Prosnape - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

hey guys, could you do me a favour and like/reblog or reply to this post if you’re pro-snape?

i’m putting together a blog for snapeloveposts and doing a page where we list a load of pro-snape blogs for people to browse. i’ve seen that asked a few times on here and i find everyone knows different people so none of us have a big list put together anywhere.

i obviously know a few but not all of you, so if you could like/reblog this so i can jot you down then that’d be great 👍

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4 years ago

Epic battle

So when I was going to sleep and I had that idea of Battle of Hogwarts. That Snape decide to FUCK U BITCH and turn from Voldy. And when there is few minutes before attack on Hogwarts Snape is running to the Dumbledore and is like “Mate listen we are going to be attacked by Voldy and he’s army” and Dumbledore is like “Let him come to us and let him realize what big mistake that was” And than he annnouced alarm in school and 4-7 years who want to fight can go help and the rest should stay in common rooms or help Pomfrey and in the end He says something like “Students... unleash hell on them” AND THEN is Epic montage of students and professors teaming up agains Death Eaters like for example Nevile and Sprout setting baby mandrakes or Devil Snare on DE and than high-fiving when they get caught in trap, Snape and Mcgoogle are like looking at them and smiling and than saying like they deserve detention don’t you think Minnie? OH absolutly Severus and then they started hexing the shit out of them. And at the end of the battle Harry is like are u scarde now Voldy?

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4 years ago

I was always picturing him as something terryfing like a black lion, wolf, pantera or something small that could allow him to better spy on people like little bird or a bat. So why do I think Snape's animagus form would be something terryfing? Because I feel like he would like to show by this form that he is no more defenseless and now he's much more stronger than before, also maybe he would rather not show his animagus form to everyone and use it only when he feels that it's only way.

Reblog and let me know what you think Snape’s animagus form would be and why, and if you think he was one!

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4 years ago

Au where Snape finds a little dragon during his years as a student in Hogwarts, and it becomes his familiar.

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2 years ago

fr like mara*ders stans treat it like the fucking bible like love its a fucking fanfic and its not even good 😭🤣

“reading atyd finally made me understand the marauders and their actions🥺”


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"Mid-Day Potion Making"

"Mid-Day Potion Making"

Trying out digital art with my style. Not sure if I like it or not really.

Have to admit that I use Snape to try out new styles because I love him so much.

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"Severus Tobias Snape"

"Severus Tobias Snape"

Although it hurts, I lowkey headcannon that Snape's middle name (if he has one) is Tobias. And it pisses him off.

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"Sitting Snake"

"Sitting Snake"

Let's be honest, Snape would make a wonderful model because he's so dramatic.


Another digital piece because I wanted to practice. And the background is... the background. I don't like it but, but I didn't even plan the background so part of that is my fault.

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"A Short Lie In"

"A Short Lie In"

Finally! A piece with other characters besides Severus.

Snucissa is one of my most favorite ships because I love the idea of Severus being supported by Lucius and Narcissa. And I have so many one-shot ideas for these three I might post them on tumblr.

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So. This Is A Thing I Did A Year Ago When I Started To Use Copic Markers. I-

So. This is a thing I did a year ago when I started to use copic markers. I-

I have no words, in all honesty.

(Tap/click the thingy for better quality ig)

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"Ingredient Harvesting"

"Ingredient Harvesting"

A little scene of Severus digging around for some little plant to put into a potion. This art style is growing on me... >:]

I also think that Severus looking to the side could be Lucius or Lily calling him to get out of the water like-


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Another Snuccissa piece, with a little AU-thingy on the side.

So, I mainly wanted to do all three of them chilling together, cracking jokes until I had an IDEA. Basically, Severus is super irritated (because when is he not) and ranting. His magic flares up on accident and Lucius' and Narcissa's magic flare up in response to his. And basically, it's a "sign" that they're mean for each other. Basically?

I came up with this idea not even five minutes ago and I don't know if anyone has done this but- BAM! Here's a concept.

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"A Silent Star"

"A Silent Star"

I have returned. Hello.

I haven't been feeling too great about my art so I kind of had to take a step back and slow down.

I feel a bit better now, so I'll be posting more.

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Hello again. I have returned from the store with Snupin. And eggs.🥚 And a mildly different art style.

Hello Again. I Have Returned From The Store With Snupin. And Eggs. And A Mildly Different Art Style.
Hello Again. I Have Returned From The Store With Snupin. And Eggs. And A Mildly Different Art Style.

Two other things before I disappear into the Void once more-

I would like to say thank you to my 36 followers! You lovely people are the best and I'm now motivated to make more art for you all!

Also- what type of hairstyle should Lupin have? Because he strikes me as the type of person that doesn't really care.

