Sabellian - Tumblr Posts

The Aspects but they're the Cinnamon Roll Meme

Looks like a cinnamon roll, could kill you: Alexstrasza

Looks like could kill you, is a cinnamon roll: Nozdormu

Looks like could kill you, could kill you: Malygos, Neltharion

Looks like a cinnamon roll, is a cinnamon roll: Ysera

Sinnamon Roll: Wrathion, Kalecgos. Especially Kalecgos.

Honorable mentions, Tarecgosa looks like a cinnamon roll but could kill you, Korialstrasz looks like he could kill you but is a cinnamon roll, Ebyssian looks like he could kill you but is a cinnamon roll, and Sabellian is a little b1tch.

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TW: Pedophilia mentions, harm to a minor

Can y'all stop treating Wrathion like either a sex object or a punching bag who committed a felony? The poor kid is 12. Sexualizing him should be a crime. Actually, no, sexualizing him IS a crime. Pedophilia is a crime.

'Oh but dragons age differently' Well if we're calling him a dragon, let's add a goddamn beastiality charge. Also, it doesn't matter. Just because you have the motor function of an adult does not mean you have the experience of an adult. Someone like Jaina or Genn has had decades to perfect their decision making skills and STILL fucks up BADLY. You just don't like Wrathion. You're allowed to not like Wrathion without a reason.

He was three years old at the very most when he opened the Dark Portal, and he didn't even do it himself. Imagine a baby picking up a gun and moving it somewhere else because they didn't realize what would happen and thought they were helping keep some guy who was casing the house out, the baby being taken on a trip to another planet, and the house sitter not being able to find the gun when someone the baby said was going to break in actually does break in. That doesn't make the baby a murderer. The baby was not to blame for the house sitter dying, no matter what the house sitter's son says.

He genuinely wanted and wants to help. Just because he's not doing a good job at it doesn't mean his intentions don't matter.

So please, look past your hatred of the literal child to see that Sabellian isn't perfect either, or even just better.

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Reasons I support Wrathion

We have no proof that Sabellian is uncorrupted

Wrathion is bad at his job but at least he actually tries to do it. Sabellian left the planet and only came back when WRATHION had made sure it was safe.

Wrathion cares about Azeroth.

Sabellian served Deathwing for many years. Not Neltharion, DEATHWING. We don't know how many awful things he did in that time.

Wrathion looks like Medivh and I fucking love Medivh. It does not bode well for Anduin, though.

Wrathion slice and diced N'zoth. That takes hella balls.

His horrible sins were committed when he was an actual toddler. Like, he was three when Kairoz opened the Dark Portal.

He's baby. (No explanation)

His voice.

He helped us. We helped him. We have history.

His lesbian adoptive moms, Right and Left (ICONS)

I wanna see more of him, Kalec and Nozdormu bonding (Non romantic please, Wrathion is a child)

My 5 main alts are a mage who kins him, a priest who is literally a Blacktalon agent, a Blue Dragon who got trapped with the Dracthyr, a druid who wants to pretend to be his mom (he needs it XD) and a monk who goes with anything the druid says.

I just love Wrathion.

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9 months ago
So's He!

So's he!

Legally Obligated To Share This Again, Hopefully You Can Pay Attention To Wrathions Pixels And See What

legally obligated to share this again, hopefully you can pay attention to wrathion’s pixels and see what goes so terribly wrong

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