Positive Reminders - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago

I just want you all to know that there is life beyond your eating disorder. There is hope.

Your life will not always be numbers, body checks, obsessing over every little detail, binges or restriction, pain and suffering. I know it can feel like your ed is your home, who you should be, who you are. But it's not.

It may feel like you've lost yourself (or you've found yourself within this disorder), but I can promise you that you WILL find the real you again. You were not put on this earth to be sick. That is not your purpose in life.

It could feel like without this, there's nothing to you, that this is the only thing you can do right. It's not. There are so many wonderful things that make you you, and one of them is not your eating disorder.

In a weird way, it's kind of comforting, isn't it? It always trips me up to think about, but sometimes it feels like coming home after a long day and being able to drop your bags. But the thing is, there's no comfort to it at all. Our disorders are fantastic liars, and they've tricked us into think we need it, that without it, we're just a shell of a person. You don't need it, you've never needed it, and like I said previously, this disorder is not what makes you who you are. You do. Not anorexia, b.e.d, bulimia, orthorexia, or ednos.

You deserve a life not centered around food and the rules you've created. You deserve to be able to think about other things. To enjoy life again. Please don't let your ed tell you any differently.

Please reach out if you need someone to talk to or if you'd like to send an ask. I wish you all nothing but the best ♡

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4 years ago

How are you feeling today? Focus on that and listen to your body first, before you go and set yourself tasks to do, or feel guilty or punish yourself for not being well enough to do a task.

Some days you will wake up with lots of energy, a positive mood, and achieve many things! Celebrate that. But sometimes other days you will not feel okay, and only achieve a little, and that’s worth celebrating too because you listened to your body.

I’m not saying don’t try to push yourself. You might feel like a sad blob, but you should push yourself to do a small task to see if there is any mood improvement. And if not, that’s fine! Don’t beat yourself up over it. Please rest. But usually, more times than not, you will feel better after pushing yourself to do a SMALL task. (E.g. washing a few dishes, watering your plants, making the bed, cleaning a small area in your home, walking to the park and back, etc...)

You are here. I’m glad you’re here, and keep on trying your best out there. We’re in this together.

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4 years ago

Why do you go to work?

To support myself independently, my partner, and my cat

Keeps me busy and active

Takes me outside

Socialise with work friends or nice customers

Grow and learn from difficult experiences at work

Pays rent and bills which = internet, hot water, clean clothes and bedding, Netflix, phone data, electricity!

Coffee and food

Saving for holidays

Buy nice things

Ride the bus or train to get to places quickly and easily

Afford my medications

Makes me appreciate my free time more

What are some of your motivations for going to work (or school)?

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4 years ago
Its Been Awhile Since I Made This Comic And My Mental Health Has Improved A Lot, Thanks To Therapy. I
Its Been Awhile Since I Made This Comic And My Mental Health Has Improved A Lot, Thanks To Therapy. I
Its Been Awhile Since I Made This Comic And My Mental Health Has Improved A Lot, Thanks To Therapy. I
Its Been Awhile Since I Made This Comic And My Mental Health Has Improved A Lot, Thanks To Therapy. I

It’s been awhile since I made this comic and my mental health has improved a lot, thanks to therapy. I can confidently say now that I am cut out for retail, but it’s definitely not my dream career by any means. But why get caught up in the future when it is possible for me to enjoy right now.

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4 years ago
Life Is Worth Living, No Matter What. There Will Be Difficult Times, Theyre Unavoidable. But You Will
Life Is Worth Living, No Matter What. There Will Be Difficult Times, Theyre Unavoidable. But You Will
Life Is Worth Living, No Matter What. There Will Be Difficult Times, Theyre Unavoidable. But You Will
Life Is Worth Living, No Matter What. There Will Be Difficult Times, Theyre Unavoidable. But You Will

Life is worth living, no matter what. There will be difficult times, they’re unavoidable. But you will learn and grow through that pain and become an even stronger and more beautiful version of yourself. If you don’t believe me that’s too bad, because I’m right, and you’re awesome >:-)

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