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it’s the blugg about blugg that talks all about blugg. find out how blugg got it’s name and why is was created in issue 10.

JUPITER WEIGHT REVEAL! just kidding… that’s extremely private information.
a snippet from issue 1 of the blugg newspaper

this isn’t an ad but sonic does have a blue raspberry slush
a snippet from issue 10 of the blugg newspaper

drink up, buttercup! ;p
a snippet from issue 3 of the blugg newspaper

it’s been bike to work week all week, but it’s okay if you haven’t been participating. just know that today is bike to work day so you have no excuse.
a snippet from issue 10 of the blugg newspaper

BROWN BLUGG! I think it’s fitting because I personally feel this issue 11 of blugg is a bit shit.

you drank the kool-aid by the jug?
a snippet from issue 7 of the blugg newspaper

don’t pick a card, any card
a snippet from issue 11 of the blugg newspaper

someone needs to stop me
a snippet from issue 11 of the blugg newspaper

well the dinosaurs are gone (I guess not technically cause we got the birds) and I’m stuck here paying taxes. blugg has officially made it further than the original run of the alphabet superset. to celebrate, issue 12 of blugg has a completely normal discussion about dinosaurs.
(fun fact- I can’t spell dinosaur without singing the kesha song in my head)

June is lemon AND mongo month
a snippet from issue 12 of the blugg newspaper

I suggest we ban billboards for billboard day
a snippet from issue 12 of the blugg newspaper

the balloon story may have went off longer than anticipated but it’s all in issue 13 of blugg

national eyewear day is actually tomorrow, but you should ALWAYS be protecting your eyes
a snippet from issue 13 of the blugg newspaper

a snippet from issue 13 of the blugg newspaper

issue 14 of the blugg newspaper is a week late, but let's not talk about it. instead, let's talk about the movie tooth fairy 2, or, actually, nevermind, let's not do that. so many commas :p

this really is all a girl needs
a snippet from issue 14 of the blugg newspaper

this is a reference to the sleeping schedule where you go to sleep with the sunset, wake up at midnight for an hour, then go back to bed until the sun rises
a snippet from issue 14 of the blugg newspaper

issue 15 of the blugg newspaper is a spooky one! that is, if you believe in ghosts… personally, I’m not sure how I feel about them, but I lean more to the skeptic side.
for fun, here’s a photo I took at gettysburg, and at the time, was convinced I captured a ghost. I’m not going to point it out and let you be the judge.

eat your veggies!
a snippet from issue 15 of the blugg newspaper