Pred Thoughts - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

“Enjoy it while you can” he laughs to himself, knowing full well that his high school wrestling experience is gonna come in handy in the locker room on Friday

You Can See The Envy In His Eyes For His Big Friends Body

You can see the envy in his eyes for his big friend’s body

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4 years ago

If only you could taste them

And They Said You Cant Feel Images

And they said you can’t feel images

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4 years ago

My favorite are willing prey, the ones where they have as much fun as I do, but I gotta say, a very close second is vulnerable meals like this guy, all alone on an empty beach. I think I’m gonna have to be about an hour late; I want to take my time with this one.

vore-mecca - Vore Mecca

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4 years ago
Observe The Perfect Prey. Hot, Tasty, Tired, Alone And Distracted. Trust Me Boys, This Kid Wont Realize

Observe the perfect prey. Hot, tasty, tired, alone and distracted. Trust me boys, this kid won’t realize his neck’s at stake until I’m up to it.

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4 years ago

Week 8 of quarantine

Not going so good

Week 8 Of Quarantine

I ate another one of my brothers. I was doing good, but then something came over me and there was nothing he could say or do to stop me. I better start pacing myself, I’ve only got one brother left! What then, I eat myself?

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4 years ago

Check out this hunk in the gym elevator. I’m gonna be eating good this afternoon! I’ll wait til the ride down to pounce, though. I reckon he’ll be a bit more receptive if he’s exhausted

vore-mecca - Vore Mecca

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4 years ago

Sometimes I wonder why I still do this whole predator thing, and then I remember you can’t by that meat at a supermarket.

vore-mecca - Vore Mecca

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4 years ago
COVID Has Been Tough On The Economy And This Business Has Not Been Spared. Unfortunately This Meant That

COVID has been tough on the economy and this business has not been spared. Unfortunately this meant that today I had to lay off about half of my staff. It was so hard to do. These are good people and most of them probably can’t pay rent without this job. Well at least they couldn’t, if I didn’t decide to help them out. Sure they may have been a bit hesitant at first, and I may have had to persuade them a bit by locking the doors and forcing them in one by one, but they’ll come around to appreciate the rent free home I gave them. What about after COVID? Well, I’ll be thinner and I don’t exactly think that chains of molecules will really need apartments. I love my staff!

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4 years ago

I don’t know if this was intentional, but I’m seriously salivating right now.

vore-mecca - Vore Mecca
vore-mecca - Vore Mecca
vore-mecca - Vore Mecca
vore-mecca - Vore Mecca
vore-mecca - Vore Mecca
vore-mecca - Vore Mecca

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3 years ago

Seriously Luke!? How did I do this again!? He was perfect, but I got him to bed and my hunger took over. And I can’t let him out because then he’s just gonna eat me and then what. What am I gonna do?

vore-mecca - Vore Mecca

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2 years ago

VM Extra Content Survey

For clarity this is additional content; this blog will remain close to the same as it has been for free forever.

I want to know what you want to see. Please fill out the FIRST form below to help me gauge interest and move forward based on your response. Right now the plan is to launch the new content this fall, though this is still not set in stone. Want to stay in the know, but didn’t get this email? Just fill out the SECOND form to get occasional updates sent to your email (in case something happens to Tumblr). Thanks and stay safe/happy hunting!

- VM

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Paid Content Interest Form
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Interest Form

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1 year ago

Who says you can’t play with your food!? Especially when it’s such a juicy blue-eyed hunk of meat. Sometimes I wish I could keep guys like this around, but you can’t have your hunk and eat him too and one of those proves far more rewarding. Just because I’m gonna enjoy him more inside doesn’t mean I won’t take my take while he’s outside. Besides, I getting him down is gonna be a challenge; gotta plan out my attack carefully, though I have no reason to believe he’s a predator, a guy like that could easily turn the tables if I slip up. To be honest, though not ideal, there’s worse things that can happen, I guess.


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1 year ago

Oh Shit, oh shit, oh shit. How the hell am I gonna afford rent now!? I really didn’t mean to but I was just so hungry and he was just sitting there, playing video games in his underwear. Who plays video games in his underwear knowing there’s a compulsive predator in the house though? Yeah, what if he secretly wanted me to eat him. All the struggling could have just been an act. Felt real though. I was gonna let him out, swear I was, but it felt so good I thought I could just feel him squirm a minute longer. But now he’s not moving anymore. That’s a mistake anyone could make right? I promise I don’t feel good about it, but is there really a point to letting him out at all after he stopped squirming. That’s just my luck, that’s the fourth roommate in a row to die in my gut. Maybe my next roommate should be a predator, just so they can neutralize me when I get my urges. At any rate I’ve gotta find a new snack, I mean roommate.

vore-mecca - Vore Mecca

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1 year ago

You go through many prey in a week

Not really. A lot of folks don’t seem to realize how big men really are, so it takes a little while to digest them. Though the actual count is impacted by specific prey body composition and how much I exercise and a million and a half other variables, there is a general rule of thumb we can use. 1lb of non-water weight is about 650 calories. I’m decently active, so I usually burn an average of 2500 calories per day. So if an average man I eat is 160 lbs, that’s 64 lbs non-water weight, 41,600 calories to burn, taking 17 days to fully digest. So with that figure, I consume 22 guys per year on average. Not that many of you’re looking Year to Year, but that’s still a lot of guys when you think that each one of them had a name, family, friends, a unique story and a future, only to serve as my food.

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1 year ago

Taking a moment to catch his breath again as his cheeks touch the floor and the last of Thomas had quite literally been shoved inside, James couldn’t tell if he was more so out of breath from the strenuous nature of shoving a man larger than himself up inside his ass or from the ecstasy of doing the same. It was all pretty great, but this first moment after getting him all the way inside, well that’s what James lived for, and thusly what Thomas must die for.

vore-mecca - Vore Mecca

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1 year ago

He loved this look and the feeling, but ultimately he knew it was short lived. Any day now his stomach would start grumbling up a storm, demanding to be filled with another poor man and the whole cycle would start over again. So for now, he was going to enjoy his abs while he could before the next twink stretches them out.

Checking Out His Amazing Abs And Belly Button!

Checking out his amazing abs and belly button!

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1 year ago

Fun fact, I do not have a foot fetish. You wouldn’t know that from how I act, I like to think I put on a good show, but I’m just not into feet. They don’t do it for me, but I can mask that pretty well, because they’re the beginning of what I’m actually there for. You convince a guy you’re into licking feet and he starts feeling himself as you go to town on them. By the time he realizes you flat out swallowed both feet and are working up his leg, it’s too late for all but the most talented fighters. Don’t get me wrong I don’t dislike feet because so many guys realize too late that my “foot fetish” is really just a means to their end.

Dude, We Both Know How Twisted You Are And How Much You Love My Feet.

Dude, we both know how twisted you are and how much you love my feet.

But you gotta know they have security cameras here, right?  By next week you’re going to be all over Tumblr like a million times.   Anyhow, lick harder I can’t feel it through my sneaks yet.

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1 year ago

Yep, empty again. Welp, better start up the hunt. I can’t wait to get my hairy dome back

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1 year ago

I have no defense for cute little bellies on cute guys like this. It’s actually a real problem. Poor guy. Had to eat him just to make sure I’m not an idiot later and find myself in him willingly.

vore-mecca - Vore Mecca

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