Dickinette - Tumblr Posts

5 years ago

I'm going to be on a plane for four hours tomorrow and in the airport for another two or so, so send me one or two of the prompts below (as an ask or comment or whatever) and a pairing (Maribat or regular Miraculous) and I'll tell you what I would do for that story if I was going to write it (and maybe I'll write a few one-shots!)

And yes there's a lot but that's for ~variety~


Plot holes

Spy AU








Musical AU









Run away

Something's gotta give


Alpha and Omega




Only You


Moral compass




Take a break

So much better

Side effects





Fairy tales


Mischief managed

What goes around

Addition and subtraction



Pokemon AU

Casino night







Off the rails




Something unexpected


Queen of hearts

Lock and key


Hello and Goodbye

A suggestion of your own!

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5 years ago

Dickinette--Mischief Managed

For @black-streak


It's a prank war, my dudes! (And I’ll warn you now, it’s gonna be super cheesy, but I had fun with it)

Marinette and Dick have been dating for a few years (like four, probs?) at this point. They're at a great place in their relationship, and they don't fight often.

There is one thing, however, that can't be helped but fought about:

The Prank War.

Started about three months into their relationship when Dick switched the shampoo and conditioner in the manor with purple hair dye to trick his brothers but accidentally got Marinette, the war has become a staple of their relationship. Usually, one of them will prank the other in retaliation about a month after the last prank, to give enough time for the other to forget and be lulled into a false sense of security.

However, this prank is going to blow the rest out of the water.


Well, because it isn't really a prank at all.

Marinette's latest prank involved a total redo of the most recent Nightwing suit (or what Dick thought was his suit-- it was actually a replica. Marinette was dedicated to the prank, but she wasn't cruel. The real one is hidden away. She won't tell him where it is, not yet), sewing on ladybug-esuqe accents and spray-painting the logo a bright red and the mask a bright pink. Dick totally freaked out, but after he took a few deep breaths he thought it was actually pretty funny.

Dick has been hyping up this prank for weeks. He's been super cryptic and has been throwing out so many red herrings that Marinette is totally freaking out. She's super on edge when Dick isn't in the room, and everyone else notices it.

Dick refuses to tell anyone what he has planned. Literally nobody knows what's happening.

Scratch that.

One person knows-- Alfred. (He helped pick something special out with Dick that he thought Marinette would just adore Mwahhahahaha). Alfred has not said a word, and pretends to be as clueless as the others to keep up the ruse.


It's been almost two months since the suit prank. Literally nobody (save Dick) knows when and where and what exactly will happen (Alfred only knows part of the equation).

One fateful day, Dick calls Marinette and tells her to meet him on the roof of the Wayne Gardens building (not in costume, but he doesn't care if she wears it to get there). He also says to wear something generally nice, noting that it shouldn't be anything she wants to get dirty.

Marinette is very confused and worried. This has to be it, right? The big prank?

So she goes, and when she gets there, she sees the roof access door open slightly, with what is very obviously a bucket propped on top of it. Dick is nowhere to be seen.

Marinette walks around the roof, checking for traps and anything that could attack her. Nothing is there.

She does, however, find a note on the floor by the door.

'Come on down!' it reads. Marinette opens the door slowly, taking care not to be in the bucket's range. What she was expecting was water, or syrup, or something else like that. What she found, however, was a key, another note, and confetti.

'Solve the puzzle!' the note read.

So she went downstairs and into the gardens, where she found a little wooden box sitting on a bench. Alone. With nobody around.

Suspicious much?

What Marinette expected: one of those boxes with a fake mouse in it, or a trap that would spray her with silly string or whipped cream when she opened it.

What she found: another note, and a full untouched water balloon.

'Throw me,' it said, with an arrow pointing to the left below the words. Marinette did as instructed, and there it as far as she could in that direction. It landed behind a bush and she heard the splatter, as well as a ringing sound coming from the area.

She walked over and found another note taped to a leaf, this one a little wet (oops).

'Good aim!' it read. 'But hey, where's that noise coming from?'

