Ouat Neverland - Tumblr Posts

But - Peter Pan
Peter Pan x fem!reader
Killian Jones/Captian Hook x daughter reader
Warnings: none
Word count: 421
Summary: Peter Pan wants Killians daughter, but Hooks not gonna give her up easily.

Peter sighed shaking his head before speaking “You’d be stupid not to take my offer, Killian.”
“No, it’d make me smart.” Killian stated turning away from the demon boy.
“I’m offering you a way to come and go from Neverland as much as you please.” Peter said smiling at the pirate, hoping he would take the deal.
“For a price.” Killian mumbled under his breath.
“It’s a small price in the scheme of things.” Peter shrugged not seeing why the pirate wouldn’t jump at his offer.
“My daughter is not a small price to pay, you demon!” Killian turned around yelling at the boy in green.
“Are you sure about that.” Peter asked calmly as he watched the Captain fume.
“I’m sure.” Killian stated through gritting his teeth.
“Then what do you want.” Peter sighed. ‘What was it going to take’ he thought.
“She’s my daughter, Pan. not just some trinket you can trade to make a deal. She’s my flesh and blood. I love her. An becuase I love her there’s no way I’m giving her over to you.” Killian spoke poking Peter in the chest with his hook.
“I will find a way to keep her here.” Peter told the on handed pirate. He wants Y/n but Hook just won’t give her up. But Peter’s not gonna give up without a fight. Peter Pan never fails. Peter wants y/n as his Lost Girl it ay take a while but he’ll get her.
“But you know if you want her to like you, you can’t hurt me. Or my crew. Because that would be hurting her family, the ones she loves. Then she wouldn’t see you the same way.” Killian smirked at the devil boy. Hook knew every word he said bugged Peter cause he knows Hook’s right. Y/n would never forgive him for hurting someone she cares about or loves.
“She already has a crush on me-” Peter spoke looking away from Killian for a moment. Trying to regain the upper hand.
“But now you have to keep it that way. You can’t do anything to jeopardize it.” Hook countered. He could tell it bothered the boy to lose his upper hand in this conversation.
“Peter Pan never fails.” Peter stated looking him dead in the eyes.
“You may never fail, Pan. But you might not have the patience to wait for her or me to come around.” Hook stated before walking out of the forest to head back down towards his crew, ship, and daughter.
Separated - Peter Pan (1/6)
Snow x reader (friend)
Charming x reader (friend)
Jefferson/Mad Hatter x daughter reader
Peter Pan x Fem!reader
Warnings: none
Word count: 1,407
Summary: Y/n is the daughter of Jefferson a.k.a The Mad Hatter. A soon to be godmother of Snow and Charming’s baby girl. But with the curse coming she won’t get to stay long, although will she be sent to Storybrooke with the rest?
Authors Note: Peter comes in at the end. This is a series and it will have 6 parts to it, some longer than others. “Were more a like than you think.” - Pan (comes in at sometime). Should I make the series there own little masterlists?
Once Upon A Time Masterlist

“I’ll be fine dad. I promise.” Y/n smiled back at her father’s concern, not letting it sway her in the slightest.
Jefferson shook his head stressed. An that’s saying something for the Mad Hatter. “Something just doesn’t feel right about this.”
Y/n turned to face her worried dad, walking over to him in their little home. She smiled trying to ease her worries. “I’m just going for the birth of Snow and Charming's baby. They want me there for it. Apparently, I’ll be the little one’s Godmother.”
Jefferson let out a breath turning his eye’s attention towards his daughter. He let out a sigh. “Just please be careful, Hunny. Please I already lost your mother, I can’t lose you.”
Y/n smiled “I’ll be back before you know it. I love you, Daddy.”
Jefferson smiled at him at her hoping his feeling is just that, a feeling. And nothing happens. “Be safe.” With that being said the two hugged and Y/n left to go on her journey to Snows and Charming's castle.
# # #
“Snow! Charming!” Y/n greeted with a big smile on her face
“Y/n! Oh, Y/n we’ve missed you so much.” Snow greeted back wrapping the young woman into her arms. Having missed her the past couple of months.
“I’ve missed you guys to.” Y/n smiled hugging the pregnant woman back, having missed her as well.
“I just wish she wasn’t coming now.” Snow mumbled in a very concerned tone.
“Little one giving you trouble?” Y/n asked with humor trying to lighten the mood Snow seemed to be in.
“The Evil Queen is planning something and she plans to do it tonight.” Charming explained with a grimace but did greet the y/h/c haired girl with a hug as well.
