Nine The Phantom - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

What about a THIRD blazblue ask? :D And while idk if multiple characters are allowed per ask, I was lowkey curious about cuddling headcanons for Nine, Bullet, and Izanami with an S/O who has trouble sleeping due to stress or nightmares

You son of a bitch, I like the way you think.

Two asks with Izanami tho? Haru and Ann I can understand but how is IZANAMI the first Blazblue character to be in two asks? Whatever floats your boat, I guess.

Nine the Phantom

What About A THIRD Blazblue Ask? :DAnd While Idk If Multiple Characters Are Allowed Per Ask, I Was Lowkey

-For the sake of this ask, this will be set after the Dark War but before she's thrown into the Boundary and obviously she will not be into fucking cats. Seriously Mori, Jesus Christ on a cross getting stabbed by the fucking Romans...

-As a student of the Mage Academy in Ishana, naturally you're worked pretty hard. Alchemy, Sorcery, Magic, you need to learn it all if you want a shot at becoming a top Mage. Perhaps even one of the Ten Great Sages if you're just particularly built different.

-The end of the semester is no fucking joke. Projects upon assignments upon projects begin to pile up from all your different classes. It isn't long before all the caffeine and stress starts to get to you.

-During some ungodly hour of the night, Nine is walking through the dorm halls of the academy, noticing light coming from behind but one single door and quickly realizes it's yours. She knocks on the door before entering without waiting for you to tell her to come in, only to see you at your desk which is completely cluttered with papers and glass tubes to hold potions you're working on.

-Rightfully concerned (and a bit upset), she asks you what the hell you think you're doing up at a time like this.

-As you tiredly explain the situation to her, she finds her mild anger replaced by concern and sympathy. Being one of the Great Sages and largely leading the war effort against the Black Beast, she knew all too well what it was like to work yourself to the bone to get shit done.

-With a tone more akin to a command than anything else she tells you to get in bed. Reluctant, but too tired to argue at this point, you do as she says, only to get surprised when she gets in next to you, pulling you close.

-To no one's surprise, Nine naturally runs quite warm. If it happens to be cold in the future you know who you're spending the night with.

-Your face inevitably gets buried in know what. Nine most definitely ends up giving a few teasing comments at that, but nothing else. At least not tonight.

-She's warm, soft, perfect for cuddling. Not what you expected from such a normally aggressive, assertive woman, but you're certainly not going to complain. It's not long before you finally feel the sweet relief of death sleep overtake you.


What About A THIRD Blazblue Ask? :DAnd While Idk If Multiple Characters Are Allowed Per Ask, I Was Lowkey

-You were the only known survivor of Bullet's merc squad to have gotten out of the Nirvana extraction mission alive. Upon hearing your Captain was reportedly alive you joined your girlfriend in a heartbeat on the quest to find him.

-However, PTSD is a real bitch. Watching all your squad mates die right in front of you, at the hands of Azrael of all people no less, would take quite the toll on anyone.

-The two of you set-up camp for the night in the forest and try to get some sleep only for Bullet to be woken up by the sound of a sudden gasp and panting. She sits up to see you in a cold sweat.

-Upon asking, you reluctantly tell her about the nightmares that you've been having ever since the mission. You've always slept separately until now so this is the first time she's seen it.

-Bullet is...unsure of how to approach this. Racking together all of her brain power, the best thing she can come up with is to comfort you with physical affection. As a result she gets out of her sleeping bag and forcefully inserts herself into yours, burying your head into her neck.

-It's a rather tight fit in there, but it's nice. Bullet's definitely feeling her share of awkwardness, having never done something like this before, but she doesn't back down.

-You know she's trying her best to help you, and it's pretty sweet of her to do.


What About A THIRD Blazblue Ask? :DAnd While Idk If Multiple Characters Are Allowed Per Ask, I Was Lowkey

-Being an NOL soldier is no walk in the park, especially one so high ranking as a byproduct of being the Imperator's lover. All the added responsibility overwhelms you the more and more you're cast up the chain of command.

-Izanami doesn't take too long to catch onto this and tries to remedy this the best way she knows how.

-One late night someone from Intelligence knocks on your office door telling you that the Imperator has requested your presence immediately. Normally you'd quickly piece together what she wants but you're so tired you don't have the energy to do even that as you trudge your way to her quarters.

-Izanami greets you once you're there with a soft, inviting smile, telling you to come in. She takes you by the hand and gently guides you into her bed, saying she's noticed how hard you've been working for the sake of the NOL.

