Kokonoe Mercury - Tumblr Posts

Damn, I haven't posted in a hot minute on here! Have a Kokonoe to make up for it!

blazblue has a lot of characters looking younger than they actually are
Ok hear me out. Kokonoe and Tsubaki with a househusband s/o.
Anon who the FUCK gave you a cooking license? I'm taking it away.
You are now head chef, keep those banger asks incoming.
Step one to being best girl: Have hair a shade of red, pink included.
Step two: Be voiced by Julie Ann Taylor
Kokonoe A. Mercury

-Being one of Sector Seven's top scientists, Kokonoe brings in more than enough to support a household. Realistically, being in Sector Seven yourself, specifically as one of her field agents is the only way you could've gotten to know her well enough to make her of all people want to end up marrying you.
-Being her field agent for so long before marrying her, naturally you've...seen a lot of shit. You were more than happy to hang up the gear and take the role of househusband. You really had no reason not to.
-Half the time, being Kokonoe's husband is like taking care of a child to be completely honest. A hyper intelligent child whose hiding away an entire stockpile of nukes as Hakumen found out in CS, but a child nonetheless.
-Being involved with Kokonoe in any capacity, ESPECIALLY as her husband, requires a lot of patience. Even to her lover she's sassy, short tempered, and sarcastic, all the while being way too absorbed in her work and addicted to that damn silvervine candy.
-She eventually comes to depend on you entirely for her diet. The only way she's eating anything even remotely healthy is if you make it for her, otherwise she's living off silvervine, coffee, and chocolate.
-Most of the time if you wanna see Kokonoe and not just call her (which sometimes she doesn't even pick up), you're gonna have to head over to the lab yourself. If someone else is already there with her, she's gonna tell you to wait until they're gone. She's a bit embarrassed of being seen with her husband by anyone else.
-You're the only guest she ever actually looks forward to, not that she'd admit that out loud (though you already know anyway). Usually when you come visit it's to give her some actually decent food.
-She won't ever admit to it, but she really appreciates when you do it. A homecooked meal from her husband always lifts her mood, reminds her of the life she never got to have since it was taken from her by Terumi. It's one of the few things that actually makes her feel any emotion other than anger, irritation, or a sick satisfaction from watching one of her crazy ass plans come to fruition. You're just glad you can actually make her eat decently for once in her life.
-You'll also have to convince her yourself if you want her to come home for once and get some actual sleep in a proper bed. It'll take some effort but you'll get her to do so at least once a week.
-Sleeping in the same bed as you is the one time Kokonoe truly gets to relax. Once her brain finally winds down she melts into your embrace as she feels the inevitable pull of sleep, purring softly in your arms. Seeing her so unguarded like this is a unique privilege that only you have. God is it fucking precious.
-As much of a pain in the ass she is and how much she can test your patience, it's the moments like these that make it all worth it, when she finally shows her soft side to you and lets you know that she really does care about you. You wouldn't have it any other way.
Tsubaki Yayoi (my beloved 💗)