“And the baby wants to come tonight.” Y/n concluded, nodding in understanding now why the couple was so worried.
Snow sighed with a tight lipped-smile. “Y/n, its not safe for you to be here. You should go back to your father and you both need to get out of here.”
“Get somewhere far far away. "Charming stated in agreement with his wife. Both referring to her father’s hat.
“I’m not gonna leave my future goddaughter, my niece. During her birth.” Y/n stated stubbornly
“Y/n-” Charming started but Y/n quickly cut in.
“I’ll leave as soon as she’s here.” Y/n gave her word. Snow and Charming still looked hesitant so she added. “I promise.”
Shortly after the Charming's agree with a very stubborn young Hatter, Snow quickly went into labor. Not that she could control the spread. With that little baby Emma was born.
An keeping her word Y/n was saying her farewells.
“Be safe, Y/n.” Charming spoke as he gave her a big hug knowing if he’ll see her anytime soon or not.
“You too. Both of you, and take care of my daughter.” Y/n smiled hoping to ease the nerves at least a little, if possible.
“We will. Now go find your dad and get out of here before it happens. Before the curse hits.” Snow smiled back before nodding and urging the young woman to go find her father before whatever the Evil Queen had planned happens.
An with that Y/n nodded and left the castle in a rush to get home to her father and warn him. Maybe they could get away before the curse hits. If not at least they’ll be together.
# # #
“Dad!” Y/n yelled as she jumped off the horse Charming insisted she take. To get home as fast as possible. She bolted inside, having seen the purple smoke coming over the hills by the castle she took the horse with a thank you hoping to beat the purple smoke home.
“Y/n!” Jefferson came bolting out of the house having heard his daughters distress. “What’s wrong, Y/n/n?” He asked once they were right in front of each other, Jefferson cupped Y/n’s cheeks in his hands, searching her face for clues.
“We need to get out of here. Now.” Y/n spoke with wide eye’s and a panicked voice.
“Why? Y/n, what’s going on?” Jefferson asked getting more concerned by the minute, but doing his best to not let it show.
“Regina, the Evil Queen. She’s cast a curse to take away everyone's happiness. We need to get out of here before it takes us too. Go to another realm or something.” She explained quickly, staring directly into her fathers eyes.
“I think it might be to late.” He sighed nodding his head slightly towards where Y/n had come from and seeing the purple smoke coming their way.
“Daddy” Y/n whimpered looking back up at him with teary eyes, scared for what’s about to happen.
“Hey, hey we’ll be ok. Ok? I promise. If this separates us I’ll find you. I’ll never stop trying to find you. I promise on my life.” Jefferson comforted his little girl. Making sure she knows that no matter what happens, he loves her and will do everything in his power to find her if this curse separates them.
“I promise I’ll try to find you too.” Y/n promised back to her dad, still hoping though that it won’t come to them being part. Seeing the Evil Queens curse getting closer Y/n wrapped her arms tightly around her dad’s torso, burning her head into his chest. “I love you, Daddy.”
Jefferson wrapped his arms tightly around her to and leaned down to place a kiss on the top of her head, whispering back. “I love you to, Sweetheart.”
After both father and daughter got surrounded by the amethyst colored smoke it was dark. Completely dark. At first at least. Once Y/n realized she no longer felt her fathers embrace she opened her eyes. Only to see that she was all alone. An not somewhere she recognized at all.
Looking around it looked beautiful. The scenery is gorgeous. All the nature was captivating. But the fact that she didn’t recognize any of it was concerning. Y/n kept taking in her surroundings, but didn’t see in all her observing the boy around her age watching her.
Peter felt a presence on his Island that he didn’t know. When he got there down by the shore where he had felt the disturbance come from he found a beautiful young woman standing by the water. She was taking in all of his precious Island. But she didn’t just seem to be enjoying the view she also looked concerned.
“How’d you get here?” Peter wonder out loud to himself before coming out from behind the tree he was watching her from. “Hello there, Love.” To find out who this mysterious girl could be.
Y/n spun around quickly at the sound of someone else. “Who are you?”
“Shouldn’t I be asking you that?” Peter quirked an eyebrow at the girl. “I’m Peter. Peter Pan. And you are?” He introduced himself, trying to get this girl to believe they could trust him.
“Y/n” She nodded in acknowledgment
Peter smiled “How’d you get here, Love?”
“Why should I tell you?” Y/n asked a question right back.
