A Court Of Frost And Starlight - Tumblr Posts
Cassian, staring lovingly at Nesta: I would die for you.
Nesta, reading her books: Then perish.
Feyre: I left instructions for everyone while I'm gone.
Cassian: Mine just says "Cass, no."
Feyre: I want you to apply it to every possible situation
Nesta: I wonder who’s ruining my life.
Nesta: *looks in the mirror* So we meet again.
Morrigan: The only straight I am is a straight-up badass.
Cassian: Can you keep a secret?
Azriel: Do you know anything about my life?
Cassian: No, I don't. Good point.
Elain, holding truthteller: I've got a weapon, and I'm... admittedly very afraid to use it!
Feyre: What are you in the mood for?
Rhysand: World domination.
Feyre: That's a bit ambitious.
Rhysand: You are my world.
Feyre: Aww...
[long pause]
Feyre: OH.
Rhysand: Don’t worry, I know exactly what I’m doing. Everything is going to be fine!
Nesta: How can you still say that?
Rhysand: Because sometimes, when things get tough, denial is all we have.
I realized then that the color of death, of sorrow, was white. The lack of color. Of vibrancy.
- A Court of Wings and Ruin, Sarah J Maas
I don't think Sarah J Maas paid attention in her physics class. "White, the lack of colour". Seriously? BLACK IS THE LACK OF COLOUR YOU DUMBASS.
hi! i saw ur taking requests and was wondering if you could do something with azriel and him finding out the reader is his mate please (basically just him being a cute over protective bat boi)
A/n: Sure baby 🧡 Constructive Criticism is always welcome, please be polite xx Sorry this took so long I've been heaps busy amd had no motivation. Enjoy!
Free Solstice
"Mor!" Feyre's voice rang through the estate.
"Feyre!" She called back from her spot on the couch next to Cassian. Cassian let out a wince at her voice in his ear and she scoffed dismissively at him.
Feyre swept into the room, paint and flour staining her fingers.
"What have you been up to?" Cassian asks raising a brow and Azriel gives a low, barely audible chuckle from his seat on the other couch.
"Mor did you say Y/n was planning to come round for the day on the Solstice?" Feyre asks, ignoring the comments on her appearance.
Y/n was an Illyrian female who had her wings clipped when she was young. Mor had run into her in an escape attempt from one of the less progessed Illyrian camps and offered her safety in a small apartment in Velaris.
Since then Y/n had become very close to the Inner Circle, but especially to Mor who made it a point to visit Y/n every day and make sure she was comfortable and happy in her new home.
Mor slid her eyes to Azriel sneakily. Since Y/n had started to be around them more often she had noticed a change in Azriel's behaviour.
He was louder around her, came out of his shell a bit more and he had warmed up to her faster than she had ever seen him do with anyone.
"Yes, if that's okay with everyone. Else she'll be alone and honestly I don't like the thought of leaving her alone on the first holiday since her escape. Or any holiday for that matter." Mor sat up straight as she spoke, glancing cautiously at everyone.
"What are you talking about?" Rhysand's voice sounded as he entered the room behind Feyre, "Of course we're all okay with it." He grinned cheekily and wrapped his arms around his Lady's middle.
"Invite her Mor! Everyone loves her. Besides I already got her a gift." Feyre adds and Mor grins at them.
"Great! I was planning on visiting her this afternoon. Anyone care to tag along?"
"I said anyone not all of you! Her home is not big enough for everyone without it being cramped." Mor complained as they walked through the streets of the City of Starlight in a big, intimidating, messy clump.
"Y/n won't care. She loves us." Cassian shrugged indifferently, amusement written across his face as Mor continued to scowl.
She, once again, took a sneaky glance at Azriel only to see him sporting a grin as they continued on their way.
"Getting excited Az?" Mor teased and his grin was replaced by confusion.
"For the solstice?"
"I meant for going to see Y/n, but making a move on her on Solstice seems something to look forward to as well." Mor joked. By this time, everyone was in their own conversation and trailing slightly behind the two.
"A move?" He inquired, red beginning to tint his face.
Mor smiled. Contrary to popular belief, she was happy he was developing feelings for her. It meant he was moving on to someone who could give him what she couldn't. And they were going to be adorable together.
"Don't think I don't see the way you look at her Mister. The way you act around her. You're like Cassian, but a gentleman when she's around. No turtle shell." She nudged his side with her elbow and was shocked into a silence when he chuckled.
"I'm not going to make a move Mor. I have a foolproof plan. Not say anything and hope she falls in love with me." Az shrugged and Mor giggled.
"You're hopeless!"
An excited squeal left Y/n's mouth as she threw open the door to Mor, the High Lord and Lady and everyone's favourite Illyrians.
She moved out the way to let them all enter and they filed into her lounging room, taking up all the seats.
"I didn't expect you all to be over! Did anyone want something to eat?" She offered as she sat on the arm of the chair next to Cassian.
Cassian wrapped an arm around her waist and looked up at her with a cheeky grin.
"Cooking for me sweetheart? You shouldn't have!" He winked. Cassian was always very flirty with Y/n, but it was only a joke.
Azriel didn't like it. He bit down on his tongue to stop himself from growling. He was annoyed with himself. It's never been difficult for him to keep his features schooled. What was it about this female that caused him to lose control so easily?
Y/n rolled her eyes, but she still had a bright smile on her face.
"What would everyone like? Actually I have some raspberry brownies I made yesterday, if you don't mind them being a little cold? They're still quite fresh." She stood from her spot next to Cassian and gestured towards her kitchen.
"You are an angel!" Cassian exclaimed and Y/n just shook her head, eyes twinkling with amusement.
Everyone cheered at her suggestion and she moved towards the kitchen. As she walked, Azriel could see the scars on her wings and back from when they clipped her. He had a sudden urge to go to that camp and rip apart everyone who let that happen to her.
