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Record of Ragnarok Incorrect Quote #12
Wednesday Y/N and Cain with Baby Able
Y/N who is 12 years old, roped Cain who is 8 years old, into doing an experiment with their newborn baby brother Able, for Science, so they’re on top of a tall building
Wednesday Y/N (Holding Able): Cain, the baby weights 10 pounds, the cannonball weights 20 pounds. Which will hit the stone walkway first?
Cain: I’m still on fractions
Wednesday Y/N: Which do you think?
Cain (Unsure): The cannonball?
Wednesday Y/N: Very good. But which one will bounce?
Cain (Thinking): The baby?
Wednesday Y/N: There’s only one way to find out (Holds Able out in front of her) Ready?
Y/N is holding Able out to drop him while Cain is holding out the cannonball to drop as well
Wednesday Y/N: 1…. 2….
Wednesday Y/N and Cain: 3…! (Both let go of Able and the cannonball at the same time)
Meanwhile… at the same time right under them
Adam (To Eve): What a glorious evening…
Eve (Smiling): Oh Adam…
Adam (Suddenly opens the window and catches a falling Able, turns around and looks at Eve with a shocked look): My love…
Eve (Surprised): Oh dear!

Meanwhile, the cannonball hits Odin on his head, making him grunt in annoyance while his crows are freaking out where the cannonball even came from
Record of Ragnarok Incorrect Quote #22
The ‘Heartbreaking’ Truth
Eve: So, who are you interested in?
Y/N: He’s very sophisticated
Hermes (Fixes his tie):
Y/N: He has an air of elegance
Hermes (Pulls his hair back):
Y/N: He likes to play the violin
Hermes (Walks over oozing confidence):
Y/N: And he’s very charming, without even having to try
Hermes (About to sing the new song he made):
Y/N: It’s…. Malleus Draconia!

Hermes (Jealous): Who is this ‘Malleus Draconia’ gentleman? And where can I meet him?
Should I do a part 3?
Continuation of this: