Rose Reaper And Her Dork Knight. - Tumblr Posts
The rose reaper and her shining dork knight: tunnel vision of love
(Yes this is a Lancaster post. Does this conflict with the fact I ship white knight. No. Because I wanna write something cute. So fuck you I'm doing this.
Very sorry for the horrible characterization. It's been a while since I've seen rwby. Anyway enjoy motherfuckers.)
Jaune was sitting in his dorm cleaning of crocea mors as Nora and ren had gone of to gods knows where. Leaving jaune on his bed humming to himself as he finished the cleaning process before grabbing the sheath and placing away his sword. Then the door bust opens as a groan was heard as none other than ruby rose walked in as her face was plastered with a look of exhaustion.
Jaune: hey crater face how you feeling.
Ruby walked to his bed before face planting on it as she let out a loud muffled yell.
Jaune: oh that's not good. Wanna talk about it.
Ruby looked at him as she nodded before jaune picked her up and placed her on the opposite end of the end of the bed.
Jaune: so what's the big thing.
Ruby: it's yang. Ever since her and Blake got all buzz buzz-
Jaune: buzz buzz? What's that supposed to mean.
Ruby: yang and blake had this combo attack I called bumblebee so now that their dating I've been calling their little moments buzz's.
Jaune: so it's just a joke referencing an old attack name. yeah now I see why yang always made puns. No offense rubes.
Ruby: none taken. But my point is. Now that their all buzz buzz and now that Salem's been taken down. Those two barely pay attention to anything else except each other.
Jaune: remember ruby their only a recent couple. Love can sometimes put people in a state of tunnel vision. To busy running to the one thing they want they cant see anything else. But now I ask why is this bugging you?
Ruby: ok so me, yang, Weiss, and Blake were chase down some grimm that were terrorizing a town and the grimm were obviously disorganized because ya know their queens dead. So it was easy right?
Jaune: and I know where this is going. Let me guess yang was being stupid and flirting with Blake. Causing atleast one grimm to good knock in. Right?
Ruby nodded profusely as jaune sighed before pulling ruby in and hugged her small frame.
Jaune: people tend to have tunnel vision when in love rubes. Remember how I was in beacon?
Ruby thought back to the old days of beacon before snickering as she remembered that one time jaune showed up to team rwbys dorm with a guitar all just to ask out Weiss.
Ruby: yeah you were pretty dumb back then. Not gonna lie I probably would've been left speechless if you did that for me.
Ruby looked at jaune with her silver eyes peering Into him with a soft gentle gaze.
Ruby: but I am happy for yang. Those two seem great together. Even if it's an pain in the butt to deal with them being dumb dumbs.
Jaune: that's just love rubes. That's just love.
The two stared at each other before pressing their foreheads together as they just stay there. Content with everything. Before a low growl could be heard from ruby's stomach as the two look down at her stomach before looking at each other.
Jaune: let's get something to eat. My treat.
Ruby: it better be vomit boy~.
Jaune: pfft. Ah shut it crater face.
(sorry this was so damn short I just wanted to make something because Im bored. And I felt like being basic. Anyway I'm gonna get put on a pike now because I'm pretty sure a few people are going to be hunting my head. See you all when I bring more garbage writing. to your front door.)
(god I stayed up way too late I can feel death getting ready to crawl up my spine and suck my- no. This ain't Wattpad.)
The rose reaper and her shining dork knight: hair
(so uh I... I might make this a series. Probably not but who gives a FuCk! Anyway I am very sorry for the absolute bamboozlement that will be this new instalment I guess. I do plan on making a third instalment. Anyway prepare to CRINGE 😬)
We see a older Jaune with a bit of stubble on his chin as he found himself brushing ruby's now long hair as the reaper grumbled in annoyance.
Ruby: why can't it be kept short?
Jaune: because you wanted me with a beard. So your gonna grow out your hair.
Ruby: but long hairs awful when your in a fight. Someone could just pull out a flame thrower and let you hair on fire.
