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Solangelo/Nico di Angelo headcanon (being needy with friends and family and Will Solace)

i like to think that loved ones sometimes brings back the past-nico out of nico. like he gets cuddly and needy and annoy-ie around his precious people. being grumpy and pretending he doesnt like hugs but he actually does and sometimes he conflicted abt it but he still really really like physical touch from the people he loves and adores bc it makes him felt save–

afshdjjjw no. hes just openly show u hes a touchy guy.

in my headcanon hes just very chill with it when he gets along well with u. if he likes u a lot, like, a whole lot, families brothers sisters will solace level, he will cling, onto you, like a koala, legit going to die if he lets u go.

imagine will, hasnt dated nico yet at that point, only very good friends, hugs him suddenly out of nowhere bc he thinks it will make nico surprised and be blushy and shy and angry and stuff, but actually, nico just, giggles (will had no idea he is capable of that), leans more into his arms and allows himself to be fulled with warmth and affection, forever.

hazel too, when nico being sad and not wanting ppl to be worried about him, shes just angrily sighs and gives him the biggest hug, telling him, whether he liked or not, everyone will always be worried about him, they wanted to make him happy, loved, adored, comfy, warm and deserved and belonged and loved. AND most importantly, being with him when he needed. so he should never be sad abt it. but the thing is, hazel honey, he already feels ok and swell the moment u hugged him. saying those emotional and heartfelt things just make him all sad and teary again. its worsen.

reyna the exception, knows this and she takes full advantage of it. whenever she and nico debate about something, idk kfc being superior than mcdonald ig and they get heated, nico about to drop his sword, his face is dark with rages, veins popping off on his neck, hands gripping so hard it could bleed any second—so reyna, power walk over him, with the same amount of anger and aggressively- embrace him. surprise surprise, it works, really well. ALL of nico's angers went out like wet sands dunk on small flashes of fire, they set out for pizza after that, with an embarrassed nico and amused reyna.

jason does this too sometimes, when he gets bored and wanna hangout with someone, aside from piper or leo of course. so nico, having will's disney and rom-com movies ready, with lots of snacks, pillows, blankets, never forget hugs as he quickly melts into jason's side and enjoying their boys night. they waked up with tense shoulders and hurted spine but hugged it out and everything's all ok.

again with will, but now, officially a (very cute) couple. to will, nico cuddles and snuggles with him a lot, like a LOT, but, its a little...different.

you see will, in the infirmary, talking, giving instructions, doing his job then boom–its hugging hours, u see nico clinging on his back like a life support.

you see will, in the training area, giving good archery advices for his siblings and other campers, shot a bird instead of the target, snap a bone back into place, the usual, then mother of percy–well would u look at that! snuggy cuddy huggy willy time! and nico literally materialized out of nowhere, running like a mad man and do the smoothest back flip right into will's front body, almost break his back in half, but will, despite the pain, hugs him back nonetheless.

you see will, scared of something, pointing a scapel at the shadow, waiting for something to pop out of it, then sighs, feeling ridiculous to himself, but it doesnt end there of course, a noise catches his heart, will tensed up immediately, shivering, dropping, a loud metal sound echos and when he looks back at his hand, he held no more the weapon that keep him safe. thats right...u guess it!–its cuddlinggggg timeeeee! and will being the terrified lil golden retriever he is, try to hide and run away but the predator caught up to him so quick he couldnt even blink. then what happened? eh nothing really, he gets choke–smother with loves and nico, thats just—yeah, call his siblings annabeth, red alert.

you see will, tired, kinda looked like hes accepting his fate now, with opened arms and closed eyes, hes just gave out his last prayer to his dad, figures it wouldnt do shit and the clock ticks and will flinches. ah...always on time i see nico? literally, zero point one second later, a dark humanoid ball flying into wills arms and you can hear cracks so loud it makes u hisses and cringes. but will, amazing man he is, smiles the most sunny shiny smiles he has and hugs that dark humanoid ball with everything dear to him. ignore the tears

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6 years ago

PJO Equestrian Au Part 2: Show headcanons

My first post of this au just hit 200 notes and I'm so excited! So as a thank you I posted a part 2! What happens when these wacko jobs go to shows to compete. Seriously thanks a million!

-When they go to shows they always end up carpooling with Percy's mom because they love her

-The girls have sleepovers in the eachothers' hotel room, singing songs, and staying up way to late when they should be getting some rest because they have to get to the barn at 5 in the goddamned morning

-They always book at the hotels that have free breakfast and Percy complains that nothing is blue but he inhales an unholy amount of Texas shaped waffles

-Annabeth takes a bite out of Piper's toast

-Piper swipes some eggs off of Annabeth's plate

-Piper is the most supportive girlfriend ever and going to almost all of Jason's shows or maybe it's just because she wants to hang out with the girls wHO KnOWs?

