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The Perfect Mix

The Perfect Mix

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Prompts -  "I can't believe you didn't wish me a Happy Father's Day" "We don't have a kid?"

The mission had been long but they had come through it and been victorious, they had taken some First Order members down and gotten the information they needed. Everyone on the base was in high spirits, a welcome change from the dread of what was to come and a cause for celebration. 

Poe and you sat pressed together, shoulder to shoulder, in a booth with your friends surrounding you. There were too many empty glasses on the table for any of you to count in your drunken state but more kept being brought over. Everyone refused to dwell on the future, tonight was a win and you all were determined to enjoy this feeling for as long as you could.

You turned your head to look over towards Poe who was playfully arguing with BB-8 about something you couldn’t quite follow, you weren’t fluent at speaking droid and depended on Poe whenever BB-8 spoke but you were getting better. Still, seeing the smile spread across Poe’s face had you smiling over at him, warmth spreading through you that had nothing to do with the alcohol and everything to do with the man in front of you.

It wasn’t easy, some days things got too much. Some days fighting the First Order was frustrating and long and everything seemed hopeless. There were days when one of you would let the frustration overwhelm you and you took it out on the other, starting fights or shutting them out. You were always there though to help the other work through it, to be the shoulder to cry on when the emotions finally exploded, to hold the other close after a long, unproductive day, to bring a cup of caf and sit by each other’s side silently until the one who was scared about everything was ready to talk.

It wasn’t easy, it wasn’t perfect but it was real and it was everything you could hope for. Poe was amazing, you never wanted for anything when you were with him. Your heart ached sometimes with how much love you felt for him. 

One day this would be over, there would be no more fighting against the First Order, then it would be perfect. There wouldn’t be any worries about Poe leaving and not coming back, about him being hurt or killed. You hated when he left, loved how passionate he was to the cause and ached to have him back in your arms.

Looking at him now, his whole face lit up as BB-8 chirped something you couldn’t make out you were glad he had made the first move all those months ago, glad he was so confident and outgoing that he had no problem walking up to you one day after you’d finished maintenance on BB-8 and asked you on a date. You didn’t hesitate to say yes, you knew you’d liked him from the moment you’d met him however long ago when he was injured badly enough that he couldn’t do the maintenance needed on his X-wing and you had offered to help, being the one to do the maintenance of his ship ever since.

“Hey!” Poe exclaimed suddenly, causing you to snap out of your thoughts and give him your full attention, watching as he turned to face you with a confused look. “Why haven’t you wished me a Happy Father’s Day?” 

A huff of laughter left you as you looked back at him with confusion spreading across your own features, eyes glancing to the table that held even more empty glasses and wondered just how much he had had to drink tonight.

“What,” You began, pausing to laugh which only caused his eyes to widen even more and you had never been able to resist that look, “What are you talking about? We don’t have a kid?” 

The words were slightly slurred, of course they were after how many drinks you yourself had had, but Poe’s eyes still narrowed at them, sitting up straighter in the booth and giving you the most offended look he could muster, looking at you like he could hardly recognise you which only made you laugh some more.

“Are you kidding?” He exclaimed and you were confused for only a few seconds longer before he gestured wildly over to BB-8 who was stood by his feet and chirping away happily, beeps you couldn’t understand as he spun in a circle. 

It took a second before Poe’s meaning registered but you couldn’t help but laugh loudly once they did, leaning against Poe’s shoulder as he tried his best to maintain his offended look but when it came to you he was a weak man and a smile spread across his face at the sound of your laughter.

It really was the best sound in the whole galaxy.

It was a few minutes before you managed to contain yourself, your laughter subsiding though a few giggles escaped and you pushed away from Poe’s shoulder to grin over at him, lifting one hand to cup his cheek before bringing your lips together.

The kiss was messy, no coordination on either side but it didn’t matter, the two of you were more than happy to get lost in it, forgetting about your friends who surrounded you as you bumped noses and forehead.

“Happy Father’s Day.” You mumbled against his lips once the two of you pulled away, “You’re the best dad a droid could ever ask for.” 

