Redheads - Tumblr Posts
Did Tolkien not understand genetics or are elves just special?

I have to say, there is something so alluring and beautiful about a mature woman. The soft curves, the sensuality in her eyes, the acceptance that she is beautiful without external validation just makes me so wet!

What is it with redheads in anime???

I can't be the only one who sees this...

I love that Scarlett's hair was dyed two different colors in this movie (Avengers: Endgame) - bright red and blonde. Furthermore, her hair was styled elegantly. Especially here in this scene. I think here the Avengers are doing time travel trials, or Natasha (Scarlett's character) is going on a mission with Clint. I don't remember. It's been a few years since I re-watched Avengers Endgame. But yeah, Natasha's hairdos were really pretty, yet functional.

Velma detail from yesterday's #vectorAday art. The #freckles are my favorite part. #vector #arte #scoobydoo #redheads #diles #dilesQueDijeAlgo

His hair is all floofy :D
I feel like I'm still not done drawing yet... And I've already done, like, three.

What is it with the X-Men and redheads?
(Part 1)

The Roth’s (ft. Alex Roth and their family)
Did this for fun and to show hey, I'm still alive as ever everyone. have this piece as a small window to how Alex's life used to be before Dream came.