-She gently runs a hand through your hair, shushing you if you try to protest and insisting that you finally get some time to relax. Her touch is cold, yet somehow comforting regardless.

-Her other arm goes around your body and pulls you as close as possible. With her hand through your hair and her soft, soothing voice whispering sweet nothings into your ear, you find it much easier to relax and finally get the sleep you desperately need easier than it has been in a very long time.

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10 months ago

Bonus request

So, this was a request that was given to me in DMs. @chefskillet1 was the only person to miss the deadline for a request so I decided to give her a free request submission. She asked for HCs about how Izanami and Nine celebrate their S/O's birthday, but Izanami was already done in a previous post so Nine will be done here. This ask will take place after the Dark War before she dies since that feels more natural to me for this post.

Bonus Request

-Nine is quite used to celebrating a birthday, she does it all the time for the people important to her like Celica and Trinity, she'll have no qualms doing it for an S/O as well.

-Even after the Dark War and losing a lot of her political power, she can still definitely do something for you. She'll be damned if she doesn't, she got way too close to losing you for comfort, she's fully intent on spoiling you

-She still has more than enough power to reserve an entire building in Ishana specifically for the celebration, getting Celica and the rest of the Heroes to help out, albeit with differing levels of enthusiasm.

-She can be a real slave driver at times, as everyone finds out in her efforts to make everything as perfect as possible. Terumi especially has it bad, though since he's still under the Mind Eater, he can't do much of anything to go against her.

-On the day of your birthday, Celica tells you to come to some place in Ishana you hadn't yet been to before. You hadn't really had time to wander since for the last 10 years you and everyone else were too busy trying to stop a giant ass nuclear hydra from ending the world. You had no reason to not at least see what she was up to.

-Much to your surprise, there's a whole ass party set up just for you, Nine, Celica and the rest of the Heroes having differing energies as they shouted "surprise!". Nine, Celica, Trinity, and Jubei were all quite enthusiastic, Valkenhayn not as much but still wanted to do his part, Terumi doing it rather begrudgingly, and Hakumen expectedly staying silent.

-Gifts of all kinds are laid out on the table nearby, it's pretty easy to tell who each one is from since no two people in this crowd are completely alike. Tea leaves from Valk that you've probably never seen before, a special magic charm from Celica imbued with some of her power, A shiny new katana from Jubei, a special staff handmade by Trinity to enhance your magic, the list goes on.

-Nine had something extra special for you, though, naturally. Her gift is a magic snowglobe of Ishana, shaking it while thinking about any particular part of your home will show your happiest memories there, however few and far between they may or may not be.

-The day you first met Nine and all your other friends, the day you two finally hooked up, your wedding if you're already married, the party of historical proportions when the Black Beast was finally slain, and many more you can revisit with this one contraption.

-Terumi couldn't be fucked to get you anything, so to make up for that Nine makes him do party tricks. Maximum embarrassment for the bastard and maximum amusement for the rest of you. Though he would never admit, even Hakumen couldn't help a scoff of amusement here and there, taking pleasure in the humiliation of the man who'd caused him so much suffering.

-Nine may be brash, aggressive, and hot-headed, but it's moments like these where you're reminded that she really does care about you, more than life itself. She'd go to hell and back to ensure you and her family are safe and sound.

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10 months ago

A little (LMFAO) oneshot

So for all you Blazbros out there, you're more than likely familiar with @your-phantomfield by now. Recently they released some Nine headcanons and upon reading it the inspiration for this manhandled me by the jugular and would not let go until I write this. I have no reason other than that to do it really, this isn't a request, I just need to do this so it stops bothering me. You can check out the post that inspired this here.

This will not be an x reader like normal, it will be featuring a Blazblue OC of mine. It'll be the first time I've written for him (or any of my OCs) like this so hopefully this won't be a disaster.

So for the trouble you've caused me for this, phantomfield, affectionately, fuck you.

(Long ass post under the cut.)

This is 2.6k+ god damn words.

The distinct sound of shattering glass was heard for what felt like could be miles around. Though if one were to approach the direction it came from they'd be proven wrong. The temperature dropped significantly just outside the ruins of Ibukido, the winds carrying a cold, foreboding sense of overwhelming power. The sound could be heard repeatedly over and over with no end in sight, much to the dismay of one Ragna the Bloodedge.

He clenched his teeth together, a mix of the inward feeling of frustration and the outward feeling of freezing his ass off. Mismatched red and green eyes stared down the opponent before him. Another man about his age, with short black hair, average height, wearing a purple coat around his shoulders that seemed...oddly familiar, somehow. It was the same feeling as meeting just about everyone else from his past when he'd lost his memories, but having them back and still not being able to recognize anything about this guy only pissed him off even more.

