Makoto Nanaya - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago

I grew up on fighting games but I've always been much better at some of them over others. I adore the aesthetic and lore of the Blazblue universe but sadly I kinda suck at the actual games.

But I love her 😊

 By /Mitsuya Ryo@328_ryo

今日のワンドロはマコト=ナナヤ by 三ツ谷 亮/Mitsuya Ryo@328_ryo

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5 months ago

Me playing Blazblue after learning a few of Makoto's moves and then realising I'm still really bad 😄

yeah i use this pro gamer technique called "hitting every single button frantically with my little raccoon hands until something happens" you probably wouldn't get it it's really advanced

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11 months ago

How do you think Makoto (Blazblue) would react to having an S/O who likes to sleep on her tail?

Makoto may not be my personal pick for best girl but that is definitely an advantage she comes with.

How Do You Think Makoto (Blazblue) Would React To Having An S/O Who Likes To Sleep On Her Tail?

-The idea of someone enjoying this particular aspect of Makoto is nothing new to her. Noel does it all the time. She's not too particularly keen on it most of the time but she does allow it if she's close with the person.

-This didn't even start intentionally. It happened after a particularly exhausting day of training and you invited yourself into Makoto's quarters, she was sitting in bed scrolling on her phone.

-She tried to ask what was up but you didn't respond, simply flopping your head onto her tail and almost immediately passing out, catching her off guard.

-She was about to ask you what you were doing but stopped once she saw you were unconscious. You must've not have had a good day. That combined with the fact that you looked so peaceful meant she didn't have the heart to wake you up.

-After a couple hours you finally awaken from what felt like the best sleep of your freaking life. You realize you soon did not fall asleep on the pillow like your originally planned and apologize in a panic. Weirdly enough though, Makoto doesn't seem the least bit mad, she actually seemed to find it pretty funny.

-As a matter of fact she offers her tail up to you whenever you need to catch yourself a nap and she's free to let you. Noel's probably done it a few times, you wouldn't be the first. And besides, what kind of girlfriend would she be if she didn't let you take advantage of it? Just as long as you remember she's more than a big fluffy backside. Her words, not yours.

-At her reassurance this becomes a pretty habitual thing for you to do. Either of you will visit the other's quarters and when you turn in for the night Makoto will turn her back to you so you can cuddle her tail and fall asleep on it. It warms her heart every time, turning back to you and seeing your cute sleeping face cuddling into the fur.

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11 months ago

On you write for Blazeblue, neat.

do you have any basic relationship headcanons for Bullet, Litchi, and Makoto?

Well I technically did HCs for Litchi already but that was a lot more story driven. Fuck it, we ball.

On You Write For Blazeblue, Neat.

-Bullet is a very naive, brash lover. That's by no means negative, but that's just how she is.

-As show in the Spectacles of Eros reel, she sorta just follows whatever advice she's told, calling you whatever pet names she comes across and tries to show affection in some rather...odd ways.

-If you have a bad day, she'll try doing the "hot pants" thing she read in the Ikaruga Walker. As tempting as the idea is, you'll have to stop her from doing that in public.

-Conventional dates aren't exactly her forte, a safe way to ease her into it is with training/sparring dates. If you're not the most adept fighter out there she can get you at least up to a level where you can confidently defend yourself in an emergency.

-If you weren't part of the squad she was in, you'll have to come to know about it eventually, it's her entire motivation for why she's doing what she is.

-You're probably already travelling with her to help her find her Captain if you end up dating her. She really appreciates the company. It helps her feel less lonely when things get tough.

-If you want to sleep in the same tent at night it's probably gonna have to be initiated by you. Bullet's too nervous to do so, she thinks that would be too forward of her.

-If you're the more physically affectionate type, you're basically a godsend to the poor woman, she is so unbelievably touch starved.

On You Write For Blazeblue, Neat.

-There's a good chance you're a fair bit younger than Litchi. She's not old obviously by any means but she's probably going to take a more dominant role in the relationship though you probably don't have any qualms with that.

