I Love This Au So Much - Tumblr Posts

goddamn, i wish my stress always manifested as large bouts of writing. whos interested in a pride and prejudice au piece i banged out instead of working

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3 years ago
Maedhros From @outofangband 's Au Where Morgoth Gives Manwe Maedhros As A Gift!

Maedhros from @outofangband 's au where Morgoth gives Manwe Maedhros as a gift!

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1 year ago

instead of wanting to kill Tim for replacing him, Jason just wants to piss him off a little to keep him on his toes. he does this by changing his name and getting a degree in teaching, and then becoming Tim's English teacher at Gotham prep.

Tim is losing his mind because he swears on his life that his predecessor is literally his english teacher and is literally failing him- and nobody fucking believes him.

Jason thinks it's the funniest shit he's ever managed to pull off. it gets funnier when while on patrol, Red Hood runs into the bats, and instead of helping the others fight him, Red Robin throws down his bo staff down and screeches at the top of his lungs 'STOP GIVING ME FUCKING DETENTION'

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6 months ago

hello i was doing my daily peter tag check and i saw your post please talk about the space bastard au


So the Space Bastard AU - officially called "Time and Space" (although I really use both titles interchangeably) - takes place post-NPMD and focuses on the fact that Tinky was totally hyped about the idea of nabbing another Spankoffski for his toy box during The Summoning. It follows Peter as he deals with having to navigate his life through the trauma of everything that happened in NPMD, including life without Ruth and Richie at his side (luckily with an awesome and really supportive girlfriend who went through the same trauma he did), alongside a bunch of sudden string weird dreams he starts having that he can never completely remember, all of which involve a certain yellow Lord in Black...

Some further details:

Rather than the mayor directing them to the Black Book in the forest during NPMD, he's instead going to lead the nerds to Miss Holloway, who will apprehensively allow them to borrow it to fix the whole Jägerman situation. They never do end up returning it though, as Grace still keeps the book for herself at the end. I'm pretty sure this is the only change to NPMD I make in here, and it's really just so Holloway can be here, since if she didn't have the book in the original story, then that means she likely didn't survive the battle with Wiley & wouldn't be in the story at all.

At some point pretty early on in the story, Pete's gonna rediscover Miss Retro's (since the last time he was there, they were all about to be murdered by a ghost) and subsequently semi-"re-meet" Miss Holloway. She is very important to this story, and effectively serves the role of "guide/character who explains what's going on to Pete because while she's experienced with the Lords in Black, he sure as heck doesn't know what's going on".

Homeless Man Ted is ALSO here! Turns out he's become a regular at Miss Retro's, as Miss Holloway gives him free food and an occasional place to huddle during particularly cold days. Yes, he and Peter will reunite. Yes, I will be using him for further Tinky-related angst.

On that note though, Ted's been missing for ~2 years during the events of this story. It's an understandably sore spot for Peter.

As you probably already guessed, I specifically chose title of "Space Bastard" for Pete as a callback to Ted's "Time Bastard" status & Tinky's moniker as the "Bastard of Time and Space." Where Ted is stuck traveling through time, Peter's going to be stuck traveling through alternate realities.

Tinky makes his first big move on Peter's birthday of all things. Pete's sitting on a couch watching a movie with Steph, fairly satisfied with his day, before he gets yoinked through the seat (You know the feeling of falling in a dream? It's like that) and finds himself...on a different couch? Watching a different movie? And what the hell is Ted doing here? Didn't he go missing 2 years ago? Where's Steph?

Honestly I could spend an eternity talking about this one scene ALONE, but long story short, Tinky ruins the nice moment of Pete suddenly being reunited with his lost sibling & Pete eventually does get back to his home reality a la Ted "waking up" back at Paul & Emma's wedding in Time Bastard. If anyone wants me to go further into detail about this scene, I HAPPILY will, because there's so much I want to talk about with it lol

Oh yeah! And Pete talks about this specific set of events (which he rationalizes as a really weird dream) to Miss Holloway the next time he's at Miss Retro's, which kicks off the main "try to make it so Peter avoids his fate" storyline of the AU.

