Sarah J Mass - Tumblr Posts
Aelin: People say I have a unique way of lighting up a room
Chaol: It’s called 'arson' and those people are witnesses

“To the stars who listen “
I have a theory.
What if when the Kingsflame bloomed in KOA( the little orange red flower that bloomed in Orlon's reign) Aelin ran towards that field and went look for a closer inspection. WHAT IF THAT FLOWER WAS A GIFT OF MALA ( GODDESS)? We know that the gods know of aelin and what she would have to sacrifice. We also know that Mala had given Aelin fire-powers so that she doesnt have to part with the water part of her. Maybe Mala had forseen this and made the flower...for the chosen one. And the flower is to give Aelin her full powers back. I mean Aelin is Mala's descendant and she wouldnt want the powers to end with her. It bloomed only once ( depending on the info given in the book) before (orlon's reign) BUT during his reign AELIN was also born. So maybe the flower only bloomed because it sensed aelins presence. But when she went it didnt bloom again.
Im also pretty sure if aelin doesn't get her powers back its going to mentally scar her. She already lost her human self. She also was tortured so much that they had to put new skin on her rather than heal them. So she doesn't even have her promises that she made to nehemia and the rest.
🔥My MATE 🔥

Nesta and Cassian

Nesta and CASSIAN .... 🔥❤️🔥
RUHN Danaan

Crestent City - RUHN Danaan
House of Earth and Blood
House of Sky and Breath
House of Flame and Shadow
Sarah J. Maas
Crescent City House of Flame and Shadow

Ruhn AND Hind/Lidia
Characters belongs to Sarah J.Maas
Azriel 🤝 Mrs Harvey
The worst chaperones
Of the century.
ACOTAR Completely Fell Off After Book Two
- A popular opinion
I've said it before and I'll say it again, book five is unmitigated bullshit. Everyone's personality got fucked except Nes and Cas. Like, come on, Feyre becomes a nobody, Rhys becomes an asshole, Amren attempts to convince Rhys to take over the fucking world, and Mor in implied to be jealous of Nesta. What??? She's jealous that Nes is hooking up with Cassian??? Why? On so many levels that makes no sense, and Maas never goes anywhere with it.
Book one was strong, book one could function as a stand-alone. Book two was also strong, if and only if book three was strong too and delivered on the expectations, loose ends, and unanswered questions book two had left us with. Spoiler alert, it didn't.
The King of Hybern is a shallow, one-dimensional antagonist. I've met Disney villains with more justification, Marvel villains with more backstory. Naruto gave me better antagonists than ACOTAR. Rhys does some questionable shit in this book. Amren dying and then undying with no explanation takes all the meaning and weight out of her sacrifice (and look what she went on to do in book five, get her personality completely overlooked for five minutes of tension. Stay dead, girlie) The list could go on forever.
I think we all know what happened here. Maas had no idea what to do with her story beyond book two. Book one, solid. Book two, solid, but leaves book three with some work to do. Book three, does none of that work, bs. Book four, it's 200 pages and doesn't count, filler. Book five, unmitigated directionless bullshit. Wtf was happening with that human queen??? Nothing that happened in the “main plot” of that book made any sense (whether we're diving in and taking this as their lives that they're living or as Maas's fictional narrative) the only good part was Nesta and the girls.
Anyway, so concludes my rant. I love the Court of Dreams to death, but they deserved a better author and a better story.
OH! And wt actual f is going to happen in this alleged book six???? Like, book five's ending felt like closure. Please god tell me this is not going to be an Elaine x Azriel switching POV like book five🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 The only thing worse would be if it was a timeskip and Nyx is our MC. I would actually burn the book.
OHHH! I also hate that Nesta and Cassian are mates. I really thought Feyre and Rhys would be destined love, soulmates, an example of how beautiful it is when the bond works out, Nes and Cas would be love without the mating bond, and no less valid or beautiful, and Elaine would be finding her mate and choosing not to take him, and also choosing not to take the other suiter. I thought Elaine would end up either with Greysen or with some rando from Velaris (if rando, then off page. The series would end with her single and happy)
Anyway, yeah✌🏼
ACOTAR's current popularity reminds me of Twilight's rabid popularity of the early 2000s... give it a few years and ACOTAR will be turning up in second hand bookshops constantly: no second hand bookshop is complete without a copy of Twilight. In 2035, no second hand bookshop will be complete without ACOTAR