Reshiram - Tumblr Posts
Since it's April 1st I've decided to lose all decency and unload a collection of artwork I haven't yey posted >:) (part 1!)
Elaborations on each image under the cut

1. Twig!!! Ve's my Will Wood creature because I'm becoming. Obsessed. Ve can steal other people's powers and thats abt it, thats just veer thing
2. MATILDA :)) A character co-owned by me and @kirazvasili, but she's older here than usual
3. They cld be your angle or yuor debil
4 + 6. @rangordall's fr dragons!! Love em
5. Reshiram :) I was in a dragony mood that day
7. Gengar from a train ride, requested by Bud :)
8 - 10. Love this animals, the sneeze eel
props to the og artist this is incredible 💜

Pokemon Fusions by leoiruga on instagram

More Through Shared Eyes AU content because I love my own AUs.

the tao trio


Reshiram y Zekrom jajsj, tambien tengo dibujos de ese estilo con otros legendarios si quieren se los puedo publicar.

Reshiram y Zekrom jajsj, tambien tengo dibujos de ese estilo con otros legendarios si quieren se los puedo publicar.

Happy birthday Reshiram!
(Context that because Reshiram has a birthday today), the character from the pokemon manga that represents Reshiram has a birthday today.
You got any tao trio headcanon?
Yes and I ship Reshiram and Zekrom
-zekrom is so funny and friendly
-reshiram is calm but she always fights with Kyurem and that always makes her angry
-kyurem is gay LMAOOO. But I'm not going to say who I partner with,sorry :'<
-Reshiram is a girl and zekrom and kyurem are boys. (It is logical since kyurem is gay).
-kyurem was bad but thanks to Arceus, Zekrom and other legendary (which I won't name, sorry) they made it not bad.
What the hell is my headcanon.... lmao
Whimsical white creeter my beloved (IM INLOVE WITH HOW THE FLAMES TURNED OUT

honorable mention : wip

PKMN Black - Ansy
One more highlights post before going back to our regular schedule of Diamond x Pearl REWRITE (& please excuse the slight style changes through these lol, as I made some of these a year or two ago, while others I made leading up to posting DxP REWRITE on my Instagram parasol_lady_ansy).
As I said on Ansy’s timeline, BW was a very coming-of-age story for Ansy, maybe the most impactful for her character as a whole. It was her first official Pokémon journey, as her very first one through Kanto was cut short (see timeline), leaving her with PTSD. Enter Rain, her then-service Eevee (now Vaporeon!) - she was given to Ansy right before she moved to Unova to help adjust to life there.
She met all kinds of friends, enemies, rivals, & even a mysterious Champion from another region. This is when she first met Ingo & Emmet (they were about 19, brand new Subway Bosses, while she was 15). Skyla was about 16, & still working on her pilot license where she can fly industrial planes (like she does in BW2), but can fly small recreational aircraft like ultralights. Cynthia was also aged down to a teenager, though older than Ansy (looking forward to when she appears in DxP REWRITE 🖤)
The last fight against N, then Ghetsis, was a big turning point for her, as that was the first time since the incident in Kanto that she finally allowed herself to be angry, synching perfectly with the fiery white dragon Reshiram. She & they have a very deep bond, & while she didn’t catch them (Ansy befriends Legendaries instead of catching them), they would come when called wherever she was in Unova. 🪽

The Vast White Pokemon
Cause why not