Op This Is Beautiful - Tumblr Posts
I wish lesbians were as easy to find in real life as they are on tumblr
back in my httyd phase again :))

i cant draw dragons but his ornamental flamingo is cute

my bitch pose is NEAAASTY
details under cut!

i gave him flaming chest hair does the carpet maLOUD TRAIN PASSES BY

Been slowly chipping away at this. I'm still not over all of them. Soundtrack makes me emotional. I stepped into an Avalanche. ♪ --- This is very self indulgent: I like the idea of Stede being socialized "feminine" - of course he already has these flowery, soft notes to his character, but I really like to think about the implications of a soft person discovering and wanting to live their "masculine" side and finding friends who adore them as a whole without fitting either stereotype.

Second card of the invertebrate tarot set, The Magician!
This project is on hold for a moment while I sort other things out, but I can't resist sharing another peek for InverteFest
Literally no one asked but just for the record no I am still not over how Jon’s fatal flaw was that he never knew when to concede and stop asking questions and then his last words in tma were “no [im not sure] but I love you” letting love take precedent over knowledge and logic and giving in bc he loves Martin
Still not over Martin’s entire arc being about his self hatred and isolation and then his last words in tma being “I love you too” not just a statement of love but a statement of reciprocated love
They both fundamentally changed for the better and that mattered—it may not have been perfect and it may not have been enough to save them from the narrative but it still mattered. I am utterly feral. I am so normal.
once there was a man who had a tool so nifty
it could kill lots of hogs, around thirty to fifty
but it was lost long ago, it is now but a myth
it would clear the yard before minute the fifth

Uh…. Anyone remember vintage taker? Remember when he used to sprinkles rose petals over his dead victims? Pepperidge Farm remembers.
Btw, he lowkey looked pretty in a ghoulish sorta way.

Something a little different for one of my absolute favourite ghost songs. (This was the first one that I was obsessed with and had on repeat until I learned all the words, so it has a special place in my weird little heart)

@steddiemicrofic | Prompt: 'one' | 111 words | M | cw: none @steddie-week Day 2 | Prompts: 'hands/touch starved' Read on AO3

With eyes held shut, Steve's world had condensed to a single point of contact.
One finger ghosted agonizingly slowly up and down each of his own, swiping across his palm and leaving tingling trails in its wake. It drifted to his wrist and, with a bit of added contact, enough to briefly feel a ring, the finger drew his hand forward until warmth and breath revealed a new source tactile pleasure.
Steve closed the remaining distance to discover a land of contrasts--deserts of prickly stubble, pastures of plush lips, and a warm, wet cave of a willing mouth.
Lost to the sensations, Steve found heaven in the palm of his hand.
Sorry I didn't draw benny's ugly ass checkers 🤢🤢🤢