped in between you and her, his eyes blazing with anger. “get out of here, joohyun. you’ve made your point.”
her eyes widened in shock, and she glared at taehyung with a mix of hatred and disbelief. “you’re defending her? after everything she’s done—to me? to you?”
“fuck off,” taehyung said, his voice cold and final. “leave it be.” she hesitated for a moment, her fury still evident, but his presence and his words were enough to drive her away. she stormed off, her footsteps echoing down the hallway as she disappeared from view.
taehyung turned back to you, his expression softening as he took in your tear-streaked face. “are you okay?” he asked gently, his voice filled with concern. the tears that filled your eyes were not just from joohyun’s attack but from the overwhelming guilt that plagued you. “i don’t know,” you whispered. “i'm just so sorry, taehyung.” without a word, he pulled you into a gentle embrace, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead. the warmth of his gesture was both comforting and heart-wrenching.
“come to my dorm,” he said softly. “we can skip class. you need a break, and i need to talk to you.” you nodded, your heart aching with a mix of relief and remorse. as you walked with him to his dorm, the weight of the past few days seemed to lift slightly. for the first time in days, you felt a sense of temporary respite.
over the next few days, you stayed at his dorm, avoiding your own and the confrontations with yoongi. you and taehyung spent time together, trying to find solace in each other’s presence, though the shadow of your guilt never fully left you. you didn’t return to your dorm, leaving yoongi to wonder about your whereabouts and adding another layer of complexity to the already tangled situation.
the separation from your own space and the constant presence of taehyung provided a small measure of peace, though it was tinged with the ache of unresolved issues and the deep scars of your recent actions. the turmoil within you was far from over, but for now, taehyung’s presence was a balm to your weary soul. even if he was there as a friend, and nothing more.
that's how it was supposed to be, at least. taehyung’s dorm was a sanctuary of quiet and warmth as you both settled onto his bed, the dim light of the lamp casting a soft glow around the room. you lay with your head resting comfortably in his lap, your body feeling the gentle rise and fall of his breaths as he stroked your hair with a tender, almost absent-minded affection. the movie played in the background, but neither of you paid much attention to it. Instead, his focus was solely on you, his gaze lingering on your face with a mixture of admiration and tenderness.
he couldn’t help himself from leaning down and pressing a soft kiss to your forehead. the kiss lingered, and you turned your head slightly to meet his lips with your own. the gentle touch of the kiss quickly escalated into something more passionate, as if the raw emotions and unspoken needs were finally finding their outlet.
his breath was warm against your neck, sending goosebumps across your skin as he trailed kisses down to your collarbone. you gasped, arching into him, and his responding growl of desire was like a switch that had been flipped. suddenly, the gentle caresses turned to something more urgent, more needy. your hands found the hem of his shirt, lifting it over his head to reveal the tapestry of abs that adorned his torso. your fingertips traced the muscles, committing the patterns to memory as his hands found the zipper of your shorts.
as the rest of the fabric fell away, the room grew hotter, the air thick with anticipation. his eyes raked over you, taking in every curve, every inch, as if committing you to memory. the way he looked at you made you feel beautiful, desired, and your heart raced in response. his fingers skimmed over your hips, your stomach, leaving a trail of fire in their wake. you could feel his restraint, his need to savor every moment, to make sure this was what you truly wanted. but the way your body responded to his touch, the way you leaned into his kisses, the way your breath hitched when his hands found your tits, left no room for doubt.
his mouth found your neck again, his teeth grazing the sensitive skin, and you felt yourself melting into the couch. your legs entwined with his, pulling him closer, until there was no space between you. the fabric of your underwear was the only barrier left, and it was as if it dissolved under the heat of his gaze. your skin was slick with sweat, and the sound of your breathing filled the room, a symphony of want and need. his hands moved lower, and you could feel his cock pressing against you. the realization sent a jolt of excitement through you, making you moan his name into the quiet night. and as he slipped inside you, he knew that this was a moment he'd cherish forever, even if it was the only one he'd ever have.
his strokes were deliberate, each one aimed to make you feel every inch of him. you matched his rhythm, your hips rising to meet his, your body moving in perfect harmony with his. the couch creaked beneath you, a testament to the passion that was unfolding. the friction was delicious, a sweet burn that built with every thrust, until you were on the edge of something so intense, you weren't sure you could handle it. taehyung's eyes never left yours, and in them, you saw the same need, the same desperation to make this moment last. because he knew it was fleeting.
your breaths grew shallower, your body tightening around him, and when you finally fell over that edge, the world shattered into a million brilliant pieces. his own climax followed shortly after, a groan torn from his chest that seemed to shake the very foundations of the apartment. he collapsed on top of you, his weight comforting, his heart pounding in sync with yours. for a moment, you just lay there, the only sound the ragged breaths that filled the room. the air was electric, charged with the intensity of what had just transpired.
the reality of the moment began to settle in. you hurriedly started to dress, the weight of what had just happened mixing with a lingering sense of guilt and confusion. just as you were pulling on your clothes, the door to taehyung’s dorm creaked open, and you froze, recognizing yoongi’s familiar silhouette in the doorway.
his eyes widened in shock as he took in the scene—both of you half-naked and disheveled. the raw pain and betrayal on his face were palpable, and without a word, he turned on his heel and stormed out of the dorm. the door slammed shut behind him, and the sound echoed through the room, leaving a heavy silence in its wake.
your heart raced as you looked at taehyung, your own shock and guilt mingling with the urgency of the moment. You wanted to call out for yoongi, to explain, but the words caught in your throat. taehyung, noticing the turmoil in your eyes, placed a reassuring hand on your shoulder.
“go after him,” he urged softly. “fix things with him. i know you love him, and no matter how much i love you, i'll never be him.”
you looked up at him, your heart aching at his words. you couldn't imagine how much it hurt, how selflessly he could utter such a thing. you gave him a small, grateful smile, one that was tinged with sadness. “i love you, tae,” you whispered. he nodded, his own eyes glistening with unspoken emotion. “i love you, too.” with one last, lingering glance at taehyung, you dashed out of the dorm, searching for yoongi. so cruelly did you fail to notice just how selfless taehyung was. he cursed himself as he watched the door slam, allowing himself to slide back onto the couch, just minutes beforehand graced with your warmth. now, empty. it was empty, and he was alone. just as he always had been.
the corridor felt endless, your footsteps echoing as you chased after him. the guilt weighed heavily on your heart, and you knew you had to make things right. when you finally caught up with him, he was standing alone in the hallway, his shoulders slumped, his face a mask of hurt and anger. you approached him cautiously, your voice trembling. “yoongi, wait.”
his eyes, red-rimmed and filled with pain, met yours. “he fucked you good, didn't he?” he asked bitterly. “just like that? after everything?”
“we broke up, yoongi,” you reminded him, your voice breaking. “we broke up, and it killed me. and i know it fucking killed you, too.” his gaze softened slightly, but the pain in his eyes remained. “you broke up with me,” he insinuated. “you broke up with me, and i never stopped loving you.”
“i know,” you interrupted, your voice filled with regret. “i never stopped loving you either, but it's fucked up, yoongi.” he looked away, his fists clenched at his sides. for a minute, he remained silent. when what felt like forever had finally passed, he turned to face you, his eyes red and weary. “i’ve already made my decision,” he said, his voice flat. “i’m switching to hyesan. i’m leaving.”
the words hit you like a physical blow, and you felt your heart lurch in your chest. “you can’t go,” you pleaded. “we can work this out. we can fix things.” his expression hardened, the hurt and anger clear in his eyes. “i can’t stay. why the fuck should i stay? every time i look at you, i see what i lost. i see the mess we’re in.”
“it’s cold up there,” you whispered, trying to reach out to him. it was all you could say. it was cold up there—it was freezing up there. it was the kind of cold that would destroy him.
“can’t be any colder than here,” he whispered back, his voice breaking. “can’t be any colder than how it feels to be with you now.” his words were like ice, cutting deep into your already shattered heart. you struggled to hold back your tears, feeling the weight of his anger and pain. “please, yoongi,” you begged. “don’t leave. i’m sorry. i never meant for any of this to happen.”
his face twisted with anguish, and the pain in his eyes was almost too much to bear. “i hate the cold,” he confirmed, his voice trembling. you knew, you knew how much he despised it. “but i hate this even more. i hate feeling like this. i hate knowing that everything we had is gone.”
the rawness of his words left you feeling hollow, and you could no longer contain the tears that streamed down your face. “i love you, yoongi,” you cried. “i need you to stay. i don’t know how to fix this without you.”
his resolve seemed to waver for a moment, his own tears mixing with the frustration in his eyes. “i don’t know if we can fix it,” he said, his voice cracking. “i don’t know if we can keep going like this.” his words was ruthless, tearing at both of you in ways that felt almost unbearable. you cried together, the shared pain of the moment only amplifying the hurt between you. the night air was cold, but the chill between you was far colder.
the morning light filtered weakly through the curtains of your dorm room, casting a muted glow over the space. you awoke to the sound of rustling and clinking, and as you rubbed the sleep from your eyes, you saw yoongi packing his bags. his movements were methodical, but there was an air of finality to his actions that made your heart ache.
you sat on the couch, feeling the weight of the previous night’s argument like a heavy shroud. your eyes wandered around the room, finally landing on a photo album that had been left out after you’d been cleaning. it was an old, worn album from your childhood—a remnant of happier times that you had almost forgotten you had with you.
with trembling hands, you picked it up and opened it, the yellowed pages revealing memories long buried. as you flipped through the photos, each image seemed to tell a story of a past you had tried to move on from. there were pictures of your mother, her smile radiant and full of life, and snapshots of your father, who looked happy and carefree.
the room was silent except for the occasional sound of Yoongi’s belongings being packed. his eyes flickered toward you occasionally, but he said nothing, his expression unreadable. the sight of your mother’s face, so vibrant and alive in those photographs, made your tears flow uncontrollably. you traced her image with your fingers, feeling a pang of loss that had been buried under layers of time and pain.
he glanced over at you, his gaze softening as he saw the photos. “she was beautiful,” he said quietly, his voice breaking the silence. “you look just like her.”
you could only nod, your tears spilling freely now. yoongi’s heart ached as he watched you, his own emotions tumultuous as he observed the photo of your father. the realization struck him like a physical blow—he was about to leave you, the same way your father had left you. you and your mother. the parallel was almost too painful to bear, and the thought of repeating that kind of hurt was almost unbearable.
he approached you, his face a mix of anguish and determination. as he sat down beside you on the couch, he carefully closed the photo album, his fingers lingering on the worn cover. he gently brushed the tears from your cheeks, his touch tender and comforting.