A few moments later she reappeared with brownies and everyone jumped up, crowding the small table she had set them on.
"I'm afraid there isn't much to do around here. I still need to get a few Solstice gifts so maybe we could head out into town?" Y/n spoke and they all laughed at her sweetness.
"Y/n, you are too sweet for your own good." Rhys told her with a chuckle and everyone nodded in agreement.
"It's easy to be an accomodating person when you grew up knowing what it was like to be shunned and neglected." She gave a shrug and the Inner Circle exchanged worried looks.
It was also easy to worry about a person who never had anyone to worry about her before.
"We'd love to go shopping with you Y/n." Azriel stated firmly and Mor and Feyre eyed him carefully.
"Brilliant! We can all be together for a while, but then we have to split up so you don't see what I get you." She ushered everyone up and towards the door, grabbing a small satchel on her way out.
Moments later they were walking through the strips in town, colours and lights and music everywhere.
Life everywhere.
"So who are you struggling to buy for Y/n?" Cassian asked with a nudge that, again, made Azriel bit his tongue to keep from losing it at his 'brother'.
"Mor and Rhys." She admitted sheepishly and Rhys gave a fake offended look.
She muttered a sorry, but Rhys just laughed and reached around to pat her on the shoulder and let her know it was okay.
"We should stop and get a drink!" Mor remarked before gripping her friend and pulling her into a nearby pub.
As Mor oulled her away, Y/n gripped tight onto Azriel's elbow and dragged him along too.
"Get him!" She ordered, nodding to Cassian.
Azriel chuckled at her demand and pulled Cassian along with him by the shirt.
He joined the females at the bar and ordered and paid for himself and Y/n.
"You didn't have to do that Az." She told him, quietly, red tinting her cheeks.
"I know. I wanted to." He tried to shrug nonchalantly, but the blush on her cheeks was screaming at him to press his lips to each cheek.
'Woah. Where did that come from?' He thought to himself. He knew he harboured some feelings for her, but that was...
"We've lost Feyre and Rhys!" Mor exclaimed and Y/n and Azriel were brought out of their stupor.
"Oh well, that's alright, we were going to split up anyways." Y/n said decidedly after looking around.
"Y/n." Azriel's deep voice called and she returned her attention to him.
He pushed her drink across the counter to her and she gave a sweet smile.
"Any ideas on what to get Rhys?" She asked him and he smiled back at her.
"Some kind of sentimental shit. He'll eat that right up." He joked and they both laughed.
She took a thoughtful sip from her drink then placed it down again.
"What about a locket? On one side I could have carved an image of us. On the other, Just me and Rhys. It might be a bit small though... it could be circular, with the Night Court Insignia engraved on the front." She seemed to vomit the words without even thinking.
Azriel was in awe.
"How do you do that?" He gaped and she raised a brow.
He opened his mouth to reply, but stopped. He looked around once more.
"We've lost Mor and Cassian." He pointed out, kicking himself for being so unobservant. So lost in the female before him.
"That's alright. You and I can go get Rhys' present ordered then. Then we'll go for a walk and see if we can find something for Mor." She lifted herself off of her stool and skipped towards the door.
Azriel followed without a second thought, a smile spreading across his face.
As they walked through a strip filled with clothing stores, they began to move closer and closer to each other.
Y/n glanced down at his hands. She had wanted to hold it, but she'd never touched his scars before and she didn't know how he would feel about it.
Only a few seconds later, Azriel brushed his fingers against hers and took hold of her hand. He didn't even think about it.
She stopped still and let out a gasp at the touch of his scars and he froze. He ripped his hand away from hers and began to apologise profusely.
"I-I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking. I know, the scars are-" He was cut of by her grabbing his hand gently.
"Beautiful," She mumbled, holding eye contact with him as she brought her lips to one of the nastier scars on the back of his hand, "they're beautiful."
And that's when he felt it. It felt like everything was right and clear. Like before he was seeing the world through frosted glass and now there was no lense.
The word clanged through him, just as it did her.
"Everyone has scars Az," she looked back at her wings for a moment then turned back to him, beaming, "they're a symbol of strength. They're beautiful." She repeated.
"Y/n..." He mumbled.
'What if she didn't feel that?' He worried.
"I know Az. I don't know about you, but-"
"I couldn't be happier!" He stopped her talking and pressed his lips to hers gently.
The kiss was sweet and loving and happy. It was accepting. Azriel was quite happy just to stay like that for the rest of the night, but all good things come to an end.
Just as they pulled away, Cassian's obnoxious voice echoed down the street. No doubt about it, he was drunk.
"Y/n! Help me!" He yelled even when he was right in front of the two.
"You are drunk." Az observed and Y/n giggled.
"Thankyou Spymaster Obvious! C'mon Mister let's get you home." Y/n teased her mate and dropped his hand.
"Take me home? At least by me dinner first, love." Cassian teased and pressed a sloppy, drunk kiss to her cheek.
Azirel didn't even try to stop the growl that ripped from his throat. That was his mate.
His mate.
"What's eating him?" Cassian asked and Y/n took a step closer to Az.
"Calm down Azzy. Help me with Cassian, and just ignore him." She leaned up and pressed a chaste kiss to his lips.
When she returned to her own height, Azriel found himself leaning down, chasing her lips.
She put a hand on his mouth and giggled at his pout.
"Let's all get home Azriel. Then... I think I'll make us some dinner."
Bookworms unite
Calling all fellow bookworms of tumblr... I NEED NEW BOOKS TO READ.
I tagged this with some of my favorite series in the hopes the whoever sees this will have the same taste in books as me... tbh I don’t know if those goes against some kind of tumblr etiquette, so sorry if it does, but let’s go! Please respond with your fave books *angel emoji*