Peter smirked “It was just a question, Darling.”
“Where is here?” Y/n asked skeptical about not only the boy in front of her but also her surroundings.
“You don’t know?” Peter wondered how she got here if she didn’t already knew where here was.
“Didn’t exactly come here willingly.” Y/n muttered under her breath glancing around at the scenery.
“Did the shadow bring you here?” Peter questioned
“What shadow? What part of the Enchanted Forest is this?” She asked the boy dressed in green, very confused.
“This place, this Island it’s not in the Enchanted Forest.” Peter looked around with a smile. Admiring his Island.
“So am I in a different realm?” Y/n let out a breath nodding. It’s ok she could deal with that. She’s been to many realms thanks to her fathers ‘job’. “Which one? Its obviously not Wonderland, been there enough to know that. Is it OZ? Arendalle in the summer time? Really far in Agrabah? Its obviously not the Land without color.”
Peter shook his head at all of her guesses. “Its none of those.”
Y/n let out a sigh getting annoyed with this boy. “Then where am I?”
“Your in Neverland.” Peter smirked
Part 2
Separated - Peter Pan (2/6)
Jefferson/Mad Hatter x daughter reader
Peter Pan x fem!reader
Warnings: none
Word count: 963
Summary: Y/n is the daughter of Jefferson a.k.a The Mad Hatter. Although she wasn’t sent to Storybrooke like everyone else. Can she trust a boy she just met? She might just have to.
Authors Note: She has powers but she’s seen how people use her father in both the Enchanted Forest and Wonderland. So why trust a boy that she just met in a realm she’s never been to but heard of, and they weren’t good things. I know this sounds like an extra summary and it kinda is but it’s for a reason.
Once Upon A Time Masterlist
Part 1

“Neverland?” Y/n questioned, she had only heard of it a couple of time. As a dreamland for kids.
“Heard of it?” Peter asked, trying to get a read on the girl. Also wondering if she had heard of Neverland before. Maybe thats how she got here.
Y/n nodded “twice”
Peter smiled at her vagueness. He took a few steps closer, tilting her head. “Love, how’d you get here? Since it seems you weren’t trying to.”
“No, I wasn’t.” She grumbled frustrated. Then Y/n had a thought that she might as well ask. “Do- do you know if anyone else besides me came here?... Like I did.” Y/n asked shyly asked before glancing down, digging her foot around in the damp dirt like sand.
Peter grimaced, knowing he couldn’t give this girl the answer she was looking for. “No. No one steps foot in Neverland with out me knowing. Sorry Love, your the only one.”
Y/n’s expression dropped with his reluation. She was all alone. Where was everyone else sent? Where was her father sent? “Crap.” She mumbled under her breath in a deafted tone.
“Let’s sit. Talk.” Peter offered, trying to change the subject off the fact she was alone in a strange place. An more on the topic of how she got there. Peter guided Y/n over towards a few rocks close by that they could sit on and relax a bit. “What happened?”
Once seated Y/n sighed trying to think of how she could explain it to him when he probably doesn’t know who she’d be talking about. So she said screw it. “The Evil Queen, she cast a curse on the Enchanted Forest.” Y/n told him, looking at his face for clues. He seemed to understand about the Enchanted Forest, maybe he was from there before here? “All of it.” she added sadly.
“What did the curse do? Do you know?” Peter asked gently. He needed to know and understand about what happened, and get her to trust him.
“It was suppose to take away everyone's happiness. Transport them all to a land without happy endings, without magic. I imagine so she can control the environment, control whether everyone is happy or miserable. To a land where there are no happily ever afters.” Y/n explained a little bit of bitterness in her voice at the end.
“Neverland is full of magic. I don’t think you went to the right place. Or she didn’t want you there.” he explained softly, moving a hand to rub her back in a comforting manner.
Y/n shook her head “I don’t know why I didn’t end up with everyone else.”
They sat in silence for a moment before the two heard a splash. When Y/n looked over she saw the water ripple and something under the water swimming away.
“What is that?” Y/n asked standing up to try and get a better look at what it might have been. Maybe just possibly could it have been someone from her realm.
Peter Stood as well, coming up to stand right next to her. “A mermaid. They can travel between realms. Nasty creatures.”
