My Engineer - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago



E é aqui que o coração para de bate🤡💅 e volta com tudo😌😁💅😵

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8 months ago

When your crush is really into plants

When Your Crush Is Really Into Plants
When Your Crush Is Really Into Plants
When Your Crush Is Really Into Plants
When Your Crush Is Really Into Plants

Ram from My Engineer playing with plants while standing in water.

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4 years ago
Day 2: Favorite Series: So This One Was Hard To Choose Because I Have Many I Like But I Guess I Will

Day 2: Favorite Series: So this one was hard to choose because I have many I like but I guess I will go with the one I have rewatched the most: History 2: Crossing the Line. I cannot pin point why I like this drama so much but the acting, the music, the low drama etc. Honorable mention: My Engineer.

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4 years ago
Day 3: Favorite Couple. This One Is Really Hard. I Like So Many Of Them But I Would Have To Say Mek And

Day 3: Favorite Couple. This one is really hard. I like so many of them but I would have to say Mek and Boss from My Engineer. Crazy I know: I mean Ram and King are right there!!! However, this couple came out of left field and stole my heart (even with the dubbing and photo shrine). I was not expecting them to get together like AT ALL. Then episode 11 happened and the flash backs to all the times Boss pined for Mek and I was sold. Mutual Pining at it's finest. And then to see how they respectfully handled the Fon situation and OMG the megaphone confession!!!! Ryan was able to convey so much emotion with just his face (rewatch the scene at the shrine for an example). But it was the last scene with Intouch's look. Man that look was beautiful. Honorable Mentions: MingKit from 2Moons2

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4 years ago
Day 4: Favorite Side Couple. Too Many To Name But Pretty Much All The Side Couples From MyEngineer And

Day 4: Favorite Side Couple. Too many to name but pretty much all the side couples from MyEngineer and MingKit from 2moons2. I really loved the difference of each couple in MyEngineer. The endings for each couple made sense due to the progression and they all had good screen time. Same with MingKit. They had good screen time (cough except last 2 episodes cough) and I love a spitfire with a heart of gold so Kit stole my heart. Honorable Mention: WinTeam from Until We Meet Again (I watched the entire show because of gifs of this couple and was disappointed with their screen time and story as they pretty much had none. So excited for Between Us because I want to love this couple but I need more).

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4 years ago
Day 6: Favorite Male Character. Man These Are Hard. I Wanted To Highlight Supporting Non Couple Male

Day 6: Favorite Male Character. Man these are hard. I wanted to highlight supporting non couple male characters in this one. Techno in TharnType immediately popped into my mind but then there is also Zhen Zheng from Crossing the line and Phu from My Engineer. (Honorable Mention - because he is in a couple but I love him so - Jack from Trapped).

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4 years ago
Day 11: Favorite Cast. This Category Is The Easiest For Me. Without Question It Is The My Engineer Cast.

Day 11: Favorite Cast. This category is the easiest for me. Without question it is the My Engineer cast. They seem like a group of friends just hanging out. No need for fanservice just honest interactions. They are so supportive of each other and very interactive with their fans.

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4 years ago
Day 15: Favorite BL Trope. I Like Several Tropes But My Favs Are Mutual Pining And Bad (or Standoffish)

Day 15: Favorite BL Trope. I like several tropes but my favs are mutual pining and bad (or standoffish) guy with a heart of gold. Example MekBoss in My Engineer and Kit in 2Moons2/Yu Hoa in History: Crossing the Line.

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4 years ago
Day 17: Favorite Kiss. I Don't Know I Have Liked So Many (but God Some Of Them Are True Crap In BLs).

Day 17: Favorite Kiss. I don't know I have liked so many (but God some of them are true crap in BLs). I will list a few: TharnType episode 5 in the bar - shot beautifully, can feel the yearning on both sides; TharnType episode 6 on the bed the day after - Type is finally comfortable expressing his feelings; My Engineer episode 11 MekBook - not cause it is good but because it shocked the crap out of me; My Engineer episode 14 RamKing - God you felt the desperation; My Engineer episode 14 BohnDuen 2nd kiss - omg when they get shy afterwards!!! and Duen initiated; History: Crossing the Line - all of them; 2Moons2 episode 6 MingKit - it was just such a great first kiss; I think that is it. I always post these things and then remember another one I want to add. I suck at picking just one.

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4 years ago
Day 19: BL Drama That Was Better Than You Expected. My Engineer. I Actually Had No Desire To Watch This

Day 19: BL Drama that was Better than you Expected. My Engineer. I actually had no desire to watch this show until I saw a review of episode 4 I believe from a reactor and I figured I would give it a try. Then I fell in love and starting participating in Twitter trends for the first time ever at episode 6 I believe.

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4 years ago
Day 21: BL Drama I Never Get Tired Of Watching. Hmm Kinda Newish To This Thing So I Have Only Rewatched

Day 21: BL Drama I Never Get Tired of Watching. Hmm kinda newish to this thing so I have only rewatched a few. History: Crossing the Line, Because of You 2020, and My Engineer.

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4 years ago
Day 22: Favorite Scene From Your #1 Drama. So My Favorite Scene From Any BL Is Kinda Weird But It Is

Day 22: Favorite Scene from Your #1 Drama. So my favorite scene from any BL is kinda weird but it is my list so who cares. In My Engineer episode 8 before the fight, Bohn is walking up and Tee blows powder like the smoke from old 80s movies. It makes me laugh so freaking hard no matter how many times I have seen it. Especially Bohn's face afterwards and then the scene continues to be comedy gold with the friend's betting, King's "encouraging speech", Thara, Duen tied to a tree, etc. Love it.

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4 years ago
Day 24: BL Drama I Am Looking Forward To. I Am Looking Forward To Manner Of Death, My Engineer Season

Day 24: BL Drama I am Looking Forward To. I am looking forward to Manner of Death, My Engineer Season 2, and Between Us.

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4 years ago
Day 29: Underrated BL Drama. Love Life On The Line Is More Known For The MODC Retcon Than For The Amazing

Day 29: Underrated BL Drama. Love Life on the Line is more known for the MODC retcon than for the amazing story it has to tell. Others are In Between and My Engineer.

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4 years ago

My engineer is a low budget and En of love had to raise money on an internet funding site....

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4 years ago

Somehow Talay came into our lives and I’m honestly not complening at all!

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1 year ago

Hey hey btw these two are played by the same person (Shane Nutchapol)

Frong (My Engineer) Pun (1000 years)

Hey Hey Btw These Two Are Played By The Same Person (Shane Nutchapol)
Hey Hey Btw These Two Are Played By The Same Person (Shane Nutchapol)

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4 years ago


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