-They never leave the show until all of them are done because they have to cheer each other on

-There will be a section of the stands with a giant group of teenagers with an assortment of riding clothes and pajamas

-Annabeth is the person with the show schedule who jots down the scores and keeps track of time

-The others would never be in the right place without Annabeth

-Excpet Reyna cause she's perfect

-Don't even think about doing anything to embarrass the barn because Reyna will swoop down on you like a mighty eagle of vengeance

-At shows sometimes Percy and Jason are in the same class because of their similar skill level and they're always like "I'm gonna kick your ass!" "No. I'm gonna kick your ass!"

-Reyna takes none of their shit and gives them her "stop speaking unless you wish to die" look

-Reyna and Annabeth have a grudging respect for each other

-Being the best riders at the barn and all

-When they're around each other Jason and Percy are scared out of their wits

-Correction: everyone is scared out of their wits

-Chiron gets stressed at shows because he's running around trying to get to each of his riders

-So Silena is the one who had to make sure they're actually presentable

-Button up your collar Percy!

-Annabeth your hair is a mess, tuck those wispies in!

-Don't forget your glasses, Jason, you want to be able to actually see the course.

-There's dirt all over your pants Hazel!

-Frank! Where is your number?

-And Reyna... you’re good

-Frank got super nervous before his first show and Percy gives him a pep talk

-Percy: "repeat after me, I wanna be the very best"

-Frank: *hesitantly* "I wanna be the very best"

-Percy: "Like no one ever was"

-Frank: "Like no one ever was"

-Percy: "To catch them is my real test"

-Frank: "To catch them is-Wait. That's the Pokémon theme song! Percy! Stop laughing!"

-Frank ended up getting first and he had to ask at least 3 people if he heard it right before he actually believed it and his face broke into the biggest most heart warming smile ever seen

-then Hazel congratulated him pinning the blue ribbon on his coat

-then she kissed him on the cheek and Frank went bright red

-Jason and Percy take pics because they're ship is nearly canon!

-One time they went to a show in December and it was freezing

-They were all crowded around the heat buddy that Leo brought

-Like penguins nuzzling together for warmth

-It would've been nice if they weren't shivering and possibly getting hypothermia

-They walked the course all bundled up in blankets

-Percy and Annabeth shared Percy's little mermaid blanket

-Hazel had on 3 jackets, Her's, Nico's, and Frank's

-After Nico gave Hazel his jacket Will wrapped him in a part of his blanket because god dammit Nico your gonna freeze

-Jason takes a picture of them and puts it on snap chat with the caption "solangelo is real"

A/N: Thanks for reading! Don't hesitate to drop an ask or comment! Make sure to check out my other posts of this au under #pjo equestrian au

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6 years ago

Omg I love ur equestrian AU😊😍so in pjo I think u know Reyna kinda had a crush on Percy and had a rivalry with Annabeth partly because of that? Of course later on both moved on, but I’m curious in ur equestrian au, did the same thing happen? Like reyna liking Percy?

Omg thank you anon! I’m glad you like my au!

Yes Reyna had a bit of a crush on Percy at first But that’s not the reason things can be “tense” between her and Annabeth Reyna and Annabeth are the best riders at the barn but the question is… who is the very best? What Reyna and Annabeth have isn’t exactly a rivalry they’re too mature for that *cough* Percy and Jason *cough* As for Reyna’s love interest… she doesn’t have one She doesn’t need one Reyna is a strong independent woman who don’t need no man Thanks for the question! Don’t hesitate to ask again!

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4 years ago

Camp Jupiter is a cult. How have I not realized this sooner?

They have:


A city religion

A secret city

A secret training camp

Their own heirarchy


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5 years ago

I know there’s a lot of people in the fandom who want Reyna to be a lesbian , and I think that’s a fucking wonderful idea too, and I think a lesbian character in one of Rick’s books would be great but I kinda want her to be aro/ace. Because I don’t think I’ve ever seen aroace representation anywhere (from what I’ve seen, not saying there isnt) and I feel like all the characters end up in relationships so it would be cool if Reyna wasn’t into that

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6 years ago

¿Porqué Reyna Avila Ramirez-Arellano es mi personaje favorito?

(Un poco de spoilers)

Realmente amo a Reyna, es posiblemente mi personaje favorito de la serie de Percy Jackson, Los Heroes del Olimpo y Las pruebas de Apolo. El primer personaje de una serie de libros que tocó mi corazón de fanática, y llegue a decir ’’Yo quisiera ser como ella’’.