Y/n snapped her head in his direction. How dare he judge all mermaids like that! Y/n happened to know a few good ones. Ones that help people. “Hey!” she exclaimed, in her upset her eyes had glowed a very vibrant swirl of colors. When she gets to emotional sometimes her magic makes a involuntary appearance. Y/n’s magic was similar to her fathers but also very different. She couldn’t travel between realms like he can an she didn’t need a hat. Y/ has to know the place or have to have been there before to travel to the realm of her choice. Not to hard since she’s gone with her dad to most of the realms. An if she concentrated hard enough on it and only if she concentrated could she sense and feel what realm her loved ones are in. That’s how she knew that wherever Regina had sent everyone they must be in a realm she had never gone to before. Which in all honesty scares her more.

“You have magic.” Peter let out a airy laugh of shock and excitement. Now she just became even more interesting to him.
“Don’t even try it.” Y/n spoke backing up from him with two steps. Just to be cautious.
Peter held his hands up in surrender. “I didn’t and don’t plan on hurting you, Love.”
Y/n scoffed “Yeah, that’s what a lot of people say when they find out someone has magic.”
Peter quirked an eyebrow “Your not very trusting are you?”
“I don’t have a reason to trust you. Trust is earned not something that’s giving freely. Its not to be taken lightly.” She warned about the green clad male.
“Let me earn it.” Peter said as if he was daring her.
“What?” Y/n asked confused
“Let me earn your trust.” Peter explained what he just meant.
“Why should I do that?” Y/n asked him squinting her eyes at him.
“Well, for starters your stuck here till you find out where everyone you know is. And I’m the ruler of Neverland, I know everything that happens here. You’ll probably be here awhile…Were more alike than you think.” Peter smiled walking up to her in so few steps.
Y/n didn’t fully trust him, not one bit. If she learned anything in traveling and doing jobs with her dad it was to be cautious of what or who you trust. “Ok.” But Y/n knew he might be right and he might be the only one who could help her. So she excepted his proposal.
“Peter smiled “Let me show you around.”
Part 3
Separated - Peter Pan (4/6)
Jefferson/Mad Hatter x daughter reader
Peter Pan x Fem!reader
Warnings: none
Word count: 557
Summary: Peter finds a way to comfort the reader about who she misses most.
Authors Note: short but this is gonna hit to what Peter’s bigger plan is.
Once Upon A Time Masterlist
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

“Love” Peter called out sweetly
“Hmmm?” Y/n hummed
“I have something I want to show you.” He said as he came up and hugged her from behind. Peter gently started tugging her in the embrace into a room in his treehouse that Y/n had never been in before. Infront of her was a large mirror with a swirl of mist like magic moving around inside of it.
“What’s this, Peter?” Y/n asked turning her head slightly to look at him for an answer.
Peter smiled at her with excitement in his eyes. “I was able to find a way to let you spy on your father wherever he is.”
“Really?” Y/n’s face filled with excitement and shock. “Thank you. Sooo much.” Y/n jumped up wrapping her arms around his neck. Showing him her gratitude.
“Just want you to be happy, Love.” Peter stated in a mumble into her neck. Hugging her right back. He was happy that he could cheer her up.
“You didn’t have to do this for me. Thank you so much. Really, thank you.” Y/n spoke into his shoulder. Willing herself not to cry.
“No, problem Love. You’re welcome.” Peter smiled leaning in to give her a kiss ok her forehead before moving over to use his magic. Peter waved his hand in front of the mirror and behold, it appeared with live images of her father. Showing what he was doing at this exact moment.
Once he saw how happy this plan of his had made her. It made Peter feel very warm inside. Pan decided to leave her alone to watch her father and see that he’s ok. Peter left the room and left the treehouse as well. Once outside of the treehouse Peter approached Felix. As both watched over the rest of the lost boys who were dancing around the fire.
“That was a nice thing you did for her. Although I imagine it’s head. For her to see him and not be able to talk to him or touch him.” Felix spoke from beside Pan.
Peter glanced towards his friend and second in command. “I’m glad I could give her this, to help. But I’m also worried that this will hurt her more. Just in a different way.” Pan sighed, thinking about how this might effect Y/n in a way that he won’t be able to fix as easily.
“What’re you gonna do?” Felix asked. Also worried about the girl who had become a good friend to him and the other lost boys over the time she’d been there.
“I have an idea.” Peter stated with an face that no one could read.
“What’s this idea entail?” Felix wondered out loud. Prepared to help in anyway he may be needed.
“A lot of searching on my part.” Pan smirked looking directly at Felix. “I’ll need you to watch over the boys more often.” He asked of him, knowing that searching for what he’s thinking of will take most of his time up.