Jaune: ruby. Why would someone have a flame thrower? How does this relate only to long hair?
Ruby: w-well that's because it's just easier aim at-
Jaune: ruby.
Ruby: I'm serious! It's a huge target and anyone if close enough could just grab it! And bam now your being held by the hair and your practically helpless unless you cut your hair in which case-
Jaune: ruby. Your getting to situations that would rarely happen.
Ruby huffed as she crossed her arms as jaune simply chuckled as he kept brushing her hair.
Ruby: doesn't mean I'm wrong though.
Jaune: heh. True but there are some benefits to hair.
Ruby: like what exactly?
Jaune simply smirk before lightly tugging on her hair as Ruby went red faced. Ruby tried to say something but was far to flustered by what her boyfriend had just done.
Jaune: there's that~ but thats getting to the intimate aspect of hair. Hair can be stylized to anyway the person would like. Like weiss's rope hair.
Ruby put her hand on to try and stop herself from laughing but was sadly unable to as she started laughing hard.
Jaune simply smiled see ruby laughing. It had been awhile since... Everything that happened after the fall.
Eventually ruby would stop and looked at jaune as she had small smile on her face.
Ruby: that was mean jaune.
Jaune: what cant I have an opinion on how one of my friends old hairstyles looked?
Ruby: well yes but you don't have to be so-
Jaune: honest?
Ruby: yeah... Snrk rope hair heh. That was funny.
The two spent their time together. Enjoying the time of reminiscing as the time soon flew by.
This ending this Page in the tale of the rose reaper and her shining dork knight.
(this went by... Fuckin quick. Thought this would take longer considering I have nothing to do but write. Anyway I'm gonna work on my rwby rewrite and my own book. And yes that is a shameless plug)
The rose reaper and her shining dork knight: satisfaction.
(uh heres the third installment since I updated my own book and after this I got release the third page of the rewrite.. yeah I do way to much when I get an idea.)
Ruby found herself sitting on a hot over looking the wasteland that was the remnants of Salem's castle. they won... Her team finally beat Salem. Ruby felt a load lifted off of her shoulder as she sighed happily.
She heard footsteps from behind her as jaune sat beside her before letting out a small groan.
Jaune: that... Was... So.... Exhausting.
Ruby: absolutely. What you need?
Jaune: nothing just wanted to check up on miss "just saved the world".
Ruby let out a small laugh before lightly punching him in the shoulder.
Ruby: come on. Don't make my ego huge jaune. Otherwise you'll regret it~
Jaune felt a small blush creep onto his face as he sighed. He then looked at the sky.
Jaune: so... I guess we gotta find jobs now. Actual ones.
Ruby: what do you mean by that I'm sure there's still grim out there.
Jaune: true. But it's not like there's going to be infinite amounts of them anymore. Now that Salem's gone there's no more grimm production so after all of the rest have been dealt with we're just going to be normal people.
Ruby let out a small "oh" as she looked Abit down now. Jaune raised an eye brow as he smiled Abit.
Jaune: aw don't tell me you already regret saving everyone.
Ruby just stayed silent as jaune sighed. He looked away before an idea came to him.
Jaune: hey ruby I got an idea!
Ruby and jaune turned to each other ruby Abit confused. Jaune clasped his hands around hers as he smiled brightly.
Jaune: let travel together.
Ruby raised an eyebrow.
Ruby: you mean with Ren and Nora?
Jaune: no. Just.. you and me. We'll get to see the rest of the world and get to spend time together-
Jaune immediately stopped talking as his face turned a deep crimson.
Jaune: uh- i- um- uh- oh i- i- uhm- I... I should just shut that idea down shouldn't I?
Ruby looked at him Abit before letting out a small laugh as she removed her hands from his grasp as she gently cusps his cheeks.
Ruby: sure thing VB. Sure thing. Besides now I get the chance to do this.
Ruby pulled him close to her as she kissed him. Jaune felt his brain short circuit as his arms were limp.