-Ending up as a househusband is pretty straightforward similar to Kokonoe. This is the heiress/soon to be head of one the families of the Duodecim, bagging this lovely heiress means you never have to work a day in your life again.
-Of course you still wanted to do at least something for such a perfect woman you had the impossible privilege of calling your wife, but she insisted you didn't need to. Eventually househusband was the thing you both agreed to. Maids and servants exist but having her husband fill the role felt much more natural. More cozy, made the house feel more like a home.
-The arrangement ends up being one you're both happy with. Tsubaki is able to continue her duties of an NOL soldier while knowing you're safe and far away from the danger taking care of the house.
-You'll occasionally drop by the base sometimes just to see her whenever you get bored. The other soldiers there eventually get used to your presence and leave you be. Hearing your knock on the door to Tsubaki's office is always the highlight of her day, she'll drop any work she's doing to spend some time with you in what would otherwise be a monotonous, boring shift, especially if you took the time to make her something to eat. It definitely beats the food offered on base.
-Of course it doesn't beat walking through the door of the house every day, having you welcome her home with a kiss. It's all blissfully domestic, like she's always wanted after living a life of such lavish luxury like she has.
-One duty of the house you both share is cooking duty. It's one of her favorite ways to spend time with you while bonding over good food. You two talk about your days, the new gossip in the Duodecim and the base, whatever tomfoolery Makoto's gotten into, overall just getting to wind down and talk about things not relating to work.
-Though speaking of Makoto, her and the rest of Tsubaki's friends on occasion sometimes are called over to have some off time together. As long as there's food prepared by you and her, the last thing anyone needs is there not being food and Noel trying to get into the kitchen.
-It's not long though before the conversation of kids inevitably comes up. Unlike Kokonoe who's probably not the biggest fan of the idea, Tsubaki's quite fond of it. She'd want at least two, she wouldn't want to have an only child that grows up without a sibling like she did. As far as she's concerned, no kid should ever have to be lonely like that, even if they'd have two parents present.
-It probably happens eventually. However many kids you two end up having, she's perfectly happy. Despite growing up richer than almost all their peers, Tsubaki will ensure her kids are raised to have dignity and compassion to the people around them. They're in a safe, loving environment where they can truly learn about the world around them and learn to appreciate it for what it is.
-Now she has even more to come home to every day, with her precious little bundles of joy. It reminds her of why she does what she does why she fights to uphold justice. So that families like hers never have to suffer pain, and can live in a world free of injustice and suffering.
-You. Her children. Her family. It is why she fights, the family she would put her life on the line to protect. Her entire world. Her past, present, and future.
Hey, chef anon here. I was rereading the househusband ask and got an idea from Kokonoe purring. What are some other catlike behaviors Kokonoe exhibits? Maybe going "pspspsps" gets her attention. Maybe she enjoys petting or getting her hair brushed or maybe even that thing people do where they just slap their cats.
God damn it, chef, I have other asks I need to do and then you drop this shit in my inbox now I have to do it.
Kokonoe A. Mercury