With a shout, Ragna charged once more at his opponent, sword in hand. The buildup of blue essence in the stranger's hand stopped him in his tracks before he could completely close the distance, being forced to hold up his weapons and block the chilling blast of energy. The hand gripping Aramasa and it's handle were frozen solid in ice, causing him to groan in pain.

"Son of a..." He smashed his arm against the ground, breaking the ice. Despite his loss of temper though, the stranger only smirked. Their long, intense battle had left him surprisingly winded, both combatants needing to catch their breath.

"I have to say, I'm impressed. You certainly live up to the expectations given by a name like the Grim Reaper."

"Well that's too bad. I didn't ask for your opinion."

The stranger only let out an amused chuckle, seeming to be enjoying their bout. Ragna leapt into the air, turning Aramasa into it's scythe form and barreling towards the ice user at astonishing speed, the stranger barely leaping out of the way in time. The blade suddenly swung in a wide arc again as Ragna landed too fast to react and sliced across his chest, causing him to let out a shout of pain and stagger back before blowing the SS-class criminal away with a freezing gust of power. Ragna only felt himself getting more and more sluggish the more the battle went on. The cold was seeping into his bones, making it harder to get his body to do what he wanted it to.

How long had he been fighting this asshat now? Could've only been a few minutes, could've been an hour. His mind was in much the same state as the space around him, almost in a haze from the temperature feeling like it was trying to turn him into an Azure flavored popsicle.

The stranger looked around at what he'd done to the environment around them, seeming to snap out of his surprisingly battle enthusiastic mood. He'd seemed like such a normally calm, collected person, at least until he engaged Ragna. Even quicker than it had appeared, the frost and haze vanished into thin air, as if it was never there. The sun was visible once more.

"Well...seems like I got a bit more out of hand than intended. I haven't had a battle like that in a while. We should really do this again, Grim Reaper."

Ragna only scoffed in annoyance. "If I ever have to see your face again, it'll be too soon."

"Come on now, don't be like that. I have a feeling we're going to be seeing each other again very soon." A swirl of snow emanated from the stranger, obscuring Ragna's view of him. By the time the snow faded away, he had disappeared without a trace.

Ragna turned to the spectator viewing the fight. "That guy just...teleported. And that ice...who the hell is he?"

The diminutive blonde vampire looked at the spot where the stranger once stood, a rather rare look of reminiscence crossing her pale features.

"So he's one of the Chosen as well... I suppose it's not in the least surprising."

"Rabbit, just answer the question. Who was that just now?"

Rachel paused for a moment before speaking. "...Six."

"See, was that so hard to do? It's Six, of the Great Sages." Ragna was clearly still pissed from their previous battle, it took a moment for Rachel's answer to really register in his head.

"...Wait, what!?"

Rachel sighed. She seriously doubted his ability to get any louder than he already was, but then again, he did always have a certain way of surprising her.

"I doubt you met Six during your foray into the Dark War. He was not appointed to his seat in the Mage's Guild until rather late."

She turned away as she thought back to that time long past. "He was abnormally young when he attained such a position, but despite that even Nine saw what he could become during his student days. She personally took him under her tutelage. His assistance was even instrumental in creating a number of the Nox Nyctores weapons as fast as they were made."

Ragna let out a low whistle upon hearing what Six had done. "So this guy's pretty legit, huh? No wonder I'm still cold right now."

"Indeed. His control over the element of ice is unparalleled. Even Nine herself has difficulty matching him in that department."

The Grim Reaper paused for a moment, thinking on this new info and what it meant for him now. "Hey...if he really does go that far back with Nine, then do you think they're..."

Rachel didn't take long at all to figure out what he was trying to ask. "There's no way to say for sure, but those two are indeed very close. I'd say it's rather likely they're cohorts in their schemes once again. Whatever they're planning, we ought to be careful."

The thought of being pitted against two of the Great Sages at once almost sent a chill down Ragna's spine, and it wasn't the one that still festered in his body. "No need to tell me twice."


A gust of wind in the workshop hidden between worlds alerted it's only occupant to it's new presence. Nine looked up from her work on the massive robot as Six teleported into the room.

"And just where have you been, hm?"

The Great Sage materialized the hat on his head characteristic to his title in a flash of bright blue. "Oh, nothing much, I was just seeing for myself what all the hype around the Grim Reaper was about."

The mere mention of Ragna left a bitter taste in Nine's mouth, causing her to scowl. "Really? You were out wasting your time with him of all people? Of all the things you could've left me alone for, it was to spy on Ragna?"