Spoiler alert: Peter won't win. No matter what he or anyone else does, he can't escape his destiny. He'll eventually be pulled into the box just like his older brother before him.

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4 years ago

i made this a while ago and i forgot to post it. also i am obsessed with @tunafishprincess au silent shadow. i can’t get enough of it!

I Made This A While Ago And I Forgot To Post It. Also I Am Obsessed With @tunafishprincess Au Silent

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3 years ago

Omg I love! 💘 my lil mer izuku and his puppy! Thank you so much! I adore this!

Just A Little Something For @miauuau

Just a little something for @miauuau

I am stuck in a car so bnha time

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2 years ago


[TW: mention of ED, fainting. I have marked where both these start and end]

Dream, being the most introverted person imaginable, hides in his trailer almost all the time, alternating between rehearsing and writing

He does like to help out the BTS departments whenever he can, and can often be found quietly painting props and sets whenever there are less people on set

Hob on the other hand is the guy always telling jokes and making people smile on set

Sometimes people accuse him of getting the jobs he does by pulling strings via Dream, but then meet him and realise just how sweet and talented he is

Dream seems to forget that he's an A lister most of the time and does not know how much power his word/recommendation has in the industry

This is why Hob never really snaps back at Dream's accidental barbs. He has fallen in love with his new world and cannot exactly risk Dream saying he is not worth working with

(Dream would never say that but he is an idiot)

Hob is friendly with Death and often goes out for coffee with her whenever she is in the area

Dream is closest to Death out of all his siblings - she is his confidante about everything that even mildly bothers him, even if it takes a bit of prodding to get him to spill - and she makes it a point to regularly visit sets of projects he's in so he can unwind/let out everything he keeps bottling up

These visits are some of the few times Dream doesn't hide in his trailer, and they can be found chatting on a couch or floor or something until Dream falls asleep (going off on the point about Dream sleeping between takes)

Dream is always cold, and seeks out sources of warmth like a cat, but only when he's asleep, because he's too awkward to do so casually enough when he's awake, and holds back anyways because he doesn't want to be a burden. He curls into Death's side once he drops off, and she has never and will never tell him about it [ED mentions begin]

Dream has an ED, as a result of being in the movie business for so long, which is why Hob hasn't ever seen him eat, despite having known him for so many projects

He thinks Dream is so lean/slender because he just works out a lot, but is always a little alarmed whenever he has to touch him for any takes/photos/etc because his bones seem to be literally hanging out

He's always worried until exactly the moment Dream opens his mouth and says something mean

(I know you have something planned about The Big Reveal™ but my brain fixated on Dream having an ED and went off)

In one movie, Dream is to have a shirtless scene and he goes into overdrive with his workouts so he looks Perfect™, plus it's with Hob so he's even more anxious about looking good. He also subconsciously starts restricting his food intake even more. [Fainting mentions begin]

When filming the scene, he does look great, but in a slightly sickly way. The script calls for him to "faint" into Hob's character's arms, but he actually passes out

Hob thinks it's just his usual stellar acting and magnetic fervour that he brings into each role and scene

Until the director yells "Cut!" and Dream... doesn't wake up.

Cue panic

Death is conveniently on set that day, and realises what's going on

Oh no, we need to take him to his trailer and need a big strong man because he obviously can't walk there himself

Hob, thoroughly confused about what to feel, takes Dream to aforementioned trailer

While Death takes care of his idiocy, she ends up ranting about how he is Utterly The Stupidest, Most Self-Centered, Pathetic Excuse For An Actor on This, Or Any Other Form of Media, and simply cannot take care of himself or even ever say what he means

Hob, awkwardly hovering around and trying to not get in Death's path, asks what happened to his dearly detested

"He's been starving himself for this stupid scene. Probably hasn't drunk anything in a day or two."

Oh shit now things make a bit of sense

Hob is now extremely overbearing when it comes to making Dream eat regularly, now that Death has given him her blessing to yell at him to eat [All TW mentions end]

Death has also now informed him about how awkward he actually is, and how often he ends up implying exactly the opposite of what he means

Oh shit, he's trying to compliment me.