-As much as Kokonoe vehemently denies it (and she'd probably kill anyone if they ever find out), she has her fair share of catlike tendencies despite being only half-beastkin
-For one, the ever encompassing pspspsps is a good way to get Kokonoe's attention. Her cat ears stand up and her head immediately snaps over to the source, only to see you quietly laughing to yourself. She grumbles in annoyance and goes back to her work. Give it another 20 minutes and it'll work again. Much like the Kaka Clan also hailing from Jubei, she has quite the short attention span despite her genius intellect.
-Brushing her hair is one the easiest ways to get her to relax, especially when you're trying to get her to sleep for a damn change. Whether with an actual brush or just running your fingers through her hair it makes it harder for her to think before she eventually stops and gives in.
-Bonus points if you start scratching behind her ears too. She instantly goes red in the face as she starts involuntarily purring. If you dare do that in public you're getting your hand slapped away immediately and a scolding remark from her. She still has an image to maintain.
-Only makes it all the more satisfying when you're in private with her again and she puts her head under your hand like an animal does when they want attention and demands you scratch her ears.
-Silvervine has very little effect on Kokonoe anymore, having it basically in her body at all times. Other forms of catnip though is a different story. Swap out her silvervine candy for another kind as a prank and watch chaos unfold.
-She won't get full on hallucinations since she's only half-beastkin but she'll basically be drugged out. Hyperactivity only surpassed by the likes of Taokaka herself and unable to focus on any work she's doing. If there is a tall thing standing on a table or desk, that shit is getting knocked over with no thoughts, even if it was extremely important, a dramatically increased appetite, and if you happen to be in the vicinity, she will give in to her animalistic urges and pounce on you. She won't actually hurt you but you're not getting up for a pretty long while as she nuzzles her head against your chest furiously and purrs like an engine.
-When the catnip wears off and she wakes up Kokonoe realizes what happens and you're getting the verbal beatdown of your life. She'll probably threaten to scratch your eyes out or something and it would be scary if you weren't her husband, you know she wouldn't do that. You just seem to disarm her in a way no one else does, it simultaneously gives the professor that warm, lovey feeling and frustrates her to no end.
-It's not to as big of an extent as normal cats, but Kokonoe also hates cucumbers. Of course you're not so cruel as to sneak one into her food, but when she's not looking you'll sneak one on a table behind her so she'll jump back when she turns around and catches the unpleasant scent. She does have a more sensitive sense of smell than a normal person.
-If you're around she'll shoot a sharp insult your way. If not, she'll mutter angrily under her breath as moves to throw it away.
-Of course there's everyone's favorite, the laser pointer. You at least have the decency to not pull it out in the lab and risk her destroying important work stuff but at home there is no mercy. Pull it out when she's not looking and those urges will surface. She'll run around trying to stomp on the dot, if it goes to the wall she'll scratch at it like mad, so if you're a fan of the couches or the TV, don't put the dot there.
-It'll take her a while to notice what's going on, at least until your laughter gives it away. She'll hear it and snap out of it, angrily cussing you out as she storms off to your shared bedroom.
-She acts mad in the moment, and probably is, at least until it's time for bed and you get in with her as she's sulking. She threatens to scratch you if you get close to her until you spoon her small body and start running your fingers through her hair and she reluctantly and begrudgingly relaxes into it.
-If there's one thing you've learned about Kokonoe in your relationship together, even before you married, it's that she's the queen of mixed signals. Appropriate, given her heritage. No matter how mad she acts, for whatever reason she just can't find it in herself to stay mad at you.
Ok so Yukari, Marie(P4), Kokonoe and Phonon being unable to use their arms for a while for whatever reason so their s/o needs to feed them, help them change clothes, maybe even wash them.
I'm sorry if this selection of characters is all over the place I just tried to select all the grumpy self reliant women I could think of.
This is surprisingly amusing to think about. I'm fucking flabbergasted it's taken this long to get a P4 ask (I have a P3 one already I've been procrastinating on for days now lmao) but here we are.
Sorry if these start feeling a bit repetitive, this is a more niche ask and there wasn't really much else I could come up with. I still don't know Phonon that well as a character unfortunately so her section ended up being relatively short.
Yukari Takeba

-Chances are, some special shadow did some weird fucky wucky thing and numbed her with some kind of spell the team had never seen before. She was mostly able to dodge out of the way, however it managed to clip her arm.
-Strangely enough, even after the Dark Hour ended, she was still affected, unable to move said arm. Fuuka and Mitsuru would get to investigating this as fast as possible, but until then Yukari would have to cope with this.
-Unfortunately, said paralyzed arm was her dominant one, so she'd need someone to help her out. Thankfully, you were more than willing to help out.
-You'll have to write down her work for her in class and write everything down for her homework. It's a bit of an awkward situation to explain to the teachers so the best you can come up with is that she had a bad chiropractor's appointment that left an arm numb for a while.
-The real awkward situation is when you need to help her change, especially if you're a guy. She really doesn't want anyone else to be around when she'd doing so, however you're realistically her best option. Helping her change is comprised of both of you holding opposite sides of her clothes as she slides into them while you look away. She makes a point that she still has a good arm to clock you if you dare peek at her.
-Naturally until her arm's back to normal, she's not allowed to go into Tartarus. If you left her on her own she'd be bored out of her damn mind, so you choose to stay behind as well to keep her company. Technology unfortunately doesn't work during the dark hour so the two of you pass the time with board games that she's able to play with just her non-dominant hand or good ol' fashioned gossip. She has way more to share than you were originally expecting, giving you a nice reminder to be extra careful to not embarrass yourself in front of her.
-At the very least, she's able to shower on her own, albeit if using just her non-dominant arm is a bit unwieldy. No way in hell though is she letting you jump in the shower with her, even if you're her S/O. She's not nearly ready enough for that.

