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Murder Drones characters ranked by what they would say if you fought them.

MD characters ranked by babysitting skills

You can pry my babysitter Doll headcanon out of my
cold dead hands.
also don't ask why I put that random human woman in the second to top tier, she just reminded me of my cousin and that made me happy. :D
Take a guess what this tier list is about.

I like to imagine that J, upon becoming a murder drone realized "Wait a minute, it's not the action I hate... IT'S THE PEOPLE!"
A fanfic by my Mun, it's a memory I had long since forgotten. I guess Father used to care... that hurts so much more knowing everything now... but, it's so wholesome
Murder Drones Fanfic - Dear Old Dad - James Elliott story from before he became mean.
Warning, some characters might be OOC but maybe Tessa's parents used to be more kind and caring, making it so much worse for Tessa when they did finally change, anyways, enjoy the story!
The birds sang on that sunny spring morning, the Elliott Manor full of light and laughter.
A four year old Tessa squealed with laughter as she tried to leap out of the way of her dad. "Oh no! A big crocodile!" the little ebony haired girl exclaimed as her father figure chased her with open arms.
"Rooooooar! I'm gonna gobble you up for mornin' smoko!" James called out, making his Aussie voice more grumbly and loud, he eventually caught his daughter and lifted her up. "Got ya! You silly girl!" the man in the tophat exclaimed, he wasn't in a suit today, but just in a sweater vest, some jeans, and his dress shirt.
Tessa stole the tophat off of her father as he held her up. "I got your hat Mr Crocodile! You gotta let me go now!" she exclaimed joyfully before putting it over top of the floppy bow that was barely held on since that was the bow she fell asleep wearing.
"Nope! Now it's time for morning brushies!" the Elliot family patriarch remarked with a laugh.
"I don't like to sit still," the little grey-eyed girl pouted cutely before she tucked her messy hair under the hat.
"Would you sit still for one of yer dad's silly songs?" James said in the silly crocodile voice
Tessa cheered happily for that suggestion, and she took off the hat and gave it back to the fellow holding her. "But only if we can play Kangaroo after!" she negotiated as she was set down on her bed.
James playfully waggled his finger at his daughter. "You drive a hard bargain, Missy," he teased before responding, "Done deal!" He untied the bow and picked up Tessa's brush, standing behind her and brushed the messy hair neat as he sang Tessa her favourite song.
"Hey True Blue, don't say you've gone Say you've knocked off for a smoko And you'll be back la-ater on Hey True Blue, Hey True Blue"
Tessa sang along with her father,
"True Blue, is it me and you Is it Mum and Dad, is it a cockatoo Is it standin' by your mate when he's in a fight Or just Vegemi-ite True Blue, I'm a-asking you"
They had a little giggle as James picked up some hair ties off of Tessa's night stand and braided her hair. He resumed singing
"Hey True Blue, can you bear the load Will you tie it up with ribbons Just to keep the show on the road Hey True Blue Hey True Blue, now be Fair Dinkum"
Tessa laughed, still being a good girl and sitting still, "It's not ribbons, you're such a Mad Hatter!"
James tied a big bow at the top of one of Tessa's braids and laughed, "I'm not putting wire on ya, you daft little dingo!"
The two laughed a little, and once James finished his work he picked her up and put her on her shoulders. "Now, you're getting too big for Kangaroo, but we can still play Wallaby Ride."
The tot in the blue romper dress laughed as she was being lifted up onto her Father's shoulders. "Hold on, lil' jumbuck, we're going to the outback!" he teased before he started running with a spring in his step, Tessa holding on.
"Faster! Wallaby!" Tessa exclaimed with glee, holding on to her Father's shoulders, "We have to make it for morning smoko! Mr Robot is making strawberry muffins!" Tessa liked Mr. Robot, he was a drone with no real name, but he was the family's baker, he sometimes would let Tessa lick the spatula when he would bake cookies or cakes if she was in the kitchen.
James went slower though as they got to the staircase. "Hold on, pumpkin muffin, Wallaby's not so great at hoppin down hill."
The two made it safely down the stairs and then to the sunroom, the golden light glistening in. James had to stop and stare at his wife who was going through a blonde phase. "Goodness Gracious, Louise, you look beautiful."
Louisa looked up from her morning tea and blushed a little, looking away and responding a little reservedly, "You saw me after you picked me up from Xavier's two days ago, and you're still not over it?"
Tessa giggled as she was sat down at the breakfast table, "Mommy looks like a queen!"
The matriarch of the Elliott household couldn't help but smile at the raw assessment by her daughter, knowing that Tessa was at that stage where she would tell everything like how it was. "And you look like an adorable little lady," she responded as she lightly pinched Tessa's right cheek.
James sat down on the other side of Tessa, they were all on the same side of the table which they hardly ever did, but, he knew that Tessa preferred it that way. "Little Missy didn't want to sit still again, so I had to sing to her." "Dad sang me the one about me!" she exclaimed happily, putting her hands up joyfully. She looked proudly down for a second at her dark cool toned braids, believing that the song was about her because her hair was as she called it 'dark-dark-dark-dark-dark-dark blue' like her dad's was. "Because I've got dark-dark-dark-dark-dark-dark blue like Dad and the spots on the heeler you used to have Mum!"
The drone known by Tessa as 'Mr Robot' came into the room, bringing the muffins, as well as a hot chocolate for Tessa since she hadn't adjusted to tea yet.
Tessa beamed joyfully at the child-safe dark blue mug that was decorated with rainbow coloured stars, seeing the whipped topping, chocolate drizzle, and the little chocolate chip on top of that. "Yay! Mr Robot!" she trilled as she was given two muffins on her plate and handed her mug of chocolatey goodness.
James put a very little splash of, what Tessa called, 'silly juice' from a bottle with a bat on it into his morning tea before he said, "Louisa, I know you're working for me today, and I appreciate it but could you take a break around lunch hour so we could play in the garden?"
The grey-eyed girl stopped sipping on her cocoa, her eyes lit up joyfully before she exclaimed, "Wonderland?"
The blonde woman in the sunhat sighed and responded in her more posh Aussie accent, "Fine, fine... We can play Wonderland for Tessa," She smiled and took the top off of one of her muffins and cackled playfully, "Off with their heads!"
"Yay! The Queen of Hearts!" Tessa giggled happily, swinging her legs back and forth joyfully as she knew her Mum did the best impression of the Queen of Hearts, so much so sometimes it startled her a little, but then she remembered it was just a game.
James looked down to his 4 year old daughter, his dull blue eyes sparkling in adoration for the wonderful little lady he was raising. "And I'll always be the Mad Hatter, little dear," he said to Tessa as he patted her on the head.
Tessa asked in a cheeky tone, "Can you take me to statue world after smoko? I want to see the pretty angel statues!"
Louisa rolled her eyes, and responded in a somewhat serious voice, "James, you shouldn't be taking her to 'Statue World' she's too young for that."
"It's all part of life, Louise, and besides, Tessa likes seeing the birds in the willow tree near by."
Tessa stopped eating her muffin and flapped her arms and exclaimed, "CAW CAW! I'M A RAVEN"
James lightly ruffled Tessa's bangs and responded, "You're very good at pretending, we can pretend to be birds together then."
And so James and Tessa went to play in the garden after their breakfast, getting grass stains on their knees and mud on their shoes, but they didn't care, they were too busy having fun.
The End.