Felix nodded in agreement. “No problem. Peter Pan Never Fails. Don’t want the first time to be for a girl he seems to really like.”
Peter glared at him playfully. “Shut up. An your right Peter Pan Never Fails and this is not gonna be the thing that breaks my streak.” He winked.
Separated - Peter Pan (5/6)
Jefferson/Mad Hatter x daughter reader
Peter Pan x fem!reader
Warnings: none
Word count: 1,502
Summary: Peter has a surprise for Y/n, that’ll have an emotional reaction from both of them.
Authors Note: a reunion is in store
Once Upon A Time Masterlist
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

“You set? Get everything you need for however long I’m gone?” Peter questioned, hoping he didn’t forget anything. Not after all his time of planning.
Felix nodded reassuring his leader. “We’re all set, Pan. Don’t worry we’ll be fine.”
Peter nodded “Ok. Lets do this.”
“Have fun.” Felix stated as his farewell. He had helped Pan make all the arrangements. Making sure everything was in place so the Island would be fine, so the lost boys will be fine while Peters gone.
With that Peter nodded and said his leave with Felix and the lost boys. Once that was all said and done, and the explaining that he won’t be gone long. He went to go find his lost girl that won’t be fully just his very soon.
“Love” Peter called out down by the waters shore, where he normally found Y/n over her time on the Island.
Y/n spun around giving Peter a smile before greeting him. “Hey, Peter.”
“I have something for you, Darling. It’s a trip, so pack your stuff and we’ll go.” Peter told her, giving very little details.
Y/n nodded giving him a mischievous smirk. “Ok. I’m not even gonna ask because I already know you won’t tell me if ya haven’t already.”
“Smart Girl” Peter smirked as well before taking her hand and bringing her back to pack up all her stuff.
Once all her stuff was packed up in a bag Peter grabbed it and put it over his shoulder and they were ready to go now.
“Look I know I said I know better than to ask but… Where are we going?” Y/n bit her lip smiling at him, slightly bouncing in front of him. Excited about what Peter Pan had planned.
Peter smiled at her antics giving her a kiss on the cheek. “It’s a surprise, but I promise Love you’re gonna love it.”
Y/n sighed playfully but smiled anyway and wrapped her arms around his torso. Ready for him to take her wherever he had planned. “Ok then.”
An with that Peter wrapped his arm around her as well and they took off. Traveling through the sky has never ceased to scare and excite Y/n. Which after all that time very much amused Peter.
Peter was worried that after doing this he may lose the one person who really understood him and who he could really be content with. But Pan also knew that this is what his lost girl needed. When she first got to the Island Y/n wasn’t lost, just a little scared, but now after being here for years and years of being away from her friends. Loved ones. The people who make a place home for her. She is lost now. She could hear the flute 6 months into being on Neverland. Which started to concern Peter right away. This is what needs to happen. It’s what's best for her. Whether it hurts him or not. Peter just hope’s it doesn’t come to that.
“Where are we?” Y/n asked confused by the fact that they seem to be on some road surrounded by a forest, that looked similar to home for her.
“A little place called StoryBrooke.” Peter stated unwrapping one arm from around her to readjust her bag on his shoulder, while she looked around.
“What realm is this place in?” Y/n turned focusing her attention back on the boy who’s taken care of her when she had no one else.
Peter smiled shaking his head. “Questions, questions, questions Love.”
“Peter!” She exclaimed not believing he was still keeping her in the dark. Even though their at their destination.
“This place is so cute. In a weird way.” Y/n smiled in wonder. They had just walked through such a cute little town, during the sunset no less. Now it was dark and they were walking up a twisting road.
“Yeah, it is huh.” Pan gave a tight lipped smile. He knew exactly what this town is. Where everyone's truly from. Peter would have to considering all he had to search for and through just to find what he was looking for. Peter stopped walking which also made Y/n stop walking having felt him stop, considering their hands are linked. “Lets stop for a minute. Ok, so you asked what realm this place was in, and I evaded the question earlier. I avoided it Love, because I know what happens to us when I tell you.” Pan gave her a sad smile, which left Y/n very concerned. Y/n moved to stand in front of him cupping his cheek with her unoccupied hand, rubbing on the top of his cheekbone. “I know what happens when I show you what's here. What here is.”
All that he’s saying was very confusing to the young woman. An it was worrying her very much. “Peter, what's wrong? What's here? Come on you can tell me. Its been a decade an half, you know or at least you should know you can talk to me. About anything. And yes I figured out how long its been. Its one of the reasons I was so down a while back. An I appreciate you trying to keep me in the dark, first it pissed me off but I get why you did it. So thank you.”
