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1 year ago

school dump

ok so I made like 12 posts about how shit is going by crazy there but actually… I need to rant :)

(it’s a high school, I’m 18 tho)

it’s a really good school. Like absolutely amazing academics and shit. The only problem is it’s lack of caring

like there’s literally no POC, any nurodivegence is seen as dumb or you’re a “sped kid”. There are a TON of queer and nurodivergent individuals, but the school refuses to recognize them beyond mental health awareness month (in which they put up signs saying ‘be happy’)

moreover, because the academics are so competitive, many people are often forced into classes they mentally, physically, and emotionally cannot handle. The school tries to get ever kid to take at LEAST 1 ap class per year, staring from freshman year. It’s insane. Every person I know who has been forced to take the ‘accelerated track’ is miserable and has been /is suicidal. The ones who aren’t are just as sad because many of them feel they are worthless because the ‘smart kids’ get all the praise.

this is why there was a stabbing. This is why someone intentionally pulled the fire alarm to get out of class. This is why my friends are never happy. This is why I use fallout as an escape, because survival in the wasteland is easier than school. I can’t wait to get out of here

tldr; school sucks because of the people who run it, and because of the things that happen as a result of the administration’s mistakes and i use fallout as an escape, because survival in the wasteland is easier than school.

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2 years ago

the way disney continues to shit on george lucas and the absolute masterpiece of a universe, storyline, lore, and overall franchise he created… it genuinely upsets me. star wars og trilogy and prequels trilogy are actual masterpieces, however flawed they may or may not be. they need to let it go and move tf on. they did come out with a few good things, but it’s time to stop. genuinely and truly, it’s time to stop. my skywalker family is not being shown the respect they deserve :( i’m sad.

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3 years ago

One day, I will snap about the plus size reader content on this app. It may be today or tomorrow, but it’s a bubbling volcano at this point. Like god damn, can we get content where for once our bodies are not fetishized. I wouldn’t even be this mad if this wasn’t a major thing with people continuously writing it in fics but having no warning(s) for it. 

The fact some of y’all are like uwu your fav’s a ✨chubby chaser✨ isn’t the great take you think it is. If you wanna say that they find plus size people attractive/ they love them, then say that PLEASE. Stop bringing in this term that is literally meant to describe someone with a fetish for plus size people!! 

If you fetishize something, you cannot have any respect for it whatsoever especially when that fetish involves human beings. Im getting sick and tired of scrolling through this tags to find content that makes me feel happy about my body only for it to be weird fetish shit where that character only likes you cause you’re chubby/plus size! More yelling in the tags below.

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2 years ago

For the thin individuals with eating disorders and body dysmorphia that are trying to use those are shields in the notes: Your mental illness is not an excuse for you to harm other people nor does it prevent you from being called out on it. Acting like you are a variation from these statements simply because you are ill is not only bullshit but also dangerous. Large sections of your communities are known for openly attacking and harassing fat people to the point where nearly every fat creator I've seen who choose to show their face on social media has had people use their images for pro ed accounts with the most vile comments added in. You all do not get to act like you being ill excuses you from the vile shit I’ve seen some of you say to fat people or the damage your words have on the fat people around you. If you want to not be called out by this post and posts like it, actively try to be better and start treating fat people with respect.

thin people calling themselves fat negatively is so malicious... especially in front of fat people

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1 year ago

Something I honestly hate is when I am looking for books with a plus-size main character, and when I finally find a story that looks like it works, all the art for the "plus size" character is just a skinny woman. Like come fucking on, now.

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1 year ago

I don't know about anyone else, but I am kinda pissed that Baldur's Gate 3 doesn't allow Tav to be fat.

Why in one of the best games of the year, do we still not have character creation that allows fat bodies to exist, in a fantasy game of all things? Are fat people not supposed to exist in a fantasy world?

Or do people deem fatness so negatively that when given an escape from reality, they couldn't understand why someone would want to be fat there too?

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11 months ago

Discourse Warning:

If I ever see someone shaming my friends for being selective again, I'll drag you out by your hair in front of God and everyone. I don't give a shit if you're jealous, you come OFF ANON when you have a problem with someone. If you sit there and send anon messages instead, you aren't looking for a resolution to that problem. You just want to stir shit up and make people feel bad. Grow the fuck up, and if you don't like someone's content--Get out.

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11 months ago

:33 < rant

:33 < being a system is just.... so scary. i constantly have mental breakdowns, idont permit "myself" to look at "me" in the mirror, idont know who "i"am because iam not me. its a group of people. it feels so insane, like im not real. people call me by my name in which idont realise iam me or at least supposed to be. ihave so much confusion in life, so much amnesia and unawareness, its crazy. i just want to be freed and alone. we dont particularly like each other either. icant stare at myself normally. i seem to have to have a mental breakdown. ifeel so out of place. so abnormal. the others themselves get scared. we barely know who we are. am i the host ? really ?? did the actual host go dormant years ago ?? i question this daily because it dosent seem like im the actual me more like a fake version, or a figment of the original. a place holder. yea sure, icall myself the original, but am i really ?? maybe buzy knows, but then again buzy also is a little.... much. shes trying to.... well idont really wanna say it so yea. she wouldnt exactly be of much help. maybe all the others named s ? imeannnn theyre kinda the same as buzy. and its not exactly like we talk to eachother. imean yea, our headspace is super boring, but we kinda enjoy being alone and dont talk to eachother so iguess. thats. alright. idont know im probably just gonna stop this

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11 months ago

B33 < rant ? about june though, so its positive !! :3

:33 < ithink a really interesting headcanon is headcanonning june as having long hair due to the fact that she probably no longer has a pair of scissors to actually cut her hair

:33 < like yea, sure, they have daves sword, but that wouldnt make for a clean cut, and itd be pretty funny if they all tried cutting their hair years ago but realised the haircut looked bad and never tried it again (though maybe if theres any character who wouldve liked the wonky, uneven hair cut its rose ifeel like they wouldve enjoyed it idont know why)

B33 < either that or they just dint cut their hair as a whole :oP more long hair daves !! more long hair john/junes !! more long haired men !!