I've gone overboard and it is now very AM. Good night.

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8 months ago
two-frame animated gif of max, steph, pete, and grace walking down a hallway.

[ GAME OF CHANCE, DAY 5: Tinky rolls a 1 on the die— ]

[ Uh oh. ]

[ GAME OF CHANCE, DAY 5: Tinky Rolls A 1 On The Die ]

[As the group is about to turn a corner, Reese steps into view and blocks their path. Beside her are Kyle and Brenda, looking... different.]

[ GAME OF CHANCE, DAY 5: Tinky Rolls A 1 On The Die ]

REESE: C'mon, Petey, stop running. We're going to make a playground of this town. Doesn't that sound fun?

REESE: And you... you can play with us forever. Whatever life you want to live, we can make it happen. I can be your best friend. Kyle can be your rival, or your boyfriend, or whatever you want him to be.

REESE: We're yours. Forever and always.

[ GAME OF CHANCE, DAY 5: Tinky Rolls A 1 On The Die ]

REESE: So let us make toys of your friends, Petey. It doesn't hurt. Steph knows that already, doesn't she?

[ GAME OF CHANCE, DAY 5: Tinky Rolls A 1 On The Die ]

[Pete is frozen. Why is she talking to him, like he's so special? Why are her eyes glowing? And why does her voice sound like something else is speaking with her?]

[Steph clenches her fists. She's not usually one for brute force, but the way Reese is talking to Pete... it makes something ugly simmer in her gut. She barely notices Reese calling her out. Her friends are more important.]

[Max, standing at the front of the group, frowns as Reese steps closer and closer. He took a vow against violence months ago, and despite the life-or-death appearance of this situation, he doesn't want to go back on his word. But he will protect his friends at any cost.]

[Grace looks between their three adversaries. Reese, a cheerleader. Kyle and Brenda, nerds. Gears start spinning in her head, rapidfire thoughts coming to a conclusion as Reese stops directly in front of Max. Suddenly, she has a realization.]

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4 years ago

Sits like a king, acts like a king, is a king 💜👑

Virgil being able to pick locks 👀💯👌

Virgil Being Able To Pick Locks

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1 year ago

naturally [3].

Naturally [3].

you fit into their little family perfectly - naturally → in which you meet satoru gojo

a/n: yall this one was a blast to write.

pairing: nanami kento x f!reader, yuji itadori x f!reader (platonic), satosugu as well!

want to support your local writer? send me a coffee!

I won’t be able to pick up Yuji today from daycare, do you mind heading there alone?

No worries at all, Kento. You know I don’t mind. Is everything okay?

Yes. My boss is being particularly pushy about getting this project done by today. I’m sorry to leave you alone.

I’ll be fine. But please don’t push yourself too hard, love. 

Thank you, Y/N. I’ll try not to.

I’ll make your favourite for dinner, okay? Love you.

That would be wonderful, dear. I love you too.

When you’d received the text from Nanami, you hadn’t thought anything of it. This wasn’t the first time he’d asked you to pick up Yuji, and that was way before the two of you ever were in a relationship. It hadn’t been much of a hassle then, given that you lived next door to him but it was even less of a worry now since you’d moved in with Nanami and Yuji into their apartment. Often, the two of you would pick up Yuji together and since you’d started joining Nanami, Yuji had been ecstatic about the whole thing that you made it a goal to go every day.

You’d already been out doing some errands, just about to make your way to the school with the assumption that Nanami would meet you there, when you’d gotten his text. You’d shrugged the whole situation off, mentally thankful you’d gotten all the necessary ingredients for Nanami’s favourite dinner when you’d grabbed groceries with a light frown at the realization of how hard Nanami’s office had been pushing him recently. Luckily it was the end of the week and you could spend the weekend making sure he got the rest he definitely deserved.

Your walk to Yuji’s daycare isn’t long at all and your thoughts are filled with the wonderful and loving family you’ve found yourself. None of it was in your plans for your life but you couldn’t deny how incredibly happy you were. Yuji was an absolute bundle of joy that you loved like your own son, and Nanami was the best boyfriend you could ask for – understanding, loyal, and loving. He checked off any and all boxes that may exist and made you incredibly happy.

