Hades Izanami - Tumblr Posts

BlazBlue + Tumblr text posts (2/?)

BlazBlue + Tumblr text posts, part 8

BlazBlue + Tumblr text posts, part 10
it's back, back again
BlazBlue text posts is back, tell a friend

BlazBlue + Tumblr text posts, part 13
happy birthday to our Father of the Year Century, Relius Clover
(belated given my timezone but details)

BlazBlue + Tumblr text posts, part 24
(prayer circle that he comes to consoles soon)

blazblue has a lot of characters looking younger than they actually are
could i request some izanami relationship hcs? i feel like she's an underapreciated character.
Two Blazblue asks in one day, I am truly blessed.
Izanami is indeed underappreciated, she's just kinda not there for a big majority of the story. Poor girl got hit with the Relius treatment to get the game out in time for Evo. That said, this is a real oddball to think about in a romantic context lmao. I'll give it a whirl.
Hades Izanami

-The Goddess of Death (more specifically the physical manifestation of death) is...quite the interesting romantic partner to say the least.
-She pretty much never makes public appearances. The only way she'll know you exist is if you're working in or for the main circle of villains, consisting of herself, the snek man, big titty witch, and "best" dad. You either end up in this circle yourself or she catches wind of you as an at least decently high ranking officer of the NOL working directly under Hazama or Relius.
-She felt her vessel start forming some attachment to you upon first meeting. This strange, foreign feeling filled her body every time she found her thoughts drifting to you. She had no idea what in The Origin's name this feeling was, but it felt...strangely nice. Attributing this feeling to you, she decided to take you for herself. Not like anyone could stop her, she is the Imperator Librarius.
-Despite what genuine affection she does have for you, she will stop at nothing when it comes to manipulating you into loving her. She will do whatever it takes to have you all to herself, though she'd never let you know. Around you, she's actually surprisingly sweet to you.
-Izanami is eerily intelligent. She keeps whatever semblance she has of a personal life completely separate from her work in destroying the Master Unit and bringing death to all. At least, if you weren't helping her with that already, which only increases her infatuation even more. If not though, you will not be finding out about all that business as long as she has anything to say about it.
-That said despite the manipulation and trickery behind your back, being the S/O of the Imperator does have it's perks. You shoot up instantly through the ranks of the NOL and eventually rumors about it start to circulate. If anyone even dares lay a finger on you, they're immediately deemed a traitor to the Imperator herself, and we all know what the NOL does to traitors...
-You're often called up to the Imperator's quarters. Nobody really questions it, not that they're in any position to, but you well know by now it's not for a mission or secret direct order. It means that Izanami is feeling needy and requests you to be in her arms.
-Your alone time with her is actually surprisingly pleasant. Despite her cold touch, it's surprisingly soothing, as she showers you with praise in a soft, sweet voice and makes you feel like the most important person in the world. Being the partner of the Imperator, that's not too far off, even if the public never actually knows about it.
-You soon end up becoming her personal agent acting on behalf of her when it comes to all the public appearances she won't make, which is quite a bit, delivering her personal messages and orders wherever needed, in or outside of the NOL.
-Of course, it's not meant to last for long. This is the physical manifestation of death we're talking about. You will soon eventually die by Izanami's hands like everyone else according to plan. But in the meantime, she intends to cherish you and keep you all to herself for however long she can. Worry not, for your inevitable death will be made sure to be a most glorious one indeed, worthy of the object of her affections...
What about a THIRD blazblue ask? :D And while idk if multiple characters are allowed per ask, I was lowkey curious about cuddling headcanons for Nine, Bullet, and Izanami with an S/O who has trouble sleeping due to stress or nightmares
You son of a bitch, I like the way you think.
Two asks with Izanami tho? Haru and Ann I can understand but how is IZANAMI the first Blazblue character to be in two asks? Whatever floats your boat, I guess.
Nine the Phantom

