One Piece Rant - Tumblr Posts
one piece queer characters rant<33
little reminder Yamato is a trans man. He goes by he/him, he takes baths with all the men, everyone in the series, calls him by male pronouns, “oh but that’s cus she wants to be oden, not cus she’s a man😖🥺” OMG PLEASEEEE STFUUUU THATS JUST WRONG INFO, HAVE U SEEN THE SERIES3!1?2 yes, he wants to be oden, he wants to be like oden, but that is not the reason he chooses to go by he/him. If Oda wants to make trans/gender neutral characters let him do that without being a little hoe abt it. Kikunojo is also canonically trans. In one scene someone calls her a swordsman, chopper asks her “wait ur a man?” And she says “i am a woman at heart” ODA HAS MADE TRANS CHARACTERS BEFORE OMFG‼️ need i even mention bon-clay, who is a gender neutral character, and i just want to say, with oda’s portals of his queer character, they are always good characters, sure some portals can be a little out of taste sometimes, but for more info on that, please go too melonteee’s YouTube video. His portals are always in a good light and he always has good intentions. I’m not gonna argue w the bad side of this fandom that insists on Yamato being a woman. 🤷🏼♀️ thanks for listening to my rant🔥🔥😋
srry abt this chat im going crazy😭😭✋

one piece rant!!! (bc im tired of ppl mischaracterizing Nami and being gross.)
I fucking hate the YouTube one piece fandom sm. it’s basically all degenerates and incells that don’t even care abt the series. All they seem to care abt it “BRO (insert any female one piece character) IS SO MOMMY😍😍😍” like there’s so much more to the women of one piece then “MOMMY!!” it’s so disgusting cus I’ll look up Nami on YouTube and all I will fucking get is people sexualizing her and ignoring how amazingly written she is. The only good and decent one piece (centric) YouTuber is @melonteee (please watch her character analysis videos they’re seriously so good) she is genuinely amazing 🫶. but again, most of the yt one piece fandom is gross, I don’t go on twt so idk how they are there, I love the tumblr fandom and the Pinterest fandom, they’re soo much more competent and kind and amazing😭😭
I love how in so many OP fanfics, no matter who the ship is, Nami always has a bet against the other crewmates about the couple, and she always wins bc she has this 6th sense. A good 95% of the ones I've read have this and it's actually the best.
I think the Croco mom theory is great but the best part about it is the fact that, obviously, Crocodile was a WOMAN at one point. Just like- if it's true, Oda knows what he's doing, ok? I would buy Croco mom merch.

So I watch One Piece in dub and just watched the part in Zou where Zoro talks about Kaido and how they're gonna have to fight him soon and it's so funny that Luffy hadn't mentioned Law previously in that convo, and Zoro STILL referred to him as Traffy. Luffy's influence rubs off too much and it's amazing.
It's so interesting the difference between most OP fans on this app (at least from what I've seen) and like anywhere else when it comes to Yamato.
You come on here and go "Yamato trans boy. We love him." Or "Yamato just exists and we vibing with that."
You go to anywhere else and it's "Yamato is a girl. You guys are making everything too gay." Or "Yamato's a boy and anyone who disagrees is super transphobic."
Like it shouldn't be that serious of a thing. If you think he's a boy, yippee we love the trans rep. If you think she's a girl, that's nice, I hope you enjoy simping over her. If you think anything else, good for you. (I realize some of those sound sarcastic but aren't meant to I promise)
Chopper just chilling on Brook's afro like that is the best thing I've ever seen