“i’m not your father,” he said softly, his voice trembling. “i’m not going anywhere.”
you looked up at him, the depth of his words hitting you with an unexpected force. the sincerity in his eyes and the gentleness of his touch made your heart ache with both relief and sorrow. the weight of the previous night’s arguments seemed to lift, if only slightly, as you felt the warmth of his presence.
he pulled you into a tight embrace, his arms wrapping around you as if he could hold back the pain with his love. you buried your face in his chest, the steady rhythm of his heartbeat a comforting sound amidst the storm of your emotions. he held you close, his own tears mingling with yours as he whispered, “you let me in your heart, and only an idiot would walk out.”
you clung to him, your tears flowing freely as you let out the pain and the love that had been bottled up inside. the hurt of the previous night and the fear of losing him were all there, but so was the overwhelming need to hold on to what you had together.
“i love you, yoongi,” you whispered through your tears. “i never stopped loving you.”
his grip tightened around you, his voice breaking as he responded, “i love you too. more than anything. and I’m here. i’m not going anywhere.”
the two of you held each other tightly, the words and emotions flowing freely as you shared a moment of raw vulnerability. the past few days had been a whirlwind of pain and confusion, but in that embrace, there was a glimmer of hope—a promise that despite everything, you were still connected.
as the minutes passed, the silence between you was filled with the gentle sounds of your breaths and the soft, comforting rhythm of his heartbeat. the world outside seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of you in your small, intimate bubble of reconciliation. the pain of the past lingered, but in that moment, it was overshadowed by the strength of your love. in that moment, nothing mattered. not who his parents were, whose son he was. he was the love of your life.
a/n: justice for taehyung?? this was so rushed!! thank you to those who made it to the end!!!

Min Yoongi Text Masterlist 📱
•Random Best Friend Texts
Part 1
Easily charmed

Yoongi x reader Summary: You knew he was bad news, but that didn't stop you from developing a small crush for the man. You don’t know whether you regret dating Yoongi or not. It was an experience. You had been taught many lessons. Warnings: swear words, illegal activities, drugs and drug dealing, motorcycle stunt (that is dangerous if there are two people on it but anyways) being escorted to the police station for possible drug possession. Genre: angst Word count: 2.4k (2480 words)
"I already told you, I don't think it's a good idea to go see him while he's with his friends." You sighed but your friend Jiyoung insisted. She wanted to pass by where she knew her boyfriend and his friends were, but you really didn't want to go.
The reasons were obvious. She'd probably ditch you and you'd know no one else there. Also you didn't really trust her boyfriend. He wasn’t what you would call a good guy exactly. Actually, he wasn’t a good guy at all. You were pretty sure he was closely involved with drugs.
However you couldn't convince your friend not to go so you could only suffer. That day, in your mind, wasn't as bad as you thought it could go, but now as your future self you could only laugh at your past self.
Your friend spotted her boyfriend and his friends along with some girls she mentions from time to time when talking to you. They all already knew the two of you were on your way, so they purposely waited there for you. You approached the group of people and they seemed to have recognized Jiyoung because some of them immediately turned to greet her.
You didn't like how her boyfriend didn't walk up to her to greet but waited for her to go to him, but you didn't comment on it. Hoseok just sat there and smirked as she moved closer to him. She leaned up to peck his lips, whistles coming from his friends, along with some teasing words. When she moved to greet some others of his friends with a handshake, Hoseok glanced at you giving you a small nod and a smirk before turning back to the conversation he had with the shorter male next to him.
Jiyoung appeared next to you, listing the names of the people around you, but you forgot most of them as soon as she finished. The shorter male next to Hoseok was named Jimin and just like the rest of them he seemed like trouble. Some of the women around you were occasionally hooking up with some of Hoseok's friends and others were just hanging out with them for other, obvious reasons.
"Can we just go now?" A tall guy with a dimple said after a while and the rest let our choruses of 'yeah's and 'sure's
You turned to Jiyoung expecting her to greet everyone and leave with you, but she just walked along with Hoseok to his car. She seemed to suddenly remember your existence because she turned to see you standing there all confused about what was going on.
"We're just going to chill at some beach nearby, with beers. Nothing special." she said and your jaw almost dropped. What were you supposed to do? Leave? If yes then did you have to greet everyone or just leave? It's also night and you didn't wanna go home alone. She probably read your thoughts, because she said "you are supposed to come too." You assumed you'd get in the car with her and Hoseok, but at the same time you didn't wanna third wheel. What was more terrifying; third wheeling or going in some stranger’s car or motorcycle?
You saw Hoseok sighing and you read his lips that said "fuck, I forgot about her". Yeah, Hoseok, you weren't too pleased to be there either.
Some short guy patted Hoseok's shoulder and said something you couldn't make out and you swore you saw Jiyoung's eyes widening. All of them turned to you at the same time making you raise an eyebrow at them. The short guy walked towards you and nodded towards his motorcycle. "You'll come with me," he said and suddenly you had an even worse feeling about all this. For Jiyoung's shake you didn't refuse, knowing how much Hoseok's friend's opinions mattered to her.
You simply nodded as the man got on his bike turning it on, seeing Jiyoung sigh in relief from the corner of your eye. When the man motioned, you got on the bike, your hands reluctantly wrapping around the man's waist.
"What was your name again?" He asked and you barely heard him over the loud engines turning on. "(Y/n)," you replied seeing him nod.
He didn't speak again for a while, seeing the others start driving to get back on the street. Since he and 2 more men had motorcycles they quickly moved to the front leading the way, the cars following right behind them.
"Hold on tight now or else you'll fall" you heard the man say, before he went faster. Suddenly, he raised the front wheel to the air-what you later found out was named a “wheelie” stunt- as you let out a squeak, your fists tightly holding his jacket not planning to let go any time soon. You heard another guy that was on the motorcycle next to you laugh loudly and cheer, the woman behind him doing the same.
"You okay there?" The man in front of you asked after he stopped doing his stupid stunt. "Yeah, I'm good, I mean, I'm trying," you replied and he chuckled.
Suddenly everyone started moving slower and started acting as if they were all going to their own ways separately, driving away from each other, some stayed behind, others continued moving with the same speed to the front. Before you could even question the man about the odd behaviour of the group he spoke up. "There’s always police somewhere near here so we pretend we are going slow." He explained and you nodded even though the man couldn’t see you.
After a while they seemed to start going faster again and you eventually reached the place you were meant to go. It was a nice quiet beach. Secluded, with no one around except your group. Everyone slowly started getting off their bikes or out of their cars. The man turned the engine off and both of you got off. You slowly moved away from the man and towards Jiyoung, who took your hand holding you away from the others so they wouldn’t hear. "Everything alright?" She asked and you nodded.
"I'm fine"
"I saw the stunt Yoongi did. Where you scared?" "A little, but I'm fine, so it's okay I guess." You replied and she nodded. She picked up her speed again, walking towards the others, plopping next to her boyfriend and you awkwardly sat next to her. On your right there was no one and you were thankful for that. You'd rather just sit there alone than have to talk with someone and probably embarrass yourself.
Sadly, you weren't lucky for long, because soon the man who you finally knew was named Yoongi sat near you. He didn't say anything to you, instead he continued talking with the guy on his right. You just sat there, enjoying the view of the sea, the small waves creating a nice ambience and the moonlight shining over your big group. There barely were any streetlights making it very dark, but at least that made it easier to look at the stars.
You recognised a few constellations you knew could be visible in that time of the year. You were probably staring for a long time because you felt a nudge from your left making you turn to look at Jiyoung, who nodded towards Hoseok.
"Do you not get bored of looking at the sky for so long?" He jokingly asked and you just chuckled. You turned to look at the sea this time. A few moments later you heard a soft voice in your ear. "You like stars, huh?" Yoongi asked. "Um yeah, I was looking at the constellations that are visible now, but I couldn’t recognize all of them" you said awkwardly.
"Which ones?" He asked and you raised an eyebrow. "Which ones?" You repeated. "Which ones do you recognize and which ones do you not?" He asked and you let out a small "oh" before pointing at the sky.
"I recognize that one, Cassiopeia. But those three stars in a row remind me or Ursa Minor but I can’t seem to find the rest of it."
"That's because that's not Ursa Minor. It's Orion. Those 3 stars are the belt. The two stars on the top and the two stars on the bottom form his body" he said and you looked at him dumbfounded. "Really?" You asked and he nodded with a chuckle.
"Wow, it's the first time I actually see Orion." You thought out loud.

Who could have thought that just a small conversation about stars would make you this charmed. The man had a soft smile on his face while speaking. You'd expect him to smirk and act all cocky, but he was very kind which of course made you feel some type of way. Seeing this side from a man like this.
It shouldn't have been a surprise to Jiyoung when you easily agreed to go hang out with their group again. The fact that you spent most of the time with Yoongi shouldn’t have been a surprise either.
