Rika Orimoto - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago
A Small Date With The Monster GF
A Small Date With The Monster GF
A Small Date With The Monster GF

a small date with the monster GF

i was born to draw yuuta

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3 years ago

So what if bby fushiguro meet Rika? Like "Ri...ka...-chan" _ "Huh? how do you know her name?" _ "she said it herself" _ Of course Rika doesn't speak in curse form, bby fushiguro can see spirits so ye the two are probably quite close because Rika seems to be around the same age

scarlet witch! baby fushiguro! reader meets rika orimoto

jujutsu kaisen x reader

masterlist of the series

So What If Bby Fushiguro Meet Rika? Like "Ri...ka...-chan" _ "Huh? How Do You Know Her Name?" _ "she
So What If Bby Fushiguro Meet Rika? Like "Ri...ka...-chan" _ "Huh? How Do You Know Her Name?" _ "she
So What If Bby Fushiguro Meet Rika? Like "Ri...ka...-chan" _ "Huh? How Do You Know Her Name?" _ "she

warning(s): major anime/manga spoilers for jjk

this is such a cute request omg they totally would *clears throat* i present to you scarlet bb fushiguro meeting rika, enjoy reading <3

before you read: you still haven't exhibited much of your chaos magic for this request and gojo doesn't know you're the scarlet witch yet, hence the reason why he and the others claim your chaos magic as cursed energy when it is not!

So What If Bby Fushiguro Meet Rika? Like "Ri...ka...-chan" _ "Huh? How Do You Know Her Name?" _ "she

you have always been a strange child, even when gojo first got you. when he found out you could see curses at a young age, he expected for you to be a bit scared, but no. it was the cursed spirits who were afraid of you. you were so bold around them that you'd try to befriend them and even chase after them, but unbeknownst to gojo, you could also see other spirits. the ghosts of dead people.

you were brought to tokyo jujutsu high by gojo since his students missed seeing you and the same goes for youβ€”you had been insisting on coming to see them again. you loved the company of your maki-nee, toge-nii, panda and most especially your yuta-nii very much.

when you stepped foot at the school. you bolted towards the four with open arms as soon as gojo placed you down. you were bombarded with warm greetings and embraces, and somehow they were all free from missions today.

you did your zoomies around the school grounds after gojo excused the students from you, since he needed to talk to them for a minute. you were minding your own business from a distance when you felt someone staring at you but it was neither of the students or gojo. turning your head, you saw a cursed spirit that wasn't fully manifested behind yuta. it took you some time to realize that this spirit was the main reason you could sense a powerful energy from yuta.

being the friendly child you are to all spirits alike, you approached the cursed spirit who continued to hide behind yuta shyly.

'she's [name].. right?'

you could hear the spirit's thoughts and to you, it sounded like a little girl's voice instead of a curse's hoarse one.

tipping your head to the side, you stared. with your sensitive eyes and senses, it used to be human; a little girl just like you. it was no wonder the spirit sounded like one. you nodded your head, a smile gracing your lips.

'did you just hear my thoughts?' you giggled at the cursed spirit fondly, nodding your head once again.

"my name is rika!"

she sounded much more confident this time as she separated from yuta and she spoke verbally this time. though her voice sounded nothing like human to their normal ears, to you it was otherwise.

you uttered the name, your smile stretched wider as excitement filled your lungs. "rika..? rika-chan!"

they halted their conversation and turned to you with wide eyes, especially yuta. did she really just speak to you?

"huh? how do you know her name?" gojo had never mentioned of the cursed spirit that yuta had with him and he was certain that the young boy never mentioned it to you either.

"she said it herself!" you answered, pointing your index finger at the cursed spirit now beside yuta and in front of you.

"[name] can see rika?" maki glanced at gojo with wide eyes. "even when she's not fully manifested?"

"well i didn't know you can do that, kikufuku." gojo managed a chuckle. though he was surprised, he was mostly impressed. not only did you have an immense energy that surpasses the vengeful spirit and your dad himself, you had keen eyes and senses.

"you're not afraid?" yuta blinked profusely at you.

you questioned back, confused. "why would i be afraid of rika-chan?" you shook your head and bounced on your feet, "yuta-nii, can i play with her? please! pleaseeee."