The ringing changed from an annoying sound to classical music, a song Marinette recognized. It was a song she and Dick had danced to at the gala where they met all those years ago.

She scoured the area for the sound, but it wasn't coming from the room. It was actually coming from a speaker near the glass elevator at the edge of the building, one with yet another note attached.

As fun as this hunt was, Marinette was getting more and more anxious. What was Dick's plan? His endgame? She couldn't figure it out. There was also a chance he was recording her right now, so she stuck a playful middle finger up in the air and smirked. She knew he'd get the message.

'Going down, down, down...' the note read. The elevator itself also had a clue, with an arrow being drawn to point at the third floor.

Marinette pushed the button and the elevator went down, but as it approached it suddenly stopped.

This was it. All of the clues and hype leading up to this. Marinette wasn't too impressed, to be honest.

She opened the little door that held the emergency phone and called the given number.

'Hiya, sweetie!' Dick's voice said through the line.

'Hiya, bastard,' Marinette replied. 'Seriously? All this buildup for an elevator plank? This is honestly kinda sad.'

'Wow, you think so little of me? Nah, this is just a distraction of sorts. A delay. I'm not ready yet.'

'Ready for what?'

'What comes next.'

'That wasn't vague at all!'

'You know I love you, right?' he asked, and Marinette's stomach dropped.

'Richard Grayson, I swear to God. This isn't funny anymore. Are you okay? What's going on?'

'Nothing too exciting. Not yet, anyway.'


The elevator kicked back into gear, and when the doors opened, Marinette saw Dick, wearing a pink suit, on one knee, holding a ring that Alfred helped him pick out (it had a ruby in it with a rose gold band with a small ladybug and robin etched into the inside. Not too flashy or big, but still intricate, which they knew Marinette would love).

'Marinette Dupain-Cheng, from the moment I met you, I knew you were so special. But it wasn't until you destroyed my Nightwing suit that I realized I was ready to spend the rest of my life with you. I don't even know why that moment made me feel like that-- it's such a weird moment to choose, I know, but-'

Someone cleared their throat in the background, where Marinette couldn't see. Of course the family was watching and helping (they finally knew what was going on now. Dick had sent them the same cryptic messages too, just with less clues to follow.)

'Sorry, I'm rambling. But you know what I mean. And that's why, if you'll take me, I would love to become your husband, your partner in crime- and pranks-, your one and only. Marinette, will you marry me?'

'Yes! Of course, you idiot!' she told him, of course, and when she went to hug him she almost knocked him over (he didn't really have good balance on one leg).

The family cheered in the background.

Marinette just had one little request of her now fiance.

'Can we be done with the crazy pranks for a little while? As much as I loved them, this one drove me crazy.'

'Sure, babe. Mischief managed, for now.' The glint in his eye told her this was only temporary, and she wouldn't have it any other way. She was already planning her next prank-- how to tell him she was pregnant (which she wasn't yet! But it doesn't hurt to plan ahead, right?)

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3 years ago

Tumblr Maribat AU Prompt Recommendations 2

Part One

Pop Proposal by @nightlychaotic

“What’s your name?” he asked.


“Dick. Nice to meet you, have a good day,” he told her, shaking her hand before starting to walk away. She lunged forward catching his wrist, pulling him back.

“Hold on a second. You do not just get to propose and ditch like that.”

Plausible Deniability by @jumpingjoy82

Completely based on Mari Vs Joker… Again by @intercoursefluids

Taking a deep breath, Marinette focused back on everyone, “Joker tripped out of the window, right?”

Receiving a few different confirmations, it took her everything she had to hold on to the straight face Marinette had on when she heard Adrien say, “Tripped over his big ass clown shoes he wishes he could pull off.” But even then, it brought a few smiles among the rest of the crowd.

Surface Pressure by @timinette-is-best

“I am Damian’s sword, I am his armor, and I am his shield.  Nothing you do, no sword, no whip, no torture, and no Lazarus Pit will ever change that.”

Ra’s laughed at her, but Marinette only continued to glare at the man.  Even as the grip around her neck grew tighter, she would never again cower away from him or anyone.