Ruby soon let go of him as she had a wide smirk on her face.
Ruby: I just hope you don't mind sharing a bed.
Jaunes already crimson face proceeded to turn scarlet as he could only respond with a "o-ok".
And so the two now have the rest of their lives being the rose reaper and her shining dork knight
(and there it is ladies and gents. I've accidently made a new series. Fun. Going to be told out of chronological order because I'm dumb. If I ever decide to make a post that leads to the many series I might make then I'll try my best to get this in chronological order so you don't have to piece it together. Anyway Rock on till ya drop tata motherfuckers 🤟)
The rose reaper and her shining dork knight: near death
(be ready for jaune to get absolutely washed by cinder I hope the people who don't like jaune get a kick out of him getting his ass handed to him and very sorry for the cringy characterization)
Moment: fall of beacon (alternative)
Jaunes feet slammed against the ground as he ran as fast as he could to get to her. He had called Ruby and Weiss but if they couldn't make it.. gods help Pyrrha's soul.
Jaune kept running before he felt his feet fumble on a piece of loose rumble causing him to fall onto the ground. He groaned in pain as he forced himself back up. He couldn't stop here.
Jaune got up and continued to run towards the tower. Until he arrives, his body is covered in scrapes and bruises. He panted heavily before opening the door to the room in ruins as he saw a familiar pair of spectacles.. ozpin's spectacles.
Jaune felt his heart hit the floor as he immediately kicked it into high gear and started to run up the stairs until he made it to the top floor and tried to open only for it to be jammed.
Jaune: no! NO NO NO NO!
Jaune started to ram himself into the door.
Jaune: I'm not gonna lose one of my friends! Just hold on Pyrrha! I'll get to you!
Finally the door flung open as jaune fell to the ground as he saw Pyrrha fall to her knees as an arrow had pierced her heel. The woman she was fighting stood infront of her before summoning a obsidian bow and arrow as she aimed it at her.
Jaune: Pyrrha- PYRRHA!
Jaune saw Pyrrha turn to look at him as look of horror and shame was on her face.
5 seconds
The woman released the arrow.
4 seconds
The arrow pierced Pyrrha's chest
3 seconds
A scream escaped Pyrrha's lips as she told him to run
2 seconds
Jaune watched as Pyrrha began to turn to ash.
1 second.
Jaune shouted out her name for the last time she might hear him say it.
0 seconds.
Pyrrha had completely turn to ash as hot tears fall from jaunes eyes.
Jaune: PYRRHA!
Jaune forced himself to get up as he began to run towards the ashes.
The woman who fired the arrow simply smiled as she glowed a flaming orange.
Her mission was complete. now all that's left was to just head back. But then she finally took notice of jaune as he felt to his knees as he tried to gather up Pyrrhas ashes as he was repeatedly telling himself that this can't be happening.
The woman just rolled her eyes. As she began to walk away. She didn't have time to watch a roach squirm and sob after losing another roach.
But as the woman began to walk away she felt something. Something new. She turned around as she saw jaune getting up as he grasped crocea mors.
Jaune: you... You did this... Why?
Jaune looked at her with tears flowing from his eyes as she just sighed. Cinder wasn't about to humor another roach
Cinder: scatter roach. I don't have time for you
Jaune drew crocea mors as he deployed his shield and began to run towards her as she simply side steps before kicking jaune to the floor sending him flat on his stomach. She stepped to the side of him as he tried to get up before she kicked him in the gut sending him back as she laughed Abit.
Jaune skidded across the ground until he hit a pillar as he groaned as tears kept pouring out. He needed to get up. He needed to fight. But he couldn't move he was both in pain and was terrified..
Ofcourse he would be terrified. He's a fuckin coward. He couldn't save pyrrha.. he can't even save himself. Jaune began to accept the fact this is it.
Cinder simply walked up to him before kicking him into the air before she round house kicked him back into floor as she started laughing.