-She tends to default to being a caretaker due to her background as a doctor. She makes sure that you're eating well, getting enough exercise, etc. She can be a bit nagging at times, but she does have your best interest at heart.

-You help Litchi out in her clinic often whenever Linhua isn't available. She appreciates the extra pair of hands when things get particularly busy or when Tao gets up to her shenanigans again.

-She knows she can't always be there to help you as much as you both wish she could, so she's sure to drive how to at the very least do first-aid into you.

-If the way she's so hellbent on saving Roy is any indication, Litchi is the most dedicated partner you could ever hope to have. She will go 200 percent of the way to help you, no matter what it takes. Her heart is huge as a lover, she'll make any sacrifice necessary to make sure you're safe and sound.

-You very quickly become one of the most important things to her. Call and she'll be there in an instant for anything you need. She'll make sure you're as fulfilled as she can make you.

-As mentioned in the last Litchi ask, a relationship with her is fulfilling in every possible way. Yes, that obviously includes the bedroom. You're down for a "physical exam" anytime with a doctor that hot.

On You Write For Blazeblue, Neat.

-Makoto's feelings towards you probably start off in your days at Torifune together, after you defend her from racially motivated bullying.

-The only other person to stand up like that for her was Tsubaki, it wasn't an everyday occurrence for her. Such continued kindness even after that meant she fell relatively quickly.

-Makoto tries not to fire back at the bullies, it never ended well for her, but if you're a human yourself you don't have to worry about that, always coming to her defense at the first sight of discrimination.

-A very outgoing, wear her heart on her sleeves type of person overall. She's quite physically affectionate, and PDA is no problem for her, but she'll at least refrain from that if you're not comfortable with it.

-When you're alone though, expect to see no mercy from the onslaught on hugs and cuddles. You welcome it though, especially when she wraps her tail around you to make sure you're extra comfy.

-Makoto absolutely shows you off to her friends, namely the rest of the Remix Heart team, who immediately take to you. If you were able to earn Makoto's heart, they know they can trust you.

-It's honestly only a matter of time before you inevitably find out she was acting as a mole for Kokonoe, whether she likes it or not. It's a long conversation to sit down for as she explains all the business about the Imperator, the corruption of the NOL, and whatnot. Thankfully you're pretty inclined to believe her as she's your girlfriend, and especially as you see Tsubaki being taken by the Mind Eater.

-Even without that, you wanna return some of the loyalty Makoto has so gladly shown you for all the time you've known each other. You'll stick by her no matter the consequences.

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10 months ago

Request(Blazblue): On the day of their birthday's Makoto, Noel, Tsubaki, and Mai's S/O's back them their favorite dishes (Mai's S/O even asking Noel to help them cook for her).

I am so sorry if this gets repetitive, that's kinda how it goes sometimes for 4 character requests. Probably gonna be a bit shorter than usual.

Request(Blazblue): On The Day Of Their Birthday's Makoto, Noel, Tsubaki, And Mai's S/O's Back Them Their

-It doesn't take much to figure out what kind of food Makoto likes. Not only does her heritage make it pretty obvious but she's also quite the foodie in general.

-She doesn't have any particular favorite food but she is a big sweets gal, and of course being a squirrel, nuts are a personal favorite of hers. There are plenty of dishes out there that meet both those criteria, you have options.

-Eventually the idea you decided on was a chestnut parfait. Sweet, easy to make, had nuts, and had fruits to make it at least somewhat healthy. The perfect plan.

-When lunch eventually rolls around you head up to Makoto and present it to her while wishing her a happy birthday. Her mouth almost starts to water right then and there.

-She scarfs it down at record speeds that are frankly a bit concerning. She certainly enjoyed it though judging by her smile and the way her tail couldn't seem to stop wagging.

-As soon as she's done her arms wrap around you immediately in an enthusiastic showing of thanks. She's absolutely going to ask you for more in the future.

