Im Waffaling - Tumblr Posts
:33 < guys put me in the records for being the first mspec mono, aplatonic, xenogender, neopronoun opera singer please and thanks🤑🤑‼️perhaps even the first alterhuman, otherkin/fictionkin/therian/plantkin/spacekin opera singer ?? wow am i a strange little critter oh my god☠️☠️‼️🤑

:33 < ps surrtyy ifurr mewudikynt wanata be taGGrred.... also imeowght meowke mewre artrv !1!1 :33 nyat right nyao furrough :oT

:33 < possivly a new oc !! m33t (meet) star !! star uses all pronouns (excluding themed neos, including all other types of neos like thon/thons, it/its, ect) except male/masculine ones and specifically uses star/stars/starself neos !! star is a nonbinary, (dont call her trans though please !! she loves trans nonbinary people and people who call themselves trans and nonbinary but they dont feel comfortable with the term "trans" due to the label not feeling as though it "fits" and past trauma !!) genderfae, asexual, nebularomantic, (but they dont call themselves aroace/she dosent feel comfortable with it) ambiamorous, stargender, transxenine, futch lesbian !! they have a butch, bi lesbian, transmasc, lesboy, bigender, multigender, girlboyfriend which ihavent drawn yet but yea (<_<") !! it loves describing its fashion style as decora, kawaii kei, kidcore, alt, goth, ext !! ^_^ she has type 2 diabetes, chronic pain, chronic fatigue, and is autistic !! ze has a hyperfixation on space (specifically stars) and forrests !! ey are also non human, but are not sure what their alterhumanity is yet !! they are questioning faekin, and some type of plantkin, but arent fully too sure yet !! all she knows is it isnt human !! also they are a pagan and wicca ^_^ ithink thats it for now :3
:33 < nyea im purrobly purrling an all nyaghter
:33 < aromantic romantic goths. just hear me out.
:33 < butch this, femme that, lets show a litte appreciation for our futches
B33 < genuinely sorry to my mewts who tag anything ive asked them to tag. i appreciate it so so so so much !! to the point where yall dont even understand !! but im sorry for "nepeta, buzy, and [REDACTED]" getting triggered over the word "stupid" or something 😭😭‼️ blame those three, its mostly them who ineed triggers for xoT /hj /lh but i really do appreciate my mewts triggering things, even the "silly" ones, im so grateful <33
B33 < i find it so silly that people are like "RAHHHH YOUHAVE TO QUESTION IF YOURE NON HUMAN IN GREAT CARE AND SO SO SO SO MUCH THOUGHT HAS TO BE PUT INTO THIS" like.... not all non human identities will be forever ? identity is pretty fluid, its not surprising that a kid whos an alterhuman right now might have their identity fade later. just let kids be kids ?? if theyre "wrong" its not the end of the world ?? and plus they might be their identity now, and perhaps a different one later !! identity dosent have to stick forever !! if the label fits you right now, use it. dont spend hours questioning and questioning if deep down you believe you are that identity !! (this goes for lgbtqia2s+ as well but thats not really the point of this post !!) anyways, end of story, dont force pressure onto kids and dont force kids to figure out their identity/shove their identity into a little solid box that can never change, kids arent supposed to be forced to deal with things like that
B33 < rant ? about june though, so its positive !! :3
:33 < ithink a really interesting headcanon is headcanonning june as having long hair due to the fact that she probably no longer has a pair of scissors to actually cut her hair
:33 < like yea, sure, they have daves sword, but that wouldnt make for a clean cut, and itd be pretty funny if they all tried cutting their hair years ago but realised the haircut looked bad and never tried it again (though maybe if theres any character who wouldve liked the wonky, uneven hair cut its rose ifeel like they wouldve enjoyed it idont know why)
B33 < either that or they just dint cut their hair as a whole :oP more long hair daves !! more long hair john/junes !! more long haired men !!
yooo wassup my homie nepeta!! i got a question!!!! so, what r your fav ICP songs?? mine are prolly miracles (totes obligatory for every hs fan Bo)) ), here comes the carnival n down with the clown!!!! cant wait to hear what yours are!! :33
:33 < hiiii !! honestly ? idont think icould ever pick a favourite !! (and not just cause of my decidiophobia xoD) but because theyre all so great and so unique in their own way !! i really enjoy all the songs, from the yum yum bedlam albums, to the great milenko albums, to the bang ! pow ! boom ! albums, to the music that shaggy and violent j make separatly in their own time, just all of it as a whole !! sorry ididnt give a proper answer, but if it makes it better, ithink my first icp song was either queens or juggalo juice !! icant exactly remember which (back with the awful memory x3) but they definitely are 2 great songs and im glad i started with them !! definitely have listened to more of their songs though now, idont exactly think ineed to choose because theyre all so great in their own way !! anyways, sorry for like,, the whole paragraph,, that was a bit much but yea !! hope that somewhat answered your question :3 and thanks !! :33
:33 < by the waysq the "yanny or larel" thibgg wasz never true. in the endd it wass sceretky sayingg "gamzee"
afton? like william?
:33 < exploszion !1!!?1?
B33 < im nore a fnafg fann u_u bur willainm afton purble bgay !1!
:33 < CRAEZY :33
:33 < workingg on a pronouns page, but its so difficult cause i use a million genders flags and sexualities😭😭‼️
YOO YOU UPDATED YOUR INTRO!! SHIT SO MUCH STUFF HAPPENED WHEN I WAS GONE!! i was a lil busy for a bit of time so I wasn't active, but now im back!! also, how are you doing? :33
:33 < O YWA :33 I REMADE THE WHOLE THING CAUSE IDIDNT RELALLY LOVE THHE OLD ONE x3c DONT WORRY ABOUT BEING BUSY THOUGH I UNDERSTAND ^_^ ദ്ദി ꒦ິ꒳꒦ິ )✧ im gllad yiuur mbaxk !1! :33 im alrightt honnesly !1! wbahht aaboutt yiu ? :3c
:33 < hass anyone coined an identity where someone identifies as something but isnt taht important/at all important to their identity ? like, opposite of vestiality ? (is that how its spelt ? :oP)
B33 < cause if so itd be quite fun to coin it :3c
:33 < rainbow dash never let them take away your transmasc lesboyism away from you
i saw you like one of my kinfessions and you look super cool hi
:33 < velopp !! :3c thankk you !!!! x33c helolroloeo :o00
Catnip! 🐱🌿💚
:33 < thahts mmeeee !! :33 heloooo !! :00 oh mi gosh imagikne if someone mmade catnnip for dogss ?? :o0 ghat would be crazy !!

B33 < thabnk you my dear mewtual !! ^w^