𝓐𝓒𝓞𝓣𝓐𝓡 𝓓𝓾𝓼𝓽 𝓙𝓪𝓬𝓴𝓮𝓽 𝓒𝓸𝓿𝓮𝓻𝓼
So excited to finally share with you this amazing project I collaborated with @illumicrate, featuring 5 full alternative dust jackets for the ACOTAR book series, to also celebrate A Court of Silver Flame’s release. The dust jackets are fully illustrated, gold foiled, spot UV coated and finished with velvet lamination. I have also featured several stunning photographs taken by these talented people. Instagram handles in the order they appear (after the first 3 images):
Thank you to everyone who supported me in this! It’s definitely one of my proudest works for this year and I’m so honoured I got to illustrate books from my favourite author <3 Let me know which dust jacket design is your favourite!
why tf does fanart and auto fill google searches spoil every book like i’m just trying to get some visual context here and Y O U R E S P O I L I N G E V E R Y T H I N G more than even tumblr...i just-- *sobs*
Holy. Crap. Realizing that Edward having Alice kidnap Bella and hold her hostage is dangerously close to what happened with Tamlin and Feyre...
But Feyre realized the relationship was toxic. Feyre. Got. Out.
I mean think about it Ianthe is like Alice (it hurts me to say it cause I love my Alice) and Lucien is idk Emmet? Jasper? And they’re all so committed to keeping her ‘safe’ from the Voltari//Prythian that they make a deal with the Voltari//Hybern? Feyre and Bella both becoming powerful immortals after almost dying for their love?
Main point: The same toxic relationship...but two different endings.
Elain x Azriel: W.T.F.
Wait! People ship Azriel and Elain!? NO! WHAT!? WHY!? Lucien deserves the happiness and purity Elain will bring to his life (they're totally end game) and what is the whole mating bond for then!? I know the bond can be rejected but-- but-- but-- THEN WHAT ABOUT MOR!? 500 years of sexual tension for what!?
Azriel just emits big brother vibes towards Elain...just why tho... I get they cling to each other but it's a protective soul bond (IK THAT SOUNDS EXACTLY LIKE WHAT THE MATING BOND IS BUT NO) just-- like calls to like and--*stunned silence* I have never hated any ship more in. my. life.