Poe couldn’t stop the smile that spread across his face as he brought a hand up to cup your cheek, his thumb brushing across your cheekbone as he drew you into another kiss. This one was slightly more coordinated but softer and slower and Poe drew you closer to him, only pulling away when BB-8 beeped at him and bumped into his leg.

“Thanks buddy.” Poe grinned down at the droid, pulling away from you slightly to pat BB-8 before turning back towards you, his grin softening into a smile as he saw how your face lit up, even under the bad lighting off the bar. 

He couldn’t resist cupping your cheek again and pulling you into him, your lips soft against his own as he took his time tracing his tongue across your bottom lip waiting for you to grant him access and tried to convey just how much love he felt for you in a single kiss.

Finally the two of you pulled away, breathless and smiling, neither of you noticing the way the people around you grinned over at the pair of you, completely lost in your own little world. 

“You really are a good dad you know, one day you’ll be an amazing dad to a little baby Dameron.” You told him as you entwined you fingers with his, looking down and watching your thumb trace his knuckles and completely missing the way his eyes softened, his whole body softened really, as he stared at you with hope shining in his eyes, thinking that nothing could be better than raising a little baby Dameron with you.

“Little baby Dameron, huh?” He said softly, watching you look up to meet his gaze and let his other hand come up to brush a piece of hair that had fallen into your face aside. “I hope they have your eyes.” 

At his words he watched your smile brighten as you leaned into his touch before turning your head to kiss his knuckles. Poe couldn’t wait to start the next chapter of his life with you, desperate for the fight against the First Order to be done and won so that he could give you the life you deserved.

“I hope they have your smile.” You told him just as softly as he had spoken, your free hand coming up to trace his lower lip.

Poe would do anything he had to to make sure the Resistance won, to end this war as fast as possible so that he could be by your side as he watched you hold a baby that was the perfect mix of the two of you. A baby that had your eyes, his smile, your nose and his hair, maybe Poe’s love of flying mixed with your love of tinkering. 

All Poe knew was that he was ready for that, you were ready for that, and it was up to him to make a future where the two of you could raise your own kid together possible.

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4 years ago
Didn't Post Anything Star Wars Related In A While So Here's Something I Done Quite Quickly!

Didn't post anything Star Wars related in a while so here's something I done quite quickly!

Just a piece of when Meredith's master found out she was sneaking Abrax in(alien lizardo lol) that almost costed her life. It was accidental...long story lol. His own species chased him off the territory and he followed onto the ship and yeeah. Nevertheless, Abrax stayed with Meredith after some long discussing and stayed he did. Until the very last moments and more with someone Meredith was closest with😔

In case you want to read her wiki you are more than welcome to do so! I have a masterlist on my profile and it has most of my OC wikis I have written so far. Hope you like it!

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3 years ago

Well as a little funny thing outside of my match ups and fanfics. Send in a character from any of the Star wars stuff and I'll tell you if I think I'd get along with them. Or be their friend or worst nightmare.

Will be done with videos too. Because why the hell not. I need something funny to do outside of match ups.

Well As A Little Funny Thing Outside Of My Match Ups And Fanfics. Send In A Character From Any Of The

Tag list Tag list: @loth-wolffe @din-djarins-riduur @degreeinsimping @slut4tech @kriffclone @discofern @stressedfroggy @gothy-froggy @blueplaidhood

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3 years ago

So I’ve just binged the entirety of the Star Wars films and now I have feelings, so if anyone has any good stormpilot (FinnxPoe) fic’s, or even just sequel bonding stuff (side note why did my phone try to auto correct sequel bonding to sexual bonding??) honestly if anyone has any half decent Star Wars recommendations, films , rebels, or clone wars (although I’m working through the show at the mo) it would be so so so much appreciated! Ao3, or even Wattpad at this point!

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3 years ago

We all agree that the original script for Star Wars Episode IX was wayyyyy better than The Rise of Skywalker, right?