-It's kinda hard to choose something for Marie since she doesn't exactly do anything involving the T.V world until the end of the god damn game. Perhaps she took some sort of collateral damage after her boss that injured her arms and made it hurt too much to move them.
-Her pride does not let her admit she needs any help to do anything, she's perfectly capable of functioning normally. At least, until you ask her if she needs help. Her demeanor suddenly becomes a lot more nervous as she stutters out that it'd be nice if you did. She tries to pull the 'it's not because I like you or anything' card, until she realizes that you're her S/O, she can't exactly do that anymore.
-She begrudgingly accepts your help. She does need you to feed her which she will absolutely not allow anyone to see. She's exclusively eating at your house and will refuse to do so otherwise. If you try she'll hurl harsh words your way in a typical Marie fashion.
-It's pretty adorable, honestly, seeing her open wide for each bit of food you give her. If you try to do a here comes the airplane/choo-choo train you're going to get yourself a flurry of angry, near incoherent words as she pouts and looks away. It's pretty hilarious, but don't do that more than once per meal.
-Soon she realizes that she also needs your help to be able to wash herself, mostly because you bring it up first. She instantly turns red as a cherry in the face and tries to slap you, but quickly winces as the harsh pain of trying to move her arm shoots through her body. She reluctantly accepts you have a point.
-Ten minutes later, here you are sitting in your bathroom as Marie's in the tub, letting you wash her back for her. She absolutely refuses to turn around and look you in the eye. It'd probably be best not to lean over to try unless you wanna get a lightning bolt straight to the face.
-Undressing/redressing is a similar process. She demands for you to close your eyes as you hold her clothes in place so she can slip in and out of them. She tries to guide your hands by telling you where to put them, but it's a long awkward process. A lot of "right there! No, you idiot, over here!" is thrown around. Her ability to guide you with your eyes closed is astounding.
-Do not ever let her guide you to some surprise she's got with your eyes closed.
Kokonoe A. Mercury

-Kokonoe was under a pretty big crunch, Sector Seven's top brass had told her to get this extremely complex machine done for whatever the hell they were planning next and the deadline was fast approaching.
-In her rush, she made a grievous mistake that backfired. It ended up severely injuring her arms in the process as she was trying to tinker with it. Thankfully they didn't need to be amputated, but she'd definitely need some time off to heal.
-Being her S/O, she pretty much demanded you helped her out in her daily functions, albeit pretty irked about the situation. She didn't like the idea of being coddled like that.
-She doesn't eat a whole lot normally, just chocolate, silvervine and coffee. On occasion she'll ask you to throw a chocolate from halfway across the room into her mouth. Results vary depending on your accuracy.
-If you want to feed her proper food it'll take some convincing. Just don't tease her for the love of God and just let her eat. If you try teasing her in the same way as mentioned before with Marie you'll be met with a swift headbutt. Though whether that's worth it or not is up to your discretion.
-You'll naturally have to do her laundry for her as well. Chances are it's the first time her clothes have been washed in a while. Helping her dress again means looking down at the ground as she tells you where to guide your hands until she's covered enough for you to look again. On the bright side though, she finally discovers how good it feels to put on fresh clothes. Maybe she should actually start doing her laundry herself more often once she recovers.
-You'll have to fight with Kokonoe quite a bit if you want her to get in the bath, her being a cat beastkin with shut-in tendencies. Chances are, she'll just tell you to put some bath bombs in the water and piss off.

-EXS can be funny sometimes, and not in a good way. Phonon went a little TOO wild with her powers while she was still getting the hang of them and her sound based abilities fucked up her arms. Moving them felt nigh impossible to do.
-Until this wore off you'd need to help her. She tries to act all high an mighty as part of her dominatrix persona in the Hollow Night, but she's actually surprisingly normal outside of that.
-She's a bit miffed at the situation but she's probably the most cooperative girl here when it comes to letting you assist her overall. She can actually realize the fact that she kinda needs you around, contrary to popular belief. She's self-reliant and confident, but she's not a fool.
-Phonon should be fine overall as long as you don't actively go out of your way to tease her. Try that and she'll promise you're gonna freaking get it the moment she can move her arms again. And considering this is the same young woman that uses a whip in combat...yeah. Best not to fuck around and find out.
-She's a bit more open to helping you wash her thankfully, just as long as you don't try anything funny. Wash her from behind and stay away from anywhere you shouldn't touch. If you do be prepared for a headbutt from behind.
We really need more short girls wearing tall boyfriends clothes so I'd like to request that for Noel, Kokonoe and Linne.
I agree, Anon. Let these girls be comfy.

