Relief Print - Tumblr Posts

Flamingo Phoenix Rising
Very old work (about 15 year) I found on a old harddrive laying around in my storage.

Composition #4, hand carved woodcut print of Mount Pleasant train station in Canada. These are quite fun and relaxing to make even though its less forgiving than painting - if a mistake is made during the carving process you can't exactly fix it :P. The fact that I had no issues with the carving is great :D.
The woodcut is limited edition printed by hand on beautiful paper with a mixture of cotton and paper pulp made in France(yes I am nerding out about paper). Each print is numbered and signed by me and comes with a written thank you note :D.
The print is 20.5 cm x 15.5 cm , 8 inch x 6 inch. Paper is 24 cm x 18 cm, 9.5 inch x 7 inch
Shop link:

been working on this new block for the past month! really excited to print it this week and start working on the color layers 💖

"She's Gloreth's monster"
relief prints of the scroll from Nimona (2023), 21 x 13.5 in, printed 12/16/23

Hand-drawn and cut on MDF. Here's some pictures of the original woodblock before and after its print run

Wip wip wip wip
a City on the Edge of Forever drawing i wanted to try carving

Wip wip wip wip
a City on the Edge of Forever drawing i wanted to try carving

a little update on this guy.
can you spot where i busted through the plate lol?

Wip wip wip wip
a City on the Edge of Forever drawing i wanted to try carving

trying to put all my jewish feelings into something sweet
1 month until Rosh Hashanah, one of my favorite holidays

Working on block prints. Some of my walking trees. The idea is to have a large variety that I can rearrange and play with. Intended for paper and also fabrics.

Some block print textile designs in progress.

After altering the design just a bit to make the tiling sections fit together better, I got carving and made my first test proof. Adjustments are still needed, but that’s printmaking.

The leaning giant. 2 months into carving, finishing up branching and moving to foliage. With trees that are a couple hundred years old and above, every branch has its own character after weathering multiple storms, droughts, and breakages.

At 6-8hrs a day, 3 months deep. Finally about to do the blocking before blasting out the background which might take another week or two. Getting excited

Ceruchus striatus, the redwood stag beetle. Important decomposers of old growth redwood logs.
Getting the block printed with The Aesthetic Union, James pulling the first print. I love putting dreams onto woodblocks and linocuts and doing the carving, but I’m getting more comfortable with delegating the final printing to someone who does it professionally everyday of their lives. Watching someone intuit the needed pressure, ink density, and being able to adapt around problems quickly, it makes you appreciate collaboration. Not having to do everything on your own.

The leaning giant, loosely based on an actual redwood from our mountain that I see almost everyday. The three bends in the upper part of the tree are actually caused by breakages it had in the past and healed over, so it gives the tree an almost snake like trunk. 3 1/2 months of carving.

Working on the layout for the next block, based on a Coho Salmon I once saw in our creek

Carving close to the sketched lines.