Pokemon Redesign - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

if you could redesign a pokemon or digimon to your own style what would it be and why?

I'm not really sure if you mean redesigning them in a way I would like them more or which Pokemon would fit my pre-existing style of drawing/world?

I feel pretty visually connected to a bunch of the ultra-beasts. Some creepy mons and some very cute ones like Clobbopus, Reuniclus, and Joltik, Tarountula... while Blaziken is my starter.

so here's a clobbopus who isn't an octopus and has only one fist

If You Could Redesign A Pokemon Or Digimon To Your Own Style What Would It Be And Why?

I redesigned him just because I love this little guy! I have a plush of him.

And here's a redesign of a Pokemon I was very disappointed with. He deserves his long butt!!! - Spidops

If You Could Redesign A Pokemon Or Digimon To Your Own Style What Would It Be And Why?

This is not probably what you meant with your ask but these were fun!

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If This Man Has To Haunt Me, He Has Has To Haunt You.
If This Man Has To Haunt Me, He Has Has To Haunt You.
If This Man Has To Haunt Me, He Has Has To Haunt You.
If This Man Has To Haunt Me, He Has Has To Haunt You.

If this man has to haunt me, he has has to haunt you.

Meet Sweaty. He’s a 42 year old absol and lives with his human mom in Castelia, Unova.

Some Absol headcanons:

I do think part of why Absols have such a bad rep among people is partially due to folklore of them appearing before and after horrific disasters, but also because they have such a human face. Imagine seeing this mf in the dark woods watching you. Something that looks human, but is not. Something that sounds human, but is NOT. Follow this by a horrific landslide.

Do you see the problem. Humans remember human faces. Predators sometimes mimic their prey. Absols have the truly unfortunate evolutionary quirk of falling into both categories.

So yes, there was a huge stigma against absols which led to a pretty severe population decline.

In modern day (much like wolves), Absols have become media darlings, in large thanks to a the help of pokemon rangers who utilize Absol’s ability to sense weather as an indicator when to evacuate. They are a very long lived species and need lots of intense exercise, often declaring huge swaths of land as their personal territories. Absols also tend to get very anxious when they feel they do not have enough space, so keeping them with other pokemon’s usually a no no.

Sweaty’s mom used to be a pokemon ranger and found Sweaty stuck in a refrigerator. Nowadays, she lets him free roam—much to the chagrin of every other person in the area. Sweaty in turn makes himself a nuisance to the local icecream store, begging for treats.

(The kids love him. He comes home with ink and paint stained everywhere and it’s a nightmare to clean.)

Hate my human faced monstrosities? Thank @tjs-stuffs for this. Ciao!

If This Man Has To Haunt Me, He Has Has To Haunt You.
If This Man Has To Haunt Me, He Has Has To Haunt You.

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7 months ago
Sloppy Concept For An Alternate Design For The Dialga In Legends Arceus. Pokemon Has Not Been Doing Too

Sloppy concept for an alternate design for the Dialga in legends Arceus. Pokemon has not been doing too well in terms of designs recently. So i wanted to try my hand at it. The upper torso has slots for arms to come out of. And was intended to come with a lance weapon. Did not have the time to finish Palkia.

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10 months ago

I actually got bored and doodled some guys awhile ago so I’m posting them here, I guess.

I Actually Got Bored And Doodled Some Guys Awhile Ago So Im Posting Them Here, I Guess.

First up! Gengar Line.

So uh, they’re based on dream catchers, because I’m a sucker. They aren’t, Actually, dream catchers, as you can see by the Gastly present in the Gengar sketch, they just possess dream catchers.

So, Gastly chose to possess dream catchers, for some reason? Honestly, it’s just because I think it’s cool. I’ll have to come up with an in-universe reason. Regardless, Gastly and Haunter are both possessing objects, since I really love object-mons, Gengar is not! I don’t have much to say about the first two, they’re basically just dream catchers, but evil.