You wouldn’t trade any of it.


You’re pulled from your thoughts at the familiar sound of Yuji’s voice. You blink, not having even realized you’d reached the daycare until a blob of pink comes crashing towards you, slamming right into your legs as Yuji hugs you as best he can with his small arms, peering up at you with bright, shining eyes. You smile at the sight, crouching down to his level as you distantly catch his teacher’s eye and offer a smile when she waves at you, before putting your full attention on Yuji.

“Hi, Yuji-kun,” you giggle, ruffling his hair. You notice his eyes drift past you, and are quick to explain. “Your father is stuck at work for a bit but I was thinking me and you could make his favourite dinner together, how does that sound?” 

Yuji beams; “perfect!”

You let out a laugh, nodding your head. “How was your day?”

“Amazing!” Yuji practically cheers, and you blink slightly at the pure excitement in his voice. Suddenly, he’s letting go of your leg to take your hand in his own, his grip quite tight for such a small child as he starts pulling. “I want you to meet my friend, Y/N/N. His name is Megumi!”

You internally laugh at Yuji’s short-attention span. You’d thought he’d be more disappointed about Nanami not being able to show up, but as usual, the boy was effortlessly positive and didn’t seem to let himself get phased by many things.

That, or he was just happy as long as one of you came.

“Okay–just, slow down a little, Yuji, I–”


Your lips part as Yuji practically bellows the name, eyes drifting ahead of yourself to the direction Yuji’s yanking you towards. You see a small boy, just slightly taller than Yuji, with black, spiky hair (it’s quite amazing actually), in a similar uniform as Yuji but he looks a lot more neat and put-together than Yuji does–even though every morning, you make sure Yuji leaves with his buttons all done and his collar straight, something or another is amiss every time you come to pick him up.

The boy glances back at the call of his name, seemingly unphased by how loud Yuji was, and it’s then you notice the man standing next to him.

He’s tall. Very tall. He’s got startlingly white hair that falls effortlessly around his head, shaping his face perfectly and he’s wearing a pair of black sunglasses but yet as his eyes drift in the direction of you and Yuji, it still feels like he’s staring directly into you.

“Y/N/N! Y/N/N! This is Megumi,” Yuji tugs at your hands and you pull your eyes away from the man, moving to smile down at Megumi. “Megumi, this is Y/N/N. The one I was talking about.”

“It’s lovely to meet you, Megumi,” you offer gently, smiling softly down at the boy.

Meeting your eyes, you’re shocked as Megumi bows, offering a small ‘nice to meet you’. You don’t think you’ve met such a polite young boy, even if he was a little quiet. It’s funny, you think, how Yuji could’ve made such a friend–someone so quiet and calm compared to your loud and boisterous boy. But then again, didn’t they say opposites attract?

“I certainly don’t know where he got that from.”

You glance up as the man with white-hair speaks up, grinning at you as he steps forward, ruffling Megumi’s hair. The boy instantly frowns as he does, batting the man’s hands away as he he grumbles to himself all whilst Yuji giggles, moving to point out Megumi’s frown and the two of them fall into a chatter amongst themselves as the man with white-hair sticks his own out towards you.

“Satoru Gojo,” the man introduces, “and you must be the famous Y/N Yuji keeps telling me about.”

Slowly, you let your hand fall in his, nodding. “Yes, I, um… I’m Kento’s–”

“Wife,” Gojo cuts off, smirking. “Yes, I actually work with your husband.”

Your eyes widen, cheeks burning red; “oh… oh no! We’re just dating, not… we’re not married, Gojo-san.”

“Ah, please, call me Satoru,” he brushes off, “and sorry. I just assumed Nanami would’ve put a ring on you already with the way he talks about you. He’s absolutely smitten.”

Your cheeks stay flushed, glancing at your feet. “Ah, well… you know…” desperate for the conversation to change, you glance back up at him. “Are you Megumi’s father?” You only ask because the two of them don’t really look all that related–of course, that didn’t mean much.

