Personas - Tumblr Posts

8 months ago


his head is a crystal that’s why it’s shiny

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6 years ago

La culpa-pensó Gabe-es un emoción hecha a la medida de cada persona

Personas desconocidas

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5 years ago

Aquí todos tenemos miedo, Pajarillo. Miedo de lo que hay en nuestro interior, miedo de lo que hay en el interior de los demás, miedo de lo que hay fuera. Nos asustan los cambios. Nos asusta quedarnos igual.

La historia del Loco. John Katzenbach.

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6 months ago

Heh… I heard we were making some Poolsonas after the new Deadpool movie… get ready for that soon 😈


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5 months ago

a demon on one shoulder

A Demon On One Shoulder

featuring @southwest-strangla :3c

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7 years ago

Nadie puede decirme que no lo he intentado. Nadie sabe lo mucho que he luchado.


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1 year ago
Viper Venomous:Age: 38747433Bio: A Demoness Who Cares For No Onebut Herself. She Starts Crap With Anyonebecause
Viper Venomous:Age: 38747433Bio: A Demoness Who Cares For No Onebut Herself. She Starts Crap With Anyonebecause
Viper Venomous:Age: 38747433Bio: A Demoness Who Cares For No Onebut Herself. She Starts Crap With Anyonebecause
Viper Venomous:Age: 38747433Bio: A Demoness Who Cares For No Onebut Herself. She Starts Crap With Anyonebecause
Viper Venomous:Age: 38747433Bio: A Demoness Who Cares For No Onebut Herself. She Starts Crap With Anyonebecause
Viper Venomous:Age: 38747433Bio: A Demoness Who Cares For No Onebut Herself. She Starts Crap With Anyonebecause
Viper Venomous:Age: 38747433Bio: A Demoness Who Cares For No Onebut Herself. She Starts Crap With Anyonebecause
Viper Venomous:Age: 38747433Bio: A Demoness Who Cares For No Onebut Herself. She Starts Crap With Anyonebecause
Viper Venomous:Age: 38747433Bio: A Demoness Who Cares For No Onebut Herself. She Starts Crap With Anyonebecause
Viper Venomous:Age: 38747433Bio: A Demoness Who Cares For No Onebut Herself. She Starts Crap With Anyonebecause

Viper Venomous: Age: 38747433 Bio: A demoness who cares for no one but herself. She starts crap with anyone because loves doing it, because it's fun to her and wants to keep harming others, she takes pleasure of doing it and she's derange as all get out.

Randy Aqua: Age: 365411 Bio: A merman who is good nature and wants to the explore the human world and meet humans to become friends with and so that the merpeople and humans can live in harmony.

Bruno Von Fredrich: Age: Unknown Released Form: Bull Released Speech: Rise, Taro! Bio: Another arrancar who is number 12 and is all about pride and power. He wants to number one so bad that's why he keeps fighting and goes all in to become even more powerful he's a brash and loud arrancar not afraid to speaks his mind he always blunt but does have a soft spot for kids because he sees them being strong adults in the future.

Dracoboy: Age: 34323 Bio: A good hearted dragon who is an artist and use his strength and talents to bring people happiness and protect people from harm.

Hardcoregamerguy: Age: 35 Bio: A upbeat gamer who loves gaming and wants to be a programmer of making games to entertain anyone in the future.

Nerdette Angel: Age: 5654334 Bio: An angelic nerd who came to earth to learn about humanity and got an interest in geeky culture and so she decided to stay to learn more about the earth and geeky culture.

Saijon Inu: Age: 3453276 Bio: A three eye alien dog came to earth to study the culture of the planet to see is it worthy of living in harmony with other aliens. He's a really nice guy and loves playing with dog toys from earth in his off times even though he's an alien, he's still a dog.

Stephen Margaret Inconnue: Age: 544333122 Bio: A chacey who is part male and part female demon that loves beauty and strength. he loves being beautiful and strong at the same time and he got good heart and uses his strength to help and people from harm and evil.

Liiy Usagi: Age: 28 Bio: Akari's older sister. She is a famous singer and dancer and her goal is to inspired people to love themselves, others and make them happy.

