Nature Spirit - Tumblr Posts
An illustration I made somewhere in 2010
Pan the Forest God Johfra Bosschart
Ave the Horned God of Old.
The Deathbell Spriggan
Art & Design Notes
Sorry about the lack of art for the past few days, I have some different art pieces/designs in various stages of completion, but irl stuff has kept me from being able to work on them enough to make much progress.
However, as part of some school work, I got to throw together a variant on the Elder Scrolls' Spriggan enemy. As a result, I have a new design, and too many thoughts about it.
Critique and other comments are always welcome! The ID is under the cut, after my design notes. (:
In vanilla Skyrim, there are three (3) different variations on the spriggan enemy: normal, burnt, & matrons. While they all have some differences, they share the following traits:
Brightly colored swarms of insects and warm light coming from their bodies
A set of antlers made of twisted and pointed branches
"Carved" faces
Sexualized feminine bodies
Decoration around the shoulders
The body is made of gnarled wood
While it's not necessary to follow every design convention, following most will insure that the new variation still reads as the same type of enemy. The main changes were made to the color palette and decorations around the bust. Desaturated birch bark would contrast the bright insects and flowers, and the gradients on the limbs (hopefully) draws attention to the face.
To make sure this variant stands out, rather than doing flame damage like the burnt version, its claws are slightly poisonous. They have the same ravage stamina effect as the deathbell flowers that grow on its body. If I make another, it can drain magika and round out the group.
[ID: A digital drawing, portraying a spriggan, from the Elder Scrolls series. Like most spriggans, it has a feminine body, with a hollow stomach cavity, and a body formed out of twisting wood. Unlike spriggans found in Skyrim, its legs end in points, and rather than having branches sprout from the collar bones, the rough shapes of deathbell flowers grow instead. One eye has been replaced by a swirl, done in black pen, unlike the rest of the sketch. Small lines from the sketch are visible under the art, though most have been blurred out.
The wood is white, with grey swirls, and dark gradients on the ends of the limbs and antler crown. The flowers are purple, with pink bases and blue ends. Gold mist hangs around the head and stomach cavity. End ID]
No oNe WouLD aSK THiS BuT… DiD Ya’LL KNoW THaT RyuDrago (DeViaNTaRT) / RyuSimmian (TuMBLR) MaiN oRiGiNaL CHaRaCTeRS WeRe oNCe a PaRT oF a SToRY CoLLaB oN MY oRiGiNaL FiCTioNaL WRiTTiNG eNTiTLeD: “i SuMMoNeD a SaTYR” 🤓
PLeaSe Do ViSiT/CHeCK THe SouRCe LiNK BeLoW FoR MoRe iNFo aBouT MY oRiGiNaL WoRK “i SuMMoNeD a SaTYR” 😉
aRTWoRK BY: Me (Rowney) oRiGiNaL CHaRaCTeR BY: ryusimmian/RyuDrago
MeSSaGe FoR THe VieWeR(S): THiS iS “eCHo”. a NaTuRe SPiRiT BeiNG, WHiCH iS oNe oF ryusimmian/RyuDrago’S oRiGiNaL CHaRaCTeR.
eCHo © ryusimmian/RyuDrago
aND… WHo SaiD i CaN’T DRaW GiRLS?! 😣
MeSSaGe FRoM THe aRTiST(?): WHeNeVeR i THiNK oF SoMe NiCe DReSS iDeaS FoR FeMaLe (aSiDe FRoM GeTTiNG TiReD oF DRaWiNG MaLe SuBJeCTS). i aLWaYS uSe “eCHo” aS MY FeMaLe MoDeL. 😄
DReSS 101: a SHeaT/CoLuMN TYPe oF GoWN iNSPiReD FRoM THe aNCieNT FaSHioN oF RoMaN/eGYPTiaN/GReeK TuNiC(S).
TRaDiTioNaLLY, TuNiCS aRe MaDe FRoM THe MaTeRiaLS: WooL, LiNeN, CoTToN, & SiLK. THeN oFTeNTiMeS PaiReD WiTH LeaTHeR BeLTS. BuT iN THiS DReSS,
(i’M NoT a FaSHioN eXPeRT So PLeaSe “Do” uNDeRSTaND MY FaSHioN STaTeMeNT(S) HeRe.) 😅
i’Ve ViSuaLiZeD iT aS a MoDeRN GoWN MaDe ouT oF THe FaBRiCS: TaFFeTa aND CHiFFoN oR CeNDaL & LiNeN a WoVeN FaBRiC FoR THe BoDiCe THeN eNDeD WiTH a LiGHTWeiGHT THiN FaBRiC FoR iT’S SKiRT PaiReD WiTH eiTHeR a LeaTHeR oR DeNiM CoRSeT.
THe aCCeSSoRieS aRe oPTioNaL, LiKe THoSe LeaF LiKe TuSSeL TieD aRouND THe WaiST. i oNLY aDDeD THoSe To eMPHaSiZe THe MoDeL’S CHaRaCTeR FoR BeiNG a NaTuRe SPiRiT. PLuS! THe FaiRY/iNSeCT LiKe WiNGS oN iT’S BaCK. 😃
-Askefroa- (translation: Ashen wife)
A malevolent wesen from southern Sweden, related to the more known dryad, legends says it used to live in old ash trees in which her soul was bound to.
These trees were forbidden to take down since they would kill the askefroa, and harming the tree would cast a curse of illness and bad luck. Offerings pleased her, like tending to her tree or just showing her respect.
Something I made just for fun for the “grimme your best shot” competition for Grimm. Wish I had seen the competition earlier since I did this in a rush, but it was fun nonetheless since I love drawing creatures anyway. :)
Ink and some quick photoshopping..
lineart/ sketch test since i usually dont use pen pressure, here are the settings if ya want