Mlb X Batfamily - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

Tumblr Maribat AU Prompt Recommendations

Part Two

Maribat Prompt by @blueisasome

“I’m sorry, how many phones have you stolen?” Dick asked her.

Worst Ways to Die: Murder by Insulted Seamstress by @casual-darkness

The Waynes were fairly roughed up. Some moderately deep cuts and scrapes. Early signs of bruising and swelling. Even what looked like some broken bones! (Dick definitely had a broken nose - she silently prayed it was set right, afterwards).

But that is not what set her off.

They were wearing her suits.

And they were DESTROYED.

Maribat Oneshot by @soulmate-game

That’s when she abandoned her weapon and her tires, darting to try and escape only for Batman to drop down and block her escape. Though really, it was the grin Batman had that scared the girl most of all, apparently, making her slowly back away from him.

“Please stop smiling,” she begged with a faint French accent to her words. “It is not natural.”

From Thrift to Designer by @mysnis

“You spent 550 dollars of someone else’s money on clothes for me to wear?!” Marinette’s eyes bugged. She did not want to put that much on Steph to return.

“Uh. No? That would offend Dick. I spent 550 million as the two limits combined gave me the right to. It’s totally fine.” Marinette turned white, and the bag Steph had was opened to reveal the biggest wardrobe Marinette had ever seen shoved into a bag.

The Life of a Hero by @snow-leopard-7772point0

Damian’s eyes sparkled. He lowered his voice to what he thought was a whisper, leaning close to his mother. “'Um, can she be my ’ukht?”

Talia stared at her son, once again taken by surprise. “Would you really like me to adopt her?”

Damian nodded feverishly. “She is the first person I have met to prove even slightly knowledgeable. She is worthy to be family.”

Part Three

Remember some chapters are longer than others


Tags :
2 years ago

Masterlist of Recommendations (OLD)

I've compiled all of my posts here for easy access (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*.✧

This is the link for my new and more organized Masterlist. This is where I will update my newest posts from now on.

A Bunch of Masterlists

Masterlist of Masterlists

DC Masterlist of Masterlists

Maribat Masterlist of Masterlists

Batman Masterlists Recommendation


Marvel x MLB x DC Crossovers Prompts/Fics Recomendaitons

Miraculous Ladybug

Group Recommendations

10 Tumblr Miraculous Ladybug Salt Fics Recommendations

Tumblr MLB Salt Prompts/Fanfic Recommendations

MLB Class Salt Prompts/Fics Recommendations

MLB Class Salt Prompts/Fics Recommendations 2

MLB Class Salt Prompts/Fics Recommendations 3

MLB Angst Prompts/Fics Recommendation

Tumblr MLB Lila (Salt) Bashing Prompt/Fanfic Recommendations

Tumblr MLB Lila (Salt) Bashing Prompt 2

Tumblr MLB Lila (Salt) Bashing Prompts/Fics Recommendations 3

Adrien Salt Prompt/Fic Recommendations

Adrien Salt Prompt/Fic Recommendations 2

Gabriel Agreste Salt Prompts/Fics Recommendations

Chloe Bourgeois Salt Prompts/Fics Recommendation

Lukanette Prompts/Fics Recommendations

MLB Caline Bustier Salt Prompts/Fics Recommendation

MLB Alya Cesaire Salt Prompts/Fics Recommendations

MLB Felinette Prompts/Fics Recommendations

BAMF Marinette Prompts/Fics Recommendations

Singular Fic Recommendations

CopyCat MLB

High Priest (Akuma!Luka)

Spots Drawn in Marker

Be Careful What You Wish For

Chloe’s Lament

BURN THE WITCH (Miraculous Karma)

He Stole My Heart So I Stole His

Breaking the Bough

Ode to Decoy


Group Recommendations

Tumblr Maribat AU Prompt Recommendations

Tumblr Maribat AU Prompt Recommendations 2

Tumblr Maribat AU Prompt Recommendations 3

Tumblr Maribat AU Prompt Recommendations 4

Daminette Prompts/Fics Recommendation

Daminette Prompts/Fics Recommendation 2

Daminette Prompts/Fics Recommendation 3

Daminette Prompts/Fics Recommendation 4

MLB Bio!Dad Constantine Recommendations

Daminette Ao3 Recommendations

Maribat Ao3 Recommendations

Singular Fic Recommendations

Babysitter Maribat reverse age AU

There’s Always Two Sides

Goodbye Paris


Paris: The Forgotten City


Masterlist of Executive Assistant to the Batman

Bruce (Tim) Wayne

Timothy Luthor

Marry Me

What If Series

These are my idea dumps.