“Welcome.” He let out a sigh before continuing. “Down this road is a big mansion.” Peter spoke softly, glancing behind her where the road continue on.
Y/n shook her head, furrowing her eyebrows. “I don’t understand.”
“There’s a man. He lives there, all alone.” Peters corners of his lips twitched up, but right now he just couldn’t form a very happy expression. Pan is happy knowing how happy she’s going to be when she finds out, but he’s still sad losing her. “In town, all the people- the whole population. Everyone's from the Enchanted Forest.”
“Wha- I-I… How’d you?” She stuttered. Entirely confused but she believed him even though it sounded impossible after all this time. But he hadn’t lied to her yet, so she trust what he’s saying now.
Peter grabbed her hands off his cheek, holding and moving it to hold it against his heart. “I’ve been looking for a while. At first to just see where everyone was sent to. I just didn’t put much effort into it. But with seeing how much you’ve been hurting the last couple of weeks, missing everyone especially your father. I wanted to help, reunite the two of you. Even if it mean you leave Neverland.”
Y/n instantly understood. Peter wanted to help her. Make her happy again. He did all this- searched for so long just to make her happy again. To be with her loved ones again. Her dad again. “Oh, Peter.”
“Love, I want you to be happy. Neverland- I can tell you love it, but I can also tell its not meant to be your home Y/n. you need your friends and family.” Pan smiled at her. It wasn’t big but he did genuinely mean it. He bit his lip before pulling her in for a hug, which Y/n returned.
“Thank you, Peter. So, so much.” She whispered into his chest. The weight of everything was finally hitting her. An what he meant early now made sense to her. “Hey” Y/n called to get his attention, leaning back just the tinniest bit to look him in the eyes. She smiled smugly up at him. “You and the lost boys have become my friends to, ya know. Family. Really. You guys have been all I’ve had for so long.”
Peter let out a laugh which also happened to be a breath of relief she had just proved his worries wrong. “Same, Love. Now lets get you to your new house. Your new home.”
With that all cleared up Peter felt a lot better about what the outcome could be of this. Y/n she felt excited but also anxious. Yes, she was finally with everyone she knows (well with them). Yes, she was about to be with her father again. But it had been so long it scared her a little.
They started up the winding road again. Up to the mansion that Peter says her father lives in. A odd change to where they lived in the Enchanted Forest.
“Calm down. Its a huge house” Pan pulled her closer into his side teasing her lightly.
“What if he doesn’t remember me?” Y/n mumbled looking down, playing with her fingers. A nervous habit Peter noticed she had over the time they’ve spent together.
Pan stopped her fidgeting holding her together before promising. “Y/n, you’ve been watching him for weeks. You know he misses you. Love, even I know without a doubt that he misses you.”
Y/n leaned her head onto his shoulder. “I’m just anxious.” She admitted
Peter nodded in understanding. “I know, but you have no reason to be.”
Part 6 (Last Part)
Separated - Peter Pan (6/6)
Jefferson/Mad Hatter x daughter reader
Peter Pan x Fem!reader
Warnings: none
Word count: 525
Summary: A father and daughter are reunited thanks to a boy who wears green.
Authors Note: Final part. I might make a one shot to add to this series where Y/n and Jefferson catch up and he maybe shows her around town and explains what Storybrooke is and what exactly has happened etc etc. Would you guys be interested in that? Comment of send an ask if you are.
Once Upon A Time Masterlist
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5

As Peter and Y/n walked up through the rounded driveway, up to the front door. Standing there was nerve racking to both for different reasons. Despite the nerves Y/n took a deep breath and knocked on the front door.
“Dad” Y/n practically whimpered at the sight of her dad, for the first time in what felt like forever.
“Y/n” Jefferson said stunned. He couldn’t believe his eye’s. Afraid tht this was another cruel joke from Regina like remembering, he had to ask to be sure. “Is it really you?”
Y/n’s face broke out into pure happiness as she nodded. “Yeah. Yes, Daddy. Its really me.”
Jefferson reached forward pulling his daughter into his arms as he stepped out on to his front porch. “H-How? Why? But, h-how?”
She let out a happy laugh, wrapping her arms around her father. Holding him just as tight as he’s holding her. “That’s a long story, Daddy. But I’m back now. I’m here to stay. And I’ll explain it all with time. I promise.”
