Mr.s - Tumblr Posts
Honey wasn't expecting there to be so many pretty and handsome clownsonas out there... Left to right going down: @jackie-archer @its-me-yo-boii @apple-sappy @ghost-oakes @clairjohnson @itsaaudraw @pennywise-chan @jawslin @krazy-klownz @tesazombie
You got @clairjohnson's very tall bird!
I have his charm as a ducky just because I remember the joke of his hair being like wings XD
When your crush list is close to becoming book...
@levanaart, @tesazombie, @jawslin, @coulsart, @cala-mighty, @jackie-archer, @itsaaudraw, @clairjohnson
@doodly-bean's Mari is a love bird, so she loves everyone.
All American.!
Sorry if you haven’t watched the latest episode of All American, but if not, here ya go…
Spencer and Olivia said I DO!!!!
Yall I’m so excited.! You would think that I was apart of their friend group lol
To the left is Spencer and Olivia.
To the right is the real Spencer and Blair
happy pride people of the internet
is your gender a bit fucky? are you tired of the same old same old honorifics? are you simply just bored and looking for some reading material? well youre in luck!
in my scouring of this site ive yet to find one giant list of alternate honorifics/prefixes/titles or whatever you want to call them (maybe i didnt look hard enough, who knows) so i decided "fuck it! let me make my own." it took a while to find these and i definitely have to thank the gender census for a lot of them. (note: this is probably not all possible prefixes! these are just what i could find and what i could find pronunciations for (excluding part 4). feel free to mention any others & their pronunciations!)
anyways! continue below the part
part one: matching
these honorifics/prefixes/titles look similar enough to mr/ms/mrs/miss while also not being those. and no, its not just mx! note: for space purposes there may be a list of titles with one pronunciation
1. m.
can be pronounced em, mist, messer, master, or magister
2. m*.
pronounced miss-star
3. ma.
pronounced mistra
4. me.
can be pronounced mew or messer
5. mg.
can be pronounced mage or magister
6. mir.
pronounced mir
7. msc. ; misc.
pronounced misk, shortened from miscellaneous
8. mist. ; mrm. ; msm. ; mtr.
pronounced mistrum
9. ml.
pronounced mistrel
10. mm.
can be pronounced mistum or mistrum
11. mn.
pronounced mine
12. mnt.
pronounced mount
13. mq.
can be pronounced mick or marquis
14. mre.
can be pronounced mistree or mystery
15. mrsr.
pronounced merser
16. mrw.
pronounced morrow
17. mry. ; mse. ; mys. ; myst.
pronounced mystery
18. msr.
can be pronounced messr or misser
19. msry.
pronounced misry
20. mssr.
pronounced messer
21. mst.
pronounced mist
22. mstr.
pronounced master
23. mt.
can be pronounced mount or mistrum
24. mtx.
pronounced matrix
25. mu.
pronounced as written
26. mv.
pronounced maverique
27. mw.
can be pronounced mew or morrow
28. mx.
can be pronounced mix, mex, mux, mixter, mistrum, or monselle
29. mxr.
pronounced mixer
30. myr.
pronounced myster
31. mz.
pronounced miz
32. mzr.
can be pronounced mezzir or mezzer
part two: branching
these honorifics/prefixes/titles are the same as part one, but they look different from the "default" format. so many letters. note: for space purposes there may be a list of titles with one pronunciation
1. an.
pronounced any
2. c. ; cap. ; capt. ; cpt. ; cptn. ; ct.
pronounced captain
3. cd. ; cde. ; cmd. ; cmr. ; cmrd. ; com.
pronounced comrade
4. cit. ; ctz. ; cz. ; czn.
pronounced citizen
5. cnst.
pronounced constellation
6. cr.
can be pronounced comrade or cryptid
7. de.
pronounced done
6. div.
pronounced div, shortened from individual
7. dm.
pronounced dame
8. dr.
pronounced doctor
9. drst.
pronounced dearest
10. em.
pronounced as written
11. en.
can be pronounced enby or entity
12. ent.
pronounced entity
13. eu.
pronounced eunuch
14. fh.
pronounced fellow human
15. fw.
pronounced fellow worker
16. hm.
pronounced human
17. hon.
pronounced on, shortened from honorable
18. hx.
pronounced hex
19. ind.
pronounced as written, shortened from individual
20. inv.
pronounced inevitable
21. jan.
pronounced as written
22. lic.
pronounced licenciature
23. nb.
pronounved en bee, shortened from nonbinary
24. nl.
pronounced null
25. nr.
pronounced nister
26. nx.
can be pronounced nix or nex
27. per. ; pr.
can be pronounced per or person
28. phl.
pronounced philosophe
29. prof.
pronounced professor
30. rab.
pronounced rabbi
31. rev.
pronounced reverand
32. sai.
pronounced sigh
33. san.
pronounced as written
34. ser.
can be pronounced ser or serah
35. sr.
can be pronounced sir or serrah
36. syr.
pronounced as written
37. sys.
pronounced system
38. the.
pronounced as written
39. tr.
can be pronounced ter or teacher
40. vd.
pronounced void
41. vr.
pronounced ver
42. vx.
can be pronounced vix or vex
43. xr.
pronounced xer
44. zr.
can be pronounced zir or zeester
part three: sir? ma'am?
these honorifics are specifically meant to replace the sir/ma'am words. they feel different than the other ones so they get their own part.
1. boss
2. captain
3. chief
4. comrade
5. friend
6. gentile
7. m'ir
8. sa'am
9. sai
10. tiz
11. xir
12. zir
part four: how do you say...
these honorifics are ones i couldnt find pronunciations for... if you know em lmk please & thanks 🫰🏾
1. sn.
thats it, i couldnt find a pronunciation for it but i thought it was cool 🤸🏾
thats all folks
i might update depending on the responses i get and anything else i find :)
last edits: 3 jun 2024
Eeny, meeny, miny, moe,
What ship should I use based on these lyrics?
Should it end up good,
or should it end bad,
And what should I do?