A Court Of Wings And Ruin - Tumblr Posts

6 years ago

wait...did I just get through 3 whole YA fantasy novels in the same series without someone important dying (and staying dead)...what is this feeling? You can write a YA book without killing someone I love? My world is altered...I have been lied to...all these authors causing me unnecessary pain--I--

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6 years ago

I hate Tamlin as much as the next person, I swear, but can we just take a quick sec to remember he plays the fiddle? I'm not asking you to forgive his sins...just to think about this half beast half man playing the fiddle...


He had once mentioned that he would have liked to be a travelling minstrel if not a warrior or a High Lord—now, hearing him play, I knew he could have made a fortune from it.

I shouted over the music, “I don’t need a keeper!” I wanted to spin and spin and spin. “No, you don’t,” Tamlin said, never once stumbling over his playing. How his bow did dance upon the strings, his fingers sturdy and strong, no signs of those claws that I had come to stop fearing … “Dance, Feyre,” he whispered. So I did. 

Through it all, Tamlin and his musicians played such joyous music that I didn’t think the world could contain it all. I sashayed over to him, my faerie lord, my protector and warrior, my friend, and danced before him. He grinned at me, and I didn’t break my dancing as he rose from his seat and knelt before me in the grass, offering up a solo on his fiddle to me. 

Yes, I see the toxicity in the words woven in. I do, but do we remember? When all was good a pure? Even for just a moment? Because Tamiln played the damn fiddle?

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6 years ago

I see exactly where you’re coming from. However, the point about Elain being overwhelmed by Azriel is debatable. Maybe he needs that softness and kindness to really heal. Maybe he needs that change from his sarcastic tough friends. Elain has been through crap too and her powers have let her see alot and in A Court of Frost and Starlight, Elain is shown to be so much stronger than we first thought and healing way better than Nesta. So maybe she can handle it? And I’m not going back on what I was saying...or maybe I am...shit... I still don’t think they’re ready for a romantic relationship period, certainly not together, definitely not now, but the point to be made is everyone needs to heal themselves before trying to go around healing everyone else. 

“Let him live with his Band of Exiles. Let him live with deal with Tamlin in his own way. Let him figure out where he wants to be. Who he wants to be. Same goes for her,” Mor to Feyre on the subject of Lucien and Elain A Court of Frost and Starlight  Pg. 168

I’d totally love to see Lucien finally find home somewhere (or with someone hint hint)...I mean his little band of ‘The Exiles’ is really the only place he’s ever really felt excepted, I mean even in the spring court Tamlin and him had an odd relationship and Azreil has his friends already, but in ACOFAS it didn’t seem like Elain was warming up to Lucien any time soon and ever since we’ve learnt the mating bond can be rejected I think that’s what we’ve been leading up to...you know?

This series more than makes up for its lack of character deaths in odd and confusing relationships and blurry plot destinations...I’ll give it that.

Elain x Azriel: W.T.F.


Wait! People ship Azriel and Elain!? NO! WHAT!? WHY!? Lucien deserves the happiness and purity Elain will bring to his life (they’re totally end game) and what is the whole mating bond for then!? I know the bond can be rejected but– but– but– THEN WHAT ABOUT MOR!? 500 years of sexual tension for what!? 

 Azriel just emits big brother vibes towards Elain…just why tho… I get they cling to each other but it’s a protective soul bond (IK THAT SOUNDS EXACTLY LIKE WHAT THE MATING BOND IS BUT NO) just– like calls to like and–*stunned silence* I have never hated any ship more in. my. life.




Yes. That was cute. That was adorable. That is what they are.

This, however:


( @nouketou : art credit) 



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6 years ago

Mating Bond: Rant

Soooooo I’ve read enough of Twilight and ACOTAR to have a idea of this imprinting/mating bond/ultimate fate couple idea. 

But honestly, the idea is so toxic. Like even Rhysand talks about how some people think they ‘own’ the person they imprint on and how fate or whatever upper power decides can pick mates poorly and basically almost decides based on who will produce the most powerful offspring but that is beside the point. 