Danny Phantom

Vlad & Danny Were Reincarnated as Ra’s Al Ghul & Tim Drake


Peter Parker Crack Fic Ao3 Recommendations

IronDad & SpiderSon Ao3 Recommendations

Peter Snaps Instead Ao3 Recommendations

My Hero Academia

BNHA Villain Deku Ao3 Recommendations

Hero Deku Ao3 Fanfic Recommendations

Harry Potter

Harry Potter Ao3 Recommendations

Potter Family Opera Headcanons


Supernatural Ao3 Fanfic Recommendations

Favorite Supernatural Fanfictions []

Teen Wolf

My Favorite Teen Wolf Ao3 Fanfics


Hannibal Ao3 Fanfic Recommendations

Katekyo Hitman Reborn

KHR Fanfiction Recommendation []

Searching for a Fic. Help?

These are just questions that I have left unanswered. If you know what the fic is then feel free to help.

Searching for a Harry Potter FanFic. Help? [FOUND]

Searching for a Batman Fic. Help? [FOUND]

Searching for a Batman Fic (2). Help?

Searching for an MLB FanFic. Help? [FOUND]

Searching for a Maribat Fanfic. Help? [FOUND]

Searching for a Maribat Fic (2). Help? [FOUND]

Searching for a Maribat Fic (3). Help? [FOUND]

Searching for a Spiderman Fic. Help?

Searching for a Star Wars Fic(?) Help?

Remember some chapters are longer than others


Tags :
2 years ago
Hope This Helps Answer Some Questions For Others Who Were Unaware. (-)
Hope This Helps Answer Some Questions For Others Who Were Unaware. (-)

Hope this helps answer some questions for others who were unaware. (。•̀ᴗ-)✧


edit (22.03.09): thanks @izanae for mentioning that this ALSO APPLIES TO AO3

please, when tagging your creations and works, do not use #(insert first name) wayne, #marinette dupain cheng, #miraculous ladybug #dc comics/universe #(insert dc/miraculous ladybug character) solely without the implication of a crossover because this is what gets maribat onto feed recommendations of antis and we don’t want fighting. here is a list of acceptable tags to use, examples of such, and some implications of these. my tags are going to feature some of the acceptable tags to use

# maribat(insert character name)

# maribatdamian wayne

# maribatmarinettedupaincheng

# maribatjasontodd

# maribatlukacouffaine

edit: thanks @legends-live-in-memories for the tip and heads up! so updated version because tumblr has shitty search engines and tagging stuff, it’s better for any mention of characters to have no space because if they have spaces, it includes keywords instead of solely the tag so yeah. this also applies with character x character, do it like characterxcharacter

# maribat

# maribat (whatever)

# maribat quotes

# maribat prompts

# maribat headcanon

# incorrect maribat

# incorrect maribat quotes

# maribat recs

# maribat recommendations

# dc comics x miraculous / miraculous ladybug

# dcxml

# mlxdc

# mlbxdc

# dcxmlb

# dc crossover

# ml crossover

# (crossover* ship names)

# daminette

# jasonette

# shutterbug

*note the word crossover in this statement. any other word or phrase that is in italics also applies this note. while you are still using the correct ship names and pairings, the whole point of using these specific tags is to avoid and have decent respect for people who genuinely do not enjoy this ship (which they are entitled to). when you are mentioning ships that are only related to one specific fandom (e.g. adrienette, djwifi, damijon, nightfire), either add ‘maribat’ before or after the ship name

