Pred Becomes Prey - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

You could see it in their bulges, they were both starving. Right after the picture’s taken, they both race to the cameraman. 15 gets there first and scoffs at 12. He gets up to the neck when he realizes that his teammate was never planning on eating the cameraman himself. Five minutes later there lies #12 in the middle of the field alone, feeling beyond content.

vore-mecca - Vore Mecca

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4 years ago

“Looks like Tyler’s gonna have to cancel” read an ominous snap. Allison didn’t know what to make of it at first. She knew Greg could be an asshole, but eating her boyfriend two weeks before homecoming was a new low even for him! Greg tried to calm her with some bogus stories about Tyler being gay and him trying to save her from heartache before offering her the opportunity to go to the dance “with a real man”.

It was the night of HOCO when Greg pulled up in his used Cadillac. The plan went brilliantly, he thought, pleased with his performance that didn’t even leave the girl he had a crush on since sophomore year to hesitate his offer a moment. He rang the doorbell, 10 minutes late, but still cocky as ever. It was then, as Allison’s older brother swung open the door that he realized his grave miscalculation.

Looks Like Tylers Gonna Have To Cancel Read An Ominous Snap. Allison Didnt Know What To Make Of It At
vore-mecca - Vore Mecca

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4 years ago
He Didnt Like It, But He Refused To Show It. Despite Trying His Very Hardest The Last 4 Years It Ultimately

He didn’t like it, but he refused to show it. Despite trying his very hardest the last 4 years it ultimately didn’t matter, ‘cause there he was, sliding into the star freshman. He couldn’t really complain too much, for he had been on the other end of this not too long ago. Easily two dozen or so former players had ended their high school careers in his intestines, so it was only fair he’d have the same fate. Still a bit bittersweet, though. I’ll never understand why he went through with it. I mean he could’ve easily flipped the table and even have a fighting chance of taking on the team, but he didn’t. He dearly wanted to live, but to him there was something with more value than life: honor. I’ll never begin to comprehend his decision, but a part of me has to respect the guy.

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4 years ago

Check out this hunk in the gym elevator. I’m gonna be eating good this afternoon! I’ll wait til the ride down to pounce, though. I reckon he’ll be a bit more receptive if he’s exhausted

vore-mecca - Vore Mecca

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4 years ago
Jims Really Hungry, But Is He Actually Gonna Go For It?

Jim’s really hungry, but is he actually gonna go for it?

Jims Really Hungry, But Is He Actually Gonna Go For It?

The mask is coming off. He’s actually gonna try this!? I mean he’s devoured plenty of twinks, but never another Pred, and especially not that big! His eyes are way too big for his stomach and it’s gonna get him digested

Later that day

Jims Really Hungry, But Is He Actually Gonna Go For It?

Welp, I’ve been corrected. Huh. Don’t mess around with Jim, eh.

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3 years ago
Look At That Deliciously Hot Belly. Today Im Gonna Find Two Or Three Tourists To Fill That Gut To Its

Look at that deliciously hot belly. Today I’m gonna find two or three tourists to fill that gut to its limits before I enjoy the feast of a lifetime.

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3 years ago

Oh that’s where Jeff went. At least from an aesthetic perspective he ended up in a good home. At any rate, one way or another I’ve gotta keep track of him. Wonder if his host will mind?

vore-mecca - Vore Mecca

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3 years ago

You’re leaving yourself vulnerable so I might have to throw a monkey wrench in your cycle

Eat, Sleep, Grow. Repeat.

Eat, sleep, grow. Repeat.

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3 years ago

John cena

John Cena

Do I even have to say. As it stands John Cena is probably the best examples of a celebrity predator, made famous by his vore abilities. He is an Apex predators and eats exclusively alpha predators and those who were considered to be Apex before facing him. Take Randy Orton here as an example. If you would’ve asked me a month ago, I would’ve said he could consume anyone or anything, but now he’s just a bunch of amino acids and fats.

John Cena
John Cena

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3 years ago

You cool with snuggling on the inside?

I Cant Be Happy Unless I Have A Sweet Man To Snuggle With Every Night..

I can’t be happy unless I have a sweet man to snuggle with every night..

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3 years ago

How am I gonna tell him that while he was gone taking care of his sick mother, I took the liberty of eating and digesting his husband. Guess all I can do is remove the struggle and offer myself to him

 What Am I Gonna Say How In The Fuck Am I Gonna Tell Him That

     what am I gonna say…      how in the fuck am I gonna tell him that

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3 years ago

Can’t you see what’s going on? The predator’s getting drunk so the guy in the back can avenge his friend without much of a fight

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3 years ago

Does it really matter though when he’s gonna be reduced to a tight ball on Behrooz’s gut in a moment?

Behrooz Tabani And Unknown (id?)

Behrooz Tabani and unknown (id?)

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2 years ago

Little does he know that unless he moves soon he’s gonna be swimming in my gut



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2 years ago

I know I posted this a while ago and that guy’s long been digested into nothing, but reemerging in my for you tab this is still one of the hottest photos on the internet. The raw sensual force of one apex predator relinquishing his power to become one with his boyfriend is uncompared.

vore-mecca - Vore Mecca

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2 years ago

You know what needs to be done, seal his fate and claim your ultimate victory.

Hes Not Your Friend, Hes Your Competition

He’s not your friend, he’s your competition

Dumb Down, Muscle Up, Show Off

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