Murder Drones Nuziv - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago

Humbled em bots reaal fast

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6 months ago

Fr I’d be fugen gabberflasted if nuziv/violentbitingbiscuits don’t come true

Nuzi canon baby

Nuzi Canon Baby
Nuzi Canon Baby
Nuzi Canon Baby

But I raise you Envuzi

Nuzi Canon Baby
Nuzi Canon Baby
Nuzi Canon Baby

I love how well they know her

Nuzi Canon Baby
Nuzi Canon Baby

Look at the squad they are so cool

Nuzi Canon Baby
Nuzi Canon Baby

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6 months ago
Nuziv/envuzi Cuddles

nuziv/envuzi cuddles 💛💜💛

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6 months ago

×Uzi sits in her room, holding two small, velvet-lined boxes in her hands. Her visor has lines indicating blush, and she's breathing deeply.×

"You'll be fine, Uzi. The worst they can do is say no." ×Cyn-tail pipes up, trying to be helpful.×

×Steeling her resolve, the worker drone stands up and leaves her room, and goes to find N and V in the living room. N perks up when he notices Uzi. V just waves.×

"Hey Uzi!" ×N flicks his tail happily.×

"Hey.. N.."

×V raises a digital eyebrow.×

"You good? You seem nervous."

"Uh, yeah, um... I just.. uh... I wanted to ask you guys.. something..."


×Sweat drips down Uzi's visor, and she hesitates for a moment before asking The Question.×

"Will you marry me?!"

×She practically throws the boxes at the two. V catches the box, blushing, and N tries to catch it, but fumbles it and just smiles with his hands to his chest.×


"Uh- Fine, I guess... (o/////o " )"

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6 months ago

nuziv oneshot in progress you're getting fluff before the angst

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