I mean even the title is cooler... “Star Wars: Duel of the Fates” smh

A summary of what happened in the original script for those that haven’t read it:

Kylo went to Mustafar to a sith temple called Mortis

Kylo became a real Sith Lord, trained by Darth Plagueis’ master

Kylo’s face was mutilated and he had a permanent mask made of beskar (Mandalorian metal)

Rey had a double-bladed blue lightsaber and continued to learn from Luke’s force ghost

Luke’s force ghost haunted Kylo

Hux was the Chancellor of the First Order

Hux committed suicide with a purple-bladed lightsaber on Coruscant (possibly Mace Windu’s)

First Order base and most of movie located on Coruscant

Finn convinced First Order stormtroopers to join the resistance and give them something good to fight for

Chewie flew an X-wing in battle

Lando helped bring pirates and smugglers to join the fight for the resistance

Rey and Poe made out???

Rey killed the Knights of Ren

Kylo blinded Rey

It is revealed that Rey’s last name was Solona and Kylo and the Knights of Ren killed her parents

Rey lost to Kylo twice, but Leia convinced Kylo to give his life for Rey’s, him dying as Ben Solo

Medal ceremony: Finn, Poe, Rose, and Chewie get medals of honor

Ends with Rey teaching a new generation of Jedi


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3 years ago

Just thinking about how Maul’s last words before he died were “He will avenge us.”

Just Thinking About How Mauls Last Words Before He Died Were He Will Avenge Us.

On his deathbed, Maul finally gives up on trying to defeat Obiwan long enough to realize how similar they are and how wronged they were.

Now, whether the Chosen One is Luke or Anakin is debatable because of the context, but either way, they did both avenge Maul and Obiwan.

Luke was able to convince his father to help save him from Palpatine’s force lightning, throw Palpatine to what should have been his death, and damage his breathing system which is probably what caused his death.

If Palpatine had truly died, the prophecy would have been fulfilled. Maul, Obiwan, and countless others would have been avenged.

Palpatine was responsible for forcing Maul to be his apprentice, training him ruthlessly, sending him to the fight where he was cut in half, letting him rot in insanity, killing his brother and apprentice, literal torture, and probably more terrible things I don’t even know about.

Palpatine was responsible for sending Maul to kill Qui-gon (and Maul’s incessant obsession with hurting Obiwan afterwards including Satine’s death and all the Jedi he killed to get Obiwan’s attention), creating and playing both sides of the Clone War (resulting in the deaths of countless clones created only for this purpose and innocent civilians), grooming Anakin to be the next Sith Lord after Dooku and seducing him to the dark side, ordering Order 66 which almost killed Obiwan (and Maul), and forcing Obiwan to live in hiding under the cruelty of the Empire.

Palpatine used both of them and put them against one another. He was the one that ruined both of their lives, directly or otherwise.

When Anakin threw him down the reactor shaft in ROTJ, that should have been it. After Anakin died, there would be no Sith Lords left and the Sith Rule of Two would be forever ended, restoring peace to the galaxy.

This is one of the reasons why I dislike the sequel trilogy in general (for storyline purposes). By bringing Palpatine back in TROS, they broke the canon Sith Rule of Two, invalidated Dave Filoni’s meaningful end to the Obiwan vs Maul rivalry, disrespected George Lucas’ vision of his franchise, implied that Rey could not have been a powerful Jedi without being related to a strong force user, and made the story even more confusing and pitiful.

And J.J. Abrams had the nerve to admit there was no plan for the trilogy, like, yeah, it was obvious😐

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9 months ago
6/12/2024 | #Bible - Verse Of The Day | Matthew 5:6-12

6/12/2024 | #Bible - Verse of the Day | Matthew 5:6-12

Just Rewatched The Rise of Skywalker🧡💫 for the 6th time and when Rey is confronting Palpatine it reminded us of Matthew 5:

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3 years ago

Okay so random tangent, but whoever approved the idea for ST to just kill off the entire New Jedi Order and revert everything back to basically a New Hope deserves to be fired. Like there was so much potential and it was all wasted to basically repeat the OT but just like messier. I don’t hate the ST I am just so fucking disappointed.

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4 years ago
The Force Awakens Reverse AU
The Force Awakens Reverse AU
The Force Awakens Reverse AU

The Force Awakens Reverse AU

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