Cinder: oh. Oh this is great. I get to squash two roaches. This is great!
Jaune wanted to just die. To just not be here. To be anywhere else but here. He began sobbing as he felt pathetic.
Cinder kept kicking him for another 5 minutes. Until foot steps could be heard as Ruby saw cinder standing over jaune but no Pyrrha until she saw Pyrrha crown.
Cinder: oh. Lovely. Another roach. Just a few seconds. I wanna enjoy this alittle bit more.
She kept kicking jaune until she felt something make impact with her as a flock of petals flew by her as cinder was sent flying until she managed to catch herself. Cinder looked to see what hit her only to see a very pissed off ruby.
Ruby: you... you Killed Pyrrha. You killed one of my friends. Thats not ok!
Ruby pointed crescent rose in it's scythe form towards cinder as she pulled back the grip part as it fired a bullet towards cinder who summoned a obsidian shield to block it.
The bullet collided with the shield as both shattered as cinder saw ruby coming at her with he scythe at the ready. Cinder ducked as Ruby swung her scythe in a horizontal motion before ruby petal Burst to be right above cinder before firing another bullet at her as she felt it collide with her as she felt it slammed her to the ground. As if gravity doubled upon cinder.
Cinder then felt another bullet hit with the weight becoming even greater as Ruby just kept firing and reload gravity dust bullets as her eyes had a fire in them. Cinder felt a final bullet hit her as her aura SHATTERED. Ruby then petal Burst into the air as she fire a blast of fire dust into the air as she came rocketing towards as her crescent rose was held high before bringing it down but suddenly cinder turned around and fired a blast wind at her as it sent ruby up into air once more as cinder got up and summoned a obsidian lance before fire surrounded her as she rocketed towards ruby her Lance at the ready.
Ruby then tapped a button as crescent rose transformed into its sniper rifle form as she aimed it at cinders spear before firing! A bullet came flying at cinders Lance as it pierced it causing it to completely shatter into pieces as cinder went wide eyed before surrounding herself in flames making it take the form of flaming dragon. Ruby petal Burst right into the flaming maw as crescent rose transformed into its scythe form as Ruby's eyes glowed silver before white lightning surrounded the upper half of crescent rose turning it into a giant lightning scythe. Cinder prepared her own obsidian Great sword as the two finally clashed before we see jaune on the outside as the flaming dragon just floated there before it started to grow and swell before it exploded as a blinding white light enveloped everything.
After that fight jaune and ruby were heavily injured and were brought to the infirmary of vale. Meanwhile cinder suffered a more fitting lose of her right arm and eye.
After that a statue was built in Pyrrhas name to show she would not be forgotten. But we know who happens next. With the threat of Salem inbound our heroes unknowingly trek into an adventure. Thus begining volume 4.
(I'm pretty sure this is very cruddy but I... I had no idea what else to write. Anyway hope y'all didn't claw your eyes out. And to all the people who don't like jaune. I hope cinder kicking his ass gave you your filling. I'm kidding obviously. See y'all later)
Rock on till ya drop tata motherfuckers 🤟
The Rose reaper and her shining dork knight: fighting game interaction (very short skit)
(ahahahaha... So originally I was going to write these two dorks having their first time with each other but I just couldn't do it. But I have no doubt I will eventually but I just did not have any desire to write it anymore because one my friend sometimes reads this stuff and well they aren't the biggest fan of NSFW. So enjoy this)
Ruby walked onto the stage crescent rose slung over her shoulder as she was eating peanut butter cookie. She stopped as she saw jaune sharpening crocea mors.
Ruby: so. Winner gets to pick where we go to eat?
Jaune just chuckled before standing up and pointing crocea mors at her as he held shield infront of him.
Jaune: sure thing rubes. But if I win you have to stop eating cookies for a week.
Ruby narrow her eyes at him as she turned crescent rose into its sniper rifle form as she aimed it at him.
Ruby: fine. But if I win then I get to do whatever I want with you. And you have to buy me ten cookie jars for a week.