Request(Blazblue): On The Day Of Their Birthday's Makoto, Noel, Tsubaki, And Mai's S/O's Back Them Their

-Noel's not too much of a foodie, she absolutely prefers to cook instead of eat, much to everyone's dismay.

-However her birthday happens to fall on Christmas, so you have as good of an excuse as any to make something for her. A traditional Christmas dish could fulfill your needs well.

-You spend hours toiling away in the kitchen, making a nice, full meal for the both of you to enjoy. You figured it'd be a nice thing to do for both of you since work in the NOL has left you both unfortunately unable to go home for Christmas.

-Mercifully, your workload is at least greatly lightened for the day if not outright eliminated entirely. As soon as you're done with what little you have to do and evening comes you invite Noel over to your place, not telling her the reason.

-The first thing Noel is met with is a table filled with steaming hot food, leaving her unable to hold back her shock that you'd go so far for her.

-She doesn't know whether to kiss you or dig right in, however her nervousness gets the best of her and she opts to go for the food, which is by no means a bad choice. The effort and love you put into it really shines through.

-Mission success. Now all that's left is to pray to whatever God will listen that she doesn't get the urge to return the favor...

Request(Blazblue): On The Day Of Their Birthday's Makoto, Noel, Tsubaki, And Mai's S/O's Back Them Their

-Tsubaki is a sucker for chocolate, as much as she tries not to let it get to her. It gets to the point that Jin of all people worries about her in this regard.

-Her birthday just so happens to coincidentally fall on White Day, so you'd likely already be getting her chocolate anyway. The problem is having both occasions on the same day sorta ups the pressure on your part to perform.

-You eventually decided the best way to fill the criteria for both was via chocolate cake. You didn't want just some simple, easy cake from a box anyone could make, you knew she deserved better.

-Then you had an epiphany. You could indeed churn out something worthy of such a lovely lady. After spending a good amount of time in the kitchen you end up with a chocolate cake sweetened with condensed milk along topped with caramel and whipped cream. Surely this would pay off.

-Tsubaki's eyes light up as soon as she sees the fruits of your hard labor, even more so once she takes the first bite. She is practically in heaven. It felt like she was falling for you all over again.

Request(Blazblue): On The Day Of Their Birthday's Makoto, Noel, Tsubaki, And Mai's S/O's Back Them Their

(Can't believe it took this long to finally write for Mai. Though I'm writing this last minute on late night April 21st so what can you do lmao)

-It's rather tough for you to pin down what sort of food Mai would like considering her...complicated relationship with food.

-Whatever you do see her eat, it's completely mangled beyond recognition by whatever the hell Noel does whenever she cooks. You don't know, and frankly you don't think you want to.

-However this is going to turn out to be a nice boon for a change. Not being able to cook for Mai was a serious point of grief for you due to her supertaste, but with Noel around you can finally do so. She immediately agrees to the plan.

-After some discussion about what she typically makes for Mai and what she seems to like best, you two decide on a seafood pilaf. You'd make the base since you wanted to contribute at least something to the dish, and let Noel take it from there.

-Frankly it's a bit scary, leaving her with a perfectly normal dish and then getting it back looking like a weapon of mass destruction. This weapon of mass destruction though was all Mai could eat so you really can't complain. (Not complaining about Noel's cooking...what the hell have you come to...?)

-Mai's grin is practically ear to ear as she eagerly eats everything down, especially once she hears that both you and Noel worked on the dish. As far as she's concerned this is the best damn thing she's ever eaten, thanking you both with a big smile and hug. Being able to eat after what happened is always a treat.

-You still have no idea what Noel does to any food she touches to make it end up the way it does, but perhaps it's one of those mysteries that's just best left unsolved.

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7 months ago

If it's ok with you could do a some headcannons of Tsubaki, Noel, and Makoto with a M!Reader that has acess to the Persona Izanagi-No-Okami

It's my personal favorite persona

Blazblue story would've looked mad different if there was a dude that could just whip out the Myriad Truths against Izanami and Terumi

For convenience sake, InO is going to be the result of S/O having a Drive to keep in line with lore.