# (character) x (character)*

# damianwaynexmarinettedupaincheng

# jasonxmarinette

# timxchloe

# maribatadrienxmarinette

# (insert ramble about maribat or your concept/idea/ff/drabble/hc)

# who the hell asked for timari # actually no one did i just really wanted to write about it # y'all can fight me meet me in the mosh pit # platonic daminette isn’t written about nearly enough without them being siblings # daminette can be platonic too stfu

to be honest, i just inserted this because i love looking at the tags some people write underneath their actual fic

# (insert vague tag in relation to this fic)

# romance

# coffee

# soulmate au

# salt

ok look now i know i said that the point was to stay out of the way of the antis and everything by using specific tags to not bother them but this one is public property. if they try to imply that we maribat content creators and fandom cannot use these types of tags without saying maribat then i guess they’ll have to take it up with every. single. fucking. fandom. there. fucking. is.

hope this was helpful and please for the love of all things fandom follow this because i don’t want another tumblr bloodbath

if you are a person in the maribat community, please spread this. if you are an anti, please spread this (look, mr/ms/mx anti, if you spread this post, people who follow you and are in the maribat fandom will hopefully stop posting this stuff on your feed so win for you, win for us). if you are a person in the dc universe fandom or the mlb universe fandom who just doesn’t give a damn, please spread this. tag the people you know who are even remotely related to any of the topics i have just raised. get the word out so that we don’t step on each other’s toes.



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2 years ago

So I've finally found this fic. I asked for help in Ao3 and got scolded, now I know I can't post "can you help find a fic?" works in there. Turns out this fic is part of ricebullet's deleted works so no wonder I had such a hard time finding it. You can't actually read it without downloading it first, so take not of that. This fic is a Maribat fic where it portrays Marinette as the daughter of Robin. There's one for Dick, Jason, Tim and Damian. I actually found the downloadable fic from @miraculousdeletedfics Check it out the other fics in this post, it might interest you.

Works by RiceBullet


@angel-with-problems @gabiiilovelucienv @furiousscissorssaladflower @redcarnati0n @risayoooo @briarrosevlogz @iamgaygaygay @mx-minxx @sleepysoftyemo @fluffykitty149 @ghostdragonfang

Searching for a Batman Fic. Help?

The fic I'm looking for is a Parent Jason Todd Ao3 Fic. The beginnings of the fic are hazy for me but I do remember Jason giving up Red Hood because he acquired baby Damian. He moves to Metropolis because it was safer. There he met Kon and adopted him too. Along the way, he adopted 2 more babies, both girls (both oc's). The rest of the Batfam gets suspicious after Red Hood disappears and decides to investigate his whereabouts. They found out about Jason and the babies and decided to spy on him instead of confronting him about it. Jason noticed, because of the numerous baby diapers sent to him, and wondered how far the Bats would go through for the babies, the Bats sent a truckload of toys before Jason haad enough. I rememebered Jason went back to school in this fic

I don't remember if the Batfam was aware of Red Hood being Jason before the investigation or not. But that's it.

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2 years ago

Maribat Masterlist of Masterlists

Masterlist by @arty-shadow-morningstar

Contents are Daminette's, Bio Dad! John Constantine, Bridgette switching, Platonic Jasonette, Platonic Brucinette, and a Stephanie x Marinette.

Waiting for the Worms Masterpost by @black-streak

This is one big fic about soulmate Jasonette where they can switch bodies. Guess who was in Jason's body when the Joker killed 'him'.

ML x DC Masterlist by @artxyra

Containing Mari/Adribat, Mominette, Klepto! Mari, Psychologist Mari, Sibling Brucinette, Daminette and many more.

Maribat Master List by @astrynyx

Containing Timari/Timinette, Daminette, and art.

Masterpost by @soulmate-game

There are Bio Dad! Stephen Strange, Bio Dad! Bruce Wayne, Bio! Dad John Constantine, Adopted by the Kents, Bio Dad & Mom! Joker and Harley, and many more.

Remember some chapters are longer than others



@multplelifes @maribatcrossoveronly @elijahcrevan @soros14vox @anime-rae @kamenrider10123 @fic-holder @alexizlazy @miniaturealmonddreamzine @creampuff-mlbfics-finished @jayjayspixiepop @doll246 @thanos-rules @moonreaper25 @lexx-ee @ghostmaster83 @mysticprofessoralienhumanoid @megawhitleycalderonpaganus @kking13 @ritacrow-blog @lostinday @thewackest @pepelachanel @hemeraandnyxx @sureagain @novicevoice

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2 years ago

Maribat Ao3 Recommendations

Definitely A Bat by sarahovoxov

Chapters: 2/2

Marinette was kidnapped as a baby and lived another lifetime. Now at the age of eight again she must live with her father.