He seemed to be able to hold a conversation with you, despite your not so similar ways of living. You knew he was bad news, but that didn't stop you from developing a small crush for the man.
He was just so charming and his chuckle when you attempted to make a joke gave you butterflies in your stomach.
Jiyoung never commented on how you and Yoongi seemed to often move a little farther from the rest of the group when talking.
Eventually, Yoongi made his move on you and you let him, which lead to the two of you dating. Still, you didn't know much about each other, but you wanted to and blinded by his charm, you saw potential in the man.
One night, again at that beach, the two of you decided to go on a walk along the beach, look at the stars, throw rocks at the sea and see who can throw it further. After you managed to throw one rock further than Yoongi, you cheered loudly and jumped up and down clapping your hands.
"I did it! I beat you! In your face loser!" you said and he laughed, enjoying seeing you act more freely around him. He continued looking at you even after you stopped laughing and you both made eye contact. You didn't speak, just admired each other's beautiful features.
Soon, he started leaning in and you did too. You glanced at his coral lips, not even slightly chapped and so inviting. You both closed the gap, your lips slowly moving against each other's. His hands slowly wrapped around your waist, your hands were resting on his chest and you continued to kiss for what felt like ages. When you finally stopped for air, you pressed your forehead against his and caught your breath.
One of his hands softly cradled your cheek making you look at him, before he leaned in giving you a small peck on the lips, his thumb softly rubbing your cheek.
"God, I wanted to do that so bad," he spoke softly and you almost whined at the sound of his voice. It was probably one of your favorite things about him. His voice, his tone when talking. When the moment was more intimate he seemed to be talking very lazily which you found so hot. When he liked what he was talking about he spoke with more energy and a little faster. Every once in a while he trailed off by breathing in, making a small sound similar to hissing with his teeth. At first you thought it was because it was chilly, but turns out it's just a habit he has when talking.

However, just like all stories, it's not always all rainbows and unicorns. Yoongi was never one of those boyfriends that tried to spend as much time with you as possible. At first you were okay with it because you are a busy woman after all and needed some personal time too. But then Yoongi's behaviour made it seem as if he avoided spending time with you on purpose.
You tried not to get jealous when you knew he was meeting up with women because after all he was just their dealer, so you had no reason to, but you also knew how many of them tried to flirt to get the product on a lower price. You liked to think that they never succeeded in this.
All couples argue every once in a while, so you tried to not let it ruin your relationship, but soon something happened and you can’t lie and say that you didn’t expect it, but you were just hoping it wouldn’t happen.
You had made Yoongi promise not to have drugs on him when he was with you and he had replied that he wasn't planning on doing it anyways. When police asked you to pull over you didn't worry and you just showed the officers your IDs and the papers for the motorcycle and were free to go. But one time, they checked the cigarette pack Yoongi had on him and escorted you to the police station.
The officers thought they found traces of weed in Yoongi's cigarettes and had to check, so until the results came out the two of you had to stay there. Luckily there was nothing in his cigarettes. They were just of bad quality, but that scared you so much you decided to stop what you had with Yoongi.
"I'm sorry but I just can't take this. Feeling as if at any time of the day I could suddenly have trouble with the police. We were lucky you actually had nothing on you this time, but who knows what will happen in the future. You might forget it and I don't want any trouble because of this."
He understood you. He didn't try to change your mind. He just explained you that he couldn't change his lifestyle, at least for now, but he respected your decision to break up with him. To say you were shocked he was so calm about it was an understatement. But you were glad he was. It didn't make it hurt any less though.
Jiyoung told you from time to time about how Yoongi had been. Yoongi asked her about you too. She tried to get the two of you to just text each other every time you felt like hearing from the other, but you never did. You could only move on and by continuing to talk with him, you wouldn't be able to do it.
You don’t know whether you regret dating Yoongi or not. It was an experience. You had been taught many lessons. The most important of them was to not get his easily charmed.
𝖲𝗐𝖾𝖾𝗍 𝗆𝖾𝗅𝗈𝖽𝗒 | 𝖬𝗂𝗇 𝖸𝗈𝗈𝗇𝗀i

pairing: dad!Yoongi × f!reader
genre: romance
warnings : pure fluff, too much sweetness, protagonist's daughter was sick, mention of puking, a little bit of coffee addiction, SO SO SWEET.
synopsis: your daughter was sick, and you and your husband are worried, but you woke up to a sweet surprise.
a/n: Hii,this is my first time publishing something here. English is not my native language, so please forgive me for any mistakes and don't esiste to tell me what's wrong! I just wrote what was on my mind.Enjoy≽^•⩊•^≼
a/n 2 : Hope you liked it! Let me know if you have some requests!
✩。:*•.───── ❁ ❁ ─────.•*:。✩
You wake up next to your husband, still exhausted from the night before. Your daughter puked all day, and, clearly worried, you had a restless sleep. It was around 6.00 a.m. and your hand automatically came out of the sheets to cover your eyes from the sun. Someone murmured beside you, and you understood that your husband was awake as well.
"You're already awake? I had a fitful night, and I'm sure you had it too, honey."
The cold atmosphere of December made you shiver, and Yoongi suddenly hugged you tightly as he spoke gently to you, concerned about your sleep and with his mind full of thoughts for your daughter.
"Choon-Hee must be in dreamland now, I hope she had a better sleep than us. She was feeling better, isn't she?"
You nodded slightly, inhaling the sweet scent of your husband's skin and caressing his long hair to reassure him.
"She stopped puking, at least...I really hope she's feeling better now"
You sighed, now thinking about your lovely daughter and how you hated to see her in such a state. Her usually bright voice, yesterday was like a whisper, and her glowing eyes hadn't the same spark. She was usually a cheerful child, and seeing her twisted from the pain made you so concerned. Around 9 p.m. she started to feel better, she had stopped vomiting.
But your lovely daughter was really tired and you hoped that today she'd feel better.
"Let's go check on her and then go downstairs. I need coffee to go through the day"
You wouldn't say that you were addicted to caffeine, but it was like a necessity for you to stay active, especially after that horrible night, and your husband was as addicted as you. He jumped out of the bed at the thought of the sour taste of coffee.
And so, hand in hand, you came out from under the sheets, immediately noticing how cold it was outside of them.
You two slowly approached your daughter’s room and with a gentle step Yoongi approached Choon-Hee, touching her forehead to control her temperature. Immediately, her little hand moved and her sweet eyes opened slowly.
"Honey, how are you feeling?" It was Yoongi who, visibly worried, asked her that question even though your daughter was still half asleep, but when she hinted a smile, your hearts warmed.
"I feel better Dad. I want to have breakfast with you, I promise not to throw up anymore"
You put a hand on Yoongi’s back, which at the time was lowered, to fill your daughter’s face with kisses.
"Come on, let’s have breakfast together"
You breathed a sigh of relief when you saw your daughter in that condition, she really seemed fine and you hoped that she had healed for good.
As soon as you arrived in the kitchen, your daughter didn’t even give time to sit down. She immediately asked to play with Dad’s instruments.
Your husband was a producer, very famous and above all, very good. He called himself "genius" and that’s exactly how he won you over, one of his many qualities was to get you emotional with his music, and your daughter wanted to compose a song just like her dad.
"Do you want to do like your dad mh? Do you already have this passion?"
He asked her and she immediately sat on his legs, while he fixed the instruments in front of him and with a proud look, he approached your daughter’s little fingers "they are all yours, let me see what you can do"
And while you were making breakfast, glancing from time to time to observe your daughter, who with her frowning eyebrows composed her first melody, your husband’s words melted you in the blink of an eye.
"Our girl is a genius"
Even though he knew that he was the genius among you, he would make her happy just to see her smile.Proud of her melody, Choon-Hee rose quickly from her father’s lap to dive into the sofa, exclaiming loudly "the life of a producer is really tiring"
That comment made you laugh, but you tried in every way to hide your laughter and felt your husband’s arms tighten you from behind.
"Was the melody that good?"
You asked quietly, preparing the much desired coffee.
"You know, I think I could use this tune for my next song"
You both laughed, enjoying that wonderful day, which fortunately had started in the best way.
After all, with your husband and daughter by your side, every day started off just right.

Work in progress...
✧ Dear Namjoon (namjoon)
series; not completed | angst, smut, brothers best friend , namjoon fanfic -synopsis; You move in with your father and brother while your mother is away, one of you're brother's best friends becomes interested in you but you're relationship has to be kept a secret. index
Series; not completed | angst, smut, fake dating, contract, yoongi fanfic - synopsis; you're in love with your childhood friend but he does not see you more than just a friend. One day you ask him to be more than just friends, he agrees. index
✧ Snatch
Series; not completed | only available on AO3 | mafia au, smut, content warning, yoongi fanfic - synopsis; your father becomes an undercover cop and succeeds in locking up one of the most wanted criminal, only for him to escape prison and come after you in order to return your father the favor.
✧ Snatch (alternative version)
Series; not completed | only available on AO3 | mafia au, smut, content warning, yoongi fanfic - synopsis; your father becomes an undercover cop and succeeds in locking up one of the most wanted criminal, only for him to escape prison and come after you in order to return your father the favor. index
✧ Blue Heart
Series; discontinued | only available on AO3 | fluff, smut, establish relationship, jungkook fanfic - synopsis; after moving into your new neighborhood you encounter your neighbor who is the same age and grade as you. He discovers your secrets and falls in love with everything you hate about yourself.
✧ Kalopsia (not released yet)
series; wip | smut, pregnancy, arranged marriage - synopsis; index
✧ karmic Soulmates (Tumblr exclusive)
series; wip | smut, gang au, gun violance - synopsis; you run a cafe, live in a quiet city. you're life is normal just as everyone else, but not everyone seems to be who they seem. what do you do when your soulmate appears again and pulls you back into the world you had been running from for six years. Chapter 1

My first confession | Drabbles

A part of DEEP series
✧ Pairing:Min Yoongi x reader
✧ warning(s): explicit language
✧ word count: 1.6k
a/n: I came up with this drabble out of the blue and decided to write it. please if you want to see anything let me know in the requests!
index | askme!