-For the sake of this ask, this will be set after the Dark War but before she's thrown into the Boundary and obviously she will not be into fucking cats. Seriously Mori, Jesus Christ on a cross getting stabbed by the fucking Romans...
-As a student of the Mage Academy in Ishana, naturally you're worked pretty hard. Alchemy, Sorcery, Magic, you need to learn it all if you want a shot at becoming a top Mage. Perhaps even one of the Ten Great Sages if you're just particularly built different.
-The end of the semester is no fucking joke. Projects upon assignments upon projects begin to pile up from all your different classes. It isn't long before all the caffeine and stress starts to get to you.
-During some ungodly hour of the night, Nine is walking through the dorm halls of the academy, noticing light coming from behind but one single door and quickly realizes it's yours. She knocks on the door before entering without waiting for you to tell her to come in, only to see you at your desk which is completely cluttered with papers and glass tubes to hold potions you're working on.
-Rightfully concerned (and a bit upset), she asks you what the hell you think you're doing up at a time like this.
-As you tiredly explain the situation to her, she finds her mild anger replaced by concern and sympathy. Being one of the Great Sages and largely leading the war effort against the Black Beast, she knew all too well what it was like to work yourself to the bone to get shit done.
-With a tone more akin to a command than anything else she tells you to get in bed. Reluctant, but too tired to argue at this point, you do as she says, only to get surprised when she gets in next to you, pulling you close.
-To no one's surprise, Nine naturally runs quite warm. If it happens to be cold in the future you know who you're spending the night with.
-Your face inevitably gets buried in her...you know what. Nine most definitely ends up giving a few teasing comments at that, but nothing else. At least not tonight.
-She's warm, soft, perfect for cuddling. Not what you expected from such a normally aggressive, assertive woman, but you're certainly not going to complain. It's not long before you finally feel the sweet relief of death sleep overtake you.

-You were the only known survivor of Bullet's merc squad to have gotten out of the Nirvana extraction mission alive. Upon hearing your Captain was reportedly alive you joined your girlfriend in a heartbeat on the quest to find him.
-However, PTSD is a real bitch. Watching all your squad mates die right in front of you, at the hands of Azrael of all people no less, would take quite the toll on anyone.
-The two of you set-up camp for the night in the forest and try to get some sleep only for Bullet to be woken up by the sound of a sudden gasp and panting. She sits up to see you in a cold sweat.
-Upon asking, you reluctantly tell her about the nightmares that you've been having ever since the mission. You've always slept separately until now so this is the first time she's seen it.
-Bullet is...unsure of how to approach this. Racking together all of her brain power, the best thing she can come up with is to comfort you with physical affection. As a result she gets out of her sleeping bag and forcefully inserts herself into yours, burying your head into her neck.
-It's a rather tight fit in there, but it's nice. Bullet's definitely feeling her share of awkwardness, having never done something like this before, but she doesn't back down.
-You know she's trying her best to help you, and it's pretty sweet of her to do.

-Being an NOL soldier is no walk in the park, especially one so high ranking as a byproduct of being the Imperator's lover. All the added responsibility overwhelms you the more and more you're cast up the chain of command.
-Izanami doesn't take too long to catch onto this and tries to remedy this the best way she knows how.
-One late night someone from Intelligence knocks on your office door telling you that the Imperator has requested your presence immediately. Normally you'd quickly piece together what she wants but you're so tired you don't have the energy to do even that as you trudge your way to her quarters.
-Izanami greets you once you're there with a soft, inviting smile, telling you to come in. She takes you by the hand and gently guides you into her bed, saying she's noticed how hard you've been working for the sake of the NOL.
-She gently runs a hand through your hair, shushing you if you try to protest and insisting that you finally get some time to relax. Her touch is cold, yet somehow comforting regardless.
-Her other arm goes around your body and pulls you as close as possible. With her hand through your hair and her soft, soothing voice whispering sweet nothings into your ear, you find it much easier to relax and finally get the sleep you desperately need easier than it has been in a very long time.
Chef anon here. I had this idea Izanami having a kid with her s/o. Probably by accident. But imagine how it would flip her whole worldview. Like she's supposed to be the god of death but here she is literally creating life.
This is quite the unexpected meal you've cooked up, chef, quite strange indeed. I actually had a ton of fun writing this surprisingly, I don't know how but it was. Keep cookin' like this, this got me over my writer's block like a charm.