Bruce won’t let her go.

Adrien and Marinette being overqualified and Jason just being here as the best dad by TheCuriousCat

Chapters: 7/7

Marinette and Adrien need someone to love them. Jason needs someone to love. Fate decides that her favourite people should be happy and makes it happen. Bruce is just happy that he was wrong about his sons death.

Damian’s Deity by sarahovoxov

Chapters: 1/1

When Marinette goes radio silent for a month Damian gets nervous. He goes to Paris to find her but so much has changed including her appearance. All he wants is to help her, and he would do anything for his Angel including keeping her a secret from the Wayne’s.

Baby Bean by izzybelledot

Chapters: 1/1

Marinette Wayne has recently been adopted, but old habits die hard. Luckily, her new siblings are there when she inevitably crashes.

The brother you never asked for by Alexiessan

Chapters: 1/1

Jason only wanted to win the bet against Dick and find the best bakery in Paris during their stay in the French capital. He didn’t mean to gain a new sister, he swears.

Remember some chapters are longer than others



@the-dumber-scaramouche @jayjayspixiepop @bookblokeanoid @arty-shadow-morningstar @lostinday @redcarnati0n @angel-with-problems @beautifulwinnertale @multplelifes @miraculous-ninja @astrynyx @jintana-critical @vixen-uchiha @demonicbusiness @risaxtitan @soloist7 @northernbluetongue @leftguard66 @i-cry-over-fanfics @unoriginalmess @mymiraculousmills @myfandomcatcher @elijahcrevan @catthhay @soulmate-game @batfam-maribat @naturegreenr-2

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2 years ago

Daminette Ao3 Recommendations

An Email Away by LovelyLore

Chapters: 17/?

Marinette had been startled to find out that her school and a school in America were collaborating to do a pen pal assignment. To be fair, the assignment was suppose to help the students with the grammar of the language they were learning. Marinette pulled a random name out of the box. She hoped Damian wrote good French and that she could write well enough English.

How A Demon Commissions An Angel by AlixAnonymous

Chapters: 19/25

Damian Wayne really needs to get his brothers good Christmas presents or else he may be sent off to the Teen Titans because apparently his people skills "leave much to be desired". Succeeding where his brothers failed, he manages to find out the true identity of their favorite French fashion designer, MDC. Getting her to make their gifts would certainly cement his ability to say. The only problem? Those nonexistent people skills might prove detrimental as his email makes himself an enemy that's quite near her breaking point.

Marinette Dupain-Cheng has had a hard two years to put it lightly. There are no more good days for her, just ones that aren't as bad. The email threatening to expose her, potentially making her already awful situation even more unbearable, comes on one of the worst. Could her reply be the first hint in years of the fire that has been nearly snuffed by her classmates? They both might be surprised to find how much life can change with some well constructed sentences and a couple terribly made aliases.

Today will be a good day by mysweetvillain

Chapters: 1/1

Marinette wanted to believe that today was going to be a good day.

Tumblr Prompt: K k so prompt mari is already in a relationship with Damian shes happy hes happy its adorable but dun dun dun Adrien finds out she's ladybug and tries to win her over it doesn't work but most of the class are rooting for him. Chloe is not she thinks he should respect that Marinette is happy with someone else and move on

A Mistake by nxrthmizu

Chapters: 1/1

Damian had always thought that turning eighteen was a privilege. Boy, was he wrong. It was, in fact, a nuisance.