It was subtle, but Nine let it slip. She'd missed him in his absence, she probably let it slip without realizing it herself. It was almost an entirely new language he had to learn to understand her true intentions, but he'd had time to get good at speaking it. Considering how long he was really gone and the fact she was still working on Requiem, she'd been working for hours now without a break. Six sighed to himself softly upon realizing this. He'd always admired her drive and determination, but she really never knew how to pace herself in the slightest.

"Have you been working this entire time? How about you at least have some coffee or something?"

Nine wiped away the sweat that had formed on her head from all the exertion she'd subjected herself to, letting out a breath of tiredness. "...I suppose so. The caffeine would do me some good if this is to get finished on time."

She got up to her feet and walked over to the coffee stand in the workshop with Six in tow. The two mages got to quickly putting together their coffee, Six finishing his first. For someone who used ice magic his hands could work surprisingly fast.

He looked over to Nine as she was finishing hers, namely pouring in sugar into it. Most people would stop pretty fast when they're pouring such a high volume of it from a four pound bag, but Nine was not most people. She kept pouring...

...And pouring...

...And pouring...

...And pouring...

...This went on for a concerningly long time. No matter how many times Six saw her do this he didn't see himself getting used to it anytime soon.

Eventually though she did finally stop, though the bag was noticeably emptier than it was before. She stirred the now almost white liquid in her cup with a spoon before taking a sip, sighing in bliss. "...Now that hits the spot."

Six almost voiced his more honest concerns out loud for her physique with the practically waistline destroying amounts of sugar she consumed, but he managed to hold his tongue back. He knew damn well that commenting on her body like that would not end well, even for him. How she managed to keep in shape with a diet like that (even calling it that is probably debatable) he would never truly know.

"Are you...really sure coffee is good with that much sugar?"

Nine allowed herself a laugh. It seemed like such an redundant question. "Well it's the only way to have any warm drink of course, don't you know that? As sweet as you~"

Six stammered over his words, much to his lover's amusement and satisfaction. She took off his wide-brimmed hat and ruffled around his hair in a...lovingly condescending way before setting it back on his head.

The pair of them sat down for a little, taking a much needed respite. Not a word was said between them. It was a comfortable silence on the surface, but that only left room for both their naturally extremely active minds to think, especially Nine.

If she was being honest, she sort of considered her marriage with Jubei over. Sure, she did still greatly care for him, but relationships forged in the fires of war, especially one so brutal, had clouded her view on love. It was only after breaking free of the Mind Eater spell that she could think clearly. Whether Jubei respected her decision or not, it didn't matter. At least, it wouldn't when Requiem was complete.

Though speaking of love, the one she'd found with her fellow Mage was...well, it wasn't quite normal, either. They'd known each other for years during the war, yet she could only admit her feelings to both him and herself at the precipice of the apocalypse itself. That...seemed to be a habit, weirdly enough, meeting those she cared about in times of such crisis. Six was no different, in both cases.

Speaking of Six though, he seemed oddly comfortable with such circumstances. He was always an odd one, in a lot of ways. Though that's what intrigued her so much. Inviting him into her circle once more, as her lover got her mind racing. Celica had always been fond of him, though that's how she was with everyone. Would her dear daughter ever come to accept him, if she even accepted Nine herself in the first place? What would Trinity eventually think? Would she even get the chance to find out?

Izanami had taken an interest in him too, though mostly because he was one of the Chosen. He had the chance to fulfill his dream just like the others, to take fate into his own hands, yet...he chose to bet on her. Her dream, her plan. He was the only one who could still accept her for who she was despite the atrocities she'd committed.

He believed in her in times of crisis. He trusted her more than anything. She had the temptation to call him a lost little boy running for help but...she knew better than that by now. He's proved himself time and again. If he couldn't, he wouldn't be alive right now.

That's how it was for everyone, especially for those she cared about. If they weren't strong enough, they were gone before her eyes. This twisted sham of a world had a way of doing that, one way or another. One that seemed to take some sort of sick pleasure in agonizing her in every way possible.

All these thoughts and countless more, messy, unorganized, and chaotic, were practically screaming in her head, almost as if they were turning against her. Yet all at once they were stopped. Stopped by the feeling of a hand on her shoulder. Her golden eyes met Six's.

"Hey, is everything alright?"

Well, that was kind of a stupid question. A better question was 'what wasn't alright?' Yet for Nine, it didn't feel like that, at least not as much. The look in his deep brown eyes, the cold yet comforting hand reaching out to her. A safe haven in a world of nothing but chaos and pain.

