Positive Reminder - Tumblr Posts

5 years ago

Why do you go to work?

To support myself independently, my partner, and my cat

Keeps me busy and active

Takes me outside

Socialise with work friends or nice customers

Grow and learn from difficult experiences at work

Pays rent and bills which = internet, hot water, clean clothes and bedding, Netflix, phone data, electricity!

Coffee and food

Saving for holidays

Buy nice things

Ride the bus or train to get to places quickly and easily

Afford my medications

Makes me appreciate my free time more

What are some of your motivations for going to work (or school)?

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5 years ago
Please Be Kind, Considerate And Patient During These Tough Times!

Please be kind, considerate and patient during these tough times!

Apologises for the lack of posting lately, but I’ve been busy playing New Horizons, working full-time in a pharmacy, and dealing with stressors, particularly the coronavirus... I hope all of you reading this are coping okay and I’m wishing you the best. Thank you so much for all of the new follows and please feel free to request any drawings you would like to see. Take care!

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1 year ago

hi guys tell your partner or friend or mom or dad or aunt or uncle or grandparent or cousin or sibling or anyone that you love them and they matter. while you’re at it give them a compliment! compliment their outfit or hair or something. it will stick with them :-)

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