Qsmp Baghera - Tumblr Posts - Page 2
i wonder if these people who dont see the relationship as sibling-like are only childs. like... I have a brother and sister. we act like what Baghera and Forever have.
forever asked for the second time not to ship him with baghera bc he has a girlfriend and this might make baghera unconfortable
we really cant have nice things without some people ruining it
one time i saw someone sharing one of their moments and someone commented (in english) “he wants to fuck her so badly” and thats freaking disgusting
men and women can be friends without a romantic or sexual attraction towards each other. pls be more respectful
i'm gonna need someone to catch me up on Foolish's lore and whatever lore is surrounding the books that cellbit and the dramatrio got involved in.
poor bbh is lagging and can't communicate with richarlyson.

some old baghera sketches, parce-qu’elle est très cool :D
Baghera speaks Spanish. When Quackity first annouced the French speakers , I decided to look them up. Then got recommended a YT video of her speaking Spanish, talking about the QSMP invitation.
made me confused for a bit. then figured it out quickly.
Now I wish we hear her speak more Spanish in the server.
they added other characters, who could have been experimented on, with Jaiden. With assigned nicknames. Baghera was in the list. She was among the kids. And given the nickname. Alouette. Lark in French.
it’s a song about plucking feathers off the poor bird.
explanation for what happened on baghera's stream:
So, basically, baghera found a black shulker box with coordinates. Following them, she arrived in what appeared to be an abandoned kid's room. On the ground, there are blocks that baghera mentioned really liking, and call them "her blocks". She finds two books, that appear to be diaries, one listing off things that the person who lived there needs for unknown reasons. Then, in the second book the person talks about being experimented on, how there are two strange people (cucuruchos), one is nice and the other pretends to be the nice one but clearly isn't, he's mean. Also the person's feathers get plucked for punishment or no reason
At the end of the book, it is signed. Baghera.
After some time hanging around in the room, she gets kicked out, with the message "There's no escaping this time"
The eggs are still missing. Let's take a break from the angst with some memes and humor. I'm aware that these memes are from the election arc.

Below are Image IDs.
[Image ID 1: A "Who Would Win?" meme, featuring FoolishGamers in his QSMP elections minecraft skin and Pomme the French egg. Foolish is wearing a green shirt, brown pants, green suspenders, a yellow tie, and sunglasses. Pomme has red and blue marks on her face and wears a black beret. The text under Foolish says "A Living Totem of Undying." The text under Pomme says "A French child with a laser gun." ]
[Image ID 2: A "Who Would Win?" meme, featuring Baghera and Etoiles in their QSMP elections + Mike's haircuts minecraft skins. Baghera is wearing a black suit with black shorts, white shoes, and is sporting short pink hair. Etoiles is wearing a full black suit, sunglasses, and earpiece like a personal bodyguard. He is sporting white hair. The text under Baghera reads "A Swiss duck with a laser gun." The text under Etoiles reads "A cucumber who is boss as security."]
[Image ID 3: A "Who Would Win?" meme, featuring 2 Code monsters and Etoiles in his QSMP elections + Mike's haircuts minecraft skin. Etoiles is wearing a full black suit, sunglasses, and earpiece like a personal bodyguard. He is sporting white hair. The 2 binary entities are floating green numbers in a cylindrical (crooked) shape. The text under Etoiles says "A cucumber who lives for fights." The text under the Codes says "2 strange cylinders made of numbers." ]
TW: blood (a little bit) sea of tags below