"Mom please, just let me stay here" you whine, brushing your hair back with your fingers you roll your eyes. Yoongi grins as he looks at you from the living room, tomorrow was a big day and as you asked your parents to let you stay here with yoongi they kept their ground.
"it's you're 21st birthday, your dad wants to spend it with you. and your family also wants to see you" your mom inhales, exhausted from fighting with you.
"but I want to spend it with yoongi and his friends" you groan, annoyed of not getting through to her. yoongi finally gets up from his seat and walks over to you. "let me talk to her" you glare at him as he was trying to not laugh at you, enjoying the moment of you being angry.
passing the phone to him "you're doing me a favor" he just chuckles and you could imagine your mom probably yelling at you about your response. he shoos you away and you show him your middle finger, heading to the kitchen to finish making the both of you something to eat. it was your idea to cook at home since you guys have been getting take out or eating on campus and you nagged him about eating more healthier.
"alright, it's settled. you can stay here" he smiles, placing the phone on the counter and making his way next to you. he leans on the kitchen island watching you cut the vegetables. "yeah? and what's the condition" he snorts, receiving a glare from you. "you know your mom really well"
"i'm surprised you even thought I wouldn't know there would be a but in her agreement"
"we just have to come over next weekend thats all" he smiles.
"I guess thats not so hard.." you mumble.
you knew that the moment jimin and taehyung offered to set up your party that they would go over the top but kept true to them promising to only make it the seven of them, jihye and junho.
yoongi shuts the door of the car, a grouchy look on his face as he shoves his keys into his jean jacket's pocket. "come on yoongi please don't act like that" you whine, grabbing his arm as you pull him close to you. "what am I doing" he lets you pull him towards their house.
"junho is my friend too, please don't be rude"
"really?" he stops his steps, making you jerk back. you look back at him with a 'what the fuck' look. "who do you pick" he says sternly
"i'm not going to ask either of you to leave, so jus-"
"no" he cuts you off, holding your hand "who do you pick between him and me" you inhale, gripping his hand as you grab the other "yoongi, you know I pick you"
and his gummy smile appears on his lips, intertwining his fingers with yours. entering jimin's apartment everyone starts congratulating you and hugging you.
"you finally caught up to us" junho says, taking a hold of your hand as he pulls you into a hug. he had roses in his hand which he hands to you. "thank you" you smile, yoongi was standing behind him and didn't waste the chance to mock you 'thank you' he mouths as he rolls his eyes. namjoon nudging his arm as he laughs.
"lets eat shall we, taehyung cooked" jimin points at him, who's standing up proud, pumping his chest out as he flexes his arms but his ego was crushed by yoongi "great, i told you we should've just ordered something or let me cook" he groans. taehyung's face looks hurt "hey! I can cook you know!" everyone laughs.
"don't take him serious" you go in for a hug, since you hadn't hugged him yet. he squeezes you tightly "nah, we shouldn't have invited him" he mutters, cheeks against the crown of your head. you laugh at his remark.
"if i wasn't here neither would she be here" yoongi snaps back
"she's grown, she can go out without you" junho speaks, eyes on yoongi. the room is silent for a second, yoongi's lips parting as he's going to respond but you cut in "he's sayin that cause my mom wanted me to come home this weekend" you move away from taehyung, looking at yoongi with pleading eyes to let it go. He just nods slowly, eyes drifting to some painting on the wall where his eyes stick there.
"anyways" your hands clasps together "can we get this started"
you were dead drunk. at first you were being careful to not drink so much, but taehyung gave you no break. he kept filling up your cup, and to save him from yoongi who had already grabbed him by the collar as he threats him to stop pressuring you but you came to the rescue telling him that you wanted to see what your limit was.
your head was against yoongis arm, he would glance at you every once and while making sure you were not asleep but he couldn't help chuckle at your drunk state. "she's gone" jihye laughs, taking photos of you with her phone. "alright alright, that's enough of that "yoongi turns his body, trying to help you sit up but instead you fall face flat to his chest "yeah I think it's time to go home"
he sits you up by your shoulders, calling your name gently trying to get you to react but you were just drowsy at this point and tipsy.
"isn't jihye taking her home" junho grabs your hand slightly before yoongi pulls you out of his reach "and why the fuck would she" he spats, reaching his limit of dealing with this man.
"she's drunk" he stands up. "junho" jihye chuckles awkwardly "sit down, they live next to each other...and they've known each other way longer" she tugs on his shirt. everyone else were enjoying the sight. taehyung's brows raised as his eyes dart from yoongi to junho. "alright alright, cut it out" namjoon speaks up "yoongi just take her home, we'll explain to junho how shit runs here"
"i wasn't asking for permission anyways" as he crouches down he lifts you up in his arms, smug smile on his face on his way out.
"yoongi" you cry, tears in your eyes as he pats your back. "stop crying" he's holding back his laugh, the moment you woke up you began to cry. "but you don't get it" you hit his arm "then explain it to me, but stay still" sitting you on the toilet cover, he grabs the make up wipes from your basket. struggling to take one out since you wouldn't give him space, finally getting one out and wiping it gently across your face as he makes sure to get all the make up. "do me a favor and keep crying so I can make sure to get all the mascara" he snorts when you slap his hand away giving you a exaggerated 'ouch'
"you're mean"
"babe, i'm trying to listen to you but all you're doing is crying. take a deep breath and talk" his hand caressing your knee. you take in a few breaths and he continues to wipe your face.
you exhale "i love you" you bite down on your lip. palms sweaty "i really really love you" your heart is pounding against your chest. you finally told him how you feel.
his hand freezes, but his soft eyes meet yours and he doesn't look away. "i love you too kid" pinching your cheek.
"yoongi" you whine
"okay, i understand alright. i love you too, we've known each other before we even could walk. i adore you alright" he throws the wipe away. "now brush your teeth cause you know you can't sleep without brushing your teeth"
after adding toothpaste to your toothbrush he hands it to you "i'll go look for something comfortable to wear, where did you put my clothes I brought over here? i don't wanna leave you alone just to find you dead cause you fell or something" he laughs as he walks down the hall to your room "in the closet" you say slowly. staring at the toothbrush with your heart broken.
once your done, you enter your room and he's already changed his outfit. on the bed he put your favorite pajamas which was one of his black shirts and shorts. "change, i'll get you some water" once he returns you're already in bed, he places the glass of water on the night stand. you feel the bed sink down as he climbs in "you're sleeping?"
you don't respond, just hug the blanket "come here" he pokes your back. and you couldn't help it but turn and cuddle into his chest has he rubs your back as you drift to sleep.
"i fucking hate him" you cry, yoongi holding your hair back in a pony tail, he didn't have a chance to get you a hair tie. since you dashed out of the room and into the bathroom throwing up your insides. "i told you not to over do it, now you know what will happen" he chuckles, patting your back slowly.
"i'ma kill him" you throw up some more.
"i tried to stop him and you still didn't listen" he shakes his head. you sit back wiping your mouth with a towel.
"all better?" you see the smile creeping on his face as he tries to not laugh "fuck you" you hover over the toilet throwing up again.
and he couldn't help it but laugh.
Part two
My first confession pt.2 | drabble

A part of DEEP series
✧ Pairing:Min Yoongi x reader
✧ warning(s): explicit language, hinting of underage drinking, drunk kiss
✧ word count: 1.6k
a/n: part two to this drabble and the ending.
index | Part One
she blew out the candles, jihye picked out her cake after I insisted on doing it myself but she wouldn't shut up so I had no choice. she smiled brightly as they took turns taking photos of her, going in pairs to take photos with her. It irked my soul when he stood next to her, his arm wrapped around her as he rested it on her arm tugging her closer to him.
"hey! smile!" taehyung yells refusing to take the photo without causing some sort of scene. I glared at him as he suggested them to get closer but how closer could they get. taehyung laughs as namjoon yells at him to take the photo, he glances my way which I mouthed "do you wanna die" and he frowned right away, turning to the pair and taking the photo. handing the phone to junho but the bastard didn't stop there, instead he leaned down and began whispering who knows what to her, I stared at her to read her reaction but all she did was smile and nod giving his arm a small squeeze as he moves on letting jihye step in his spot as she hugs y/n tightly for a photo.
"alright last but not least" taehyung pushes me towards the table, indicating it was my turn for a photo. "happy birthday" she automatically hugs me, kissing her forehead I squeeze her as I hug her back.
this is it, no matter what he does. he can't have this, our relationship.
my eyes glanced to him, he was sitting at the table taking a sip of what ever he was drinking, eyes on us. "smile" she says softly, my eyes tracing back to her as she gives me her bright smile "you don't have to tell me that" I smile, turning to the camera my arm wraps around her waist, holding her closely to me.
"we're finally 21" she whispers
"and? just another year" I shrug
"yeah but we can drink now, legally" she drags out the last word which i roll my eyes. "I'm still older than you" I pinch her waist which she slaps my hand "shut up, by what? two days? oh grow up already" rolling her eyes she pushes me away but I don't let her sit down as I grab her arm and pull her into a hug "still, happy birthday sweetheart"
"give her one more I fucking dare you" I grip his collar, leaning over the table. Y/n and jihye grabbing onto both my shoulders as they try to pull me back but couldn't. "alright alright, it was just joke" he yells back but was not terrified at all of my outburst.