“You may have found some strength, but you forget.  You are the property of The League of Assassins, and that means you will always be mine.”

Losing a Spleen Isn't All Bad by @astrynyx

“My soulmate . . .” Marinette whispers, staring at the tattoo in awe. She was now even more glad that she decided to learn English. “I—”

“SHE’S GONE!” Both Marinette and her soulmate tense, sharing a look. “THE GRAND GUARDIAN HAS ESCAPED!”

“That’s my cue to leave,” Marinette said, scanning the room for an exit.

Zoom Call Fail by @sadpotatoondrugs

Among the many faces she saw in the zoom call, she only paid mind to her teacher. She didn’t bother to watch her own, since she saw no reason to do so.

She should’ve at least checked once in a while.

She might’ve noticed the group of people enter her room if she did.

Part Three

Remember some chapters are longer than others



@risaxtitan @chaoticmistake @ramos123 @d-starfairy @littleblackitty @neakco @just-a-bottle-of-chaos @boldlyanxious @birdiesthings @mochegato @seraphichana @literaryhiraeth @unoriginalmess @lostinday @fangirling-101 @myazael @alimpsonsnotdragonfable @miracle-sham @stargazeranswers @sometandomstuff333 @mysticsoulgirl @jayjayspixiepop @blondie-4404 @arty-shadow-morningstar @sadpotatoondrugs @tim-drake-is-underrated @t1dwarrior-of-earth @couffeeine @doll246 @kking13 @aespades @adrestar @astrynyx @queenz-z @toodaloo-kangaroo @crazylittlemunchkin @dorkus-minimus @mysticsoulgirl @ritacrow-blog @snow-leopard-777 @fidget-eep @sometandomstuff333 @shreeing @achaoticmess1

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3 years ago

Masterlist of Recommendations (OLD)

I've compiled all of my posts here for easy access (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*.✧

This is the link for my new and more organized Masterlist. This is where I will update my newest posts from now on.

A Bunch of Masterlists

Masterlist of Masterlists

DC Masterlist of Masterlists

Maribat Masterlist of Masterlists

Batman Masterlists Recommendation


Marvel x MLB x DC Crossovers Prompts/Fics Recomendaitons

Miraculous Ladybug

Group Recommendations

10 Tumblr Miraculous Ladybug Salt Fics Recommendations

Tumblr MLB Salt Prompts/Fanfic Recommendations

MLB Class Salt Prompts/Fics Recommendations

MLB Class Salt Prompts/Fics Recommendations 2

MLB Class Salt Prompts/Fics Recommendations 3

MLB Angst Prompts/Fics Recommendation

Tumblr MLB Lila (Salt) Bashing Prompt/Fanfic Recommendations

Tumblr MLB Lila (Salt) Bashing Prompt 2

Tumblr MLB Lila (Salt) Bashing Prompts/Fics Recommendations 3

Adrien Salt Prompt/Fic Recommendations

Adrien Salt Prompt/Fic Recommendations 2

Gabriel Agreste Salt Prompts/Fics Recommendations

Chloe Bourgeois Salt Prompts/Fics Recommendation

Lukanette Prompts/Fics Recommendations

MLB Caline Bustier Salt Prompts/Fics Recommendation

MLB Alya Cesaire Salt Prompts/Fics Recommendations

MLB Felinette Prompts/Fics Recommendations

BAMF Marinette Prompts/Fics Recommendations

Singular Fic Recommendations

CopyCat MLB

High Priest (Akuma!Luka)

Spots Drawn in Marker

Be Careful What You Wish For

Chloe’s Lament

BURN THE WITCH (Miraculous Karma)

He Stole My Heart So I Stole His

Breaking the Bough

Ode to Decoy


Group Recommendations

Tumblr Maribat AU Prompt Recommendations

Tumblr Maribat AU Prompt Recommendations 2

Tumblr Maribat AU Prompt Recommendations 3

Tumblr Maribat AU Prompt Recommendations 4

Daminette Prompts/Fics Recommendation

Daminette Prompts/Fics Recommendation 2

Daminette Prompts/Fics Recommendation 3

Daminette Prompts/Fics Recommendation 4

MLB Bio!Dad Constantine Recommendations

Daminette Ao3 Recommendations

Maribat Ao3 Recommendations

Singular Fic Recommendations

Babysitter Maribat reverse age AU

There’s Always Two Sides

Goodbye Paris


Paris: The Forgotten City


Masterlist of Executive Assistant to the Batman

Bruce (Tim) Wayne

Timothy Luthor

Marry Me

What If Series

These are my idea dumps.