"um, i don't knoβ€”the cursed spirit fully manifested on her own will and promptly cut off yuta.

"i wanna play with you too [name]-chaaan!"

everyone watched the cursed spirit levitate towards you only to pick you up with her lanky arms and toss you in the air, both of your giggles filling the atmosphere in the process.

"rika?!" yuta watched in awe.

this was the very first time that rika wasn't aggressive to the people she meets. she had always been somewhat jealous and protective of yuta, so it was such a sight to see her instantly become fond of you. perhaps it was the fact that you were nearly the same age as rika when she passed, or maybe it was your bewitching aura again? either way, rika instantly loved you and you loved her just as much in return.

in your eyes, you didn't see a terrifying vengeful spirit or the queen of curses. what you saw was a human girl somewhat your age, but she was definitely a older than you by one or two years. ever since you met each other, you and rika became close with one another. rika loved your company so much that she'd ask yuta where you are when you are not around the campus and when the two of you are together, you'd be seen chasing each other, just laughing and playing like the children you were.

rika became your best friend. you'd tell her everything, from the other spirits you'd see, how gojo nearly set the kitchen on fire when he attempted to make breakfast and the cartoons you watched.

she didn't have much stories to tell you, other than the fact that she loves yuta and how she helps him with his training in the campus, rika loved listening to you ramble. you were her escape in a way. through your stories and just by hanging out with you, she felt alive again. rika also learned how to be more nice because of you, usually she'd be aggressive and attack almost everyone but with your kindness and reassurance, you were able to change that. rika doesn't just listen to yuta, she listens to you too.

eventually, yuta had lifted the curse and you had to say goodbye to your playmate. even if you and rika only knew each other for a short span of timeβ€”it felt like you've known each for years, for a very long time. it was as if she was really alive and not a ghost. so until the end, you were good friends.

"goodbye, [name]-chan! thank you for being my best friend. please look after yuta for me." those were her last words to you before she left.

"goodbye, rika-chan.."

you were a wreck for weeks. you've dealt the passing on of rika to the other side way worse than yuta himself. you were crying and too sad to be able to do anything. being a creature who's able to see things that others can't and harnessing a gift so dangerous, it was difficult for you to befriend other kids. rika was your first best friend. she was the first one to ever accept that you're weird for the gift you possess.

but after some time and with gojo's help, you were able to move on and had come into terms that rika was now finally in peace. things went well mostly because you were able to see her again, right before yuta left japan to train at africa. you saw the same brunette with the familiar and precious smile, waving at you the same way she had before she passed on.

rika had been watching over you and yuta, and that brought you so much hope and happiness.

So What If Bby Fushiguro Meet Rika? Like "Ri...ka...-chan" _ "Huh? How Do You Know Her Name?" _ "she

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2 years ago
Imagine Being The Fast Food Worker That Did It

imagine being the fast food worker that did it

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6 months ago
Mecha Rika Inspired By Oz's Amazing Drabble! @ghostbeam

mecha rika inspired by oz's amazing drabble! @ghostbeam

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3 years ago


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2 years ago

𝐁𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑 π–πˆπ“π‡πŽπ”π“ π‡πˆπŒ

β†· β‹― β™‘α΅Ž pairing: Okkostu Yuta x reader

β†· β‹― β™‘α΅Ž contents: yuta ignored you for rika

β†· β‹― β™‘α΅Ž warnings: toxic relationships with yuta, sad.

You and your boyfriend, Okkotsu Yuta. Hardly have time to hang out again with all the schoolwork that's been thrown at you all you guys don't hang out much.

After a long time, you two have time to go on a date after a long time, you're going to the amusement park, the last time you go there was with your friends and that was a long time ago. You've waited for the day to come, and you picked an outfit for the date days before the time of the date. You've been giddy all day.

When the day comes you wave excitedly at your boyfriend, your smile dropped when you saw a familiar face behind him. It was Rika. What was she doing there? You begged god in your mind that she accidentally saw Yuta and will get going soon.

Yuta who noticed your smile drop quickly walk to you and hugged you and whispered in your ear, "Sorry I didn't tell you, yesterday Rika-chan broke up with her boyfriend and I feel bad so I want to cheer her up, So I invited her."