"yoongi!" she yells, giggling like the rest of them but I knew she was starting to get tipsy and maybe this sensitive outburst is also cause I was getting tipsy too. namjoon finally gets in, gripping my fist as he tries to undo my grip on taehyung's shirt
"I wanna know my limit" releasing my shoulders she hugs me from my waist, releasing his collar I sit back looking down at y/n who was still hugging me almost crawling into my lap " later don't be telling me nothing" I grab her arms, prying her off of me as she sits back on her seat emptying her cup once more.
I sit back, cross my arms and just watch her. two bottles later she was starting to talk gibberish and glare at me intensely as she whispered something to jihye who decided to stay sober to not miss the chance of seeing her drunk.
it didn't last long, this stare off she was trying to have with me as her head ended up against my arm. I chuckle as I watch her, little mumbles coming from her lips every now and then.
"she's gone" jihye laughs, taking photos of the both of you with her phone. As a good friend I should've stopped her, save you some dignity but you didn't listen to me to stop drinking, these were you're consequences. typing into my phone I let them have their fun as I called for a Uber. "alright alright that's enough of that" I lift her head of my shoulder, turning my body as I called your name trying to wake you up but instead you face fell flat on my chest as I was holding your shoulders.
"yeah I think it's time to go home" I tried to hold back my laugh, but the smile creeping on my lips was unavoidable. sitting her up once more I called her name gently trying to get her to react and she looked up at me slightly but she was drowsy and definitely gone.
My smile disappearing instantly as he grabs onto your arm pulling you towards him as he gives me a cold stare "isn't jihye taking her home" my body reacting before I could think I wrap my around around your waist, pulling you towards me as I stand "and why the fuck would she" i scowl at him, I was close to losing my patience with this man, who the fuck did he think he was to tell me what I can and can't do with you.
"she's drunk" he stands, my brow arches as I scoff as his attempt to intimidate me. "junho" jihye chuckles awkwardly "sit down, they live next to each other...and they've known each other way longer" tugging on his shirt as she looks around at my friends as if telling them to do something but all they did was watch.
junho stared at me with daggers in his eyes as I stood smugly there your face was resting on my chest as I was holding you up with my arm around your waist. "alright alright, cut it out" namjoon finally steps in, putting his arm between the two of us from across the table. "yoongi just take her home, we'll explain to junho how shit runs here" I couldn't help but smirk as his hands clench into fists.
"i wasn't asking for permission anyways" crouching down a bit I wrap my arm under you as I lift you up into my arms, jihye quickly hands me your purse. moving in my arms your small eyes look at me for a split second before wrapping your arms around my neck. licking my lips I grin as I look at him one last time before turning on my heel and leaving.
she finally woke up once we entered her apartment, she'd stare at me as I was crouched down trying to undo her heals. "yoongi" she mumbles my name which I hum in response but instead of her talking I just hear her sniffle.
I stand quickly, tugging her hair behind her ear as I try to make her look at me but she kept looking down instead "hey..why are you crying" I couldn't help but almost laugh, so she's the type to get emotional.
I should've never talked, the moment she looked up at me. rivers of tears began to trickle down her cheeks and I lost it.
I began to laugh, which didn't help as it caused her to hit my arm with her small purse as she just cried "come on, lets get you cleaned up" I decided it would be best to just get her into bed.
she would stumble over her own feet but I held onto her as she walked down the hall towards the bathroom. "yoongi" she cries, tears in her eyes as I pat her back "stop crying" I held back another laugh.
"you just don't get it" she continues to hit me with her small fists. "then explain it to me, but stay still" I close the toilet cover and make her sit. If I didn't clean off her make up and make her brush her teeth she would be pissed the next day. she kept leaning on me as I tried to take out a make up wipe from the bag. putting it down I push her back slightly, finally being able to get one I wasted no time to wipe her face gently.
"do me a favor and keep crying so I can make sure to get all the mascara" I snort as she slaps my arm away "ouch" I exaggerate
"you're mean"
I caress her knee my thumb brushing circles against her skin, looking into her teary eyes that glared at me"babe, i'm trying to listen to you but all you're doing is crying. take a deep breath and talk"
"I love you"
"I really really love you" my hand freezes, my eyes meeting hers as she stares at me with anticipation in hers. I felt like kissing her, the way her eyes shimmered as the tears fell down her perfect cheeks.
fuck, i'm drunk too
pinching her cheek I smile at her "I love you too kid"
"yoongi" she whined, stomping her feet annoyed.
"okay, I understand alright. I love you too, we've known each other before we could even walk. I adore you, alright?" throwing the wipe away I get up from my crouch position "now brush your teeth cause you know you can't sleep without brushing your teeth"
grabbing her tooth brush I add toothpaste, placing it in her hand I make sure she grips the handle before I let go "i'll go look for something comfortable to wear, where did you put my clothes I brought over here? I don't wanna leave you alone just to find you dead cause you fell or something" I laugh walking down the hall towards her room as I hear her say "in the closet" slowly. entering her room I stop, leaning against the wall "holy shit" I whisper.
placing one of my shirts she had taken and her shorts on the bed I quickly change into joggers and one of my shirts. I step out of the room once she's back to give her space to change as I get her a cup of water.
I could feel myself getting drowsy and just wanted to sleep. getting back to the room I found her giving my side her back as she just hugged the blanket hiding her face. "you're sleeping" I still ask.
getting on my side I poke her back "come here" I say to her which makes her shift in her spot but she didn't avoid me and turned towards me, cuddling into my chest as I rub her back.
"yoongi" she mumbles"
"I said I loved you" swallowing I lick my lips "and I said I love you too" I give her a tight squeeze. "but you don't seem to understand" she props herself on her elbow as she looks at me, my arm still on her waist "what?" I mumble, enchanted by her.
She brushes my bangs aside as her hand then caresses my cheek. "y/n" my voice shakes, my mind in shambles and the alcohol in my system not helping me.
and what happened next I couldn't control.
she closed the distance between us, her lips pressed against mine. my heart did a somersault and reason was long gone. leaning against my elbows I held her nape, kissing her roughly as she moaned against my lips. nibbling on her bottom lip she couldn't get the hint which irritated me. quickly I lifted my hand to her lips, pressing my thumb against her lips as they part slowly I stick my thumb into her mouth "fuck" I curse as I shove my tongue into her mouth, our tongues tangling as I press her down on the bed.
her legs wrap around my waist, my hands on either side of her head as I hold myself up to stop me from crushing her. "yoongi" she whines, and it made my heart jitter.
she had my heart at her palm, she had me at her fucking palm.
I couldn't think, my tongue wandering every nook and corner of her mouth as I sucked on her tongue. slowly kissing her chin as my hands roamed under her shirt, inching closer to her breast as they itched to grope them. her hips grinding against my hard cock that was dying to be inside her.
"fuck--please y/n" I groaned against her neck as I groped her breast, pulling her bra down as I sucked her hard nipple over the shirt. "yoongi" she cried out, sitting up I pull my shirt over my head looking down at her disheveled hair, fast panting and her shirt was half way up her stomach. I could feel my dick throbbing against her clothed area. taking a deep breath I hook my fingers on the hem of her shorts, lifting her hips I was just about to pull down her shorts but she grips my hand.
my eyes jolt to her, I wanted to be selfish. I wanted to just have her but her grip was hard.
her other hand was covering her mouth "I feel like i'm gonna throw up" my breathing was fast as i stared at her holding her mouth. letting go of her shorts I sit her up "let's go to the bathroom" I tell her slowly, trying to calm myself down. "false alarm" she giggles against my chest
I shut my eyes, inhaling.
before I could say anything to her I began to hear her small snores. it's fine, this is good. I was about to do something crazy.
laying her down on her side I fix her bra and pull her shirt down. never ever ever drink and lay with her, I told myself.
"Fuck" she curses, my eyes open slowly as I feel her body jerk back from my chest. jumping out the bed as her hand covers her mouth she runs down the hall. automatically I go after her, picking up the cover seat she empties her stomach into the toilet, I quickly reach for her hair, pulling it back into a pony tail but not having anything to tie her hair with so I just held onto it.
"I fucking hate him" she cries
"I told you not to over do it, now you know what will happen" I chuckle, patting her back slowly.
"i'ma kill him" she throws up some more,
"I tried to stop him and you still didn't listen" I shake my head as she sits back. I hand her a hand towel as she wipes her mouth "all better?" she glares at me clearly caught that I was trying to hold back my laughter "fuck you" hovering over the toilet she throws up again and i couldn't help but laugh.
when she finally finished I took her to sit while I fixed her something to eat. "here drink this, it'll help you" I said slowly. she nods, taking sips of the honey water.
"yesterday" she says slowly
my hands freeze at the ends of the container "yeah" I say
"thank you for rubbing my back as I slept" she mumbles, taking another sip of the drink
"thats all you remember?" I turn to look at her
her eyes widening quickly "did something happen?" she sits up.
"well you almost barfed in the bed" i lick my lips, grinning. it wasn't a lie, she almost did.
"oh shut up please, I don't remember anything after you got in the bed" she rubs her temple "I really don't remember anything" she whines
letting out a bitter chuckle, I smiled at her "not even when all you did was cry"
"wait, I do remember the bathroom..a little" she shuts her eyes as if trying to recall "you made me brush my teeth" she says
"oh shut up already" I laughed
handing her the food she ate slowly and occasionally cursed at taehyung. but never mentioned what had happened last night, and I really hoped it was just that; that she simply can't remember and isn't choosing to just forget.
tag list: @baechugff @yoongibaybee , @gimeow , @pjmsneverland , @eissenheimer, @taetaechim7 , @acquiescence804 ,@seoullove96 , @keshiadeija ,@camelia122344 @gaby-93 , @amarawayne , @ykkjm , @waitaminswife , @thetaehyungstan
(comment to be added to permanent tag list)
Summer-fling | Drabbles

A part of DEEP series
✧ Pairing: Yoongi x jihye
✧ warning(s): explicit language, protected sex
✧ word count: 1.3k
a/n: drabble should be read after reading chapter eight of main story. I was going to wait a day or two to release after completing the second part but have decided to release part two next Wednesday. enjoy!
index | askme!