Danny Phantom

Vlad & Danny Were Reincarnated as Ra’s Al Ghul & Tim Drake


Peter Parker Crack Fic Ao3 Recommendations

IronDad & SpiderSon Ao3 Recommendations

Peter Snaps Instead Ao3 Recommendations

My Hero Academia

BNHA Villain Deku Ao3 Recommendations

Hero Deku Ao3 Fanfic Recommendations

Harry Potter

Harry Potter Ao3 Recommendations

Potter Family Opera Headcanons


Supernatural Ao3 Fanfic Recommendations

Favorite Supernatural Fanfictions [fanfiction.net]

Teen Wolf

My Favorite Teen Wolf Ao3 Fanfics


Hannibal Ao3 Fanfic Recommendations

Katekyo Hitman Reborn

KHR Fanfiction Recommendation [fanfiction.net]

Searching for a Fic. Help?

These are just questions that I have left unanswered. If you know what the fic is then feel free to help.

Searching for a Harry Potter FanFic. Help? [FOUND]

Searching for a Batman Fic. Help? [FOUND]

Searching for a Batman Fic (2). Help?

Searching for an MLB FanFic. Help? [FOUND]

Searching for a Maribat Fanfic. Help? [FOUND]

Searching for a Maribat Fic (2). Help? [FOUND]

Searching for a Maribat Fic (3). Help? [FOUND]

Searching for a Spiderman Fic. Help?

Searching for a Star Wars Fic(?) Help?

Remember some chapters are longer than others


Tags :
3 years ago
Hope This Helps Answer Some Questions For Others Who Were Unaware. (-)
Hope This Helps Answer Some Questions For Others Who Were Unaware. (-)

Hope this helps answer some questions for others who were unaware. (。•̀ᴗ-)✧


edit (22.03.09): thanks @izanae for mentioning that this ALSO APPLIES TO AO3

please, when tagging your creations and works, do not use #(insert first name) wayne, #marinette dupain cheng, #miraculous ladybug #dc comics/universe #(insert dc/miraculous ladybug character) solely without the implication of a crossover because this is what gets maribat onto feed recommendations of antis and we don’t want fighting. here is a list of acceptable tags to use, examples of such, and some implications of these. my tags are going to feature some of the acceptable tags to use

# maribat(insert character name)

# maribatdamian wayne

# maribatmarinettedupaincheng

# maribatjasontodd

# maribatlukacouffaine

edit: thanks @legends-live-in-memories for the tip and heads up! so updated version because tumblr has shitty search engines and tagging stuff, it’s better for any mention of characters to have no space because if they have spaces, it includes keywords instead of solely the tag so yeah. this also applies with character x character, do it like characterxcharacter

# maribat

# maribat (whatever)

# maribat quotes

# maribat prompts

# maribat headcanon

# incorrect maribat

# incorrect maribat quotes

# maribat recs

# maribat recommendations

# dc comics x miraculous / miraculous ladybug

# dcxml

# mlxdc

# mlbxdc

# dcxmlb

# dc crossover

# ml crossover

# (crossover* ship names)

# daminette

# jasonette

# shutterbug

*note the word crossover in this statement. any other word or phrase that is in italics also applies this note. while you are still using the correct ship names and pairings, the whole point of using these specific tags is to avoid and have decent respect for people who genuinely do not enjoy this ship (which they are entitled to). when you are mentioning ships that are only related to one specific fandom (e.g. adrienette, djwifi, damijon, nightfire), either add ‘maribat’ before or after the ship name