-For this to happen you're definitely gonna need to be a guy. No offense to any ladies out there (are you even out there reading my work?), but accidental pregnancies typically do not happen in Yuri.
-This was something that really should not have happened. It did happen though when Izanami was feeling rather frisky on one particular night. Those less than pure urges finally started to surface once you started dating her which certainly took her by surprise. It was an...interesting night to say the least.
-What was even stranger however was the next couple of weeks after that. She started experiencing strange symptoms of...something. Her suspicions were only confirmed when she sensed life inside of her, something that didn't normally happen. This only meant one thing...
-Izanami hadn't bothered with protection that night. She believed that being a living Drive and the embodiment of death itself meant that this was physically impossible. Yet somehow it was possible.
-She had zero idea how to go about this. Granted she wouldn't have much trouble hiding this, she almost never made public appearances as the Imperator anyway, but this completely went against her very nature and her goal.
-When you found out about this however, you were quite happy, much to her surprise, especially if you know about her goal to destroy the Master Unit and end the world.
-The child is born away from the public eye. The only help is nurses personally selected by Izanami herself and they're under very strict orders to not tell anyone of this. This is probably the first time she actually feels pain. It's not what she was expecting, in a rather intriguing way.
-Due to being a Drive, it only takes her but a few hours to recover once she tells the nurses they can go and she's back at it like nothing ever happened. She heads back to her quarters to see you there caring for the baby as it's asleep, admiring and treasuring it. You greet Izanami with a smile and immediately start listing off possible names you were thinking of.
-For the first time in her existence, she doesn't really know what to do. This isn't meant to be her purpose, yet upon seeing how ecstatic you were at having a little one in your life, she eventually decided that it was at the very least worth a shot. She already gave you a chance after all, even if she still planned to carry out her mission.
-However as time goes on, she actually comes to genuinely care for this child she's given life to, even if by accident. She'd heard stories of parenthood changing people in unexpected ways, but she never expected said ways to be so drastic, let alone to even happen to her in the first place.
-She's expectedly pretty clueless on how to care for a child at first, she needs you around to show her the ropes so that she doesn't accidentally kill it. The fact that this is a genuine worry only gives her even more of an existential crisis.
-She's more torn than she ever has been in her life. Her goal was to always bring an end to this pointless looping world that the Origin had let go on for far too long. She'd always reasoned that this goal was justified because of this phenomenon making all of existence completely meaningless. But with both you and her own child in the picture now...
-...Now she's not so sure.
Izanami's so trying to celebrate her birthday and teach her about the joys of doing it.
Man, phantomfield was right, writing for villains in any romantic context is not easy. I mean I already knew that but it gets so much harder with requests like these. At least she's hot.

-Technically Izanami was never born, being essentially a living Drive. The closest thing she has to a "birthday" is when she inhabited her physical body and manifested into the world.
-She had no idea why you seemed to take such interest in it, but did give you this date of April 22, as it was really the only answer she had. (the same day this comes out because it's my birthday, too. Living personification of death being born on Earth Day, how ironic.)
-Being her S/O, you only felt it appropriate to do something nice for her, however she may have felt about it, or more accurately lack of feelings on it.
-You set your alarm to wake up much earlier than normal so you can be up before Izanami, taking it upon yourself to make a nice breakfast for her. Normally there are people to do it for her, but you give them a little white lie and say you were taking over today per the Imperator's orders. No, it may not have been an order straight from her but she'd certainly never turn down a favor from you.
-The knock on your door and appetizing smell wake her from her slumber, telling you to come in before you present her with a breakfast in bed for her special day.
-She really doesn't understand why the day of her physical materialization was so important to you.it was a pointless celebration in her eyes, but if you're willing to pamper her like this she certainly won't complain, regardless of her understanding.
-You take the day to spoil her rotten in an attempt to teach her that birthdays are an important celebration to be had. You're much more stern with her than normal and tell her to not do a second of work, insisting that you do anything for her that she needs to ensure she's comfortable.
-You're really not sure what kind of gift you can possibly give her. She doesn't really have many, if any interests you know of and anything she wants she can just get herself. She is the Imperator Librarius, after all.
-You simply opt for acts of service. Any single complaint Izanami might have, you are quick to fix it and treat her to the best you can.
-She still may think celebrating a birthday is a waste of time, but if it means she can look forward to being spoiled by you on this day, maybe she can indulge in it, at least a little.
coffee anon here to throw a birthday thought to the ring if timezones don't eff me over lol. I'm actually kinda curious how wagner or izanami would celebrate an S/O's birthday
You were actually six hours early to the deadline lmao. Really funny to read that.

