Poetry Slam - Tumblr Posts
Preformed at my city's first slam and came in second place...and met the mayor...and got a gift card to a book store...like-- could it get any better?
You can’t love the things you never hold, so soften your fists.
Meta Sarmiento - “Watch Your Mouth”
One of the submissions from our first-ever video contest. Keep an eye out for our next submission period, open soon! Help bring Button to you.
(via buttonpoetry)
I am no mortician. I have no idea how to put makeup on the dead. I have no idea how to unerase.
Andrea Gibson - “Prism”
Andrea Gibson, featuring at Button Poetry Live, April 2017. Make Button Poetry grow.
(via buttonpoetry)
I suppose we wear our traumas the way the guillotine wears gravity; our lovers’ necks are so soft.
Andrea Gibson - “Prism”
Don’t miss this week’s Best of Button playlist! Today’s additions: Andrea Gibson and Reagan Myers. Congratulations poets!
(via buttonpoetry)
i don’t know what ephemeral / means, but i know i bought sandwiches / for lunch with my mother’s tips, i know / when the economy crashed, beauty was / the first thing my mother’s clients crossed / off their weekly budget
Melissa Lozada-Oliva - “Maybe She’s Born With It, Maybe She Got Up Early” (via buttonpoetry)
This nation calls my grandmother a crime, but there are not enough hands to wring the blood out of your name, America always reaching for a gun, America rechristening wombs into bomb shelters.
Kristin Chang, “Women of No Nation,” published in Teen Vogue (via bostonpoetryslam)
god bless the shape your head leaves in my pillow
Neil Hilborn, from Our Numbered Days
This and much, much more in Our Numbered Days!
(via buttonpoetry)
& what is religion but a familiar face we find upon the body of a god we cannot forgive? & what is a person but the border between the stories they contain & the stories that contain them? & what is a psalm but history repeated so many times it wears away into melody?
Tonight’s Cantab feature is Berklee CUPSI vet Joshua Elbaum! This is from his poem “Ok Here’s A Good One,” published in Maps for Teeth. (via bostonpoetryslam)
love letter in minor key
There are shadows thick upon the street tonight A river of lampblack slicking over the soul As murk clings thickly to the smoke-stained vault of heaven. We wet our lips with midnight oil And bend to anoint the ears of our brooding murder With the fruit of hidden works. A backlit hole in the wall A street shrine of upturned buckets and transient graffiti We are here We are here Where the shadows of our burning tongues Have scorched the walls. In the cold daylight people pause for but a breath And linger Blinking after the strains of a melody that their blood remembers And their brains call a stranger Before shaking off the cobwebs and passing through. Shave and a haircut Knock on wood Papers pinned to corkboards in abandoned rooms We are here. And we have followed the breadcrumbs Home. Come to this address, We have open mic every other Wednesday And free Wifi. (Bring your own demons.)
Trinity Test Time Variance
when we watch live-action series or scientific biopics we can't escape their complex environment! there are a lot of training and systems and combinations of regional expertise!
for this post , imagine some T.V.A. secrets which only few are cleared to speak of, such as Oppenheimer-variant, who deals with space-colony crises on most occasions,
but is sometimes involved with theorizing incendiary devices for extreme cases of Time Master approved demolitions.
really, would that be too strange for the T.V.A. to consider?
Minutes of time
are precious like grains of sand
in an hourglass, slipping away unnoticed,
until the glass is empty, and we're left
With the weight of what could've been.
if only we'd stayed focused on the present,
instead of getting lost in the haze
of yesterday's regrets and tomorrow's fears.
We're chasing shadows, trying to grasp what's not here
While the moments we have now, slip
through our fingers like tears leaving us with
nothing but the echoes of what could've been
What can you expect from theory alone?
(written by MetaAi through combination of poetry slam links and user outline within a prompt)
I believe in nothing really,
I think when we die its just nothing at all.
Or at least, there are days I really hope its like that.
And some days, I hate the idea of reincarnation and having to live again.
I wish that I’ll close my eyes and be nothing.
I wont miss the people who lose me or that I’ve lost.
I wish that I’ll feel nothing, nothing bad or good.
Be like the end of a film,
just a character and only stories can be told about me now.
But I will not be there.
I wont think
Think so hard my wires burst and melt.
No more tears over passed seasons.
And I will breath nothing
See nothing
Be no one
Be nobody
No body to starve and tailor
This flesh will be wilting into soft earth
It will all at once stop, like sleeping without dreaming, the tape halting at its end.
Still, sometimes I hope I’ll see you again and again
I just don’t wanna do this anymore