You had joined your friend sooyun to a university event that was hosted by one of the students. which lead to being abandoned and ending by yourself. maybe that's why you're in this mess now, turning to look at the man laying behind you you couldn't help but mentally curse yourself for falling for his stupid sweet words.
before moving to the city you broke up with your boyfriend who didn't want you to move away, and then this man appears and how could you push him away when you were just as needy as him.
"that girl has been shooting daggers at us" you whispered as he left kisses on your neck. you both were loners on the side lines and one thing lead to another. "ignore her" he grips your chin, pushing his tongue into your mouth as he deepens the kiss.
touching your lips as you remember you shut your eyes and groan. gathering your clothes you were about to stand when he pulls you back into the bed "hold on" he says as you watch him with opened eyes.
he glanced at you once before he looked at the time on his watch "it's still early" he mumbles. "i'm not looking for a relationship right now" you awkwardly chuckle as your eyes dart to the side. you were beginning to feel embarrassed as his naked chest was against yours. "neither am I" he sighs "remember that girl last night, she's a pain and well this happened but I don't want her to barge in here the moment you leave"
"is she your girlfriend?" you glare at him, this fucking bastard dragged me into his drama only to piss off his girlfriend. I swear I'm gonna fucking-
"no, I don't date. I just..she's just someone and she's become so fucking possessive and toxic" you give him a look and he exhales "look you clearly needed someone and I did too and we satisfied each other. all I need is for you to stick around all this week until I leave. can you?"
"so what? you want me to come here everyday and have se-"
"the sex is optional, I ain't forcing you to do anything. I enjoyed it and i'm sure you did too. I'm just asking for you to do this for me" last night wasn't bad in fact it was the best sex you've ever had and doing it again well you wouldn't decline the offer. rolling your eyes you stand from the bed "I don't want to be dragged into you couples quarrel honestly I don't really know anyone here and it's not my favorite thing in the world to have a rumor about me righ-"
"she wouldn't say shit, I can assure you that. she'd rath- look just forget it" you both get dressed and you were about to leave until you noticed she was sitting at the unlit fire pit. clearly his tent was in full view and she was ready to barge in her. rubbing your temple you groan in frustration before walking back to yoongi "your right she's out there"
"I know" he says without looking up at you. "can't you just tell her you're not interested to have any sort of relationship with her"
"I don't have a relationship with her, just that lately she's so fucking clingy and toxic that. fuck why am I explaining this to you"
"I don't know maybe cause you want my help? what if she comes up to me what the fuck do I even say if I don't even know-"
"fine!" he exclaims
you both sat on the bed and he talked about how he was tired of having to deal with a lot of girls and she had said to him that she was only in it for the sex. for a good time it was just that, sex. but recently she has been asking more from him, inviting him over to her place and when he arrived she'd have friends over and make it seem as if they were a thing. she never confessed that she was falling for him and that's why he hadn't stepped away.
"Then get someone else"
"jihye was it? you really suck at fucking listening don't you"
"yeah? well fuck you. it's not my fault you brought this mess on yourself" clearly the only way you two could be together in the same place is to have sex and thats it.
"why me?"
"i've never seen you around her group , if it were a girl she knew...or just anyone else they'd go running to tell" side eying you "you aren-"
"i don't even want to talk to her, she sounds like a real bitch"
after watching him all day be annoyed by the girl, which you found satisfying it had gotten darker and everyone was once again around the fire. you were approaching the group when your eyes met his and you decided to help him. maybe it was the way you felt under his touch or maybe the emptiness you felt after breaking up with your boyfriend. but when he'd get away from her and you'd meet him in his tent, sometimes you'd both just sleep and other nights you'd find yourself withering under his touch.
your face pressed against the pillow as your fists gripped the sheets, moaning his name as he thrusts into you from behind "fuck, you take me so well" he'd grip your waist as he rammed into you. you both had tried many positions, but you knew nothing of him. only his name, but he knew your body and you knew his.
finally the day you had been expecting came, you stepped out of the tent to take a shower when the girl who he had been avoiding confronted you and began to say the most random shit. "look yoongi told me that you two aren't a thing, so why the possessiveness?"
"I know we aren't but no one els-" she stops herself, bitting her lip as he stares at me. it wasn't much a conversation after that, she stomped away and left me alone. that night was the last night of the week that we had agreed on.
entering the tent I was alone for a while until he entered with a aggravated expression. "you look pissed" glaring at me he sat on the bed, pressing his back against the board his hand rubbing his forehead "she's so irritating"
"tell me about it" you then begin to tell him everything she had said and he was more annoyed than when he had come in. "are you gonna keep seeing her"
"I don't know...there's this girl"
"a girl?"
"a friend"
"a friend?" he sighs ruffling his hair "it's all just a mess"
"let's just not think about it" you say, approaching him. placing your hands on each shoulder as you straddle him. "just focus on me" you mischievously smile as you tilt his head up, kissing his lips. he immediately holds your hips as you snake your arms around his neck. you both weren't the type to drag on the foreplay and after undressing. positioning yourself as he holds your waist you slide down on his hard length. "oh,god" you mewl gripping his shoulders, you begin to bounce on his cock as he thrusts upwards meeting you at the middle, you kissed him letting him take over as you savored every moment.
you never wanted to be involved with him again, at least this is what you said to yourself but if he were to ask for you once..well maybe you might just break. the next day you woke up before him and left. you didn't bother saying goodbye nor did you bother caring when the girl had barged in after you had left. it was over.
sooyun was waiting for you outside your tent and stared at you in shock as she saw the hickeys he had left along your neck "shut up" you say, entering your tent.
"girl wher-who have you been with oh my god" she giggled not believing it. "just a summer fling that's all" you shrug gathering your things.
yeah, summer fling. that's all.
Part two
Summer-fling pt.2 | Drabbles

A part of DEEP series
✧ Pairing: Yoongi x jihye
✧ warning(s): explicit language
✧ word count: 2.3k
a/n: felt stressed, reviewed the second part and decided to just post. enjoy!
index | Part One
it had been over two months and you never saw him again, a part of you wanted to bump into him but you'd shut the idea down right away, you were just needy. even though you didn't know him, you knew he'd obliged but in the end you'd be left wanting more. So you didn't look for him and another month passed.
the snow was now covering the ground and you watched as people were more bundled up and would walk with their lovers hand in their pocket. it had been a while since you had thought of that summer but when the cold had arrived all you could wish for was summer and the memories would flood in right after.
standing under the small covering you could find, you wait with two hot chocolates in your hands which are thankfully keeping them warm. your friend which you made on the first week of class had promised to pick you up. the two of you were planning to watch a series that had just released together at her place.
she was like a angel, coming to your life when you were the loneliest. in all honestly she was the reason you didn't loose your mind and went looking for him. his stupid face that was not able to leave your mind but you quickly forgot his name not long after. she was the sweetest person you had met in a while and maybe it was cause all your friends you had known since a child so meeting someone new that was bubbly and kind......well it was refreshing.
but there was something that made you feel motherly to her in a friendly way. maybe it started when caught a glimpse of the books she'd read on her own and with such a calm expression. hovering over her you read a good portion of the page before she felt your presence and jolted out of the seat with her cheeks a shade of deep red.
finally a car pulls up and from the opened passenger window she yells for you to hurry, giggling as she watches you waddling towards the car. finally seated inside she closes the window and you are engulfed with the heat inside "the weather is just crazy" you rub your nose with your warm hand "I know, my friend was so annoying telling me he'd bring me to school today. like what was the reason I learned to drive then?" she says sarcastically.
her friend, who she just started to mention only after she had stayed a little later at my place and he kept calling her until she answered. at first I thought he was a brother or some family member but in fact he's a childhood friend.
"what's his name" humming she slightly looks at me before looking at the road again "who's?"
"your friend, you've never said it"
"oh, it's yoongi. min yoongi." she smiles, and just like all the other times. one mention of him and the smile never leaves. "yoongi?" I repeat, the name ringing a bell but I can't figure out why. "yeah...do you know him?" her smile vanishes from her face but quickly gives me a small smile. "uh I don't think so"
"oh" I could feel the awkward tension that had suddenly appeared. repeating the name over and over in my head I almost dropped the cup from my hand as his face came in mind. unintentionally gasping loudly I scared not just myself but her too "oh my god, jihye don't do that you scared me" she yells
"sorry, it was hot" I chuckle
"do you have a photo of him"
"uh..yeah in my bag theres a photo in a pink pouch she smiles awkwardly. nodding I reach for her bag, please don't let it be him please don't let it be him. I think I could just die if it was him, I could tell just how much she likes him...
opening the small pink pouch she had many photos not just one taking out the photos I go threw them slowly. taking a small moment to look at each photo and mentioning someone about each one. and just like always the heavens were not on my side, the next photo was y/n and him both on their graduation day I could recognize his face immediately but thankfully there were other people there and so I skipped it. reaching the end of the photos I turn her to "are you sure? there's no single photo of a guy by himself"
"oh he's not alone"
"the graduation one, he's on my left with his arm around me" she keeps looking forward, I clumsily skim through the photos until getting to it once more "I thought you'd have a photo of him with just you or alone" you laugh
"i ask if you know him cause...well he doesn't really date and just likes to be with girls for short period of times..i'm not saying I think you're like that!" she exclaims quickly fixing her words "but it's just that when ever I do meet someone....he's been with well it never goes well"
swallowing, I put the photos back where they were and put her purse down "what do you mean?"