-Noel was sent out to carry out a mission in Akitsu. It was just recon but the lack of functioning weather control systems made it a living nightmare to be there for an extended period of time.
-She unfortunately doesn't do all that well with the cold, and some snow falling off a rooftop happened to land on her, dousing her in water from the melted snow and only made it even worse, even after getting off the airship to take her out of the city.
-She used the spare key to your place you'd given her to invite herself into your abode, though upon entering you didn't seem to be home. This left her free reign to do whatever she wanted for the time being.
-She'd probably been in your room on a few occasions by this point, but this was her first time having done so alone. She wandered into your closet and soon found a hoodie, freshly washed by the looks of it that seemed to almost call out to her.
-Now Noel's pretty short, only 5'1, the hoodie is pretty freaking baggy, enough to go down to her thighs. This only makes it better for her though, it's dry, warm, and comfy. It makes her feel safe, just like being in your arms.
-As she's caught up in thinking about you while wearing your hoodie she fails to hear the front door opening as you come back from grocery shopping. You see Noel's boots at the door so she seemed to have dropped by while you weren't around.
-She's only snapped out of it as you open the door to your room and see her standing there in your hoodie, causing her to yelp and stutter and stammer endlessly, not knowing what to do.
-You catching her in the act like this has her face turning as red as Tsubaki's hair as she trips over her words, desperately trying to apologize or come up with an excuse for this. She feels like dying from embarrassment right now.
-You'd have to truly be a different breed of monster to be mad when she's this god damn adorable right now. You two spend the rest of the day in bed together as you dote on and coddle her.

-Unlike Noel, it's going to be much harder, if not outright impossible, to catch Kokonoe lacking and find her wearing your clothes.
-Chances are though, it was by accident. She wakes up a lot earlier than you do and needs to head to work. As per usual she grabs enough clothes to last being in the lab for a while, at least a few days.
-However once she gets there she notices something is off. Apparently you'd accidentally put in your white jacket in with the rest of hers, and in her rush and half-sleepy state she didn't notice in the moment.
-So for a work day, Kokonoe has to wear said jacket eventually. She isn't letting anyone in the lab that whole day, and deflects any questions about it. No one really tries to push it though, having come to expect that from the mad genius.
-She's especially not letting anyone see it considering how big it is on her, making it obvious that it belongs to someone else. She's only 5'1 due to her being a shut-in neet and not going the fuck outside so it doesn't exactly fit like a glove.
-Kokonoe does take extra care of it though, being mindful to not accidentally spill her coffee on it. Partly so that she doesn't get something that's not hers ruined and partly so that you don't find out.
-You do however find out anyway upon not being able to find that specific jacket after you woke up in the morning, searching both your wardrobe and hers at home. The mental image of your grumpy girlfriend wearing an oversized jacket as she works gives you a good chuckle, but you know not to push her on the matter, it would only piss her off.