Jaune: sure thing rubes.
The rose reaper and her shining dork knight: FUTURE!
(doesn't exactly have to be counted as part of the main fic collection I just wanted to add a post where I get to introduce some potential children for my second favorite jaune ship. I will always be a white knight shipper at heart)
We begin at a very familiar grave site. As we see the gravestone of one "summer rose" as we see a black haired figure with azure eyes. He wore a deep red jacket that had the emblem of a burning Rose surrounded by the emblem of a crescent moon.
???: Hey grams.. decided to let you know how Mom's doing after last check in.
The figure sat down in front of the grave as he placed a familiar sword .
???: So far mom's been good. Now that her and my old man retired they got to spend a lot more time. To the point of where now I have a baby sister on the way... Life's been great, even gramps decided to visit. Same with Aunt Yang and Blake. Though sometimes mom and Gramps do wish you were here to celebrate with us. But overall it's been golden.
Suddenly we hear the stomping of footsteps as the figure soon stood revealing himself to be a rather young man. He turned to see a large black wolf with bones covering it as It growled at him. The boy just chuckled as he grabbed the sword as it's sheath had what appeared to be an exhaust attached to the end. Before we see grab the handle as he tossed a red crystal into a compartment in the sheath as his revved up the blade as fire shot out of the exhaust.
Rouge: Here doggy. Come let papa rouge put you six feet under.
The dog tarted towards him as the boy knelt down before slicing through air as a blast fire shot from the exhaust as we a flaming bunny fallowing the blade as we see a sea of flames consume the beast. As we are left with the last thing we see before the boy surrounded by flaming roses.
Suddenly our vision changes to ruby standing on the porch holding some binoculars as she watched the inferno.
Ruby: hehe that's my son. Scorch the doggy!
Jaune: ruby come on dinners almost ready!
Ruby: one second vomit man, I'm getting to be a proud momma!
Jaune just sighed as he chuckled softly. This was the lives they finally got to live. Quiet, peaceful, and sometimes full of scorched grimm carcasses.
(obviously this is very short because I have been kind of running empty due to burnout. But on the way I hope you all got to enjoy this somewhat Lancaster fanfic. Don't truth this is more just an excuse to write their kid.)
The Rose reaper and her shining dork knight: the big question.
(so before we begin I want your guys opinion on this. I'm thinking that since I've done everything I wanted to do this for this "series" well except one but that's a secret 🤫. Regardless I have a question. Would you all like to see the potential story of rouge aka my idea for ruby and jaune. I completely understand if not.)
Jaune stood infront of the lodge he and ruby lived in. The lanterns had a hum as jaune contemplated his next actions. He knew what he was going to say but just didn't know how to put it. This being-
The door opened revealing a exhausted ruby as she just stared at jaune before grabbing him and petal Bursting to their shared bed.
Ruby: tired. Time for cuddles.
She pushed jaune on the bed as she crawled on top of him before hugging him as she had a soft smile as she was holding her dork.
Jaune: well hey to you too crater face. How was work at signal?
Jaune hugged her as Ruby just groaned before placing her chin on his chest as her silver irises stared at his azure eyes.
Ruby: I'll be honest I don't know how my uncle did it. The kids are just so... Lively and hyper.. I just can't keep up. Maybe it is a good idea to get into bo-
Jaune: ruby no. We discussed this before. No alcohol, it fucks with your head.
Ruby: i know, I know. But if booze is off the table..~
Ruby sat on his lap as she stared at him her eyes touched by a hint of lust.
Ruby: I'll need something else to mess with my head. Perhaps a strong~, brave~, handsome knight can fulfill that need~
Ruby stared at him as he gulped softly as he had a slight change to a more serious face. Ruby frowned Abit as she pulled him up so the two were face to face.
Ruby: what do you want to talk about jaune. Just say it out right.
Jaune: ruby. We've been together for awhile and I wanna believe we are close enough to where I can ask this so.. would you-
Ruby: no.