(Maybe my next post will be Lupin with different hair styles and Severus reacting to them.🤷‍♀️)

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3 years ago
#severussnape #harrypotter #antisnaters #prosnape #snapedefense #snover #homosnapiens Https://

#severussnape #harrypotter #antisnaters #prosnape #snapedefense #snover #homosnapiens

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3 years ago

Pokémon Team 🇬🇧 #1 : Severus Snape ~ Équipe Pokémon 🇨🇵 #1 : Severus Rogue

Pokmon Team #1 : Severus Snape ~ Quipe Pokmon #1 : Severus Rogue

🇬🇧 As a huge fan of the Pokémon franchise, I love to imagine the Pokémon teams of my characters *-* I couldn't not do the same for my favorite fictional character ^^

> Seviper 🐍 : obviously, I couldn't put together a team for Severus Snape without including the poison-type Snake Pokémon whose name begins with "Sev" x)

> The lake guardians 🧠 : on this point, I admit, I cheated a little 👌🏻 Mesprit, Uxie and Azelf represent the spirit, respectively emotion, knowledge and willingness. Knowing our Slytherin's disposition for occlumency, and knowing that it matches all three characteristics, I found it coherent to incorporate all three 🤷‍♀️

> Honchkrow 🪶 : within Snapedom, I noticed that there was a debate about what his Patronus would be if it hadn't been a doe. The option that I find the most relevant is the crow. I had the choice between Corboss and Corvaillus, but I preferred the one whose design is inspired by a wizard 🧙‍♂️ instead of the knight 🗡🛡 (although the latter would have also suited)

> Deerling 🦌 : the most common in posts like this, and it's easy to see why x) Too bad there is no female Sawsbuck ♀️

> Noivern 🦇 : in reference to its nickname, "the Dungeon Bat", I wanted to choose a bat Pokémon, and I was spoiled for choice x)) Between Crobat, Swoobat, Gliscor and Noivern, I chose the latter. His color, his look and the species from which he seems to be inspired gave me particular vibes 😉

> Galarian Weezing 🧪 : even though I already had Seviper which was a poison type 💀, I felt compelled to include a potions related Pokemon. Since none of them directly referred to it, I chose Galarian Weezing, whose shape supposed to evoke a nuclear power station ☢ (or a top hat 🎩) made me think of vials of potion

I hesitated with : Snivy 🌱 and Snover ☃️


Don't hesitate to suggest the Pokémon that you would see in Severus' team ❤🖤🤍

Pokmon Team #1 : Severus Snape ~ Quipe Pokmon #1 : Severus Rogue


🇨🇵 En tant qu'immense fan de la franchise Pokémon, j'adore imaginer les équipes Pokémon de mes personnages *-* Je ne pouvais pas ne pas en faire de même pour mon personnage fictif préféré ^^

> Séviper 🐍 : évidemment, je ne pouvais pas constituer une équipe à Severus Rogue sans y intégrer le Pokémon serpent de type poison dont le nom commence par "Sev" x)

> Les Gardiens des lacs 🧠 : sur ce point, j'avoue, j'ai un peu triché 👌🏻 Créfollet, Créhelf et Créfadet représentent l'esprit, respectivement l'émotion, le savoir et la volonté. Connaissant les dispositions de notre Serpentard pour l'occlumencie, et sachant qu'il correspond à ces trois caractéristiques, j'ai trouvé cohérent de les intégrer tous les trois 🤷‍♀️

> Corboss 🪶 : au sein du Snapedom, j'ai remarqué qu'il y avait un débat sur ce que serait son Patronus si il n'avait pas été une biche. L'option que je trouve la plus pertinente est le corbeau. J'avais le choix entre Corboss et Corvaillus, mais j'ai préféré celui dont le design est inspiré d'un sorcier 🧙‍♂️ au chevalier 🗡🛡 (même si ce dernier aurait également convenu)

> Vivaldaim 🦌 : le plus récurent dans les posts de ce genre, et c'est facile de comprendre pourquoi x) Dommage qu'il n'existe pas d'Haydaim femelle dans le design ♀️

> Bruyverne 🦇 : en référence à son surnom, "la chauve-souris des cachots", j'ai voulu choisir un Pokémon chauve-souris, et j'avais l'embarras du choix x)) Entre Nostenfer, Rhinolove, Scorvol et Bruyverne, j'ai choisi ce dernier. Sa couleur, son regard et l'espèce dont il semble être inspiré m'ont donné des vibes particulières

> Smogogo de Galar 🧪 : même si j'avais déjà Séviper qui était de type poison 💀, je me sentais obligée d'inclure un Pokémon en rapport avec les potions. Comme aucun n'y faisait directement référence, j'ai choisi Somogogo de Galar, dont la forme censée évoquer une centrale nucléaire ☢ (ou un haut-de-forme 🎩) m'a fait penser à des fioles de potion

J'ai hésité avec : Vipélierre 🌱 (Snivy en anglais) ; Blizzi ☃️ (Snover en anglais)

N'hésitez pas à me suggérer les Pokémon que vous verriez dans l'équipe de notre Severus préféré ;) ❤🖤🤍

Pokmon Team #1 : Severus Snape ~ Quipe Pokmon #1 : Severus Rogue

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2 years ago

Snape : I hate everyone

Arthur (my OC) : Challenge accepted !

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1 year ago

Headcanon : Severus dosen't hate teaching that much

Oprah (my OC's six year old daughter) : What are you doing, Sebus ?

Severus : *sigh*...A potion.

Oprah : Can I do one with you ?

Severus : It’s absolutely out of the quest...

[One hour later]

Samantha (my OC) : Severus... Why do I have a nagging feeling that my daughter drank - and made with you in her words - a Hair-raising potion?

S : She asked me !

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