@staff - Tumblr Posts

7 years ago

Damn Tumblr! Back at it again with breaking your fucking wedsite!

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6 years ago

I am speechless.

I Am Speechless.

So I blog about being physically, emotionally, psychologically, financially and sexually abused by my ex, as well as a series of other traumas I’ve survived at the hands of violent, predatory, aggressive, and misogynist men.  There’s really no mistaking it; I tag the shit out of this thing.  

And THIS is the sponsored ad on my dash?  Really @staff ? WTF?!

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6 years ago

Someone call River Laurent. Tell them that 1995 called and they want their horrible trope back.

@staff do you not have a toothpaste ad or something? Why do you keep showing me this horrible shit?

Someone Call River Laurent. Tell Them That 1995 Called And They Want Their Horrible Trope Back.

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6 years ago

I bet she was asking for it.

I mean, you can totally tell it's what she actually wanted. Her mouth was saying no, but the bruises on her skin where he grabbed her and held her against her will were saying yes.

Seriously @staff - why do i have to keep doing this?

I am a survivor of domestic violence. I am a survivor of sexual violence. I have said " let go of me" and been ignored. Stop showing me abuse and calling it sexy.

I Bet She Was Asking For It.

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6 years ago
Guys! Who Is Not Indifferent To Sssvitlans.tumblr.com Support! Huskies And Reposts In Support Of What

Guys! Who is not indifferent to sssvitlans.tumblr.com support! Huskies and reposts in support of what Tumbler would remove from sssvitlans NSFW !!!! This post will be sent to the support service Tumbler with the request of all of us not to close our favorite blog!


******************************************** Ребята! Кто не безразличен к sssvitlans.tumblr.com поддержите! Лайки и репосты в поддержку того что бы Тамблер снял с sssvitlans NSFW!!!! Данный пост будет направлен в службу поддержки Тамблер с просьбой нас всех не закрывать  любимый блог!


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6 years ago

Goodbye to all the weird

So long porn bots.

Hate to see you leave.

I'll miss your tits and dicks,

And all the strange your brang.

You have been with me since the beginning.

A constant presence.

Your are my number one supporters,

And my most faithful of followers.

Who will love me now?

Now that you are being stripped away?

The quiet emptiness.

Of a pristine world.

- By me Andrew

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6 years ago

Haha 1 day left until mass extinction

Well I hope this is what you wanted tumblr.

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1 year ago

Користування тамблером be like/Tumblr using be like:

 Be Like/Tumblr Using Be Like:

Отже, що ми маємо: української мови як мови застосунку все ще нема (зате є російська, хто б сумнівався); людям помилково зносять акаунти і не відновлюють їх; художників, які викладають ЗАЦЕНЗУРЕНІ NSFW арти кидають в тіньовий бан, тоді як зграї повієботів штурмують особисті повідомлення і невинні теги; нове СЕО просто жахливе; проблемні особини усіх видів прекрасно тут почуваються... Тепер ще й штучний інтелект підключився. Без жодного попередження. При чому параметр, що запобігає використанню вмісту блогу для того ж тренування ШІ, був вимкнений з самого початку. Я про це взнала досить пізно. За цей час мене могли обібрати до нитки, і далеко не факт, що вони цього вже не зробили.

Хочеться просто взяти і знести акаунт до дідька матеревій, але я розумію, що це мені каже моя імпульсивність, та й не хочеться втрачати контакт з людьми, які важливі для мене. Тим паче що особливої погоди це не зробить. Але так чи інакше, я, скоріше за все, перестану постити на деякий час. Якщо зовсім не переїду кудись в інше місце (про що я замислювалася вже дуже давно, якщо бути чесною).

Коротше, поки що я лишаюся тут, буду відслідковувати ситуацію та шукати якісь рішення... Якщо тамблер остаточно не накриється.

So, what we have here: Ukrainian language is still not available as an application language (but there is russian, of course); people's accounts are mistakenly terminated and not restored; artists who post CENSORED NSFW art are thrown into shadow ban, while swarms of pornbots storm DMs and innocent tags; the new CEO is just awful; all types of bigots and other disgusting people are feeling just fine here... Now AI has also joined. With no warning, with that toggle turned off by default. And it was pretty late when I discovered it. I`m pretty sure my works were already stolen. They had plenty of time for it.

I want to simply delete the acc, but I understand it`s impulsive decision I can regret later, besides I dont want to loose people who are important to me. Its also kinda useless. But I`ll probavly stop posting here for a while. Probably Ill move to another site (I was considering this option long time ago tbh)

But I`m still staying here, watching and searching for solutions... If tumblr wont die completely.

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1 year ago

Why do I feel like I'm scrolling on Twitter?....

If I wanted to feel like I'm scrolling on Twitter I'd be scrolling on Twitter...

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8 months ago

@staff stop flagging my blog as explicit!! 🤬

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6 years ago

@staff hey u know like the past 4 new followers I’ve gotten are porn bots so.

Good job on that algorithm

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5 years ago
He, @staff . You Wanna Tell Me What The Adult Content Is Here? You Wanna Tell Me What Part Of This Ia

He, @staff . You wanna tell me what the adult content is here? You wanna tell me what part of this ia "violating the community guidelines"? Is it the male-presenting nipples? Is it the depiction of alcohol? Or is it the female figure that has all her evil bits covered by a modest bikini?

You can't deal with the pedophiles, the nazis, and the dozens of porn bots that keep following me, but you can look at THIS and say "this content is NOT suitable for our community"? Get fucked.

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1 year ago

Because @staff is too cowardly…

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2 years ago

Hey Tumblr. @staff

Where the did my dark mode go??

I updated and my darkmode was no longer functional on my front page, or my page but if I go to someone's blog it works fine??????????????

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Tumblr you have the opportunity to be the funniest bitch on the planet rn and set a reward for looking at more than 600 posts in a day

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