Mei-Ling Shaolin: Age: Unknown Released Form: Goat Released Speech: Attack, Cabra! Bio: Another Arrancar who is number 17 and enjoys the thrill of battle. She's a hot head fighter through and through she hates weaklings and hates dishonorable fights because she maybe brash and ruthless at times but she will fight with honor and will admit defeat from a stronger fighter and admit that whoever defeats her is stronger than her and sees them as rival.

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1 year ago


Okay! So, I just went and got everything on Present Mic, minus the Anime, and now I’m ready to dive into my boy and aspects of his personality. And the first part I’m diving at—his passivity. More directly, how he handles conflict.

This is a trait that’s usually overlooked when talking about Present Mic and his character. However, when looking at characters it’s important to look at how they deal with conflict. It shows who they are and what they’re willing to take before enough is enough.

Keep reading

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5 months ago


Me And @censoredhysteria

Me and @censoredhysteria

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4 years ago

La peor parte de ser la que siempre busca a los demás, es que sabes que ellos no te buscarían a ti.

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5 years ago
Love You Lots My@duck-roulette~

love you lots my @duck-roulette~

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1 year ago

Exposing myself and my silliness /J

Wassup this blog is dead but since Instagram is becoming more and more a shithole of a dumpsterfire it'll be better for me to revive it and start posting here too, in case something wrong happens to my Instagram 🧍‍♂️💥

And what better way than exposing myself /j

Nah fr I'm being very silly for fictional character, Hollow Knight buggos in particular 🧍‍♂️💥 And y'know at this point it's not that I can hide it anymore so why not 💥

First of all, I have a bugsona that I wanna share and then the silly doodles 💥

Exposing Myself And My Silliness /J

So anyway ya like jazz⁉️ /JOK-

The silly doodles about me being silly for bugs is gonna be under the cut cuz fr I'm a little shy lol 💥

At first I was very silly about Quirrel alone, then I said fuck it and Tiso hopped in, then I read Stag Beetles and Broken Legs and I went on ultimate silly overdrive like holy shit 🧍‍♂️💥 /silly/pos

Exposing Myself And My Silliness /J
Exposing Myself And My Silliness /J
Exposing Myself And My Silliness /J
Exposing Myself And My Silliness /J
Exposing Myself And My Silliness /J
Exposing Myself And My Silliness /J

I have other silly doodles with other f/os (fictional others) cuz I for sure did not stop with Hollow Knight 😭

Exposing Myself And My Silliness /J
Exposing Myself And My Silliness /J
Exposing Myself And My Silliness /J

Unfortunately I reached the limit of images so I'll end it here but I did insert my list of f/os in my Carrd as a little easter egg if you manage to find it while browsing through my Carrd 🧍‍♂️💥

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1 year ago

Guess who became even more silly???

Yes, me, this motherfucker

I've just finished Bug Fables and I went super silly for it as expected, so I decided to make another sona, very similar to my Hollow Knight persona Cedar. Kind of like a Bug Fables version of Cedar

And also because I desperately want to hold hands with Leif that man needs to be happy and I'm going to make him happy my way /silly

Guess Who Became Even More Silly???

Took the opportunity to redesign Cedar to give him more gender that he already had hehe💥


EDIT: The images and texts were all over the place for some reason but now it should be fixed lol dunno why Tumblr did that

Guess Who Became Even More Silly???
Guess Who Became Even More Silly???

I love this pathetic old man /silly

I'm just here collecting husbands (and a wife also cuz I have a single woman in my f/os list) as I game tf AKDKKAKE

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5 years ago

Siempre me topo de frente con la triste realidad de que la vida nos dice no y no

Siempre Me Topo De Frente Con La Triste Realidad De Que La Vida Nos Dice No Y No

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1 year ago
Really Went Into Defensive Mode (may Have English Mistakes).
Really Went Into Defensive Mode (may Have English Mistakes).

Really went into defensive mode (may have english mistakes).

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3 years ago

Estoy cansada


de las amistades que solo están cuando te necesitan

de esos familiares que aparecen una vez al año

de esa gente que aparece y desaparece cuando quieren

me canse de ellos, de la gente y su falsedad

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