I know you can reject it but how? If you do figure out this person is wrong for you...how can you turn away? Push past the pull to do what’s right? Look at how toxic Rhysand’s parents’ relationship turned out to be--even Tamlin’s parents and Sam Uley and Emily Young, these relationships were unhealthy, but they could not look past this blinding love or bond or attraction or whatever you want to call it.

Think about it though. You’re going about whatever life and you fall in love with someone. You really love them. With every part of your being. Every freaking molecule. But there is no bond. But who cares right? What matters is that love, that feeling, that connection...right? WRONG. How can you love someone for however many days, weeks, years, centuries, with this looming threat that they may not be ‘The One’? 

And what of marriages then? You marry someone, give your life to them, let them know you in every way only to find out fate has other plans? What about that underlying guilt that you guys don’t have ‘that bond’? That your love isn't good enough? 

Even if you do look past it, trust that either your relationship is strong enough as it is, or that the bond will ‘snap into place’ eventually, what if you do end up meeting you mate? The one? How do you come to terms with that? Even if you love the person you are with from the bottom of your soul, how can you look past those instinctive feelings? 

How many people even find this ‘mate’? I mean look at Rhysand and Feyre, even Jacob and Renessme, can your mate be another species? How does that even work if humans don’t have that bond?

Thanks for coming to my TEDx Talk...

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7 years ago

friendly reminder

chapter 54 of acomaf is rhysand professing his love for feyre. chapter 54 of acowar is graysen doing the exact opposite and telling elain that he doesn’t want her

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4 years ago
So I've Read A Court Of Thorns And Roses Series By Sarah J. Maas And Became Kinda Obssessed With It And

So I've read A Court of Thorns and Roses series by Sarah J. Maas and became kinda obssessed with it and that's why I just had to draw my favourite High Lord of the Court of Night 🌌

“And that time, I pushed a thought back. Of the night sky—of the image that brought me joy when I needed it most. Open night sky, stars, and the moon. I didn’t know if it was received, but I tried, anyway.” - Rhysand, A Court of Mist and Fury 🌠

“He thinks he'll be remembered as the villain in the story. But I forgot to tell him that the villain is usually the person who locks up the maiden and throws away the key. He was the one who let me out.” - Feyre, A Court of Mist and Fury 🖤

Can't wait for the release of A Court of Silver Flames🔥

So I've Read A Court Of Thorns And Roses Series By Sarah J. Maas And Became Kinda Obssessed With It And

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4 years ago
"Night Triumphant - And The Stars Eternal. If He Was The Sweet, Terrifying Darkness, I Was The Glittering

"Night Triumphant - and the Stars Eternal. If he was the sweet, terrifying darkness, I was the glittering light that only his shadows could make clear." - Feyre, A Court of Wings and Ruin ✨🌌

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ACOTAR's current popularity reminds me of Twilight's rabid popularity of the early 2000s...

..so give it a few years and ACOTAR will be turning up in second hand bookshops constantly: no second hand bookshop is complete without a copy of Twilight. In 2035, no second hand bookshop will be complete without ACOTAR

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11 months ago
I Heard That It's @tamlinweek And Thus I Had To Draw The Obligatory Brilin Art Piece... This Was Originally

I heard that it's @tamlinweek and thus I had to draw the obligatory Brilin art piece... This was originally intended for Day 3 or 4 (Mates or Happily Ever After, respectevly), but I unfortunately couldn't finish it in time for either. Well, I suppose that by posting it for Day 6: Dreams, I can also use it as an excuse to promo my brilin fic as well.

✨please do not repost or use in any AI programs✨

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9 months ago

does someone know where i can find an azriel x reader fic in which they’re mid battle and want to get married because they don’t know how everything is going to end. i think they get gwyneth to marry them mid battle or something like that but it was super cute! if someone could help me find it please??!!

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Why aren’t Mor & Azriel Mates Yet?

Why Arent Mor & Azriel Mates Yet?

For real. Those two are DESTINED for each other. Reblog if you agree. 

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