(The end)
(no no I'm kidding.)
Jaune felt his world shatter as he was left at a lose of words before ruby just giggled and kissed him softly allowing jaune a moment to snap back to reality.
Jaune: n-no? Why?
Ruby: jaune. I've been desiring you after the fall. Obviously not in this way at first more of just wanting a sense of comfort. and now here I am with a lot more frustrations. The only thing I need right now is hugs, and LOTS of cookies. So for right now I don't feel like being married. But a mother however~
Ruby leaned in to his ear as she whispered into his ear.
Ruby: I wouldn't mind it~
Jaunes face burned red as he soon fainted as Ruby just smiled softly.
(now as for the question here's the poll.)
(I give you all a week to decide.)
The Rose reaper and her shining dork knight: Ruby's birthday present (NSFW)
(Another name is also. "Jaune loses his rights to his butt cheeks and pelvis")
(this is it. This is where y'all get what I've been leading to. I hope you perverts enjoy. But seriously I'm going to regret making this but damnit I've hinted they'll fuck might aswell keep letting the venom bite into me.)
Jaune gulped softly as he was arguing with himself on whether this was really a good idea. He found himself wrapped in gift wrapping paper as a large orange bow. He was bound and completely helpless and for some reason.. BOY WAS HE TURNED ALL THE WAY ON! He waited in his and ruby bedroom as he waited for his rose reaper to appear and probably do some very... Inappropriate and VERY provocative things to his man buns.
Suddenly the door opened as Ruby looked around the house in a panic.
Ruby: jaune! Jaune where are you?! I got your texts-
Jaune: i-i'm in the room rubes!
Ruby walked in and saw him as he had a nervous grin on his face.
Jaune: h-happy 20th birthday rubes.. i-i hope you like your present-
Ruby: jaune.. this is sweet and all but um... I was expecting something like a new type of dust ammo. But-
Jaune: you hate it don't you. Ah you hate it
Jaune sat down on the bed and looked down ashamed.
Jaune: I should have just gotten that new dust ammo.. maybe even a ticket to the hall of huntsmen-
Ruby: jaune!
Jaune looked at Ruby as he finally noticed the rather red face she had as she began taking off her gear before only being in her dress and cloak. She walked up to him and sat on his lap as she looked him in the eyes.
Ruby: I don't hate the gift. Infact I love it, it's just in most of the.... Filth I MAY have borrowed from Blake. All of the guys were the ones to pick up the female leads and well...
Jaune: proceed to rock their world? Wait did you just admit you read Blake stash of por-
Ruby: ah stop stop! Let's not bring up my degeneracy.. I don't need yang giving me "the talk" after so long.. point Is, I was expecting something a little more rough and gruff out of you-
Jaune: ruby you know Im not like that-
Ruby: I KNOW! I know.. and I'll be honest, Im glad you aren't a jerk whose obsessed with being ontop.. makes things more... Soft. Now as to what I wanna do with this new gift~
Jaunes face went red as he gulped before ruby grabbed the wrapping paper before petal Bursting around him ripping the paper off before jaune was bare and ruby sat on his lap again as she looked at him with a stare of lust only Nora could match when her and Ren did it.
Ruby kissed him deeply and held him close as jaune was trying to kiss back but felt overwhelmed as his "little mors" rose..
(ok can we just say dick?! It's not a Christian site just say dick and pussy! .... Because we'll get strike down? Fine we'll go to censorship!)
Ruby just smiled as she snake her hand to beneath her and soon she raised her self up and sat on his little mors. Jaune immediately let out a soft moan as Ruby began bouncing on him as she panted softly. She began speeding up as she kissed him deeply forcing open his mouth and wrapping her tongue around hers before jaune put his hands on her hips before flipping them over as jaune began thrusting as both him and Ruby moaned into the kiss as ruby wrap her legs around his hips as he goes faster.
Ruby pulled away and looked at him as she whispered into his ear.