Peter watched the father and daughter reconnect. It was obvious to Pan that the man before him truly missed his lost girl. Their lost girl I guess you could say. That is a fact that Peter knew comforted Y/n. That her dad obviously really missed her. And now she’s not lost anymore.
After awhile Y/n let go of her tight embrace around her father, on turned to Peter with a smile. Still in her fathers arms. “Thank you, again Peter.”
“Love, you can stop thanking me.” Peter smirked, teasing her with a raised eyebrow.
“Well I’m gonna thank you. For anything and everything you’ve done for my daughter. An thank you for bringing her to me.” Jefferson cut in. Peter could tell how grateful the man was by the look he was betraying in his eyes. Peter gave him a small nodd in acknowledgment of his gratitude.
“I wanted to do this for her, and Peter Pan Never Fails.” Peter switched the focus of his eyes from her father back to his lost girl when he spoke the end of his statement.
Y/n smirked at him shaking her head side to side in amusement. “No, no he doesn’t.”
Peter smiled, teeth showing and all. He took a few steps towards her and placed a kiss on her cheek, leaning down a bit to do so. “Bye, Love.”
With those words Peter gave her one last smile before turning and walking away from the mansion that would now be where his lost girl would be calling home. Before he could get to far away Y/n yelled out. “Hey Peter!” Pan turned around to acknowledge her. Wondering what she might be stopping him for. “I expect for you to come visit.” Y/n smiled at him giving him a knowing look.
Peter nodded, looking down letting out a puff of breath at the obvious reasons as to why she told him that. It was reassuring all the same. “I will, Love. You’ll have to come back and visit as well. We’ll all miss you.”
“Count on it.” She promised
The End....
* Should I write a oneshot or a couple of them to belong to this series about the reader settling into StoryBrooke? Or going back to visit Neverland? Or Peter maybe some of the lost boys coming to visit the ready?
Eye's On You - Peter Pan
Peter x fem!reader
Warnings: none
Word count: 373
Summary: Peter watching over you when you sleep because he’s worried about you.
Once Upon A time Masterlist

“Are you seriously still watching me sleep?” Y/n giggled raising her grows as she opened her eyes.
“You have a problem with it?” Pan asked looking down at her laying down form.
“No. You're just worrying me.” she shook her head staring at him with concern in her eyes.
“Why am I worrying you, love? I stare at you all the time.” Peter questioned, brushing back her hair from her face.
“Normally it’s with adoration or lust. This.” Y/n reached up to cup his cheek, biting her lip. “This is with concern. AN I’m not hurt so what’s troubling you?”
Peter sighed looking away but not enough for her hand to leave his cheek. “I don’t know.”
“What do you mean?” Y/n asked sitting up a little more, wanting him to know she was indeed listening.
“It’s just a feeling. Like something’s coming.” Pan shook his head lightly. It had been bothering him for a week now, and he had been keeping it to himself. It felt good to talk about it.
“An you feel I’m going to get hurt when it does?” Y/n asked knowingly, his voice had cracked slightly she knew how much the prospect of her getting hurt bothered him.
Peter nodded ‘yes’ turning to look at her. “I won’t let anything harm you. You know that right?”
Tilting her head to the side giving him a half smile. “Peter, I’m not the one that’s worried here.”
“It’s just a feeling. It’s probably nothing.” Peter shrugged but it convinced no one, at least not Y/n. She knew him to well. It had been on his mind to long for it to not still be bothering him.
“When you get these feelings it ends up being something.” Y/n stated, knowing it wasn’t helpful advice but it was the truth.
“Not helping.” Peter rolled his head to the side looking at her with an unimpressed look.
“I know I’m not easing your mind, but whatever you're feeling if it does happen. Then we’ll deal with it. We always do. Peter Pan never fails.” Y/n stated smirking as she climbed onto his lap to straddle him. They always beat the odds and they’d do it again.
Rumplestiltskin in ouat season 3 teaching us that you can break generational trauma by making it worse!
Peter Pan: "my dad abandoned me so I'm going to abandon my kid"
Rumple: "My dad abandoned me so I'm going to abandon my kid"
Niel: "I didn't know I had a kid but now that I do I won't abandon him"
Rumple: "I'm going to kill him then"
Peter Pan: "Not if I kill him first"
It's honestly a miracle Henry survived neverland
I first watched ouat when I was like 13 and I just kinda accepted everything without question.
