Mk1 Raiden - Tumblr Posts
Hello, me again! Another request, could you do headcanons with the MK1 Earthrealmers and Liu Kang with a street racer reader? (Total Fast and Furious 1 and 2 vibes from this, BTW)
Hey you, welcome back.
Live Fast, Die Young
A/n: I'm gonna be honest with you, I barely know a single thing about the Fast and Furious franchise. But I'll try lol Tags: Request, SFW, F&F inspired C/w: None
Liu Kang

This was not what he had in mind when he brought you into the new timeline. He wanted something more peaceful for you, something that didn't put you in harm's way. Yet here you are, racing up and down dangerous roads, going on secret missions, and being involved in dirty money.
He worries about you, every moment you are together he tries to coax you out of this lifestyle. Yet you refuse, Liu Kang created you with a rebellious and fun-loving spirit. He thought it would be more beneficial to your safety...he was wrong.
He often sends Kuai, Tomas, geras, and whoever he can, to watch after you and make sure everything goes in your favour. Sometimes he himself will even come down and intervene. He can't seem to ever understand you. He offer you a life of peace, why won't you take it?
He worries whenever you aren't in his sight, he's scarred you've been thrown into jail, killed, or worse. He fears you might fall in with people like Kano and the black dragon. He fears that one day you'll make a deadly bet you fail to win. That your car will fail you and you crash. Every night he prays for your safety and the hope that you'll come back to him.
Johnny Cage

Oh man, this is exciting for him. Normally this type of thing is something he plays on the silver screen but to see you actually do stuff like this in real life is so thrilling for him. He barrages you with questions every chance he gets, he comes to your races to watch, he's your biggest cheerleader, and he bets a ridiculous amount of money for you, and if you lose? No problem, we'll get them next time.
He'll use you as his muse whenever he writes a screenplay that has anything to do with your profession. He bases his stories on your adventures (and maybe he mixes a bit of his own experiences in Outworld just for fun) he is often asked how he comes up with ideas and he just lies for your safety. "Oh, it just came to me. I'M A GENIUS!".
Sometimes he rides with you whenever you do your races or go on your missions. He whoops and hollers as you go into overdrive, he laughs hysterically as you pass others, he praises your every win and praises you when you lose.
Don't be fooled by how supportive he is, he still worries for you. Some nights he just asks you to stay home with him where it's safe. But you won't though, you promise you'll come back but he's often not too sure you will.

He is no stranger to being in dirty and dangerous business, he was part of the Yakuza after all. So when he finds out about your lifestyle he is quick to disapprove of this lifestyle. He is sure to lecture you and tell you how living like this is wrong.
He gets stressed whenever you are on the road, every time you rev your engine and speed away. Every moment you are in that car there is a risk that you'll crash and die. You seem to be getting in bed with some very shady people, it's bad enough that you're surrounded by enough shady people as it is, the low lives around you want to do terrible things to you and leave you dead, or worse.
He tries to convince you to stay with him and do something with him to keep you away from racing and the dirty money that surrounds it. Maybe he'll take you to the movies, dancing, to the Wu Shi Academy, anywhere he knows you'll be safe.
He will still attend any of your races and missions, he has to make sure you are safe. He acts as your bodyguard in a sense, being sure to protect you whenever any situation arises where you need him. But he can't always be there for you, and that scares him.
Kung Lao

Kung Lao has always been a lover of the fast lifestyle, anything thrilling, anything dangerous and he loves it. So it's no surprise that he gets along with you instantly. He used to think that everything in Earthrealm was boring and uneventful compared to something like Outworld or any other realm. But you proved him wrong.
You introduce him to this life and he can't get enough of it. He's there almost every moment he's free, he watches you race and he even places bets. He even insists that he started racing himself, and the adrenaline he feels when starts doing this is amazing. he never wants to stop.
But unfortunately, he does stop. Soon the glitz and glamour of racing fade away when he becomes more aware of the more shady and dangerous side. This gets worse and worse as he realizes all of the illegal stuff he and you were involved in.
He doesn't know what to do, he can't go to Liu out of shame, but he doesn't want to do this anymore. He especially doesn't want you to do this anymore. He tries his best to convince you to stop this, but you just won't listen. You love this life and you won't stop.

He's confused. What exactly are you doing? Why are you doing this? His curiosity leads him to follow along and come with you to your races. He is confused and overwhelmed by all of this, Raiden doesn't like this. Why would you want to do this? He immediately realizes how corrupt and dangerous some of the things here are and he is quick to try and reason with you to get you to stop.
He tries to make you see how flawed living like this is, but unfortunately for him, his lectures fall on dead ears. You won't listen to him, you refuse to stop this, You cannot stop this. Maybe because you love the thrill or because of more personal reasons. Raiden realizes, that you'll never stop no matter how hard he tries. And this you two part ways.
Raiden can't help but still think about you whenever he is at the Wu Shi Academy. He wishes there was something he could do to more to convince you, but there wasn't much he could do. All that is left is for him to pray to the Elder Gods and hope that they will help you.
He will still attend some of your events, hoping to see, to know if you are alright. If you bumped into each other he'd congratulate you on your win and try to make small talk. But there isn't much to talk about, he's against what you do and there's not much more than that. It doesn't mean that he is not in love with you, how could he ever hate you? He misses you, he wishes every day that were by his side protecting the Earthrealm, not living this fast life.
![Older [08.40.24]](
Older [08.40.24]
Mortal Kombat Gifs
I made a bunch of Mortal Kombat 1 gifs in my past time the last week. And I will be posting most of them, just in case someone might want them.
Shang Tsung, Syzoth, Bi-Han, Kuai Liang, Tomas Vrbada, Raiden, and a few others.
MK1 Incorrect quotes pt.3:
Kenshi, in the dark during a big storm that cut the Wu Shi Academy’s power, searching for candles: Kung Lao I’m starting to think that this is a really bad idea.
Raiden: Oh I’m not Lao, I’m Raiden. I though you were Lao.
Kenshi: No, I’m Kenshi.
Kung Lao: You’re Kenshi? Where’s Johnny?
Kenshi: Who are you?
Kung Lao: I’m Kung Lao!
Liu Kang, eyes flashing like a pair of white flashlight: Guess who I am, you guys!
Mk1 AU where everything is the same but Liu Kangs eyes work like two mini flashlights
Sometimes you look in the mirror and go- ooh they hate eachother so much, I wanna make them kiss. And then you do it.
Chapter Lengths will vary a lot :p
I have only written smut once long ago before this so please do not judge my writing, I am simply a silly asexual.
Bi-Han is the Lin Kuei’s Grandmaster, a powerful and serious man with all the skills to back up his aggression. He has always known exactly what he wanted in life… hasn’t he? When faced with the annoying Hollywood actor Johnny Cage Bi-Han starts to feel unsure of himself for perhaps the first time in his life. What does he really want out of the actor? Bi-Han certainly wants them to shut up, but there’s more than one way to do that.