If It's Ok With You Could Do A Some Headcannons Of Tsubaki, Noel, And Makoto With A M!Reader That Has

-You were...on the average side when it came to combat back at Torifune. Your Ars Magus aptitude and physical prowess weren't by any means bad but nothing spectacular. This was however, until you awakened to a Drive by growing a connection with the Azure.

-You got the chance to show this off for the first time proper during the battle against Azrael. You had to hold him off while Professor Kokonoe was making the preparations to teleport him somewhere far away where he could never return from, and Ragna was not looking too good since Celica was disabling him pretty hard.

-That was when you finally revealed Izanagi No Okami for the first time. A move which predictably fired up Azrael quite a bit.

-Tsubaki for her part wasn't watching what was happening, that is until she sensed a vast power coming from the arena. Even she couldn't ignore that.

-Looking inside, she saw you of all people battling Azrael, a huge figure in pure white robes at your back. Like everyone else she's stunned. Despite knowing you for as long as she has, you'd never revealed you could do anything like that, let alone being powerful enough to fight the Mad Dog.

-The rescue mission happened to break her free from the Imperator's curse and the first thing she did when she finally got alone time with you was ask what you did against Azrael.

-As she hears the explanation, she can't help but feel safe, for what feels like the first time in years. You'd broken her free of the spell and you were even strong enough now to hold off a beast like Azrael. The future she envisioned with you now became even more secure.

If It's Ok With You Could Do A Some Headcannons Of Tsubaki, Noel, And Makoto With A M!Reader That Has

-You've always been there to stand up for Noel, not afraid to throw down with anyone should you need to, no matter who they were. You seemed strangely confident in your combat abilities, no matter who you were staring down.

-Noel wished she could be as fearless as you, be able to stare down anyone in the eye with complete confidence. It was a huge reason she fell for you to begin with. She wanted to learn a thing or two from you on confidence.

-It was a while before she learned the 'why'. During the Ikaruga Civil War the two of you were deployed to intercept Sector Seven agents trying to do...something, it wasn't made clear what they were after.

-The two of you were ambushed, outnumbered and outgunned. That was until you revealed the power of your Drive for the first time. A manifestation of the creator god Izanagi himself, effortlessly wiping out the entire ambush force.

-Noel was only snapped out of her star struck state when you snapped her out of it and got moving again. Her admiration for you only increased tenfold that day, wishing she could do even half the things you could.

If It's Ok With You Could Do A Some Headcannons Of Tsubaki, Noel, And Makoto With A M!Reader That Has

-Similar to Noel, you also readily stand up for Makoto when she's facing racially motivated bullying. Even if it was someone from the Duodecim itself you were prepared to stand up for your girlfriend.

-The fact you could so easily match Makoto's vigor and energy was a huge reason she fell for you. Whatever shenanigans she got up to, you were ready to meet the challenge.

-You went with her when she went off to look for Tsubaki after she'd gone missing and was under the Imperator's control. No matter how much you two tried to reach out to her, it was useless.

-She was also much stronger than before, Makoto wasn't ready for the Izayoi's power. You however, certainly were.

-You obviously kept Izanagi-no-Okami from going all out, you didn't want to kill Tsubaki, but the difference in your strength was more than obvious, and she was forced to retreat.

-Makoto is in complete shock, not knowing how to react. She'd never seen anything like it before, causing her to start bombarding you with questions the moment she finds her voice again.

-Seeing you kick ass like that made her so proud to have you as her s/o. If you could hold off Tsubaki like that so effortlessly you could probably even fight Azrael in the tournament coming up soon.

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1 year ago

Tsubaki doesn’t like Noel and Makoto

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11 months ago

guys wut if makoto met makoto and makoto and makoto and makoto and makoto and makoto and makoto and makoto

Guys Wut If Makoto Met Makoto And Makoto And Makoto And Makoto And Makoto And Makoto And Makoto And Makoto

due to popular request i added all the other makoto characterz y’all listed

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