Your Yamato post was such a breath of fresh air. You're pretty much the only person I've seen on tumblr talk about Yamato with any kind of neutrality. That you can pick either one for as long as you aren't malicious or pushy about it. I wish I had your experience because every other tumblr post I see is people talking about Yamato's gender and going after other fans ad hominem for using "she". It's just so frustrating how this entire discussion overshadows such a fun character like Yamato.
I knowww. Just let a character be fr. I personally see Yamato as a genderfluid/gender queer person, so I just kinda chill in the middle. I don't see the point in arguing so much over something so small, especially if it's a HEADCANON. They're called headcanons for a reason and not canon. And also there's no real way (as far as I know) to say for sure bc Oda has referred to them as both before.
Also thx for talking with me anon!!
I'm sorry if I'm overstepping and ranting at you, but it's so frustrating and it feels like you're the only person who isn't going to bite my head off about this. I'm scared of even talking about Yamato because I have no idea how people will react. Which again, just feels like such a disservice to Yamato's character. Yamato is such a delight to read, but it's like we can't enjoy or analyze Yamato as a character without falling into this miserable mire of semantics and interpretation. (3/3)
I completely understand your frustrations, especially because Yamato is such a unique and interesting character. Not just alone too, but paired with Ace or Roger or Luffy, Kaido even, and there's just a whole depth there that people like to overlook because of their own personal beliefs over something so miniscule. And it's so sad that you have to be scared of hatred for talking about a character like that, especially one THAT SHOULDN’T EVEN BE CONTROVERSIAL. It's not like you're talking about a character who's done some awful things (*cough cough* Judge) and you're not passing them off as some great character despite their flaws. Yamato hasn't done anything except exist and it sucks that there's so much controversy over that. And the worst part is, that's how it is in real life, unfortunately. People are so invested in other people's personal business that overlook the important parts about them.
Anyways I'm ranting too so it's alright. I'm glad someone else does share my beliefs so I can have a civil conversation and enjoy an amazing character peacefully.
Roger wanting Ace to find the One Piece all along has me an absolute train wreck.

He's just so calm about it and Rayleigh saying he doesn't have one when he KNOWS he's gonna is just so many feelings
It's the fact that Zoro joined his crew not even five minutes before, as well as stating he was only doing it bc it was better than dying, but he STILL trusted him enough to save him. Without discussing it at all. Luffy 100% new Morgan was behind him, yet he still punched Helmeppo in the face because he KNEW Zoro had his back

Rewatching Whiskey Peak and Zoro challenging all 100 baroque works people and calling them out was so cold. Especially with Zoro's theme in the bg. He's just so cool.
FINALLY MADE IT TO CHAPTER 1000!!!! This series makes me so happy I can't bro-

Making a Law animatic rn and I cant not think of him kid him as a potato sack now.

Do you get what I see here??
Decided to look up who I share a birthday with in One Piece. There's a lot. But that's not impritant right now. What's important is that I was ONE DAY AWAY from sharing a bday with Barto, Tashighi, AND Law. My mom messed up by pushing me out so early.

My bday is the 5th btw
Luffy's worn the same pants ever since he was a kid and to me it kinda symbolizes that he's still the same and he always will be. No matter what, he's still a kid from windmill village that wears a straw hat and dreams of being the pirate king. The only difference is that there's more people by his side than ever before, and that's all he's ever wanted. Idk just a thought I had.
What if Luffy got a tattoo that was ASL in memory of Ace and Sabo in the same spot Ace had his, but it's pre-dressrosa and everyone just assumes the "S" is for Shanks. Everyone knows Shanks because Luffy's mentioned him several times. Each crew member has asked why his hat means so much to him, so he tells them all about Shanks. He thinks Sabo is still dead, so he never talks about him and never tells everyone what the "S" actually stands for.
Fast forward to the end of Dressrosa and Luffy has a crisis because there is a giant x through the S and Sabo is definitely very much alive now.
What if Sabo did actually die and never came back in Dressrosa. Say Barto wins Ace's fruit for Luffy (somehow). Luffy's already eaten a devil fruit, so he can't eat it. And you know who uses fire already on their crew? Sanji. Sanji, the one with self-worth issues, who doesn't feel like he belongs with everyone else. Imagine if he is given the fruit of his captain's dead brother. The most important person to Luffy ever. Sanji would be forever fucked up.
Ok but random thought like bottom Luffy with a degradation kink as a pair with switch Law with a praise kink.