Yes. That was cute. That was adorable. That is what they are.
This, however:

( @nouketou : art credit)
*50 pages later* SpongeBob Narrator voice
“But Mor...I’d been blind not to see it. Not to realize that there was a damn good reason why five hundred years had passed and Mor had not accepted what Azriel so clearly offered to her.” pg 592
okay, but can we appreciate that even in a society where for example Helion and Thesan and Nephelle are openly gay Sarah J. Mass still depicted how difficult is it can be for others especially lesbians to come out and be out and live their lives, especially in powerful positions?
Also, I think I’d be okay with Azriel and Elain, because Azriel can be kind and soft and Elain can kinda sing his demons to sleep (HA! shadowsinger? you see what I did there ;) ) and I need someone who we trust to take care of our baby Elain, but only if there was no mating bond. Because how can Lucien really commit to another relationship with that tug always there?
Rant on the mating bond coming up
Elain x Azriel: W.T.F.
Wait! People ship Azriel and Elain!? NO! WHAT!? WHY!? Lucien deserves the happiness and purity Elain will bring to his life (they’re totally end game) and what is the whole mating bond for then!? I know the bond can be rejected but– but– but– THEN WHAT ABOUT MOR!? 500 years of sexual tension for what!?
Azriel just emits big brother vibes towards Elain…just why tho… I get they cling to each other but it’s a protective soul bond (IK THAT SOUNDS EXACTLY LIKE WHAT THE MATING BOND IS BUT NO) just– like calls to like and–*stunned silence* I have never hated any ship more in. my. life.

Yes. That was cute. That was adorable. That is what they are.
This, however:

( @nouketou : art credit)
okay...I don't think that anyone should use anyone to heal..but maybe that's what these characters need...just love and time and interaction... I mean Az needs to heal over Mor and Elain is the exact opposite. Elain was broken and healing then torn apart again and is trying to piece herself back together into whoever she is, in fact, shes still discovering who that is and maybe she needs someone who is just there for her and supportive. And Lucien's first lover after the one his father slaughtered shouldn’t be Elain, I mean she’s just gone through her own shit and can’t really handle all that baggage...so maybe Lucien and Vassa and Azriel and Elain are just temporary steps on a road to recovery and end game OTP’s?
(building off of @klashmafia ‘s comment)
Elain x Azriel: W.T.F.
Wait! People ship Azriel and Elain!? NO! WHAT!? WHY!? Lucien deserves the happiness and purity Elain will bring to his life (they’re totally end game) and what is the whole mating bond for then!? I know the bond can be rejected but– but– but– THEN WHAT ABOUT MOR!? 500 years of sexual tension for what!?
Azriel just emits big brother vibes towards Elain…just why tho… I get they cling to each other but it’s a protective soul bond (IK THAT SOUNDS EXACTLY LIKE WHAT THE MATING BOND IS BUT NO) just– like calls to like and–*stunned silence* I have never hated any ship more in. my. life.