Ruby: I thought you weren't rough and gruff?~
Jaune: i-i'm not- WOAH!
Suddenly ruby flipped them over and was now riding him rapidly as rose petals began to fall from her cloak as she went even faster as jaune moaned more as he already felt his body began tingling as his climax was reaching.
Jaune: r-ruby, i-i'm-
Ruby: good! Now give me it jaune!~ give me my big white sticky present!~
Jaune: r-ruby?!-
Suddenly ruby stopped as jaune threw his head back and MOANED out Ruby's name as he began pumping his "fertilizer" into Ruby as she shivered vigorously with her clutching her shoulders and grinning as she did.
Ruby: o-oh that's it~ h-happy b-birthday to me~
Jaune soon stood pumping his fertilizer as he panted heavily before ruby slumped onto his chest as the twos exhausted pants synchronized as they just looked at each other.
Jaune: it's... It's gonna be a while before I might have that amount again... S-so.. how was your first time?
Ruby: it felt good~ but I know this'll only get better.. but now it's cuddle time.
Jaune: agreed..
Jaune wrapped his arms around her waist and soon the two fell asleep as they would later discover they both sprained their pelvis. So having to explain that to Ruby's family was... "Fun"
(and I think that's where I want to call this story in. Don't get me wrong I enjoyed writing this series but I think I'm kind of done. I was originally planning the surprise to be a final battle between ruby and jaune vs a new Grimm that was made to specifically fuck with their heads. But eh. Hope you all enjoyed this run I've had. Now to vanish into the night! mwahahahahaha!)
(but seriously I need to shower because I feel like FILTH)
(I bet y'all mfs don't remember when I created rouge for the rose reaper and dork knight series did ya? Well guess what-)
Dork Knights Rose Remorse!
I'll finish this angst war with a critical blow to you, @epic-arc this is and always will be the glitch cycle!
Jaune sat alone, his appearance much older as he appeared in his 60's as he sat in a chair on his cabins porch, looking at a field of Roses and sunflowers.
A young man walked up to him, his hair black, eyes azure blue, wearing a red t-shirt and black jacket as well as white jeans. He sat beside Jaune as the now old huntsmen smiled.
Rouge: the garden looks good.. I'm surprised you planted the roses so close.
Jaune: well.. your aunt and mother were always close..
Rouge: yeah.. how is Aunt Blake doing?
Jaune: we talked.. she's on the end of her rope.. I worry for her
Rouge: you worry for everyone old man.. so.. are we gonna talk about mom?
Jaune: Rouge.. I know it's been awhile-
Rouge: dad! It's been months.. you need someone to talk to. And I know you haven't talked to Aunt Blake or Mrs. Schnee.. you can't bottle up your grief!
Jaune: I'm not! I just.. your mother was.. she was my everything.. she made every day feel like I could live.. she inspired me after Beacons' fall.
Rouge: that doesn't mean just because she's gone you should shut everyone out.. when have you last talked to great uncle Qrow? When have you talked to Mr. Pine?!
Jaune:.. I don't want to discuss this anymore.
Rouge: she was your wife, but she was my mother.. I know how much it hurts.. or at least I can try! We both know mom would kick out asses for mopping!
Jaune: I said-
Rouge: how long until you realize you can't just shut people out dad?! How long until you realize you're shutting me out?!
The air went still as jaune sat there. He would look at his son as for a moment he could see both himself and his wife in his son's eyes.
Jaune:.. it just... It hurts.. it hurts because she doesn't get to be here, because she had to go on that mission, that one mission to destroy the relics! It.. it isn't fair, she was 55!
Rouge: and I was 16 dad. 16. It wasn't fair I lost my mother and it wasn't fair you lost your wife.. but im not about to let her death ruin my family.. your 61 dad, she died 4 years ago... You need to move on.
Jaune:.. I miss her.. so much.
Rouge sighed as he placed a hand on his father's shoulder.
Rouge: i miss her too dad.. I miss her too.