"well some are just a lot to deal with" she laughs "and others act sweet and kind to me but in the end they are no different....and they are just curious about my relationship with him. it just... gets messy"
"oh, i see.. and since you have a...crush on him well it must feel...."
you both nod and stare at the road "so you don't befriend them"
"the girls? no not really" she does a face as if she was judging herself "it's kind of petty isn't i-"
"no not at all you just don't want to hear about him through them...it makes sense" fuck fuck fuck, what if he sees me and she tells that he knows me by how he reacts.
"I did befriend one of them before but in end I just distanced myself...it was just...they would occasionally hook up- i don't know..maybe I overthink things" and that answered my question. if she knew what we did, she would want nothing to do with me.
"i've never seen him so we're good" I give her a smile, the most hypocritical smile i've ever given.
once we arrived I tried to act normal, she had mentioned that he lived next door to her. I just needed to get in and out of this building without bumping into him. but the way things were going I don't know why I even ask for anything in my life. entering her apartment she shushes me because we kept laughing.
but the laughter died down the moment I saw him sitting in the living room with a book in his hand. my breath trapped in my throat as I stare at him. quickly looking at y/n and then back at him. she walks up to him to hug him keeping me from his view. once their hug broke and he could see me; all he did was raise a brow and look at y/n. "this is jihye, the friend I mentioned I met at the start of the semester"
as they spoke to each other I realized something, the friend he must've been talking about was her. the way his eyes would glisten as he looked at her, his sweet tone as he spoke and how he held her hand as he listened I knew it right away, he also liked her.
y/n was wrong, the reason why a lot of those girls were not able to be friends with her was because of this, how could they when they would see that they would never have him looking at them as if they were his world. see how he would rub his fingers against the back of her hand as he listened to her. the way he would smile at her to the point that his dimples would show. they might've been able to have sex with him whenever they wanted but what they couldn't have was his heart.
That already belonged to her.
"let me get something for us to eat" handing the cup of hot chocolate to her she walks to the kitchen. you look at her leave and wait a bit before looking back at the man who didn't bother getting up from his seat " I almost didn't recognize you" he says, rushing to his side you put the hot chocolate down and tell him to shut up "you don't know me and I don't know you" you say quietly. "but we do kn-"
"no, just please shut up" you felt like you could throw up right here, right now. he gave you a face as if he wasn't understanding. "look I don't know how you managed to get to talk to her and all but i'd appreciate it if you don't try to befriend her to-"
"don't act all high and great, me befriending her has nothing to do with you!"
you hear her coming back and glare at yoongi once more before sitting in the farthest place you could. the afternoon you wished to enjoy with your friend was ruined, he wasn't the problem rather it was the way he was acting. clingy, caring, annoying. you realized that the reason y/n must've also had problems with the girls was maybe because yoongi tried to show his affection to her in front of them as if to show he wasn't interested in them the way they might want him to be.
and you couldn't help but want to ask him if it was intentional.
it was late when the three of you finished binge watching the show and y/n had fallen asleep next to him. you begin to clean up even after he told you not to but of course you insisted and he didn't argue with you.
the moment you stand awkwardly beside the sofa "she's deep asleep right?"
"yeah..she drove you here right? don't worry i'll take you home"
"no, i'll take a cab"
"just wait for me here" he says sternly giving you a look as if telling you that he was not asking. nodding he gets up slowly brushing aside her messy bangs aside before lifting her in his arms. he walks through the small hall and disappears into a room.
this is fine, i'm not interested in him like those girls. what we had was just sex, thats it.
grabbing his jacket from the stool he looks at you "lets go" the walk to the car was quiet. but once he pulled out of the parking lot he cleared his throat "does she not know"
"no, I told her I didn't know you" shaking his head he sighs "I really didn't befriend her cause of you, we just met and in all honestly I wish you'd die right now"
"wow" he gives you a 'are you crazy look'
"you can't tell her" you turn your body to face him "you can never say we knew each other before today" pursing his lips he stays quiet for a while until the car approached a red light "and if she finds out cause of eunju or someone else"
"who?" you show your confusion
"the girl from that summer"
"then you have to explain to her what happened, unlike those girls that cling to you. it was just sex and nothing else for us.....you owe me!"
"owe you? what are you talking about. if i remember correctly we had all the sex each of us wanted I never knew there was more to it"
"Of course there was! It's not my fault the whole week went to waste cause you didn't fix your life and kept getting fuck buddies" the both of you began to yell at each other and it seemed as if he would not listen to you at all. the frustration reached it's peak and you bursted in tears.
"She can't find out! You said it yourself she doesn't talk to anyone who's been with you. I've been friends with her for MONTHS I don't have any other friends but junho and I don't wanna lose her. It's not fair!"
he stared at you in disbelief and you couldn't believe it either, you are a full grown women crying over losing a friend. as if your parents were taking you far away and you'd never see her again. but having her in your life has been a blessing...she came in the moment you needed her.
"fine, stop crying" exhaling he rubs his temples "if she finds out i'll deal with it" opening your mouth ready to yell that she can't find out he stops you "IF she finds out, i'll deal with it. but if you two don't last as friends. just know its not cause of me"
"i'm not losing her cause of you or anyone else" you spat annoyed by his ego. you both didn't speak anymore after that, the car was filled with you sniffling here and then. when he drives up to the parking lot of the dorms he turns to look at you once more "i'm serious if you do anything to her i swe-"
"shut up" grabbing your bag you get out of the car.
yoongi was skeptical about you for a while but he soon realized that you were sincere when it came to your friendship with y/n. soon the two of you became inseparable and he didn't give it any mind. there were rumors, rumors of a girl that summer who had kept yoongi from eunju but no one could name you and thankfully y/n didn't pay any attention to anything in regards to the topic.
Beneath the Surface | Drabbles

A part of DEEP series
✧ Pairing: Yoongi x reader
✧ warning(s): explicit language, fight scene
✧ word count: 3.1k
a/n: this drabble is in yoongi's pov. we will see his pov through many scenes and I will label the scenes as they go In case anyone gets confused. I added chapter 8 incase you want to reread the chapter. Yoongi's pov has more details in certain events.
index | askme! | Chap 8
"what do you want" yoongi walks out of the lecture hall to find jihye leaning against the wall on her phone, her eyes meeting his the moment he makes himself known.
Yoongi watches as she nibbles on her inner cheek, his forehead creasing as he tilts his head as if to tell her to hurry up and speak.
"I want to invite y/n and everyone else to go camping during the break"
"what does that have to do with me? invite her and that's it" turning around he attempts to walk away but jihye raises her voice clearly a reaction from her anxiousness "It's the camp, where we met"
turning to face her he couldn't help but look amused at the words that came from her lips "you want to take her there, you know if it was just our group of friends fine. but you know everyone goes there" staring at jihye as if she had grown another head he can't take the silence and says "have you lost your mind?"
"it happened years ago...why would it matter.." he raises a brow, nodding his head as he looks away "do what you want" he doesn't stick around to listen to her any longer, entering the lecture hall.
He felt conflicted. How does he tell you that he might not want this, what ever this is.
you slept soundly your small snores filling the quiet room. the light radiating from the moon seeped through the curtains as it lit the room with warmness. His head hanged back as he leaned against the headboard.
he kept repeating in his head how you painfully reminded him that it was all fake and that this was all just for the sex and for just a split second he thought to himself, if this was really all you wanted and if he was just fooling himself into thinking that you actually liked him all this time. He kept thinking back to the day you had blurting out this stupid idea but can't remember if there was ever a confession hidden in your words.
but then why would she want this if she just saw us as friends?
groaning he rubs his temple before glancing at your laying figure, you looked like a angel to him. Beautiful in every way, no flaw what so ever. But yet here he was tainting you. your hair covered your back, some strands covered your face. His shaking hand reached out to hold the strands as he gently tugged them back, staring at you for what felt like eternity till he had his fill.
Pulling the sheets off he gets out of bed slowly to avoid waking you, he needed a smoke and have a moment away from you to collect his thoughts. walking down the hall he looks around the living room for his bag where he had put away his stuff to make sure you wouldn't find and confiscate it but ended up cursing himself when he remembers it was in the bedroom.
"fuck" he curses as sits on couch his head hung low as he tried to gather his thoughts. It would be best to go ahead and leave for the trip he couldn't think and if it was just the two of you then it would just be worse.
Walking to their tent he hears her laughing, another familiar laugh follows and he knew you where with jihye. it's for the best he says to himself as he turns, walking to his friends tents. He wasn't angry with you but with himself. He was like a dog in heat when he saw you, his desire for you had just gotten worse after having a single taste of you.
He stayed away for some if not all the afternoon, sending her a brief message which said to not wait for him. The girl who sat on the floor beside him placed her hand on his thigh "yoongi, we haven't seen you around lately" she says in a soft voice, not shy with her hand as she traced circles on his thigh. taking a drink from his cup he looks at the girl, his eyes glancing to her hand.
"he has a girlfriend now" taehyung speaks up, the girl pouts as if disregarding taehyung's comment "she's not here, did you not bring her"
he drinks from his cup again
"yeah where is y/n?" jimin says
placing the cup down. he leans forward, with his forearm he brushes off her hand from his thigh licking his lips "sleeping" he side-eyed the girl beside him with a stern look. "whatever" she mutters, scooting away from him.
it began to rain, maybe I should head back to make sure she's sleeping. looking at his phone he sees she never answered nor opened the message. she didn't really like the rain, and knowing how skeptical she was it was likely she'd be worried of some leak. He hides his face as he looks down, concealing his smile from everyone else.
filling his cup once more after taehyung kept insisting on drinking more with him , He listened to the raindrops rather than paying attention to the people in front of him. He wondered if you were reading one of your books and maybe that's why you didn't answer nor read his message, when ever you read you would block out the rest of the world.