Still, it was a shift in conversation.

“Not biologically, no,” Gojo nods, “but I do take care of him.”

“Barely.” Megumi cuts in, glowering at the man.

You press a hand to your mouth to stifle your laughter–for such a young boy, he was rather quick-witted.

Gojo sticks his tongue out at the boy, and you find yourself unable to stop the giggle that leaves your lips at the sight. They were a rather odd pair, weren’t they? 

Gojo glances at you as you giggle and your eyes widen.

“Oh, my apologies, Satoru-san! It’s just–”

“No need to apologize,” he waves you off, stepping towards you. “Now, where is Nanami?”

“Oh, he had to stay at work to finish something up. Speaking of, Yuji and I should be heading home. We’ve got to start making dinner. But it was lovely–”

A huge gasp cuts you off. You blink, glancing down at Yuji who stares up at you with an expression like he’s come up with the best thing in the entire world.

“Y/N/N! Can Megumi and Gojo-san stay for dinner?”


After a long and grueling day, Nanami is more than excited to come home to you and his son and have a nice, quiet, relaxing evening.

At least, that was the plan.

Until he sees Gojo Satoru standing in his living room.

“What the hell are you doing here.”

He ignores his rather sharp language in front of the children. Never, ever has he ever wanted to see Gojo standing in his apartment, in his living room and least of all, has he ever wanted Gojo to be anywhere near you–talking with you, making you laugh, offering to help you with dinner–any of it.

Your wide eyes fall on Nanami the second you hear his voice, and Nanami feels a flash of guilt when he sees the panicked look in your eyes.

Gojo just beams. “Nanami! You’re just in time for dinner.”

Yuji comes bounding towards Nanami, hugging his father tightly and Nanami, despite the annoyance standing in front of him, of course returns the hug to his son, as Yuji beams up at him; “I asked Y/N/N if Megumi and Gojo-san could come for dinner and she said yes!”

Nanami’s eyes drift to you then, noticing the way you step towards him nervously. “I hope that’s okay,” you offer quietly and Nanami frowns at the look in your eyes. You look positively worried, and he curses himself silently when he realizes it’s because you think you’ve upset him. “Satoru-san said he was a friend from work and Yuji seemed super excited, so–”

Stepping towards you, Nanami gently pulls himself from Yuji, wrapping his arm around your waist to lean forward and press a kiss against your forehead. “It’s no worries, love. It’s not you I’m annoyed by,” he assures you, smiling down at you before his gaze hardens and he faces Gojo who continues to stand smugly in the living room. “It’s him.”

It’s then you learn that while Gojo may consider them friends, Nanami certainly doesn’t.

At least, not outwardly. You can tell Gojo definitely annoys your boyfriend, but Nanami still tolerates him nonetheless and it’s proven in the way he doesn’t immediately kick Gojo out. 

You also notice how Nanami is particularly clingy the entire night – he sticks by you, as if attached to your hip, constantly offering to help, barely allowing Gojo to step within a few feet of you. Gojo notices, of course, and he uses it to his advantage to constantly tease Nanami but you find you hardly care – Nanami was hardly ever possessive and it made you feel giddy that he was so desperate to make sure Gojo didn’t flirt with you all whilst making sure not to be too overbearing on you or do anything you weren’t comfortable with.

It was a feeling that had you tingling all night.

“The dinner was fantastic, Y/N/N.”

Nanami grunts at the nickname Gojo had decidedly started calling you halfway through dinner, a name he’d picked up from Yuji, but you just smile at the man. Gojo is standing by the door to the apartment, a passed out Megumi in his hands. Yuji’s already been tucked into bed by Nanami twenty minutes ago when the two boys had promptly passed out on the couch together. Gojo had moved to excuse himself shortly after, of course with slight pressure from Nanami, who continued to have his arm around your waist, you tucked into his side as the both of you stood across from Gojo, seeing him and Megumi off.

“I’m glad you enjoyed it,” you smile, leaning into Nanami. “I’m sorry we kept Megumi up so late.”