Nine felt an odd feeling well up in her chest, one she couldn't recall the last time it appeared. Yet she didn't let it show. She couldn't. At least she didn't feel like it. All she knew how to do was to put on the proverbial mask, a mischievous smile growing on her face.

"Aw, is my little snowflake worried? What a sweet little thing you are~"

She raised a black gloved hand to hold his cheek, doting on him not entirely unlike she did with Celica. "Don't you worry about a thing, that's supposed to be my job."

Six practically froze up, ironically. Nine just seemed to have a way of making him do that. Before he could completely formulate a response, she downed the rest of her coffee, clearly not wanting to waste anymore time than she already had. It was not on their side. As quickly as their break started, it just as abruptly ended.

He was left to his own metaphorical devices as she went back to her physical one after putting her now empty cup back on the table, letting out a quiet sigh to himself. This was nothing new to him, something he should've seen coming a mile away. Was he stupid for expecting anything to change? Probably.

More than anything, he yearned for Nine to be able to be vulnerable with him for once. He wasn't expecting her to turn into the mushy, sappy type of girlfriend, that just wasn't who she was, especially not with Doomsday on the horizon. When neither of them knew if they'd ever even get to see another sunrise. The sardonic sense of humor, the brashness, the unwavering drive, that was what drew him to her in the first place.

She deserved better. So, so much better. He didn't know yet if he could put himself into that category, but he'd be damned if he didn't help her get it. As far as he was concerned, she needed it more than anyone. And perhaps there was some objective validity in that belief. At least he hoped so.

Nine was a prime example of one being a product of her environment, and he knew that better than most. Though at the same time the idea brought him some comfort. Perhaps in the next world said environment would be better, they could live the life they were robbed of at every single turn...together. One free of violence, pain, and strife. One where Nine wouldn't have to sacrifice everything. One where she could be who she truly was and not have to watch her back 24/7. One where she could be herself, be vulnerable.

Six would fight for that life. Even if he had to experience all the pain and suffering she did ten times over.

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9 months ago

Let out a lil (manly) scream when I saw requests were open lol. Could I please get general relationship headcanons for Nine? I really enjoy your characterization of her, and so far out of the (admittedly like 3) blazblue writers ive seen you do her best. Thanks a lot man.

I could've fucking sworn I already did this. Guess not. Other two writers I'm assuming are @your-phantomfield and dopp before their old blog got deleted.

Speaking of phantomfield's writing though, I'd rather not have my HCs come off as just a carbon copy of their Nine post, so as opposed to writing Nine in the CF era, this will instead be for Nine post Dark War and before she got yeeted into the abyss. I'll try not to make it sad like I did with the Ragna post. This will unfortunately be shorter than the rest of my single character posts because I'm exhausted.

(Also sorry for not posting so much lately I've been finally trying to get good at UNI2 in my off time and my edgy ass was forced to pick Seth as one of my mains. Fuck TK dragonfist inputs.)

Let Out A Lil (manly) Scream When I Saw Requests Were Open Lol. Could I Please Get General Relationship

-It's...going to be a while before Nine is comfortable with intimacy in any capacity. She's spent so much of her life fighting now that she always has her guard up out of habit.

-It's a long road to the lowkey recovery from the trauma of a decade long war against a giant, world-ending, radioactive hydra, though once she does feel comfortable around you, her passion will burn as hot as her magic.

-It's not easy to get close to her, but those who manage it are in for life. She's quite overprotective of you not entirely unlike she is with Celica regardless of how good of a fighter you are. It's just in her nature.

-She is not one to shy away from PDA. She doesn't go out of her way to do it necessarily but if she just so happens to be in a doting mood she will not care who sees it. If anyone tries to reprimand her for it they will promptly be shut up with a glare from Nine as her hand lights on fire.

-Nine's family and friends are more important to her than anything else. She wants nothing more than for you all to get along, which considering who they are should be simple enough.

-Unfortunately get-togethers with everyone can't really happen considering how busy everyone is, especially her. Whenever the two of you finally can spend some time together she learns to treasure it.

-Of course this naturally soon escalates into the want to have a kid, especially after you get married. Your honeymoon is spent in bed for the most part...

-Nine is surprisingly traditional in her love/family values. She wants the idealistic happy ending that most people dream of. Get married, settle down, have a child, or children if the both of you feel so inclined. It's way more wholesome than initially expected from someone like her but it's certainly not unwelcome.

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1 year ago

Part 1/3 of Terumi doing shit he shouldn’t

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