"I thought it was only the two of us?" You asked Yuta. You're sad that the was supposed to be a date and quality time is ruined with Rika present.

"We can have another date, I feel bad about Rika she's been crying all night." He responded.

You sigh and then nodded. The whole day in the amusement park did not make you feel any better, the purpose of finally having a date was to have quality time just for the two of you, not with her! Heck, Rika doesn't even look like she cried all night. She kept holding your boyfriend's arm like her life depends on it.

Yuta had brought his phone out to take a picture together of course you were happy when he called you so you can have a picture close to each other.

"Can I be in the middle? I look so much better in the middle than the left." Rika said, Yuta then nod as Rika squeezed in between you. You want to scream and throw the brunette away so you can have your boyfriend just for a moment.

At least he holds your hand when waiting in line for the ride, time passed by it was getting dark and they decided to have one last ride together but the thing is you didn't like that, you're scared of heights but you wanted to try that ride just one time with Yuta but Rika says otherwise.

"Y/n-chan you're scared of heights, right? You should just stay here. No need to force yourself." Rika said before taking Yuta's hand and going to the ride.

That was it, you felt sick, the way Yuta ignored you for Rika. You've had enough by the time they got back from the ride Rika wanted to use the restroom.

"Hey Yuta," Yuta hums, "Maybe you should tell me before deciding to invite Rika to our date." You said, glancing at him.

"Sorry, I didn't have time Rika texted me all night that I forgot to tell you," Yuta explained rubbing the back of his neck.

You mumbled something under your breath, "What was that? Y/n can you repeat that I didn't catch it." Yuta asked.

"I SAID STOP TALKING ABOUT RIKA!" You cry out to him. He was taken aback by you suddenly shouting at him.

"What do you mean?"

"All you talk today was Rika this Rika that, Shut up Yuta! I don't want to talk about her!" You gripped your clothes. "Today was supposed to be our quality time together, I was looking forward to it because we don't have time to hang out anymore."

"I'm sorry okay, I'll make it up to you," Yuta says looking around him and seeing people looking at you and whispering at each other.

"You keep saying that! She's always there Yuta! She always tagging along with you like a parasite I never have time to have alone time with you!" You were fighting for your tears to not fall.

"Stop it Y/n, don't call her parasite she's my friend! you're being selfish." That was it. You have had enough of the bullshit.

"I'm not being selfish Yuta! I- UGH whatever I'm going home!" You stood up and leave Yuta on the bench looking confused.

On the way home, you cried silently with the uber driver kept glancing at the mirror and he kindly offered you a tissue box and said everything is going to be fine.

I guess you should have listened to your friend when they told you how he is with Rika and how you were better without him.

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9 months ago
Wanted To Show How Disturbing The Situation Is Actually Like

Wanted to show how disturbing the situation is actually like

Man i feel so bad for rika tho 😭

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9 months ago

AT THE END OF THE MOVIE Yuuta is wearing a normal black uniform jacket. After Rika was free.

I think he showed up wearing white in Shibuya to be easily identified, or because it's what was on him - - in Kenya we only see Yuuta with his white jacket. He only wore the black one when it was snowing.

Also IN THE BEGINNING OF the movie he was wearing a baggy white shirt.

White shirts are normally under the black jackets, so Gojo just reversed that to give Yuuta something like his own style I'm. Screaming crying into the void bc this shit is what makes me fall for Gojo. He fucking cares about people, in the ways that he knows how to. Pls appreciate him oh my god he's always just called weird and he deserves to be recognized for ittttt.

My thoughts on Yuuji's customized school uniform

Fushiguro said that Gojo has a habit of doing that sort of thing- but he only did it for Yuuta and Yuuji.

Yuuta has the white jacket to represent Rika. Pale and external but covering him. Something that might be removed.

Yuuji's hood, shoes, and the shirt under his jacket are red. Red like sukuna's fingies and eyes, or like Yuuji's old shoes. Always a part of him.

Yuuji's pants also have a different shape. They're wider and shorter. I think Gojo was taking precautions to have Sukuna's vessel easy to recognize in a crowd, but to also let Yuuji be comfortable. He was facing a lot of change and loss in a short time, and Gojo recognized that. So the uniform fits like the clothes he would usually wear.