Yes. That was cute. That was adorable. That is what they are.
This, however:

( @nouketou : art credit)
wait...did I just get through 3 whole YA fantasy novels in the same series without someone important dying (and staying dead)...what is this feeling? You can write a YA book without killing someone I love? My world is altered...I have been lied to...all these authors causing me unnecessary pain--I--
I hate Tamlin as much as the next person, I swear, but can we just take a quick sec to remember he plays the fiddle? I'm not asking you to forgive his sins...just to think about this half beast half man playing the fiddle...
He had once mentioned that he would have liked to be a travelling minstrel if not a warrior or a High Lord—now, hearing him play, I knew he could have made a fortune from it.
I shouted over the music, “I don’t need a keeper!” I wanted to spin and spin and spin. “No, you don’t,” Tamlin said, never once stumbling over his playing. How his bow did dance upon the strings, his fingers sturdy and strong, no signs of those claws that I had come to stop fearing … “Dance, Feyre,” he whispered. So I did.
Through it all, Tamlin and his musicians played such joyous music that I didn’t think the world could contain it all. I sashayed over to him, my faerie lord, my protector and warrior, my friend, and danced before him. He grinned at me, and I didn’t break my dancing as he rose from his seat and knelt before me in the grass, offering up a solo on his fiddle to me.
Yes, I see the toxicity in the words woven in. I do, but do we remember? When all was good a pure? Even for just a moment? Because Tamiln played the damn fiddle?
I see exactly where you’re coming from. However, the point about Elain being overwhelmed by Azriel is debatable. Maybe he needs that softness and kindness to really heal. Maybe he needs that change from his sarcastic tough friends. Elain has been through crap too and her powers have let her see alot and in A Court of Frost and Starlight, Elain is shown to be so much stronger than we first thought and healing way better than Nesta. So maybe she can handle it? And I’m not going back on what I was saying...or maybe I am...shit... I still don’t think they’re ready for a romantic relationship period, certainly not together, definitely not now, but the point to be made is everyone needs to heal themselves before trying to go around healing everyone else.
“Let him live with his Band of Exiles. Let him live with deal with Tamlin in his own way. Let him figure out where he wants to be. Who he wants to be. Same goes for her,” Mor to Feyre on the subject of Lucien and Elain A Court of Frost and Starlight Pg. 168
I’d totally love to see Lucien finally find home somewhere (or with someone hint hint)...I mean his little band of ‘The Exiles’ is really the only place he’s ever really felt excepted, I mean even in the spring court Tamlin and him had an odd relationship and Azreil has his friends already, but in ACOFAS it didn’t seem like Elain was warming up to Lucien any time soon and ever since we’ve learnt the mating bond can be rejected I think that’s what we’ve been leading up to...you know?
This series more than makes up for its lack of character deaths in odd and confusing relationships and blurry plot destinations...I’ll give it that.
Elain x Azriel: W.T.F.
Wait! People ship Azriel and Elain!? NO! WHAT!? WHY!? Lucien deserves the happiness and purity Elain will bring to his life (they’re totally end game) and what is the whole mating bond for then!? I know the bond can be rejected but– but– but– THEN WHAT ABOUT MOR!? 500 years of sexual tension for what!?
Azriel just emits big brother vibes towards Elain…just why tho… I get they cling to each other but it’s a protective soul bond (IK THAT SOUNDS EXACTLY LIKE WHAT THE MATING BOND IS BUT NO) just– like calls to like and–*stunned silence* I have never hated any ship more in. my. life.

Yes. That was cute. That was adorable. That is what they are.
This, however:

( @nouketou : art credit)