It's (Not) Genetics by DesertSnowQueen

History Repeats

Chapters: 1/1

When Kitty Noire makes an appearance in Gotham, she finds herself drawn to a certain little bird whose brothers are far too entertained by this turn of events

Your Not-Quite Maid Marian

Chapters: 1/1

Robin spots Kitty Noire again while on patrol

Part 2

Remember some chapters are longer than others (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*.✧


@the-dumber-scaramouche @ascending-donotdisturb @yin-390 @maribatcrossoveronly @multplelifes @babylovebug18 @khneltea @seranhere @batfam-maribat @unoriginalmess @anime-rae @naturegreenr-2 @mewwitch @secretlawyercolorscissors @just-a-bottle-of-chaos @smartlanceisreal @ghostdragonfang @aadnrsstar @nugget-consumer-9000 @jayjayspixiepop @d-starfairy @goddessofravenclaw @couffeeine @intercoursefluids @platinum-here

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2 years ago

Babysitter Maribat reverse age AU

by @trashystar420

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

“A-Are you sure darling? The boys tend to be a bit, on the destructive side. They might actually destroy half the mansion in less then five minutes, trust me, I’ve seen and been there first hand.” Marinette placed her hands on her hips and gave a confident smile.

“I‘ve babysat before, and trust me, I KNOW how bad they can get, but with enough experience under my belt, I assure you that I can handle it, though if I’m going to do this, I’m going to need to know who I’m to babysit and what do they like?” And with a simple nod, Selina told Alfred the plan. The butler reluctantly agreed.

Remember some chapters are longer than others



@theblac11406426 @queenz-z @suspiciousbluejay @justafanwarrior @couffeeine @astrynyx @demonicbusiness @laydeekrayzee @imdaqueenie @summerfox1988 @spottedbug @ettyequinox @allulily @thestressmademedoit @waywardtricksterfox @indecisive-mess-named-me @lalamarie18 @blackmagicforever @dreamykitty25 @imanerddealwith @crimhorizon70 @elijahcrevan @mer-mel @emeraldshadow9774 @hecate-hollow @cutechip @seraphichana @kt-15 @dragonflyswing @virgil-is-a-cutie @theboisarehere342 @smileforu-blog1 @toodaloo-kangaroo @ramos123 @technicallyburninggarden @the-dumber-scaramouche

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2 years ago


by @mochinek0

Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3

Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6

Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9

Chapter 10

“Mr. Way-” someone began, but he silenced them by putting his hand up.

“I would like an explanation as to why you all have decided to accuse my wife of having an affair and accosting us, as we were headed out for lunch. Everyone will stay silent unless I call on you. Understood?” he demanded. The reporters nodded.

With a sigh, he pointed to the gentleman in a teal button up shirt.

“There is an article circulating online, saying that Marinette is carrying the Agreste heir.” the reporter stated.

Remember some chapters are longer than others (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*.✧


@cherryberrylea @meilienne @the-dumber-scaramouche @jayjayspixiepop @secretlawyercolorscissors @doll246 @platinum-here @lolieg @jintana-critical @sassakitty @indecisive-mess-named-me @raven1aris @ladyaeleuz @soloist7 @neakco @shadowlorddemon @demonicbusiness @possiblyanxioushuman @maribat-2k20 @saltandfluff @ellietoastly @seraphichana @northernbluetongue @lostinday @ive-tumbled-down-a-rabbit-hole @goggles-mcgee @storylover04 @mochegato @anjuschiffer @loysydark @myazael @the-dumber-scaramouche

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2 years ago

Tumblr Maribat AU Prompt Recommendations 4

Letters revealing a scary truth by @mysnis

"Please reach JL, villain in Paris."

"What? A villain in Paris?" Bruce asked. He frowned. "Why is she hiding it?"

"I'm hoping that the previous letters will reveal that." Tim answered. Damian stared between the two before heading to his room. He came back quickly looking at them.

Lost and Found by @soulmate-game

This doesn't actually have a title

“Is that a kid?”

“Yep,” Batman’s grin grew.

“Is she… stealing my tires?” Hood was so, so glad he wore a helmet that hid his expression. Because… wow.

“Yep,” Batman finally lost his composure, chuckling. “This seems like Karma, don’t you think?”

De-Aged by @timinette-is-best

“How is there a fairy in the Pixie’s pocket?”

He asked jokingly while swinging the hands back and forth!

“Lookin lookie!  It’s a Ladybug fairy!  She’s so pwetty.”