-Linne doesn't wear the most clothing in the world, and wearing just shorts while going into the Hollow Night in the middle of December quickly proved to not be the best idea she's ever had in her long lifetime.
-Cold and shivering, she eventually drops by your place, sneaking in through the window in an attempt to find some way to warm up.
-You're currently asleep, mostly on Linne's orders for you to not go into the Night this time for whatever reason. You learned by now it was best not to question her on her thought process.
-She heads over to your closet and ever so carefully and quietly opens the door having the idea to borrow one of your hoodies.
-Linne, currently being in the body that she is, is a mere 4'7, meaning your hoodie might as well be a full fledged robe to her. It's a bit unwieldy, but it got the job done in warming her up.
-Seeing nothing else to do, she quickly hops into your bed under the covers with you to further retreat from the cold. She was too tired to care about Wald worrying here she's been, she can worry about that later.
-She's quick to wake up before you despite having fallen asleep way later and puts your hoodie back before you can realize she ever did anything. She's able to put on the act pretty well that she just spent the night with Wald after doing whatever she needed to do.
-Good thing for her, too. If you ever found out what she did she'd turn into a hot, embarrassed mess. That's one good thing of having lived for so long, she knows how to cover her tracks.
Headcanons/one-shots of Bullet and Kokonoe celebrating their S/o birthday.
Also happy belated birthday.
You KNOW these two never got proper, normal birthdays. Big yikes.

-Bullet...never had a traditional birthday that most people would want to have. Her mercenary group didn't really do that.
-She did however want to do something for yours when it eventually rolled around the first time since you started dating. However figuring out how to do this from nothing was easier said than done, especially someone of her...personality type.
-Gifts were supposed to be commonplace on birthdays so she figured that was as good a place to start as any. Problem is, she didn't really know kind of gift what was appropriate.
-After much deliberation and some asking around in a very...Bullet kind of way, she settles on a book relating to something you'd particularly shown a lot of interest in.
-She can't shake the feeling of awkwardness and nerves of giving you something, feeling the pressure now more than ever that she was actually doing it.
-You know full well Bullet really tried her best to do something nice for you despite not knowing what birthdays are typically like. You make your gratefulness as apparent as you can, making her let out a breath she didn't know she was holding in relief.

-You thought Bullet's birthday cluelessness was bad? Well at least she had people who cared about her to spend them with. Kokonoe on the other hand...yeah.
-You are not getting a party, you'd have better luck jumping into shark infested water with pork chops in your pants. Being the pragmatist she is, Kokonoe thinks all the hooplah to be a waste of time and money, she has far more important things to be doing.
-She's not cruel though, she's not going to ignore the day entirely. Like Bullet, she'll commemorate the day in a very...'her' way.
-She likely cooks up some kind of weird, never-before seen gadget just for you that she knows you can use in some way, for self defense, missions, or some miscellaneous use.
-Being a scientist, she's a very practical person. Whatever you get is something she knows for a fact you'll be using frequently, not some sentimental bullcrap that'll just collect dust somewhere in your house.
-If she's feeling nicer than usual, she'll also throw in some chocolates from her personal stash in there as well. Collecting the stuff is a hobby for her, one of the only ones she has so it's definitely guaranteed to be the good stuff.
-Once you're alone with her she'll present her gift to you and attempt to casually play it off, but her inexperience is obvious in both her body language and the subtle, soft coloration on her face. It's actually pretty cute, but don't point that out to her.
After reading that one izanami post i was wondering if you could do other bb girls reacting to an unplanned pregnancy? Possibly noel kokonoe and tsubaki?
And this request takes the title of taking the longest to write due to various unfortunate circumstances...

-Chances are the...act that lead up to such a thing happened because you couldn't help but notice her severe lack of self confidence, especially in her body. One thing lead to another and it ended up happening as a more direct way of assuring her that you did indeed find her attractive.
-However in the heat of the moment neither of you remembered the potential consequences, nor the protection for such consequences. The two of you had to find out the hard way. As soon as the test comes back positive Noel especially is just stunned, not knowing what on Earth to be thinking right now.
-Truthfully, she'd always wanted to be a mother deep down and do for a child what her parents did for her when she had nothing, but at the same time now that it's actually about to happen she's probably having a breakdown.
-She has no idea what to do with a child when it eventually comes, she's far too busy with her job in the NOL. And god forbid Major Kisaragi finds out the reason she suddenly has to go on leave.
-At least you have the excuse to finally not have to worry every day about needing to eat Noel's cooking or deflect it as believably as possible and get her to rest. You can finally take the reigns for once in that department.
-The news is received to...mixed responses. Makoto is thrilled, already getting ideas of being the 'fun aunt'. Mai's somewhat in the same boat but also slightly worried for you two. Tsubaki has some very choice words for you. If she wasn't already close friends with you she would've probably landed you in the ICU, best case scenario. After she gets over her initial shock and rage she can finally calm down and take the situation for what it is. She's not a fan of abortion so this is something everyone has to deal with now.
-As excited as Noel is about the prospect of a child, she's also extremely nervous. She doesn't want to mess this up. It only gets worse the closer to birth she gets, you're gonna need to spend a lot of time reassuring her.
-When the time does finally come and she hears her child's first cries, holding them in her arms, she very quickly breaks down into tears, and in that moment she knows she wants to be a mom.

