Newspaper - Tumblr Posts - Page 2

ik the bottom photo isn't that clear, but i found the image on Google and i just cropped the photo. hope you enjoy!

- The New York Times -

This is a new one I painted over a newspaper background

Drawing and collage, 16/2/2014

Drawing and collage, 23/2/2014. Apologies again for the bad photo. I can't scan this stuff because of the neon colours, and I don't have the equipment or knowledge to take good photos ... so this will have to do.

Drawing and collage, 1/3/2014.

#surrealism #magritte #elsurrealismoyelsueño #expoenmadrid #pamadridhabraqueir / on Instagram
Primordial Interlopers
The first reports by telephone were an interesting and fairly entertaining joke to both local law enforcement and newspaper offices in the late evening, early morning hours.
“Well.. we didn’t know what to make of it in the slightest”, reports an obviously tired, exasperated Sheriff Elizabeth Cadieux-Andrea.
The Sheriff, a dedicated woman born in the town of Larson and known dedicated community servant was woken in the night roughly around 2:30 a.m., receiving a call from the on station Officer Howard James.
“At first I thought it had to be a joke. Of course it was. I thought, anyway.. I mean, we’ve had crank calls. Calls about a lake monster on the peninsula, stories about ghosts prowling the cemetery. So of course I thought this was a joke—wouldn’t you?”
After a shaky and brief communication with Howard, the Sheriff woke her husband before quickly changing into uniform and stepping out to the surprisingly still muggy air. It must’ve been strange, let alone frustrating: shambling to a police car at ungodly hours of the morning for another ridiculous report beneath seemingly endlessly Milky Way starlight. Mrs. Cadieux-Andrea reports that she was just about to turn at the end of her street heading north before locking eyes with a sight that would forever change her life.
“I thought at first.. I thought a first I was seeing things. You know what I mean—rub your eyes, shake your head. Laugh it off even because it can’t possibly be there. It just can’t. But there it was. Tall as a man with talons and jaws, big as a goddamn lion. Bigger.”
Sheriff Cadieux-Andrea was seeing a dinosaur. My paleontologist contact in the local museum tells me a Ceratosaurus Nasicornis based on a more detailed description the Sheriff would give under oath the following day which described the distinctive nasal horn, small four-fingered hands, and dorsal ridges characteristic of this Jurassic predator. A creature extinct for nearly a hundred million years was striding across a suburban road.
“He just watched me with those eyes. They reflected the most ghastly pale white I’ve ever seen in my life, like wolves in the dark..”
And as quickly as the creature had been sighted, it disappeared quickly into a nearby strand of trees alongside the homes to her right. By the time Cadieux-Andrea had arrived at the police station: nearly two hundred phone calls had been received documenting similar encounters across the entirety of the town.
A local man smoking a cigarette on his front porch watched as a small group of bone-headed herbivorous dinosaurs, Pachycephalosaurus, quickly marched down the road. He noted the animals were seemingly agitated which must’ve been an accurate representation as within moments of being sighted the dinosaurs began to ram into the parked vehicles nearby. The stunned observer told this reporter that the time-stranded creatures did an incredibly bizarre dance between impacting their metallic foes, like jungle birds, and that he could catch glimpses of vivid colors when the dinosaurs briefly stepped under the streetlights.
An young couple (who wished to remain anonymous because of the nature of their rebellious activities) were giddily driving home close to the shores of Lake Rose when, like a primordial fever dream, a massive horn-faced dinosaur (identified as the recently discovered Ultraceratops from a magnificent Deseret fossil bed) crosses the desolate wooded road. The first young woman of the couple said that it was immense: seemingly larger than the elephant from the local zoo, and that in the headlights it’s striking frill was akin to haunting patterns found on moth species. This quote especially sticks with this reporter: “It was like it had a pair of giant, crimson eyes, ringed by black and blue! Like it was starring back at us...!” After what had likely been only a moment or two, the herbivorous titan disappeared back into the forest.
Local celebrity and irritating miscreant of this newspaper (who shall remain nameless to irritate them immensely) spoke to an associate of the Larson Times, quote: “A big bird ate my dog, my poor Princess! It was like—like an eagle big as a jungle cat, with curving claws and black feathers, and it snatched up my poor baby when I let her out! Goddamn monsters! Must be the Soviets, come here to eat and torment the godly, patriotic pets of Americans!” (As of the publishing of this article no connection between the prehistoric arrivals and the United Soviet Socialist Republics has been documented.)
The stories are many, many indeed. And it seems, all in a single night: the mysterious primordial arrivals simply vanished. Searches since Wednesday night have turned up nothing, involving animal specialists and big game hunters and wacky cryptozoologists. Physicists from Moscow, London, and Chicago have arrived, all speculating endlessly on this fantastical scientific curiosity. We hope to publish more citizen accounts in the coming days as the interview process continues. In the meantime: watch out for dinosaurs.
- published in the Larson Times, 1///, prior to the Incident at Harper Town.
My tribute to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.
This was published in London's Daily Mirror and Charleston's The Post and Courier

I am an American, of English and Scottish descent, proud of my heritage, and certainly an Anglophile.
I have long loved, admired and respected Queen Elizabeth II and wish to pay her tribute from across the pond.
I saw Her Majesty once, but for a fleeting moment. I was on holiday in London, standing outside Buckingham Palace, awaiting the Changing of the Guard, when the gates opened and Her Majesty's car drove past. She was smiling, waving, wearing a mauve tinted hat, her car adorned with the Royal Standard. That image will stay with me always. And that memory will forever adorn my heart.
In her absence, something has gone out of the world - a stalwart dignity, a quiet grace, a presence as steady and dependable as the rising and setting of the sun and the turning of the tides.
Grand she was, grand she will forever remain, in heart, in legacy, in memory.
Thank you for sharing her with us and with the world. Long will she reign in our hearts.
I am grateful to have lived in the age of Elizabeth.
-- Michelle Lindsey
19 September 2022
Look at this... 👀
Look at this... 👀

I love my little dumbass
Just... Like ...

Look at her, she's just standing in the middle of newspaper collage! My poor girl... She has so much trauma, and I'm only partly the cause...

She's right behind me, isn't she?...