# (character) x (character)*

# damianwaynexmarinettedupaincheng

# jasonxmarinette

# timxchloe

# maribatadrienxmarinette

# (insert ramble about maribat or your concept/idea/ff/drabble/hc)

# who the hell asked for timari # actually no one did i just really wanted to write about it # y'all can fight me meet me in the mosh pit # platonic daminette isn’t written about nearly enough without them being siblings # daminette can be platonic too stfu

to be honest, i just inserted this because i love looking at the tags some people write underneath their actual fic

# (insert vague tag in relation to this fic)

# romance

# coffee

# soulmate au

# salt

ok look now i know i said that the point was to stay out of the way of the antis and everything by using specific tags to not bother them but this one is public property. if they try to imply that we maribat content creators and fandom cannot use these types of tags without saying maribat then i guess they’ll have to take it up with every. single. fucking. fandom. there. fucking. is.

hope this was helpful and please for the love of all things fandom follow this because i don’t want another tumblr bloodbath

if you are a person in the maribat community, please spread this. if you are an anti, please spread this (look, mr/ms/mx anti, if you spread this post, people who follow you and are in the maribat fandom will hopefully stop posting this stuff on your feed so win for you, win for us). if you are a person in the dc universe fandom or the mlb universe fandom who just doesn’t give a damn, please spread this. tag the people you know who are even remotely related to any of the topics i have just raised. get the word out so that we don’t step on each other’s toes.



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3 years ago

Maribat Masterlist of Masterlists

Masterlist by @arty-shadow-morningstar

Contents are Daminette's, Bio Dad! John Constantine, Bridgette switching, Platonic Jasonette, Platonic Brucinette, and a Stephanie x Marinette.

Waiting for the Worms Masterpost by @black-streak

This is one big fic about soulmate Jasonette where they can switch bodies. Guess who was in Jason's body when the Joker killed 'him'.

ML x DC Masterlist by @artxyra

Containing Mari/Adribat, Mominette, Klepto! Mari, Psychologist Mari, Sibling Brucinette, Daminette and many more.

Maribat Master List by @astrynyx

Containing Timari/Timinette, Daminette, and art.

Masterpost by @soulmate-game

There are Bio Dad! Stephen Strange, Bio Dad! Bruce Wayne, Bio! Dad John Constantine, Adopted by the Kents, Bio Dad & Mom! Joker and Harley, and many more.

Remember some chapters are longer than others



@multplelifes @maribatcrossoveronly @elijahcrevan @soros14vox @anime-rae @kamenrider10123 @fic-holder @alexizlazy @miniaturealmonddreamzine @creampuff-mlbfics-finished @jayjayspixiepop @doll246 @thanos-rules @moonreaper25 @lexx-ee @ghostmaster83 @mysticprofessoralienhumanoid @megawhitleycalderonpaganus @kking13 @ritacrow-blog @lostinday @thewackest @pepelachanel @hemeraandnyxx @sureagain @novicevoice

Tags :
2 years ago

Masterlist of Reccomendations

I've compiled all of my posts here for easy access (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*.✧

A Bunch of Masterlists

Miraculous Ladybug




My Hero Academia

Harry Potter


Teen Wolf


Katekyo Hitman Reborn

What If (Original) Series

If I can take some of your time for this, I have some fics that I don't remember the title or where I read, but I would very much like to read them again.

Searching For A Fic. Help?

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3 years ago
katefaith18 - K

Hi everyone!

MGI is proud to announce that, in order to determine the BEST trope in fanfiction, we will be hosting a Trope Madness! Open to everyone who wishes to vote.

Hi Everyone!

There will be 10 rounds to determine the best trope, with three days of voting (via the google form linked below) to make sure people have a chance to see it and participate. Round one begins today! All you have to do is pick your favorite tropes.


Updates will be posted here on Tumblr and our server, Maribat? Get In!

Love yall!

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3 years ago

Dick: Guys I don't think Marinette is normal.

Jason: What gives you that idea?

Dick: *flashbacks to that one time he was in a Starbucks with Marinette and she had ordered a venti filled with nothing but espresso shots and then preceded to down the whole thing in under 5 seconds right then and there.*

Dick: Just the general air about her.

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