Plus d'étoiles ... ? No stars ... ?
was listening to the eurovision 2023 songs and i concluded that Queen of the Kings by Alessandra is so qBaghera
I watched a QSMP clip with baghera. I see her with Germany and South Korea Flags.
ah. So it’s not Jaiden, but Baghera who is collecting all the flags.
Forever: Phil, it's so unpleasant to have you here-
Baghera: Oh, stop it guys. I know you love each other, I know.
Phil: Jones, I'm so sorry for his- I'm so sorry for his behavior. Um, he's-
Baghera: No, you love each other! I can see it.
Phil: No, I definitely don't love him.
Forever: Yeah you know, he- he- that's the worst kind of people, the ones that talk smooth, you see? People that talk pretty-
Baghera: Aw, you're cute. Both of you.
Phil: Jones. Do you want to know something terrible that's gonna- that's gonna make you not say he's cute anymore? Are you ready for this?
Baghera: Yeah, I'm ready?
Phil: He has an ex that looks like me.
Baghera: [GASPS]
Forever: Look look look what you are going to say, Philza!
Phil: And he's trying-
Forever: Take care with your word! Take care of your word! I'm tougher than you now, I can kill you Philza!
Phil: He was trying to make me sound like his ex.
Baghera: No, Forever Player! No, you can't do that, it's the worst! D:
So I heard that cc! Baghera and Cellbit returned to QSMP related streaming. I heard that q! Baghera and Cellbit went apeshit, full on crack energy, manic murder on everybody. /hyp
I watched a bit of a clip. Good for them.
I have 2 song suggestions for them. Bc I know animators will eat and deliver in less than 3 seconds. - Murder! Murder! by American Murder Song - Welcome to Horrorwood by Ice Nine Kills
CWs for those 2 songs. Strong Imagery (visual and lyrical) of death, gore, violence. Very detailed and intense. They’re both songs about (fictional) murder for a reason.
At all times I have like 5 Bolas Rojas au's rattling around in my skull and I desperately need to talk about them because the brain rot is real and has grabbed hold of me and won't let go
Like, there's so many , all of these appeared in my brain in the span of like, an hour
Mer au (like, so many variations, I cannot decide on which)
Apocalypse au
Vampire au
Maybe a warrior cats au
they keep popping up and they won't leave and I don't know what to do because I DO NOT have the mental capacity to write four full length fics about these dumbasses. Someone please, ask me about them
Made Mer pod Bolas for mermay. Love my silly guys

Mostly blue is Carre. Green and grey is Phil. Red/brown is Cellbit. Big yellow guy is Foolish. Turquoise/grey/purple one is Jaiden. The yellow and red one sleeping on Foolish is Baghera, and next to her is Charlie.
Closeups under cut

Qsmp warrior cats au where the purgatory teams are the different clans. Here is Bolas as a clan, they're are made up of kittypets and loners.

Details and closeups under the cut.
The leader is Phil, who's warrior name is Crowwing. He used to be a loner and founded the clan.

His deputy is Foolish (he used to be a kittypet, he didn't change his name) I made him a hairless cat because shark and gave him one of those silly harnesses because shark

Medicine Cat is Creekbite (aka Cellbit. He's less a medicine cat and more the only other mildy reasonable one) he also used to be a kittypet!

Traceflight (Jaiden) is a warrior. She used to be a loner, but was pretty chill with all the clans.

Carre is still a kittypet, but he's also part of the clan. He's just a day warrior.

Pondbird (Baghera) is the only actual warrior, she grew up in a clan but when she saw Bolas forming was like "get me in on that" and switched clans.

Charlie technically was loner but is like fed by all the humans and everyone knows who he is. He gave himself a warrior name (Slimeclaw) but most cats still call him Charlie. (Also as a tortoiseshell he's probably trans)

Sometimes I think back on purgatory and how wild it was. Like, think about it, everyone was immediately set on winning, no mercy, no talking. And of course people are still friends, but every conversation with someone from a different team is like rolling of risk dice of "will-they won't-they kill me" And among this you had Bolas, the fucking cannibalistic gas mask cult, WHO ADVOCATE FOR PEACE. It's so absolutely insane that of all the teams, the one most likely show mercy is the one who are half-naked and scream incoherently. Like even with Bad, the one they hated the most, they still wanted to be honourable, there are many times where they ask for a fair 1v1, and every time are let down. Day one they shared the coords of their spawn. And then later on invite people over to have moments of peace. The fact that while deciding to wear gas masks and eat people, they also decided to build a castle that would act as a fight-free zone where people could share theories. In almost every situation (unless it was one of the events/competitions) they wanted to talk things over. Of all the teams, the one that had gone feral and rejected the fucking air of all things, was the only one to not revoke kindness.

Heyaa guys ˶‘ ᵕ ‘˶
So I've been really into the QSMP lately and I really wanted to draw something so yeah this is the result..
So this is Baghera and Pomme from the French community and I thought that it would been pretty wholesome to draw them like this !
Some of the frenchies !!
(Separate ver)

Full pic !
(click on to get actual good quality)

Gegg is gonna wipe the competition
I am going to give the BIGGEST elbow drop to some of the people in the qsmp community who attacked Baghera what the FUCK GUYS