Gengar is fun, though! They still have dream catcher motifs in the giant sort-of-spiral on their torso and floating between their horns. They have these big blocky necklaces that are based on Shinto prayer beads, but I stuck fangs and feathers to them, which is probably disrespectful, now that I think about it..

Well, anyway, I also gave Gengars a tail, because they deserve it. They actually have 5 eyes, but I’m not sure how well you can really see that here, since I just scribbled these guys in the margin area, they also have two connecting parts of their mouths, though their actual mouths stretch further. I actually gave them the moon, above their dream catchers, and the wing-ears to contrast my Clefable line designs. The black orbs in their mane are Gastly that haven’t formed yet.

Anyway, I’m rambling too much, so I’ll cut it here. Give me a shout if anyone wants the Full Gengar Ramble.

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10 months ago
Part 2 Of Random Little Guys: Ninetales And Vulpix!

Part 2 of Random Little Guys: Ninetales and Vulpix!

I’ll start with Vulpix. As you can see, they still have their five tails, but I think Vulpix get one tail every, maybe 5 years? I like to think Vulpix are born with only one and get more as they grow and become stronger! That said, you’ll never find a Ninetales without, well, Nine Tails. Since Vulpix evolve with a stone, I suppose you could evolve one with only one tail into a Ninetales, but I think it would probably really stunt their growth and should probably count as Pokémon abuse. Anyway, Vulpix acquire a stick when they’re young, which they use as a focus for their latent physic powers. They often trade the stick for a bigger, stronger one as they grow, similar to the Delphox line, Vulpix always have a stick.

A bit off topic, but I think the Delphox and Ninetales lines would share a common ancestor? Maybe some sort of canid Pokémon, maybe I’ll draw it out sometime..

Ninetales are a Pokémon I always felt should be a dual type, so I made them Fire/Psychic. They’re heavily based off of Amaterasu from Ōkami, honestly, since it was the best full-body Kitsune reference I could get. You can see it mostly in the swirl fur around their elbows and wrists, Vulpix’s too, to a lesser extent, and also the patterning on Ninetales. By the way, no two Ninetales have the exact same pattern, logistically, I’m not sure how this would work, but if Spinda can do it, so can Ninetales. Ninetales’ stick is always on fire, it’s contained via their psychic powers and never goes out, this is because the fire on their stick is their foxfire, which can also be located in 4-6 balls that float around their tails. I also gave Ninetales actual Kitsune markings around their face and snout, because I feel they deserve it. I don’t do color, but Vulpix have orange fur that fades into white around their head curls, Ninetales are the opposite, with a more off-white that turns to orangish-red around their tail tips and hair curls. Speaking of, they have braids and attach Chingling bells to the ends.

I don’t think there’s much else to say here, really. Not without rambling endlessly, so I’ll cut it here.

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10 months ago
Before I Go To Bed, Heres Stressball, Use Her Wisely.

Before I go to bed, here’s Stressball, use her wisely.

Actually, she’s a Cleffa redesign, but it’s kind of hard to convey that well in the black and white, traditional style I use. Just know that she’s mostly pinks and purples, with a couple yellows to offset. Maybe I’ll do a digital color someday, but not today.

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4 years ago
My Attempt To Redesign The Lake Trio. Started Off As Me Not Liking Uxie's Design, Even Though Uxie Is

My attempt to redesign the Lake Trio. Started off as me not liking uxie's design, even though uxie is my favorite of the 3. The 3 are based off of elves, sprites, and pixies respectively. Bothered me greatly that they don't have more fae characteristics.The changes I made

Ears, cause fae usually have pointed ears.

Feet, to be more like pointed fae shoes

Tails, to give each of them more individuality. The tails being the same was very copy and paste. As legendries, they need variety.

Hair, started with uxie, cause wtf was that.. I did try to keep their hair similar to the originals, but more fun and exciting.

You know what ALSO UPSETS me about this trio... they are not fairy types. They need to be fairy/psychic. How can FAIRY pokemon not be fairy type.........................................

