Koa - Tumblr Posts
Aelin’s parents: Aelin is dangerous and needs to learn how to control her powers.
Also Aelin’s parents: *Don’t give her any training*
Aelin: *Loses control and nearly burns down a fucking library*
Aelin’s parents: *shocked gasp*
Honestly, we as a fandom are underrating when Celaena straight-up fucked Grave up. Like, why do we not talk about this??? We had seen Celaena go into that killing calm before when she was going to get revenge on Farran, but I don’t think we ever truly saw what she was willing to do to avenge her loved ones, or we never really saw it in action. Maybe I have my facts wrong but, I’m pretty sure while we knew what Celaena was capable of doing to someone we hadn’t actually seen it in action. And please if I am incorrect tell me, but I don’t think we are giving that chapter the glory it deserves. I MEAN SHE LEFT HIM IN FUCKING PIECES! Maybe there are posts on it but I don’t think I ever saw one. But overall this chapter deserves so much more attention than it got.
Aelin: Last night I found out Rowan is a sleep talker.
Lysandra: Oh really?
Aelin: “The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell” Right in my ear at 3 am.
Aelin: Lorcan we tried things your way.
Lorcan: No we didn’t.
Aelin: I did it in my head and it didn’t work.
Evangeline: Like Lysandra always says, “If a cop handcuffs you to a bike rack, there’s always something you can gnaw through.”.
Rowan: Lysandra always says that???
I have a theory.
What if when the Kingsflame bloomed in KOA( the little orange red flower that bloomed in Orlon's reign) Aelin ran towards that field and went look for a closer inspection. WHAT IF THAT FLOWER WAS A GIFT OF MALA ( GODDESS)? We know that the gods know of aelin and what she would have to sacrifice. We also know that Mala had given Aelin fire-powers so that she doesnt have to part with the water part of her. Maybe Mala had forseen this and made the flower...for the chosen one. And the flower is to give Aelin her full powers back. I mean Aelin is Mala's descendant and she wouldnt want the powers to end with her. It bloomed only once ( depending on the info given in the book) before (orlon's reign) BUT during his reign AELIN was also born. So maybe the flower only bloomed because it sensed aelins presence. But when she went it didnt bloom again.
Im also pretty sure if aelin doesn't get her powers back its going to mentally scar her. She already lost her human self. She also was tortured so much that they had to put new skin on her rather than heal them. So she doesn't even have her promises that she made to nehemia and the rest.
I mean, SJM kind of already connected ToG and CC together. It was a quick throwaway line when Bryce is in the library (I think it’s during one of the times Ruhn comes in for research about the Horn) but one of the books is titled “The Queen Who Walked Through Worlds.” And in KoA, that’s how Maeve describes herself in one of the dreamscapes she puts Aelin through. The title then goes to Aelin after she forges the Lock and kills the gods. I’m pretty sure I saw a post somewhere else on Tumblr about this, but wanted to point it out here.
Just wanted to drop this by before my sleep deprived brain forgets.
Remember when Bryce is describing Midgard and talks about how a portal opened about 15 thousand years ago?
Now. In one of the books of ACOTAR (can’t remember if it was ACOMAF or ACOWAR) BUT, when Amren is telling her story she says that she came from a world in which she obeyed an All-Powerfull (God?) And she was somewhat an Angel. What if she came from the same place that those creatures that came to conquer Midgard. What if the Asteri are what Amren was?
I think that’s how Sarah is going to conect the books. She will send Bryce after the 7th Asteri and somehow end up in Prythian.
I Just wanted to rent about my theorys for Crescent City and say that if Bryce and Hunt breaks up and go after other people, I will still love them. However I will probably adore the new pairing because I am Sarah’s little bitch and she can destroy my heart after making them almost die for each other. I shiped.
Can I just say
What a good lad what a man.
VERY glad that @sjmaas built the aelin fenrys friendship in koa and ACTUALLY CONTINUED IT THROUGHOUT. Because not to shit on her or anything but it’s not uncharacteristic of the genre to abandon a friendship once it’s served it’s purpose plot wise
Congratulations, Sarah J Maas
You finally had the guts to kill some of your characters
So I’m reading and I need to pee so I stand and walk over to the toilet and close the door with my foot or whatever and then I need to like?? GO to the toilet??but where???where put book??? Hands?? no!!! Set it down??? nO!!! Bite???bite book in??mouth???yes BiTe!!!!!so I chomp down on a book and off I go!!! When I’m done book has???teeth marks???but turn the page and away they go!!! fellas it’s how it be
Congratulations, Sarah J Maas
You finally had the guts to kill some of your characters
Sammi527's Best and Worst - 17

can we normalize the heroine not forgiving the guy for being a complete asshole??? If I was Lysandra I would have thrown Aedion’s ass out of that tent asap after the shit he pulled