And I didn't process the fact that teenagers could be lost boys so I assumed that Felix was meant to be like a 12 year old kid at 6'1 (the actor was like 26)
I'm assuming he was like 18 but god why didn't I question that
(Once upon a time au - spoilers for season 3 and I think season 6)
Ngl I kinda loved the Henry/Pan body swap I low-key wish it stayed like that. It probably wouldn't have been great in the actual show but I'd love to see that in a fic/au
Everyone really struggling at fighting Peter because he looks like Henry? Amazing. And I like thinking about if they kept it that way, imagine them trying to raise the kid who looked like their enemy
(this is an angsty and long post)
Rumple looking at his grandson and only seeing his father who betrayed him. Tbh, I don't think he thought of Pan as the same person as his dad in general. Like pre-neverland he only saw him like that twice and it probably would've been more "the boy my dad invented to get rid of me" yk? That's my opinion at least
So Rumpy knowing Henry was supposey fated to kill him and then looking like that guy? He would not have handled that well and I'd have loved to see him having more of a reaction
Killian seeing his stepson and trying to ignore that he looked like the man who killed his brother. Pre-neverland I think he only knew Pan from when he rocked up and tricked him into killing his brother/best friend/only remaining family? So going from that, as well as everything in neverland, to marrying Emma and having to live with someone in Pan's body would've been sad as shit and I'd have loved it. He was dealing with his own guilt a lot when he moved in and I think this would've made it just that little bit worse
Regina and Emma trying to raise their son while looking at the man who kidnapped him. Both of them are definitely "fight first, question later" girls and they would've had to try to unlearn that in order to not hurt their son. Especially since they knew Pan as the guy that kidnapped Henry and the guy that tried to kill them all.
If this happened then the way I'd have done it would be someone finding out he was planning the curse and killing him before he could kill Felix (to stop the curse and also bc I love Felix and I have plans for him). Since he was still in Henry's body when he did the curse I would've said they killed him before he could switch places (I forgot how and when they switched back mb, doesn't affect the au too much right?)
So somebody (Rumple would probably work best but readers choice ig) killed Peter/Malcolm while he was in Henry's body and he got trapped in that body with magic so that he couldn't escape. Since the body would've been messed up when he got killed, Henry stays in Pan's body.
And I mentioned I had plans for Felix - he was clearly very devoted to Pan, like he didn't even get that mad when he killed him. I'm willing to bet that if he survived he still would've defended him. But now "Pan" is actually not Pan, it's the boy Pan wanted to sacrifice and I think Felix would've been pissed about that.
So he'd also be struggling with this entire situation. Losing Pan, but still seeing him in this town. Knowing Henry he'd try to talk to Felix too. Felix would either fully isolate himself, seek revenge on anyone and everyone who took part in Pan's downfall or he'd follow Henry around, trying to cling to any remaining part of Pan's existence. Assuming Regina doesn't kill him that is
Or if you want to stick to the canon show a bit more then Rumpy could kill him after the curse was cast but before he could turn back to himself.
And side note- Peter actually looks more like Emma and Neal's kid tbh. Like Henry looks sort of like Regina's son, and I see the snow white in him, but I don't see the Emma yk? So in the "Emma loses her memory again and thinks she's a regular parent" storyline she'd just assume he turned out more like her, Regina could alter her memory into thinking he always looked like that anyway.
And in that version she'd have the two versions of her memory. One where she sees her son as he always was and then getting the memory of who he actually was dumped on her. And struggling even more with seeing both simultaneously, even worse because Henry also wouldn't remember.
Which brings me to the point of - imagine Henry trying to grow up looking like the guy that took advantage of his kindness like that? Every time he looked in a mirror he'd see Pan instead of himself (and there are a lot of mirrors around when you're being raised by the former evil queen).
He'd see everyone struggling to adjust to him, he'd know why, and he'd probably feel insanely awful about it. He blamed himself for Neverland anyway, now he'd blame himself for everyone's discomfort.
And like I said at the start of this lil au infodump, I don't think it would've worked long term in the actual show. I don't think the writers could've got it to work in some of the storylines, but Pan-Henry has been rattling around in my brain like a lego stuck in a jar since I first watched it. Basically I want everyone to be sadder and I want more Pan, the angst potential in this is incredible to me.
So for all of the OUAT fans that are still out there what would you think if I wrote a Felix x OC fix. Like the Oc was Goldilocks before the curse and knew Felix before he became a lost boy. Obviously Felix lives because I just do not want him to die again but I also want the curse to happen because reasons that will be important later. But if you think of any like backstory ideas or something let me know I guess