Lo más gracioso es que conocí la saga cuando tenia unos 17-18 años (Hace bastante) por boca de mi hermana y las reiteradas veces que me recomendó Percy Jackson, así que simplemente hice lo más sensato y me rendí. 

Mi hermana hablaba muy emocionada de Percy, Annabeth y sus aventuras; del tan querido Percabeth (Yo también lo amo XD), pero algo sobre Annabeth no me convencía del todo, hasta ahora no se que haya sido. Tenia la certeza que amaba la pareja que formaba con Percy Jackson, pero había algo de su personalidad que me hacia alejarme de su personaje, así que hice lo que cualquier lector hace cuando convive con otro: Me descargué, hablé durante horas sobre lo complicado que se me hacia su personaje, lo mucho que amaba a Percy a pesar de ser obtuso y la obsesión de Annabeth con el personaje de Luke en la primera saga, probablemente haya dicho otras cosas, pero ahora mismo no me acuerdo. 

Cuando llegué a la saga ‘’Los Heroes del Olimpo’’ había aceptado a la versión más madura de Annabeth y le di un lugar en mi corazón, Piper (No era ni es mi favorita de los siete) y había amado a Hazel con todo su pasado y sus luchas; no desmerezco a las otras, pero por alguna razón tampoco podía seleccionar a una de ellas como mi personaje femenino favorito.

Cuando leí a Reyna por primera vez, mi hermana ya me había hablado un poquito sobre ella y no le agradaba, por lo que tenia una imagen previa, pero no me deje guiar por ella XD, podía no gustarme porque se insinuó indirectamente a Percy en un intento desesperado por evitar que Octavian llegara a la pretoria, pero no lo hizo. No podía relacionarme con Annabeth, Piper o Hazel, pero pude verme a través de Reyna; ese personaje que todos veían como una líder fuerte e independiente, que cargaba con la responsabilidad de toda una ciudad en sus hombros, sentía la presión de llevar un trabajo pesado ideado para dos personas y sobrellevarlo bien, la angustia de ver que sus esperanzas caían al suelo al ver como sus intereses amorosos la rechazan como si tuviera la peste y cargar con una guerra que podía destruirlos a todos. Yo me relacionaba con eso. 

‘‘No me defino por los chicos que pueden o no gustar de mi’‘ 

La Sangre del Olimpo fue un punto de no retorno para mi, ya había encontrado a mi personaje favorito y había sido tan de la nada que no supe ni en que momento paso, que tu personaje favorito sea uno protagonista es un poco más sencillo, pero si es secundario te toca leer entre lineas. 

‘‘No encontraras el amor donde esperas o deseas. Ningún semidios curara tu corazón’‘

  Dije: ¡Definitivamente mi personaje favorito! XD

Reyna es fantástica, no porque se sepa defender, no se defina por un hombre,o sea una líder, este soltera, sino porque tiene un pasado horrible y lo ha superado, porque vive en un mundo tan traicionero y peligroso como Nueva Roma y lo acoge como un hogar, por su carácter desinteresado al prestarle sus propias fuerzas a toda una legión y no exigir que la eleven a la gloria. Ella es asombrosa. 

La Sangre del Olimpo fue toda una experiencia para los fanáticos de la chica, probablemente nos falten muchos datos para armar la vida completa de Reyna y ruego porque en ’’La Tumba del Tirano’’ se toque más sobre Reyna. Bueno, estoy segura que pasará eso porque ¿Que sentido tiene traerla en ese punto de la historia?, aparte de patear trasero de monstruos y emperadores romanos. 

Es más quiero verla al puro estilo de Wonder Woman en ‘’La Tumba del Tirano’’ XD

Me desvió del tema, pero no puedo evitarlo.

Sep, Reyna merece su propio reflector y yo estoy dispuesta a reclutar un ejercito de fanáticos de la chica ¡Ave, Reyna!

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6 years ago

The History of the Praetor (or Prætor)

According to Cicero a Prætor was a title given to people to command armies and states. The first Prætor was chosen in 336BCE and was chosen from the patricians who created this office as a way to share power with the plebeians (no plebeian Prætor was chosen until 337BCE). He was called Collega Consulbius and was elected with the same auspices as the comitia centuriata. The Prætor could be considered a third consulship, whose main job was a portion of that of the consuls. In 246BCE the job changes and became similar to that of a modern day judge.

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3 years ago

Incorrect Riordanverse Quote #12

Apollo/Lester: I love you guys, you're the best thing that's happened to me!

Reyna: We're the best thing that's ever happened to you?

Apollo/Lester: Yes!

Meg: I'm starting to feel really bad for you.

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