I don't know if this was to pacify the higher ups on Gojo taking in first years with special grade curses that didn't know anything about jujutsu. It could have been his own, unusually responsible choice.

Nobara didn't even know that the uniforms were customizable and I'm still sad that we don't get to see what she would have chosen.

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7 months ago

Culling game foreshadowing - part 2 (Yuuta, Uro & that other guy)

Part 1 - Part 3 - Part 4

(some confirmed, more prediction this time. posting as if ch. 267)

Culling Game Foreshadowing - Part 2 (Yuuta, Uro & That Other Guy)
Culling Game Foreshadowing - Part 2 (Yuuta, Uro & That Other Guy)

Yuuta still not being used to Gojo's lanky body. (I believe he's getting his own body back, just like here).

Culling Game Foreshadowing - Part 2 (Yuuta, Uro & That Other Guy)
Culling Game Foreshadowing - Part 2 (Yuuta, Uro & That Other Guy)

Uro feels a lot like Sukuna. Sukuna telling Gojo "you jujutsu sorcerers are always a pain in the ass, in any era!" in ep 1 sounds a lot like "you fujiwawara are always in my way!" they've been separate, scapegoats, etc. Everything she says is worth reading this way. Other people have made great analysis on her past and reflection of Sukuna, so I'll move on.

Gojo might return, with Rika. I think this is the only time we see Yuuta do the hair shikigami thing (it's cool they have to do it again that's my logic) but seriously, the way that Yuuta's body has the ring, Rika, and shoes on again... What else could that mean?

Culling Game Foreshadowing - Part 2 (Yuuta, Uro & That Other Guy)
Culling Game Foreshadowing - Part 2 (Yuuta, Uro & That Other Guy)

I'm not sure what the flowers above Rika mean, but I'm going to guess it's about being reunited (I'm not good at plant ID, pls comment if you have ideas on this. I'm just including it bc it feels meaningful).

They create a three-way domain expansion with that cannon hair dude.

He feels very much like a pretas - which is interesting, since I've been hesitating to post about Sukuna and Gojo being in the hungry ghost realm. The way that they long for connection and always seem to be hungry, but are never satisfied. And the way this dude wasn't missing anything in his past life, he has no regrets but still wanted something more. Going on about "never had dessert", and that Yuuta is his dessert, so he can die full. And the look in his eyes made Yuuta emotional? Weird. (this was foretelling the sukugo fight I swear).

Back to the three-way domain expansion...

It looks like they're still in Yuuji's domain, the unexpected intruder might be Nobara to match the cockroach spirit (who had died as a player but lived on as a curse)... I'm not sure how that would affect the domain, but as of rn Sukuna's been using hollow wicker basket. (I assumed she would return with some awakening like Gojo's, with new abilities, but we haven't seen this yet).

I wonder if we'll see an actual three-way domain expansion, or if this will translate into a similar contest between Sukuna, Megumi and Tengen (because they're all in the same body right now. Also makes me think of the autonomous cursed corpse needing 3 cores, 3 souls to constantly observe each other).

Megumi ate Sukuna, and Sukuna ate Tengen...

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1 year ago
Rika Serving As An Access Point To A Personal Cursed Armory And Just Toting Around Weapons In The Void
Rika Serving As An Access Point To A Personal Cursed Armory And Just Toting Around Weapons In The Void

rika serving as an access point to a personal cursed armory and just toting around weapons in the void is wild, but her casually offering them to yuta like snacks at the convenience store made me laugh

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1 year ago
Unwanted Children Who Turned Into Curse Royalty

Unwanted children who turned into curse royalty

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8 months ago
Jujutsu Kaisen 0 Au Where Everything Is The Same But Cursed Rika Still Looks Like A Feral Elementary

jujutsu kaisen 0 au where everything is the same but cursed rika still looks like a feral elementary school girl

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2 years ago

"No hay peor maldiciΓ³n que el amor." πŸ₯ΊπŸ’“πŸ’

"No Hay Peor Maldicin Que El Amor."

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1 year ago

Jaw WIDE open

im fucking deceased

πŸŽ₯:delllusionn on tiktok

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