Gentle Reminder - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Don’t make depressed, traumatized, or mentally ill people feel ashamed for living in a mess. If someone is ill you don’t make sure to attack them for not being able to clean. Some of us are mortified and wish we could take care of our space. Some of us are just trying to make sure we get something to eat, and some of us struggle just to be keep our will to live by the end of the day. Messy isn’t a sin.

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9 months ago

99% of "mysterious disappearances" esp of people in their 20s who start acting weird for 48 hours and then vanish are not mysterious, thats just when a lot of reality-obliterating mental illness tends to kick in and it's pretty easy to get a short circuit in your brain that makes you go family guy death pose in joshua tree national park. it's not any less tragic, it's just a documented phenomenon and not particularly predictable. its a big reason the medical advice is for people with a family history of schizophrenia to completely avoid weed and psychedelics. "people just go crazy sometimes" is a principle of human health that used to be a lot more accepted prior to the american midcentury and to a certain extent thats a healthier way to conceptualize and prepare for the risk, as opposed to the modern assertion that anyone acting weird is dangerous and broken forever.

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6 months ago

this is your random reminder to CHECK IF YOU'RE STILL HAVING FUN

are you enjoying scrolling tumblr? watching youtube? reading that book? playing that game? drawing that art? doing that activity? if not,


you don't have to stick to something that you are doing for fun if it isn't fun for you anymore. You can come back! If you've loved it before you are likely to love it again! but you can stop!

Don't get stuck in a loop of doing something that you think should be fun when it isn't! You can put it down for a bit! Maybe that's the very thing that will make it fun again later!

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3 years ago

Part of accepting yourself completely is reframing your mind to make it about you, so that “will they like me?” turns into “will I like them?” and “did they like what I said?” turns into “did I say everything I wanted to say?” Everything you do should ultimately be brought on by what you think is important and by what you want. Not by what you think will be most accepted or most liked.

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2 years ago

this is not a poem as much as it is a reminder that it’s okay if today feels just like another day and not the special event everyone makes it out to be it’s okay if you have to search for festive feelings and it’s okay if you turn up finding nothing sometimes we can’t force it, or fake it til we make it sometimes we have to just let ourselves feel what we feel instead of pretending because pretending is so exhausting and if there’s anything you should do right now, it’s rest release the weight of this past year off of your shoulders and allow yourself to just exist without the pressure of being merry if there’s one gift you deserve it’s the freedom to feel however you feel

(cc, 2022)

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6 years ago

For everyone’s information:

The plan for the 17th, when the adult content ban comes in, is to protest.

To do that, we are making as much noise either side of the 17th as possible, and using the site as normal.

On the 17th, dead silence.

People are saying log off but what they really mean is don’t open the site or the app.

But, on the 17th make as much noise as possible on every other platform. Tweet about it and post on facebook and instagram and everywhere else.

What this does is causes a massive dip in ad revenue for one single day. That does not make staff think ‘oh everyone’s gone let’s shut down.’ What it actually makes them think is ‘oh shit people aren’t happy and if people don’t keep using our site we’re out of money and out of jobs.’

A boycott reminds a company that the users (consumers) have the power to make their site (business) worthless with one single coordinated decision.

If you want to join in, here’s what to do:


Close all open instances of the app and site on all your devices before the 17th

Make posts before and after the 17th on tumblr and other platforms, talking about why this ban is bad

Make posts on other sites during the 17th. Flood the official tumblr staff twitter and facebook with your anger and your opinion

Come back on the 18th and check in


Delete the app from your phone (this doesn’t affect their revenue and since it’s off the store at the moment it’ll be hard to get back)

Delete your account. I mean you can if you want to, but if you keep your account and don’t use it you’re saying to staff that there’s still time to save it. If you delete it’s hard work to come back.

Open the app or website (including specific blogs)

Make any posts (turn down/off your queue and make sure nothing is scheduled)

Go quiet elsewhere. Make it clear that this is just about tumblr, not a mass move away from all social media.

Remember: the execs don’t care about anything but money. Shutting down the site means there’s $0 further income from it. That’s their last possible course of action. If we make it clear we’re not happy, they’ll have to do something or we can do more and more until it becomes too expensive.

Protests take commitment. They’re a defiant action against a business that is doing something wrong. They will try to scare you into not participating, because they’re scared. We hold all the power here, sometimes the execs just need to be reminded of that.

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10 months ago

gentle reminder don't focus on how your body looks, instead think about how healthy you are, how strong your body is and what it can do.

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3 years ago
Go! Be Kind To Yourself, Take Care Of Your Body!
Go! Be Kind To Yourself, Take Care Of Your Body!
Go! Be Kind To Yourself, Take Care Of Your Body!
Go! Be Kind To Yourself, Take Care Of Your Body!

Go! Be kind to yourself, take care of your body! <3

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5 months ago

you were meant to see this post. this post showed up on your screen for a reason. you are loved. whatever issue you may be going through right now, whether it be school or family or love, it will pass. it will pass, and you will be okay in the end. you will survive this.

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4 years ago

gentle reminder

it is completely okay to eat. eating something is important. eating something is good. eating something is nothing to feel ashamed of. eating something is nothing to feel guilty about. i am proud of you for trying, even if it’s just one bite. 

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8 months ago

i never thought this gentleness you taught me could be used for myself

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6 years ago

gentle reminder

you are loved, make sure to drink some water please, and try to smile at yourself in the mirror whenever you can 

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5 years ago

gentle reminder

it’s okay to stay in your room if you don’t feel like talking to others; i know, sometimes it’s all to much and you may feel overwhelmed but remember that out there, outside of your door, waits a world to be explored by you everyday - try your best to not stay too long inside your own little world because you are brave enough to get out there: and out there gets less big every time you go in

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