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11 months ago

yooo wassup my homie nepeta!! i got a question!!!! so, what r your fav ICP songs?? mine are prolly miracles (totes obligatory for every hs fan Bo)) ), here comes the carnival n down with the clown!!!! cant wait to hear what yours are!! :33

:33 < hiiii !! honestly ? idont think icould ever pick a favourite !! (and not just cause of my decidiophobia xoD) but because theyre all so great and so unique in their own way !! i really enjoy all the songs, from the yum yum bedlam albums, to the great milenko albums, to the bang ! pow ! boom ! albums, to the music that shaggy and violent j make separatly in their own time, just all of it as a whole !! sorry ididnt give a proper answer, but if it makes it better, ithink my first icp song was either queens or juggalo juice !! icant exactly remember which (back with the awful memory x3) but they definitely are 2 great songs and im glad i started with them !! definitely have listened to more of their songs though now, idont exactly think ineed to choose because theyre all so great in their own way !! anyways, sorry for like,, the whole paragraph,, that was a bit much but yea !! hope that somewhat answered your question :3 and thanks !! :33

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10 months ago

B33 < system rant (again, iknow, im sorry)

:33 < iknow i say im a system but in reality, idont even know if im a system. its more of a precaution than a statement. yes, im a system, but am i really ? everyday i feel as though im faking, and even though ihave little notes from when others were fronting, or proof of people interacting with my alters, its so daunting and just makes me feel like im faking. idont always switch. idont have an inner world as iam unable to see one and never will be. we dont have any communication, as we lack the feel/need to talk to eachother, we (most of us) arent friends, and we lack healthy relationships. yea, my trauma made me multiple people, but what if it actually didnt and iwas lying to myself ? its so overwhelming being a system. i worry im faking my system hood and actually just lying, but when i even see that ihave the notes from the others and the headmates talking with the folks iknow, it still just persistently feels like im faking. so yea, im a system. at least, ithink so. isay so. idont know though. take that as a warning, a precaution, a note, not an exact statement. just a little "watch out if idont sound like myself because im a system and my alters might be fronting so thats why iwont sound like myself !!" not a "yea, we're a system and iknow that for a fact !! we're really proud of it, and it is of much importance to us !!" so yea, here we sit. or i. idont know for a fact. am i a system ? am i ? am i really.

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9 months ago


i am so sorry i just saw these today i was on my main for the longest time ever ummmm. but holy cow you are so cool woah?!?!?!

and you also explained really well!!! ty :3 i understand it better now!!

i think the thing is that i like lerning anout stuff like minorities or certain groups, even if im not part of them to defend that group from the haters. because there will always be haters. and nobody deserves to be hated!!! except provlematic people like pedophiles and stuff. ew. also because i like having the knowledge to explain to people and stuff yk!! so i can help somebody who is confused like i was!! the thing is i know some people irl who judge alterhumans, and then online i know some people who are. so.

also i have my icp privileges back maybe ill get back into them 💔💔 my parents said i cant go to a gathering until im older though sign. which like i get it but yk…,???,?.?.?.

also my father doesnt like icp all that much. (neither does my grandpa but yk. old people/hj) it was fine until to catch a predator came and he completely misinterpreted the song ☹️☹️☹️. man i wish i had a time machine or a memory eraser or something so i wouldve never played the specific songs that git me in trouble (same thing for rainbows & stuff)


:33 < HEYA ANON !! ^_^ do not worryz about seeing my explanation latte, youcan see it whenever yiuwant its fine lolz idont mind :3c idont police when yiu read my posts read it whenever yiuwant dont worry :33 and thank you !! \(^w^)/ i tried my best, but am glad you underastand better now !! :3c me too !! i really do love getting educated on topics and cultures and identities im uneducated on !! its so amazing to defend groups who havent hurt anyone, love it when people arent apart of something but dont judge/support it even if not fully understand !! its amazing always feeling !! ido agree !! nobody deserves grusome hate !! hate tears people apart !! im all for peace for things that dont harm anyone !! somme people are just mean and choose to bully ithers thiugh :o( qlso im glad youhave your icp privileges back !! its sad that youcant go to the gathering though :o( ive never been, but only because idont live there !! idont know if my parents would let me go to one, but they are surprisingly supportive (ish) of me listening to icp !! recently my mother bought fake icp merch which is.... sweet of her !! because she had good intentions !! she wants to give it back though, after realising it was fake, but istill love and appreciate the gift !! my dad also dosent love icp all that muuch either xoD iwas liestenijg to one of shaggy's songs, and it mustve had a lot of swearing without me realising so my dad was like "heyyyy enough of that bro" xoDD im sorry your dad misinterpreted to catch a predator though :o(( its such a shame because that song is great, and has a meaning behinf it off supporting children from.... yaknow. predators. sometimes iwish ihad a time machine too, but them ithink "well maybe this happened for a certain reason !!" because everything in life happens for a scertain reason :o) !! anywayd, im not sure what else to write, so isill be finishing/rounding this off now !!

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