Marinette held Tikki in both of her hands and jumped up and down trying to get him to look.  Jason chuckled and looked down at the toy.  It was cute, he had never seen something like it before.  Then it blinked, and flew out of Marinette’s hand, and oh gosh, IT CAN TALK?!

Innocence, avoidance by @consumeconstantly

To be more precise, he’s hoping that she’s simply avoiding his detection, and hasn’t gotten swept up in something bad.

It takes Jason three hours-- three hours-- to find the girl who can’t be much older than ten. Probably not even ten, judging by her size.

“You’re lucky it’s me finding you, and not someone else, Pixie.” He finally catches a glance of her glaringly sparkly backpack, complete with fairies and unicorns covered in some sort of holographic overlay.

The New Adoptee by @purple-goo-writes , @mochegato & @thepacifistavenger

This doesn't actually have a title

Alfred will tell him.  Alfred knows everything.

“Master Bruce, I’m shocked at you.  Surely you know your most recent adoptee’s name?”

Adoptee?!  When–?  How??

There’s a light tap just below his right shoulder blade–she really is a tiny slip of a thing–and he turns to meet her wide-eyed, innocent, sapphire gaze.  Oh, no.  Did she learn this look from Jason?  Or is it her own and that’s how it is that she fits in so well with the rest?


@waremyth @onfire-garbagecan @dyinggirldied @mystarlightlight @leftguard66 @255940g @virgil-is-a-cutie @the-dumber-scaramouche @mewwitch @dopefirevoidscissors @bambicambi @batmanzplan @just-a-bottle-of-chaos @luvielle @elijahcrevan @gotham-redridinghood @chelama @intercoursefluids @weirdo-with-no-beardo @chocolate1721 @slytherinpride35 @summerfox1988 @skyerie

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2 years ago

Masterlist of Reccomendations

I've compiled all of my posts here for easy access (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*.✧

A Bunch of Masterlists

Miraculous Ladybug




My Hero Academia

Harry Potter


Teen Wolf


Katekyo Hitman Reborn

What If (Original) Series

If I can take some of your time for this, I have some fics that I don't remember the title or where I read, but I would very much like to read them again.

Searching For A Fic. Help?

Tags :
1 year ago


I don't know if it's still okay to ask for recommendations. I have recently been into daminette story (and I have been in love with this couple). Do you have good recommendations where Ladybug and Robin swap their body multiple times? I read one fanfic, where they have a similar theme, and I have been obsessed!

Thank you! With LOVE!

I'm sorry but I don't know any stories where they swap bodies. Here's a recommendation of Daminette anyways. Some of these are filled with fluff and some Lila salt so enjoy!

Daminette AO3 Fanfic Recommendations 2

Tolerance by @superpsychonutcase

Chapters: 2/2

Lila is up to her old tricks. Thankfully, Tim and the employees of Wayne Enterprises are not as dimwitted as Bustier and her class.

Warmth by FridayFirefly

Chapters: 2/2

When Damian wakes up with a stranger in his bed, he knows that there is only one possible explanation: that stranger is his Soulmate.

#SunshineOfGotham by sixtyeightdays

Chapters: 14/14

All of Gotham knows Marinette, the Sunshine who's made her way into everyone's hearts.

But so what if all of Gotham knows Marinette? Does her class know that they know Marinette?

Of course not, why would they! But, well, let's see how they find out.

A Welcoming Change by Brinxiethebear

Chapters: 43/43

Damian Wayne always saw himself in a certain light. He was calculating and cold and he always took his work seriously. He was what others would call the Ice Prince. He was a loner and by choice. The only people he ever really tolerated talking to was his family and his only friend, Jon. Mainly he just spent time with his pets.

So can you guess what happens when a new girl ends up coming to his school? It's certainly not what he was expecting. He finds that its a welcoming change nonetheless, no matter what surprises may come his way.

Gotham's (Fashion) Disasters by FaithWarrior

Chapters: 22/?

Marinette and her parents are dragged along to the Rock wedding of the year by none other than the groom himself Jagged Stone. To complicate matters the wedding is in Gotham city America. By the grace of her Ladybug luck Marinette has everything prepared for the trip. But her skills are needed in Gotham, and she might find something while she's there.

Part 1

Remember some chapters are longer than others (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*.✧

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