He was lost in thought, not noticing people the two girls who had just came running into the first section of the tent. snapping out of his daze he looks up as he hears jihye's laugh, his eyes falling on you as jihye holds her arm stopping her from slipping.
he watches as she stands there for a moment, jihye entering. After saying hello jihye slips into a empty seat, she walks in and glances at everyone who's there before meeting his eyes "I thought I told you i'd be back" he says watching her walk to him as he finishes his drink ready to take her out of there with the excuse that he was done.
"I was bored" he could see how she was flustered, as always not comfortable when it comes to his friends gatherings. he bored his eyes into her as he waited to see where she'd sit. his eyes slowly glancing at the girl who had been beside him, she was glaring at her but y/n paid her no mind, in fact she didn't even notice. He licked his lips in attempt to not laugh but his smirk was wiped off his face when he felt her sit on his lap.
he grinned at her boldness and wraps his arm around her waist, holding her. Taehyung was quick to offer her a drink and she accepts, lifting his empty cup to get it filled. He watched her in silence as everyone who clearly was interested in who the girl that claimed the title as his girlfriend was.
he could sense how nervous she was as she gulped down the drink, leaning in he'd whisper into her ear to slow down and she'd nod but taehyung would fill her cup once more. His hand slipped underneath her shirt as he caressed her waist "You'll have a headache tomorrow" he says which she replied "it's the last one" nibbling on his bottom lip he'd nod, knowing she was lying.
Maybe he was tipsy, yeah that was his excuse. his excuse as to why his senses were sharp. explaining why he subtle perfume was all he could smell, he loved her choice in perfumes they were not strong. There were a lot of people in the room but she was the only one he could hear as she would talk or laugh. His eyes stuck on her as she smiled at any stupid little thing taehyung said. trying to keep himself sane he continued to caress her waist with his fingers feeling her body getting warmer and he could tell that she was getting drunk.
leaning against his chest she placed her head on his shoulder. shifting on his lap, tormenting him but he kept caressing her waist. trying to keep himself calm.
lifting the cup to her lips he catches taehyung at the corner of his eye ready to refill her cup. He knew he was being petty but he hated having all these guys seeing her especially in her current state, snatching the cup from her hand he drinks the remaining fluids, tossing the cup to the trash can which he miraculously makes it in. "we're leaving" he says which caused her to whine but he gripped her waist as he stood, taking her with him.
"alright then, see you tomorrow gorgeous " taehyung says cheerfully which yoongi glares at him.
the rain had settled down, and in truth he felt himself get sober as they quickly walked to their tent. the drizzle making him come to his senses.
as the two of them enter the tent he was about to look for a towel when he feels her hand on his chest in the darkness. without thinking he looked her in the eyes and mentally cursed himself as he felt her other hand traveling from his abdomen to his chest.
He leans in, pecking your lips as she wrap her arms around him.
she's drunk, he repeats in his head but he was desperate for her touch. tilting her head upwards, the two of them lost in each others eyes "you seemed annoyed" she says as you kiss her once more "and?" he doesn't stop, kissing every part of her.
"are you mad at me?" she mumbles
"did you do something to anger me" unable to resist her anymore he lifts her up, instantly she wraps her legs around his waist.
She's drunk he says once more
pecking her lips he places her on the bed "let's sleep tonight" he looks at her wide eyes and heaving chest. cursing himself mentally he continues to kiss her. Hovering over her, but pulls away after giving her a light peck.
He laid on the bed, her frame cuddled against him. He had no sleep at all. He could hear how the people from other tents were already up. glancing down at her, she's probably gonna be hungry after all that drinking.
before he could even think of getting up, he sees namjoon stick his head in tent. "hey" he whispers. glaring at namjoon "what"
"we're going hiking, get your ass out here" groaning he points at the girl who was deep asleep and clinging onto him. namjoon rolls his eyes "we're waiting for you" not sparing him the chance to rebut he leaves the tent without zipping the flaps.
prying her arm and legs off him he slips into warmer clothes. covering her he brushes her hair back before exiting the tent.
"I didn't ever think you'd date her" namjoon says, the two of them walked at their own pace as everyone else walked ahead. Yoongi didn't bother responding, he didn't need to. If there was someone who could read him it's namjoon.
"what's bothering you" Namjoon nudges his arm. side eying namjoon he exhales "I'm a mess"
"she's...she's a lot" he feels bitter with his choice of words. namjoons eyes fixated on him "I didn't take y/n as a dramatic type of perso-"
"she's not...shit" he groans "I don't know" he didn't press for more information as he saw yoongi clearly frustrated. "You're dating, everything else will just fall in place" namjoons arm falls around his shoulder as he gives him a small shake "right" yoongi answers in a unsure tone.
the two continued to talk about anything that came up, the trail ended in the opposite side of where the both of them had departed. Looking uninterested, yoongi wondered if you had already gotten up to make something to eat for yourself. thinking back to how much you had drank the night before he was sure you'd be out of it.
from the corner of his eye he catches a familiar figure and turns to focus his eyes on the girl who was hiding behind a tent. Instantly he realized it was y/n and quietly makes his way to her.
I'm gonna scare her, he grins.
wrapping his arm around her waist he pulls her against his chest "what are you doing hiding?" he says, startled she drops the basket of bowels and everything she had washed. he was about to laugh but looking down at her face he followed her gaze as it landed on two people he wished would just disappear.
After she confessed that she had school work that needed to be done he felt a brief relief, clearly he was tense since he thought she had heard something causing her to behave the way she was.
he watched her work on her project, not letting her get in any way distracted ensuring she'd finish and then they could do something else.
He was her loyal servant, getting her meals and entertaining her during the little breaks she'd take. sitting beside her with a bowl filled with grapes that jihye kept insisting for him to give her. "come on eat one" he says, she hadn't eaten much for lunch. shaking her head he sighs.
he watches her as she continues to type away. her forehead creasing as she looked serious.
taking a grape to his mouth he bites it in half. he then holds her chin to look at him. "yoon-" pressing his lips against her he climbs onto the bed, tilting her head back. He slips the grape into her mouth, breaking the kiss, he sits back. her face a deep shade of red as she chews on the grape "now eat the grapes or we can do this all day" he eats the other half, raising a brow as if to challenge her to disobey him.
reaching into the bowl she take another grape to her mouth as she bites it in half, her eyes never meeting his clearly embarrassed. Staring at her lips he shut his eyes, jealous of a fucking grape he exhales.
Yoongi was returning from getting sliced peaches when jihye runs up to him, a terrified look on her face.
"what's wrong with you" ripping the plate of peaches from his hand she tosses it on the table. "they were talking about what happened that summer"
"Those fucking minions said it" he stared at jihye not understanding anything she was saying. gripping her shoulders he stops her from moving frantically "clam down, and tell me what the fuck is going on"
she explains how she ended up bumping into eunjus two friends and after attempting to ignore them they blurted out what had happened that summer. jihye being who she is confronted them and asked them if they had said any of that in front of her.
there was then a heated argument between them. annoyed yoongi and jihye both found eunju and dragged her to jihye's tents discreetly.
after arguing yoongi barges out of the tent. and made his way to their shared tent. not finding y/n inside.
waiting for her to return he sat on the table, trying to calm himself down when namjoon walks into the tent rather fast "hey, you have to come out"
"not now"
"y/n said she's leaving. and asked to call jungkook to pick her up" confused he rushes out of the tent and goes to where y/n, taehyung and jimin were standing.
her eyes were red, she had been crying he told himself. "y/n" he calls her name, slowly turning to him he locks eyes with her "whats wrong"
"I wanna go home"
"alright, we can go hom-"
"I don't want to go home with you" she spats
taken back he looks at his friends who were awkwardly standing to the side watching the two of them. she doesn't bother talking to him anymore and walks past him, he follows. she begins to gather her things the moment she walks into the tent, ignoring him at the process.
"what's wrong with you!" he yells loosing his patience. "go ask jihye" she says, grabbing her packed bags and walking out of their tent.
jungkook had arrived.
He watches the car pull out of the parking lot keeping his composure. He was about to go to their tent and pack up but he watched as jihye ran up to the girls who were watching from the side with a smug look on their face.
and without saying anything, jihye who was already crying swings her fist punching the girl with longer hair, she crashes to the ground. she pounced at her, swinging her fists as the girl beneath her yanked at her hair.
the girls friend who had been standing beside her comes to her senses and grabs jihye trying to pull her off. Jimin, taehyung and namjoon then run in to try and stop the fight but one of jihye's other friends gets in pulling the hair of the second friend.
a whole fight breaking out.
trying to pry them off each other, namjoon and taehyung succeed with one of the pair but jimin can't get jihye off the other girl.
"yoongi!" jimin yells, but he didn't budge. Jihye was doing the one thing he wanted to do the moment she told him they had said something to y/n.
glancing at the girl under jihye he wasn't satisfied with how beaten up she was but he felt it was enough. walking up to jimin he wraps his arm around jihye "that's enough" he says loudly and yanks her back. struggling at first since jihye had wrapped her legs around the girl and was firm. he yells "Jihye! that's enough!" and succeeds in pulling her back. jihye was a crying mess along with the girl who jimin had helped up.
eunju was running towards the whole commotion, her eyes falling on their friends. she yells at jihye "what the fuck is wrong with you" yoongi held onto the crying girl. "I suggest you do not, do not confront her right now" namjoon sternly tells eunju.
not backing down she approaches jihye, yoongi stares at her and grins, she thinks I won't let go.
letting go of jihye, she stops in place but jihye walks towards her. namjoon running to stop jihye as he glares at yoongi for wanting to escalate the situation.
rolling his eyes he walks towards them, "jihye lets go" holding her arm he takes her with him as he walks away. "Take me home" she says, his eyes flick to her "fine, i was planning to leave anyways. hurry up"
taglist still opened