-Kokonoe doesn't really pay attention to...those particular base urges of hers. At least she didn't until you started dating. That's when she finally started having those intrusive thoughts.
-Normally that wouldn't be a bad thing, but this is Kokonoe we're talking about. She shows absolutely zero restraint in those intrusive thoughts 90 percent of the time so you were pretty much doomed from the start. Or blessed, depending on your perception.
-Shortly after your night together she starts getting sick in a way she never had before, none of it made any sense to her. It was only when started running checks on herself she realized what happened.
-Well this is just fucking great.
-This was seriously the last thing she needed right now. She was caught up in trying to contain Azrael all the while dealing with the Civil War. She didn't need a damn child on top of that. As much as she wants to just abort and get it done with, she just...can't seem to muster up the will to do it, and that's still without you expressing your want to raise a kid with her. She soon begrudgingly resigns to her fate and lets it happen.
-If you think her chocolate addiction is bad normally, you haven't seen shit yet. She is going through the stuff by the bucket while pregnant when she has her way. If you're smart about it though you can leverage this fact and bribe her to eat normal, healthy food for both her and the baby's sake.
-The actual pregnancy itself doesn't really affect much outside of that. She almost never went out anyway and she has non-in-person ways of ordering people around so they're left in the dark about it.
-She is cursing you and squeezing your hand in active malice during the birthing process. Given her beastkin strength, you've got several bones in there cracked now. At least Sector Seven's medical care is top notch so you recover in record time.
-You're gonna have to take primary care of the kid, Kokonoe is already busy enough as is dealing with all the shit she has to deal with. That doesn't mean she doesn't want to, though.
-Deep down, she does wanna care for the kid, she knows what it's like to not have parents in her life and she doesn't want her own child to have to endure that. Out of care but also out of spite to be a better parent than Jubei was. She has no idea what she's doing and she acts like she isn't trying but she really is doing her best despite her complete and utter lack of experience. She just hides it behind the the apathetic, impatient mask. When no one's watching she's researching every childcare related topic she can so that she can give them a better life than she had, but she'll never let you know.

-The chances of such a prim, proper, chaste girl like Tsubaki getting pregnant by accident is very slim. The only real way this is happening is if you're already married to her and she gets curious about the act. She'd never even heard of it until embarrassingly late in life and it was only when she entered the military academy and overheard fellow classmates talking about it.
-However as smart as she is, she forgot about the concept of protection in the heat of the moment. An uncharacteristic mistake on her part which she soon found out the hard way, causing her brain to basically shut off as she stares down at the test.
-On one hand this was always what she's wanted. To settle down, marry, and start a family. She was looking forward to it ever since she fell for you. On the other hand, the weight of what that really was finally started to set in now that it was about to happen. Being wholly responsible for the health and wellbeing of an entire person that depended on her for basic survival was now starting to really mean something for her. You're gonna have to snap her out of this and reassure her that everything will be fine as long as you two tackle it as a team.
-Similarly to Kokonoe, her love for chocolate only grows more pronounced during pregnancy, though she does at least realize she can't live off it. She's much more mature about it. She'll try to hold back most of the time, though try is sometimes the keyword. It's pretty cute in all honesty.
-All her friends soon inevitably find out and most of them are thrilled. Jin much less so, but it's Jin. He still wishes you well, though not without threats of freezing you to a popsicle if you screw this up. You already got that when you married Tsubaki though, so no big deal mostly.
-The moment you confirm the baby's gender she immediately starts the name brainstorming, her excitement is infectious. She definitely steers towards more traditional names in her preferences, mostly Japanese but a foreign name can definitely catch her interest if it's meaning really speaks to her values.
-Tsubaki is basically the model mother every mom wishes to be. She's devoted, understanding, caring, and has an endless amount of love to give. She can finally give all that love to an offspring like she's always wanted, and she'll make sure her child is never lonely like she was growing up.
-Of course though, part of that includes the child having siblings...she'll go as far as you want to with that. At least one more, but other than that she has no particular preferences herself. The more the better in her opinion but she does also want to respect your wishes since you might not be as excited as her. If you somehow are she only falls even more in love.
Kokonoe,Bullet and Noel kissing headcanons. As in how do they prefer kissing, how offend would they kiss S/O, are they even good kisses at all? Stuff like that.
Finally a more normal request lmao...
...However you have to request it with one of the hardest characters to imagine in this department that I write for. Ho boy...