Gojo shrugs, “nah, it’s fine. Suguru might be a bit upset, but…”

Your brows furrow, “whose Suguru?”

Gojo grins. “My husband.”

Your eyes widen and Nanami shakes his head from next to you; “yet you continue to flirt with my girlfriend.”

“Kento,” you mumble, turning to him embarrassed.

Gojo just laughs; “your girlfriend is very beautiful,” he grins over at you, and you glance down at your feet in embarrassment. “Besides, Suguru knows I love him.” Gojo rolls his eyes at Nanami, before turning back to you. “He’s actually out on a trip with the girls for the weekend. Left yesterday.”

Your lips part; “girls?”

“Yes, Megumi’s sister, Tsumiko, and two other girls, Mimiko and Nanako that we adopted.”

You let out a gasp, “oh my! That’s so wonderful,” you beam up at the man. “The six of you must be so happy.”

Gojo laughs; “I wonder about Megumi sometimes… He didn’t wanna go on the trip, said it would be boring but I think it was because he didn’t wanna miss seeing Yuji at daycare. The two of them are like two peas in a pod.”

Truly, you feel like your heart could melt. Turning to Nanami, you beam at him; “we’ll have to have Megumi over more often then.” Then, turning back to Gojo, you add; “and of course Suguru-san and the girls!”

Nanami frowns, but you don’t see it as Gojo grins back at you; “I’ll make sure to let Suguru know.” He assures, “now, I should go. I think I might’ve overstayed my welcome.”

You glance over at Nanami at that, noticing the frown on his lips and let out a light giggle as you nod at Gojo. With one final goodbye, Nanami opens the door for him, before shutting it the second he’s sure he’s gone. You watch as the man’s shoulders instantly sag the second Gojo’s gone and tilt your head.

“Do you really not like Satoru-san that much?”

His eyes widened; “no… no, it’s not that. I’ve known Gojo for a long time. He’s annoying, but he’s a… friend.” Then, stepping towards you, he shakes his head. “I’m sorry, love. I’m just tired.”

His hands fall on your waist, tugging you towards him and you fall into him with ease, letting your head fall on his chest as you hum out softly. “I know. Don’t worry about cleaning up, I’ve got it.” Leaning back slightly, you press a kiss to his jaw. “Just get some rest.”

Nanami shakes his head; “no, you already made dinner for me tonight. I can help clean.”


“No buts,” he smirks down at you. “I want to help.”

With a moment more of hesitance, you nod. And the two of you fall into a comfortable silence as you work to tidy up from dinner. With the two of you, it’s cleaned a lot faster and before you know it, the two of you are already tucked into bed, kitchen clean, clothes swapped for more comfortable attire and feeling ready to pass out completely.

Just as Nanami presses a final kiss to your cheek, arm wrapped around your waist with your back pressed to his chest, you can't help but ask; “were you really jealous of a married man? Married to another man, no less?”

There’s a pause. Then, “...maybe.”

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Thinking about the fake dating AU again. 🤯

What if, during his segment on the Aftermath, Noah plays off his 'cheating' as something so emotionally detached it makes him look almost psychopathic, in an attempt to make himself as unlikable as possible?

The 'cheating' was simply strategic, is all. It wasn't his fault the two of them had to go and catch real feelings; Noah was just playing the game. Nothing more.

What? You thought he had feelings for them? Don't be ridiculous, Noah felt nothing for either of them- they were just there to carry him through the competition.

(He doesn't anticipate the ache that twists through his chest after that statement. It isn't true in the slightest, yet even just pretending to not care about his partners is physically painful.)

At first, both Geoff and Blaineley commend him for enacting some long overdue karma/vengeance on the antagonistic duo, but the more Noah intentionally digs himself into a hole- the more hateable he makes himself- the more people actually begin to pity both Heather and Alejandro. Which was the plan from the beginning, so Noah fully commits to it, playing off every interaction as just another cog in his manipulation machine; he's the 'High IQ', after all, of course he planned it all.