-Wagner has a very...high class idea of how birthdays are celebrated. Just about every one she's been to, including her own has had a budget equal to what the average person makes in an entire year.
-Frankly a change of pace would be quite nice for her. And now that she had you, her S/O around and with your birthday now coming, it was the perfect chance to do that.
-She's still going to spoil you to hell and back if you've managed to get under her skin enough to become her S/O, but maybe she'll save the more extravagant ideas she has for sometime in the future.
-Whatever you've said you wanted for the last month or two in front of her, you're getting showered with it all thanks to Wagner's family fortune.
-She'd much prefer to spend the day out treating you. Anywhere you want to eat, any recreational place you'd want to go to. It's supposed to be your day, after all. Your happiness today is the priority.
-Just as long as it isn't too down and dirty, she does still have dignity and an image to maintain. More rustic stuff isn't quite her pace. The more ordinary things will please her just fine though, as long as you're having a good time.

(Phantomfield seriously came in clutch with helping me brainstorm for Izanami, this would not have gotten done without their help)
-Izanami is actually pretty used to celebrations, despite almost never making public appearances. For a beloved S/O, she has no qualms with holding a celebration for their birthday to make them happy, though it's definitely going to be a reserved, invite-only event.
-Saya's memories and feelings certainly make her more inclined to the idea than she'd normally be. Izanami can't really help herself in that regard, it's her influence that drives her wish to see you happy, for what time you have left until Doomsday, of course.
-The main attendees are the Duodecim and some high ranking NOL officers here and there. Their payment required to get in? A satisfactory gift for you judged by the Imperator herself. If they can't even gift you something adequate enough then they have no business being anywhere near you.
-She specifically doesn't invite Relius and Hazama, it's not even a question. It's not like they can't behave on the surface, but she knows damn well those two would get up to some shady shit behind the scenes. They are allies, not friends. Their goals are all very different and very self serving at the end of the day.
-Izanami's sort of like a predator being possessive over their prey in that sense. She's not letting you anywhere near those two if she can help it. You're all hers, and she's going to let you know it.
-That's specifically why she planned such an extravagant, enchanting, exclusive event just for you. To spoil you rotten and show you that there's no better fit for your lover than she is. No one else would be able to do something like this for you, would they? Yes, she might be affectionate and perhaps even loving to you, but she's still the manipulative, cunning incarnation of Death itself...
Hey-ho! Coffee anon here for a brief return to form-- I had the strangest thought with izanami based on one of her win poses where she sprouts some extra arms. So I'd like to ask what you'd imagine home life with her S/O (who probably doesn't mind it even if it confuses them) would be with those arms out in the open?
House life Izanami is...odd to think about, mostly because she is not the housewife type but I shall do my best.
And to the astute ones out there, yes, this was not on my WIP because I received this ask after they closed. However coffee anon is a friend of mine that I talk to outside Discord and thus I made an exception for them.

-First off, let's get this out of the way. Izanami is not doing house chores no matter how convenient the weird extra arms are. She is not doing the work of servants.
-However that doesn't mean you never see the arms. She's able to use her several arms to do paperwork in record times, it's not an uncommon sight to see her working on 8 different things at once, whether it's orders to branches of the NOL, organizing events, or what have you.
-There IS one domestic purpose she'll put those arms too. Having so many of them means she gives god tier massages.
-Despite being death incarnate, she has very intimate knowledge of the human body, each hand massaging you feels god tier. And the fact they're quite cold strangely enough makes it feel better somehow.
-She would also very much like to wash you, getting your back where you can't reach and other places where it's more efficient for her to do it. Whether she washes your more...intimate areas or not she leaves up to your preference.
-She's strangely content with doing these things for you above housework. She considers it a service to her to allow her to touch your body like this. It's likely the most intimate she's going to get realistically speaking.
-Izanami is a woman who is going to be in control of the relationship in all aspects. Her nature (and ego) will not allow her to be submissive. Due to this she finds a satisfaction and amusement in seeing you melt and relax under her cool, comforting touch, bordering on the addictive.

My old and newest Blazbunny artwork, I’m still doing the series.^_^