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6 months ago

Cinderace - Baseball redesign

Cinderace - Baseball Redesign
Cinderace - Baseball Redesign

It took me so long to execute on this idea that I really doubt I'm the first person at this point but I'd like to say that I conceptualized this myself. I saw a redesign of Lucario that took the baggy pants design and altered it into sleeves months back, and that's mostly what inspired me to make this now. It's just another take on Cinderace where instead of the Futbol theme, they step up to home plate and get ready to play ball. Since Pokemon and Baseball, or I guess sports in general, are both sorta well known for having trading cards, I figured there's no real reason not to make a card out of it, though this is obviously not a very detailed or involved card, more of just a concept, like the drawing itself. I also made versions on the card with transparent backgrounds;

Cinderace - Baseball Redesign
Cinderace - Baseball Redesign

For the record, I'd love to see other alterations on this design, and I hope this encourages others to try it for themselves. That goes for other sports-based Pokemon and different sports, too, of course.

I believe I will be making more Pokemon redesigns in the future, however I am not certain that I will be repeating the card gimmick. That, we'll just have to see.

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1 year ago
Unsurprisingly Im Not The Biggest Fan Of Alot Of Recent Pokemon Designs, I Dont Think All Of Them Are
Unsurprisingly Im Not The Biggest Fan Of Alot Of Recent Pokemon Designs, I Dont Think All Of Them Are

Unsurprisingly im not the biggest fan of alot of recent pokemon designs, i dont think all of them are particularly *bad* but there just a bit underwhelming… so i just kinda souped up killawatrell a bit. I dont think it needs drastic changes just a bit more pizazz. Basicly i tried to give it a stronger silhouette. I did this by giving it more of a gannet body type with a long neck so its more cartoonish. (Imo gannets are just the most cartoonish birds) i also gave it some spikey bits to break up the silhouette and a zigzag tail so it has a different tail from swellow and talonflame. I image it uses its spikey bits like lightning rods in storms, then stores the electricity in its throat for later use on clear days, hopefully that will explain its electric type and connect that to the sea more. Also makes wattrel a storm petrel (im guessing its supposed rposed to be a petrel)

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8 months ago


soo... yeah, this is my try at redesigning Florian and Juliana. i realized that they sort of resemble their manga counterparts(mostly Florian bc i made his hair lighter but like it was gonna be even lighter and Juliana bc dark hair) here's the first drawing i did with these which has more details:


yes Florian would need a bucket worth of sunscreen to even last a second outside...

tell me what you think of these! :'D there will be casual outfits posted soon cause well,,, i don't know if these school uniforms are really good for climbing mountains and walking through mud...

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4 years ago
So Basically I Was Thinking About How It's Weird That I Honestly Realy Like Bulbasaur And Ivysaur But

So basically I was thinking about how it's weird that I honestly realy like bulbasaur and ivysaur but don't like venusaur for some reason, so I decided why not lets draw a venusaur redesign.

Drawing this made me realize why I didn't care for venusaur's design: it loses the cute aspect of its pre evolutions. Bulbasaur and ivysaur are these lil happy flower frogs, and then venusaur is a deflated toad. So yeah mostly I just gave this a more ivysaur like face, made it less deflated, and then gave it vine hoop earrings cuz why not.

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4 years ago
I Made A Slight Calyrex Redesign Because This Little Rabbit King Stole My Heart And I Might Have To Start

I made a slight calyrex redesign because this little rabbit king stole my heart and I might have to start another save file just so I can use him on a team. Really the only things I changed is I turned the crown spikes into antlers and ears, exaggerated the stockings, and toned down the crown a little.

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4 years ago

what if eternatus was related to poipole and naganadel? 

yeah I’m at it again, making reconstructed eternatus redesigns. This time I was working with the idea that eternatus and the poipole line share a lot of similarities. Both are cosmic space dragons who are poisonous and glow, so why not combine them? 


and here it is with a different background and without the glow effects. 

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