Professor Flitwick - Tumblr Posts

Christmas was coming. One morning in mid-December, Hogwarts woke to find itself covered in several feet of snow.
When Severus Snape became a Hogwarts Professor and realised he can't swear in front of his students or colleagues, he started using Potion ingredients as insults and it completely goes over everyone's head.
*student completely messes a Potion up*
Snape: *rolls eyes* Boomslang
*student blows up a cauldron*
Snape: You complete and utter Dundruff-
*Dumbledore is at it again*
Snape: That Frogging Hellebore!
Sprout: Oh? Do you need some Hellebore, Severus?
Student A: Why is Snape always citing Potion ingredients?
Student B: Absolutely no idea.
Student C: Maybe he thinks the recipes for his next classes.
Dumbledore: Have you noticed something wrong with Severus?
McGonagall: What do you mean, Albus?
Dumbledore: He has started mentioning Potion ingredients out of the blue
McGonagall: You're... actually right.
Sprout: Maybe he's stressed? He takes on a lot of work...
Filius: *tries to hide his amusement because he has figured it out*