-To expect kisses on a regular basis from Kokonoe of all people is to put it quite simply, foolish. She is just so awful at anything intimacy related.
-You're getting pushed away if you try to initiate, at least in public. That will never change, but also in private at the beginning of the relationship before she's really opened up to you.
-When kisses do happen, they're short, straight, and to the point, like how she does everything else. Usually somewhere on your face, sometimes your lips if you're lucky. She's really bad at opening up, but she does have feel that need to make sure you're satisfied in the relationship, even if she can't do normal couple things.
-It takes a while before she's ready to initiate longer kisses and more often. Turns out she can be surprisingly passionate when she wants to be. She's spent so long repressing her needs for intimacy and being near terminally touch starved that when it finally does come out, it comes out all at once.
-Obviously, it only does so when she can assure no one else can possibly ever intrude. She has that impulsive need to make sure she's in control of the entire situation before she shows any sort of vulnerability whatsoever.
-Of course if she so happens to be in heat, that is a very different story, but that scenario shall be left up to the imagination...

-Similarly to Kokonoe, Bullet is not at all experienced with intimacy and you will be getting kisses on a regular basis to start. However unlike Kokonoe, she actually wants to do and tries.
-Poor girl is so awkward. She tries to be upfront and ask you about it, only to fluster herself and try to backpedal, however at that point it's too late. It's too hard for you to say no.
-She tries to be more open when it's the two of you alone wherever it may be. You can tell by the way she holds you and her kisses themselves she has no idea what the hell she's doing, but the fact she seems to be trying so hard more than makes up for it.
-She's a bit of a slow learner, but she does start getting the hang of it the more time you two spend together. Patience will be required but it will be worth it in the end.
-The more intimate you two get, the better she will start to become. Her straightforward attitude means she doesn't fuck around, she gets straight to making sure you're feeling satisfied.

-The poor thing.
-Noel's been in love with the idea of love as long as she can remember. She regularly writes poems about finding that special someone and the picturesque, perfect first kiss in any manner of scenarios she can imagine.
-However, now that she's confronted with the idea for real, she quickly collapses at the thought. She so badly wants to experience it with you, but she freezes up every time it crosses her mind when you're around.
-You're going to have to initiate any sort of kiss first. Don't do it out of the blue and surprise her, you're going to give her a heart attack. Make your intent clear, she won't say no despite all the stuttering and blushing.
-She's far from the greatest kisser out there objectively speaking, however she's so soft and gentle when doing so that it instantly warms your heart. She can be a bit more confident when going for your cheek or nose, though that's really not saying too much.
-And the look on her face after a kiss is so precious, it's a mix of being lovestruck and genuinely shocked that she actually has someone in her life who genuinely loves her this much. Maybe she should try to initiate intimacy more, at least if her confidence wasn't so low.
I don't know why but the thought of Kokonoe in heat is funny to me
Funny until you're on the receiving end of it. You're having either the best time of your life or wishing for the sweet release of death.