Envuzi - Tumblr Posts
nuziv are polyamorous (bi uzi, bi v, and n as the best ally anyones ever seen), vizzy are dating “casually” (they judge you like besties then make out like gfs nothin serious 💅) and doll is lizzy’s version of “husband gf who was lost at sea” but if doll coming back lizzy ugly crying fr like the sad slay lesbian she is
also yeva and nori had a “college thing” but then they broke up later and had been mutually pining ever since, even if they both fell in love with their respective husbands
also yeva was the “❤️😌” mom while nori wouldve been a “💥💯✊🏻” mom

Our little bird
they're so poly :3

and she's there too ig......

Flashbang (doodle attack one may say)


Also Sketch I was so prepared to finish and never did but that’s not to be discussed
You can have more textposts , as a treat
First one is a reference to @interstyx 's fic, Here, Be nice

(Sorry i just ADORE their fic . Dies)

nuziv/envuzi cuddles 💛💜💛
they're so poly :3

and she's there too ig......

*gives you a box with a black and gold rose rings*
This is for you and N, give it to him when you feel the time is right.
You got this, girlboss
What- what's that supposed to mean?!
And what about V..?
Silly anon has ominous vibes.
Hide the ring in some book N likes when he decides to re-read it!
- 👓
I'm not proposing to N!!
At least not until I have a ring for V too...
*Throws you a box that contains two beautiful copper and stainless steel rings with beautiful geometrical engravings. They aren't fancy but are beautiful nonetheless.*
- 👓
×Looks left, looks right, and pockets the box.×
You saw nothing.
xGives you a gold ring with silver engravingsx
as per request

Evidence for when you refute your statement >:]
Get out.
Previous person, you- you know she needs two rings, right? Did- did you just propose to her?
- 👓
I actually have like 5 rings from the ones everybody's been giving me for this stuff--
[Do y'all want me to make this a blog event or something?]
×Uzi sits in her room, holding two small, velvet-lined boxes in her hands. Her visor has lines indicating blush, and she's breathing deeply.×
"You'll be fine, Uzi. The worst they can do is say no." ×Cyn-tail pipes up, trying to be helpful.×
×Steeling her resolve, the worker drone stands up and leaves her room, and goes to find N and V in the living room. N perks up when he notices Uzi. V just waves.×
"Hey Uzi!" ×N flicks his tail happily.×
"Hey.. N.."
×V raises a digital eyebrow.×
"You good? You seem nervous."
"Uh, yeah, um... I just.. uh... I wanted to ask you guys.. something..."
×Sweat drips down Uzi's visor, and she hesitates for a moment before asking The Question.×
"Will you marry me?!"
×She practically throws the boxes at the two. V catches the box, blushing, and N tries to catch it, but fumbles it and just smiles with his hands to his chest.×
"Uh- Fine, I guess... (o/////o " )"
Fluffy envuzi I made right after the finale. They haven't slept since episode 5, they deserve a break <3