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1 year ago

Record of Ragnarok Incorrect Quote #12

Wednesday Y/N and Cain with Baby Able

Y/N who is 12 years old, roped Cain who is 8 years old, into doing an experiment with their newborn baby brother Able, for Science, so they’re on top of a tall building

Wednesday Y/N (Holding Able): Cain, the baby weights 10 pounds, the cannonball weights 20 pounds. Which will hit the stone walkway first?

Cain: I’m still on fractions

Wednesday Y/N: Which do you think?

Cain (Unsure): The cannonball?

Wednesday Y/N: Very good. But which one will bounce?

Cain (Thinking): The baby?

Wednesday Y/N: There’s only one way to find out (Holds Able out in front of her) Ready?

Y/N is holding Able out to drop him while Cain is holding out the cannonball to drop as well

Wednesday Y/N: 1…. 2….

Wednesday Y/N and Cain: 3…! (Both let go of Able and the cannonball at the same time)

Meanwhile… at the same time right under them

Adam (To Eve): What a glorious evening…

Eve (Smiling): Oh Adam…

Adam (Suddenly opens the window and catches a falling Able, turns around and looks at Eve with a shocked look): My love…

Eve (Surprised): Oh dear!

Record Of Ragnarok Incorrect Quote #12

Meanwhile, the cannonball hits Odin on his head, making him grunt in annoyance while his crows are freaking out where the cannonball even came from

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2 years ago


Episode 11

*You are the one that has to fight against Odin*

Y/N:Is that all you got old man!?

Huginn: How dare you to speak that way to Odin sama,human!!!

Munnin:You will perish!!!!

Y/N:Ohhhhh I'm so scared

Odin:*attacks them*

*trips on a rock and luckily dodges Odin's attack*


Y/N:*They fell on their face*

~No one dares to say a word~

*Y/N gets up*

Y/N:That was part of my strategy...

Huginn/Munnin:NO IT WASN'T!!!

*You can hear Loki's hysterical laugh on the background *

Y/N: Today I feel like a star.*nosebleed*


Y/N:.....a star....that has fallen on her own f*cking face. *gets ready to attack* But I'm still the star that will kick you ass.



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2 years ago


Episode 22

~Happy Fathers day!~

Child Y/N: Daddy!!Daddy look!!*holding a drawing*

Adam:What a beautiful drawing you did Y/N.*smiles* Is that me?

Child Y/N:*smiles* Yes!!

Adam:Oh,you sure made your dad look awesome! I'm not that good looking!

Child Y/N:*puff her cheeks* Daddy is the most attractive man in the world!! When I grow up I wanna marry him!!

Adam:*chuckles* "So cute"


Adam:"Haaaa those were good times"

Eve:Y/N will be here soon with her partner gentle with them.

Adam:Eve you don't have to worry. I will welcome them regardless who they are. "I cannot say they will be safe if they are a man"*dark smile*

Cain/Abel:"Is written on your face that you will kill them if they are a male"

*The bell rings*

Eve:Y/N is here!*happy and goes to open the door*

Y/N:Hi mom!! *smiles and hugs her*

Eve:Oh welcome back Y/N!! My sweet child! Oh and you must Y/N's part-...

Odin:I'm...Odin....pleased to meet you.

The whole family had the same thought:"HE IS SO OLD THAT HE COULD BE HER FATHER/ME"

Y/N:I brought an apple pie for you Dad! Happy Father's Day!!

Adam:....T-thank you darling*force a smile*

~During dinner~

Y/N:*smiles and eats* Huginn, Munnin are you enjoying the food.

Huginn:It's good

Munnin:*eating everything *

Abel:...."Everything seems fine??..."*sweating*

Cain:"Dad seems calm....I wonder why"*scared as fuck*

Eve:*looks at her husband*

Adam*thinking about 1000 ways to kill Odin* "Why did she choose him!? My precious little girl!"

Y/N:Oh...daddy can you pass me the salt?

Adam/Odin:*both reach for the salt *

Abel/Cain/Huginn/Munnin: "Oh shit"

Eve: "Oh sweet heaven"

Adam:Odin.....I think you need a check up on your hearing...she said Daddy...*ready to jump on Odin"

Y/N:*embarrassed looks at Odin* "Please do not say something to provocate him"

Odin:Your daughter calls me daddy too.