And he hides the nausea writhing in his gut from the blatant lies he's sprouting under a carefully blank, uncaring mask of indifference. Every claim he makes is said in the most casual tone- as if he's commenting on the weather instead of admitting to masterminding the heartbreak of two strong competitors- and that's somehow worse than if he would at least seem smug about his achievement. Because at least then he'd (appear to) care.

So, when the Aftermath finally ends, Noah becomes persona non grata. No one wants to even look at him- who knew the little snark could be so ruthless? So uncaring?

And Noah, knowing that he can't confide in Owen (who can't keep a secret to save his life) or Izzy (who's too unpredictable to trust- and who also 'leaked' fake information about him to Sierra during her time on Celebrity Manhunt, so who knows what else she's leak?) turns to his friend Eva, who promptly decks him in the face.

"I'm not friends with cheaters."

And when he tries to explain himself, clutching at his quickly bruising face and hoping that she'll see reason or at the very least afford him some decency, she throws his actions back in his face (actions have always spoken louder than words with Eva). Claiming that, if he's willing to lead on two people romantically, who's to say he isn't also faking their friendship? How can she trust anything that comes out of his slimy mouth?

It hurts. Every accusation is like a wave of searing heat against his already blistered heart, and yet Eva's eyes are so cold as she looks at Noah like he's the scum beneath her shoes.

So he flees to his hotel room.

And, for the first time in years, he weeps.


Given the informative finale of World Tour, the Aftermath crew were given the go-ahead to host one last hurrah, to properly question their finalists about their scheme, and to clear Noah's name.

Their audience was practically frothing at the mouth for an update.

During their interview segment, Blaineley (in an attempt to stir up some drama- she's always endeavouring to stay on brand after all) plays clips of Noah's callous 'confessions' on his Aftermath segment post-elimination, hoping to cause some trouble in paradise for the lovely throuple by sewing the seeds of doubt in their minds.

To her surprise, both Heather and Alejandro start laughing at the clips as if they're the funniest thing they've ever seen, huddling closer to Noah as they poke and tease him. Noah, in turn, sinks in unto himself, red-faced and mortified.

"What? How can you be alright with him saying that?" Cries Blaineley, scandalised that her attempt at brewing tension somehow didn't work.

"Because he does not mean it." Alejandro explains. To his side, Heather nods in agreement.

"How can you be so sure?"

Heather points to the screen, where past Noah is lying his ass off for the world to see, stoic save for the barely noticable twitching of his fingers and the occasional jump of his leg.

"He's lying through his teeth! It's so obvious- you weren't even trying to hide your tells, and after all the practice we did!"

"I didn't need to. Neither of you were there to call me out on the bluff."

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6 months ago
Sans Does A Lot To Take Care Of Pap But Sometimes He Needs Someone To Take Care Of Him
Sans Does A Lot To Take Care Of Pap But Sometimes He Needs Someone To Take Care Of Him
Sans Does A Lot To Take Care Of Pap But Sometimes He Needs Someone To Take Care Of Him
Sans Does A Lot To Take Care Of Pap But Sometimes He Needs Someone To Take Care Of Him

Sans does a lot to take care of Pap but sometimes he needs someone to take care of him…

A little kofi prompt turned into a full blown comic. woops… Yall wanted to see more of Grillby and his hypnotic flames anyways right? :>

Thanks as always to @autumnvicky for your donation <3

Slumbertale Wiki | KoFi

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8 months ago
two-frame animated gif of max, steph, pete, and grace walking down a hallway.

[ GAME OF CHANCE, DAY 5: Tinky rolls a 1 on the die— ]

[ Uh oh. ]

[ GAME OF CHANCE, DAY 5: Tinky Rolls A 1 On The Die ]

[As the group is about to turn a corner, Reese steps into view and blocks their path. Beside her are Kyle and Brenda, looking... different.]

[ GAME OF CHANCE, DAY 5: Tinky Rolls A 1 On The Die ]

REESE: C'mon, Petey, stop running. We're going to make a playground of this town. Doesn't that sound fun?

REESE: And you... you can play with us forever. Whatever life you want to live, we can make it happen. I can be your best friend. Kyle can be your rival, or your boyfriend, or whatever you want him to be.

REESE: We're yours. Forever and always.

[ GAME OF CHANCE, DAY 5: Tinky Rolls A 1 On The Die ]

REESE: So let us make toys of your friends, Petey. It doesn't hurt. Steph knows that already, doesn't she?

[ GAME OF CHANCE, DAY 5: Tinky Rolls A 1 On The Die ]

[Pete is frozen. Why is she talking to him, like he's so special? Why are her eyes glowing? And why does her voice sound like something else is speaking with her?]

[Steph clenches her fists. She's not usually one for brute force, but the way Reese is talking to Pete... it makes something ugly simmer in her gut. She barely notices Reese calling her out. Her friends are more important.]

[Max, standing at the front of the group, frowns as Reese steps closer and closer. He took a vow against violence months ago, and despite the life-or-death appearance of this situation, he doesn't want to go back on his word. But he will protect his friends at any cost.]

[Grace looks between their three adversaries. Reese, a cheerleader. Kyle and Brenda, nerds. Gears start spinning in her head, rapidfire thoughts coming to a conclusion as Reese stops directly in front of Max. Suddenly, she has a realization.]

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10 months ago

Swinging By a Fine Line || j.jk | masterpost


Spider-Man’s role was easy: save everyone, fight the criminals, don’t drop out of school, don’t expose his identity, and make time for his girlfriend. What was so difficult?

This is a collection of stories that involve the same characters/environment. You can read them as stand-alone or all together. However, I recommend reading them in the order they appear. I hope you all enjoy the ride… or the swing *wink*! Thank you for reading (even if it’s just one part ^-^). 

🕸️ Pairing: spiderman!Jungkook x girlfriend!Reader(f) [note: reader is short and has medium-long hair; she/her pronouns]

🕸️ Last updated: November 27, 2023 (ongoing)

🕸️ Credits: All banners and story dividers are made by me, unless stated otherwise. Please ask to use.

🕸️ DISCLAIMER: This is all fictional. Characters do NOT reflect their real-life personalities, actions, beliefs, behaviors, etc. Character’s actions are for the plot. I truly love all seven. If I write a member in a “negative light” it’s NOT because I don’t like them. Again, it’s solely for the plot. Please keep this in mind. 

f = fluff | s =  smut | ac = action | ag = angst | c = crack/humor | hc = hurt/comfort

more about sbafl characters | bts masterlist

✨ swinging through the city with a little funk and s(e)oul✨ 

 Feel free to visit my SBaFL survey about future content for this mini-universe. Answers are 100% anonymous and you are not required to answer all the questions. I will be honest and say it’s a little lengthy, but the questions are quick and easy to answer. I’d appreciate it bunches! 


List order: Oldest  -> Newest

🕷️ Tangled Thoughts (ac / ag) | 10.5k ↳ It wasn’t easy to leave your boyfriend of two years, but the constant lies made you question your relationship. You tried to move on, but you were somehow constantly tangled in his web. After being captured by an unknown, yet familiar, enemy, Jungkook wondered if he was doing the right thing by keeping his secret identity from you. Was it too late to come clean?

Keep reading

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11 months ago

hughes!sister x will smith au masterlist 🤍

Hughes!sister X Will Smith Au Masterlist
Hughes!sister X Will Smith Au Masterlist
Hughes!sister X Will Smith Au Masterlist

au timeline + background

mood board


draft night

feelings confessed (part 2 to draft night)

mundane moments

the first date

sunday mornings

rainy day at the lake house | part 2 (smut)

the wonder years (samy & will before they started dating)

being oblivious

no, no we’re just friends

seven minutes in heaven

kissing as “just friends”


watching their baby sister fall in love

hockey formal

the 3 times samy’s confused about her feelings and the 1 she isn’t

something other than hockey

the 3 times will’s confused about his feelings and the 1 time he isn’t

a surprise in sweden


the girl

trust fall

a soft morning

no one else i’d rather celebrate with

asks (that don’t have a long expanded story)

frozen four

social media posts

the soft launch (more like hard launch)

will’s 19th birthday!

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