Adam:.....*jumps on Odin and punches him*


[Owlie note: thank @luxthestrange they chose Odin for this xD]


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6 months ago

Loki stuck in a Glue Trap

Sorry if this is bad 😭😭

Loki Stuck In A Glue Trap

Confusion struck Sora when she spotted Thor and Loki strolling through the corridors. Loki cast a sidelong glance at Sora, who was hovering next to Thor's head, as she approached them and inquired about the situation.

"I'm not sure, but it seems like my uncle needs to talk to us." Loki cheerfully clarified, and Sora glanced at Thor to confirm that he was nodding in agreement.

Thor and Loki began strolling back to the corridor to visit Odin; Sora wanted to join them, but it appears she was not invited, leaving her bored. Izzy noticed Sora staring at the hall, which perplexed her maid, so she tapped Sora on the shoulder, asking if there was an issue. Sora turned to look at her maid, smiled at her and apologized. While Sora and her maid were conversing, an idea suddenly occurred to her, and a tiny smile spread across her face.

“I want to prank Loki but with what.” Sora spoke in a quiet tone causing her maid to hear it. The maid told Sora to not do it, Sora calmed her down.

When she finally got an idea for a practical joke, she asked her maid if they had any rat glue trapped. The maid was taken aback but nodded, leading her to the cupboard where the bag of glue death trapped was kept. After spotting some tape on a shelf and taking the traps from her maid to the corridor where the meeting is being held, Sora gently opened the box and assembled the contents into a large rectangle large enough to contain Loki. In order to prevent her hair from being caught in the traps, she pulled it back into a bun before removing the wrappers. As the door opened, Sora heard it, grabbed her maid's hand, and pulled herself behind the wall. They both looked up in time to see Loki emerge, his attention fixed on hearing Thor and Odin realize that his foot was trapped in the trap. After tripping over the glue trap on his side, Loki became enraged and demanded to know who did it, which caused Sora to burst out laughing.

Please! How did you get duped by this? Sora spoke out loud while still giggling and gasping for air.

When Thor and Odin noticed that Loki was stuck in the glue trap, they both passed over him and left him there. When Sora questioned if they wanted Loki gone, Odin’s birds were enraged and told her to leave him alone. Shocked, she followed them, leaving the furious Loki behind.

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6 months ago

Loki stuck in a Glue Trap

Sorry if this is bad 😭😭

Loki Stuck In A Glue Trap

Confusion struck Sora when she spotted Thor and Loki strolling through the corridors. Loki cast a sidelong glance at Sora, who was hovering next to Thor's head, as she approached them and inquired about the situation.

"I'm not sure, but it seems like my uncle needs to talk to us." Loki cheerfully clarified, and Sora glanced at Thor to confirm that he was nodding in agreement.

Thor and Loki began strolling back to the corridor to visit Odin; Sora wanted to join them, but it appears she was not invited, leaving her bored. Izzy noticed Sora staring at the hall, which perplexed her maid, so she tapped Sora on the shoulder, asking if there was an issue. Sora turned to look at her maid, smiled at her and apologized. While Sora and her maid were conversing, an idea suddenly occurred to her, and a tiny smile spread across her face.

“I want to prank Loki but with what.” Sora spoke in a quiet tone causing her maid to hear it. The maid told Sora to not do it, Sora calmed her down.

When she finally got an idea for a practical joke, she asked her maid if they had any rat glue trapped. The maid was taken aback but nodded, leading her to the cupboard where the bag of glue death trapped was kept. After spotting some tape on a shelf and taking the traps from her maid to the corridor where the meeting is being held, Sora gently opened the box and assembled the contents into a large rectangle large enough to contain Loki. In order to prevent her hair from being caught in the traps, she pulled it back into a bun before removing the wrappers. As the door opened, Sora heard it, grabbed her maid's hand, and pulled herself behind the wall. They both looked up in time to see Loki emerge, his attention fixed on hearing Thor and Odin realize that his foot was trapped in the trap. After tripping over the glue trap on his side, Loki became enraged and demanded to know who did it, which caused Sora to burst out laughing.

Please! How did you get duped by this? Sora spoke out loud while still giggling and gasping for air.

When Thor and Odin noticed that Loki was stuck in the glue trap, they both passed over him and left him there. When Sora questioned if they wanted Loki gone, Odin’s birds were enraged and told her to leave him alone. Shocked, she followed them, leaving the furious Loki behind.

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